"I am a dragon." Li Yan said.

"Me too." Luo Qi said.

Li shepherd was worried that they would suddenly tell themselves that they were dragon, their father was dragon, and their mother was dragon. Even Li missing - Li missing could not be dragon. If there were such a smart dragon, the dragon would not have been manipulated by others tens of thousands of years ago. The end was so miserable that they were almost slaughtered and almost wiped out.

The whole family is dragons. How scary and exciting it sounds?

Only in this way can we explain the mystery of being possessed by the dragon soul - otherwise, there are thousands of people in China. Why was it that they were struck by thunder?

"That's right." Li Yan cleared his throat, looked at Li shepherd and said, "I discussed with your mother. You've been going back to heaven for some time. If you don't go to school for too long, your husband will blame and delay your practice homework. We're going to let you return to XingKong college immediately. The sooner the better. "

"Return now?" Li shepherd was stunned and understood his parents' meaning in an instant.

He looked at his father and his mother and said, "father, mother, you are worried that I am in danger all day, aren't you?"

Li Yan sighed softly and said, "shepherd, you've only been back for a few days. You've encountered so many things. First, the long street was attacked, and those people dared to kill in broad daylight. Moreover, I handled some paperwork for Mr. Lu. I found that the supervision department was also involved at that time. General Li of the city patrol department took people to save you, and they intercepted them - who can mobilize the supervision department? Later, the immortal old immortal of the waterstop sword hall came out to deliver the war in person. They will never stop until they reach their goal. "

"I can't figure it out. My son is just a child who doesn't provoke anyone - why do those people dislike him? Why do you just want to poison him? " Luo Qi wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said angrily“ Shepherd, just listen to your parents this time and immediately return to XingKong college. Only when you return there can you be the safest. I don't believe they dare to go to star college to commit murder. OK, Nang, I've packed it for you. I dare not delay any more. You go, you'll go in a minute. "

The son had just come back from death. As a mother, she was reluctant to let him go.

However, if it was more dangerous to stay, she was willing to cut off her feelings and urge him to leave quickly.

This is the mother, who is always thinking about her children. Their feelings and all their needs can give in to this, as long as they live happily.

Li shepherd sighed softly. He came forward to hold his mother Luo Qi's hands and said, "mother, I know you and mother are worried about my safety. I'm worried that I will lose the competition with the old guy in the waterstop sword hall. He cut them all with a sword -"

"Shepherd -"

"Mother, listen to me." Li shepherd clenched his mother's hand and said, "but some things are hard to escape. Even if I have to go now, do you think I can still go? With the power of waterstop sword hall and the strength of the old guy, I'm afraid they immediately laid ambush attacks outside the city just as I stepped out of the gate of Tiandu city? At this time, Tiandu city is safer. At least, they still have some scruples and dare not do too much. "

"Now, it's better to prepare for the war and fight with the old guy. This may have a greater chance of success. If I escape from this day's capital, wilderness and forest, I will really have no chance of survival. "

"But where are you the opponent of the old guy?" Li Yan is just an ordinary person. In the hearts of ordinary people, the wooden tripod of shuistop sword hall is a figure like an immortal‘ The title of "old immortal" came to his mouth, and he forced him to change it after all.

He doesn't deserve to be an immortal. Which immortal runs out to bully other people's children when he has nothing to do?

So he followed his son's example and called him "old guy".

Li shepherd was very satisfied with his father's change. He gave him a smiling face of "I appreciate you very much" and said, "how do you know if you don't try? At that time, no one thought that I could defeat Xifeng sword Shenmu yubai? What happened? I'm still alive and well, but the wooden bath white is still unconscious until now. Maybe I'll never wake up. "

Hearing what Li Shepherd said, Li Yan and Luo Qi had a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Soon, more worries came again, masking the faint light of hope.

"But that old guy is more powerful. He is the father of the sword God and has been famous for many years. It is said that he is also the first expert of the west wind -- "

"The father of the sword God is more powerful than the sword God?" Li shepherd interrupted his father and said, "according to this truth, shouldn't my father be more powerful than me?"

"You child -" Li Yan was speechless and had a faint feeling of being 'insulted'.

Li shepherd looked at his parents and said, "Dad, mom, don't worry, I'll be fine. In fact, I have worked out my countermeasures for this competition. Even if I can't beat him, he won't want to hurt me. "

"What countermeasures do you have?" Luo Qi and Li Yan asked excitedly.

"Not now." Li shepherd smiled and said, "it's not smart to say it now."

"But --"

"Dad, mom, since we talk about this, I also have a request. I hope you can promise me."

"What's up?" Luo Qi asked aloud.

"I hope you will leave Tiandu ahead of time with your thoughts before I compete with Muding." Li Shepherd said aloud.

"No." Li missing, who had been standing by without talking, was the first to jump out and oppose“ I'll stay with you. "

"Yes. My son is struggling with others, but let us leave Tiandu first - how can this work? How can this work? I won't promise. " Luo Qi said firmly.

"Yes, shepherd, what your mother and your sister said is very reasonable. You want to stay and work hard with others, life and death are uncertain, but let us leave Tiandu. How can we rest assured? Instead of worrying outside, it's better to stay and face it with you. No matter what the result is, the whole family is still together. "

"Yes, family is the most important." Li said.

Li shepherd sighed softly and said, "Dad, mom, and missing --"

"Don't try to convince me." Miss Li glanced at shepherd Li coldly and said, "do you think you can deceive us by becoming smarter now? Li shepherd, I tell you, these routines you play - I taught you back then. "


"Well, that's it." Luo Qi gasped heavily and said in a deep voice, "if the sheep won't go, we won't go. No matter what the result is, our family should be together well. Live together and die together. "

"Mother -"

"We won't persuade you to go, and you can't persuade us to go." Luo Qi has the style of the head of the family and says with a tough attitude.

"I just want to ask, do you have any food at home? The old fellow of the Song family is very stingy. He didn't bring me anything to eat and didn't drink a cup of tea. " Li Shepherd said with great grievance.

"Yes. Yes. " Luo Qi quickly got up and said, "I'll heat up the noodle soup for you. There is also a stewed ginseng chicken soup in the pot. We should take good care of our body these days and strive to cripple the old thing who dares to bully my son. "

"Listen to your mother." Li Shepherd said with a smile.

After eating noodle soup and drinking a large bowl of chicken soup, Li shepherd returned to his room with satisfaction.

Li shepherd lay in bed, thinking about competing with the wooden tripod of shuistop sword hall in a few days.

It has to be said that the battle with mudingyi made him under great pressure. It was impossible not to worry.

He has seen the action of wooden tripod one. Just releasing a wisp of divine consciousness, he can have the ability to destroy heaven and earth. If he does his best, does he have any chance?

Relying on one's own strength alone is not enough to fight against the strong stars.

Would you like snowball to help you then?

If snowball is allowed to help, snowball's identity may be exposed - under the eyes of countless people, he took the lead in using the beast of mass destruction. How can he hide it from everyone's eyes?

In particular, song lonely, the star eye who met once today, always felt that his eyes could see through everything. Why he didn't expose it, did he have other attempts?

Also, he mentioned his life experience again and again, and what did he know about his body secret?

"This is the most dangerous opponent in my life." Li shepherd thought in his heart“ If a snowball is used, the identity of the snowball is exposed. If you become a dragon, your identity will be exposed. Whether snowball's identity is exposed or his own identity is exposed, the whole people in China will chase and kill themselves -- "

"My life is so good." Li shepherd thought in his heart. China's top ten artifacts, the second ranked Dragon King's tears and the third ranked weak water heart are in their own hands.

"My life is so hard." Li shepherd thought in his heart. A man is innocent, but he is guilty. The treasure they have obtained is too high-end and powerful. People in the whole country dream of it. If it is exposed, they are afraid that they will become street mice and everyone will shout to kill them.

"You have a strange treasure, but you can't use it. Can you understand this kind of oppression?"


Because no one in the world can have the heart of weak water and the tears of the dragon king like Li shepherd.

Li shepherd sometimes laughs and sometimes laments. The mood is extremely complex.


The door of the room was smashed open.

Li shepherd sighed and said, "Miss Li, when on earth can you learn to knock before entering someone else's room?"

"Oh, I forgot." Li longed to go back.

"Forget it, forget it." Li shepherd got up from the bed and stopped him from going out again. He knocked on the door perfunctorily. His sister Li missing, who broke in without being promised, said, "come in."

Miss Li rushed in with great vigour and vitality, rushed straight to shepherd Li and shouted, "shepherd Li, tell me the truth."“ What's the truth? "“ You said you had worked out a plan. Is it a lie? "“ Yes. " Li shepherd nodded“ You -- how can you lie? " Li said angrily“ Didn't you teach me that? When you were in Jiangnan, you broke one of your mother's jade bracelets, but said it was done by a wild cat outside. You also pulled a pinch of hair from the neighbor's black cat as evidence of its crime - I said to tell your mother that you said it was a white lie. If the mother knew that her daughter broke her bracelet, she would be very angry. What if she broke her body? So, now I tell my mother that I have countermeasures, so she doesn't have to worry too much. It's also a white lie, isn't it? "“ I was already so smart and lovely? " Li missed, but he didn't expect that Li shepherd would put the responsibility on himself, so he immediately changed his mouth and said“ However, I did find a solution to the problem that time. Although mother was very angry that the wild cat broke her jade bracelet, she couldn't find the cat to ask for justice. Now you're going to fight with that shameless old fellow of shuistop sword hall. How can you solve this matter? "“ I'm not afraid of him. "“ I know. " Miss Li nodded and said, "I just can't beat him."“ How can you grow others' ambition and destroy your brother's prestige? " Li Shepherd said angrily“ Although this possibility is almost impossible - "Li shepherd looked at his brother and said seriously," what if you know your shame and then be brave, and the small universe broke out and killed all the old guys? After all, you are younger than him and younger than him. Maybe he has some hidden disease? It is also possible that he has been trying to support himself until the late stage of his illness. It is also possible that he accidentally ate a knife and stabbed himself to death in recent days - "Miss Li -" Miss Li's eyes turned red and said, "brother, I'm afraid you'll die." "--"“ When you were young, you were sick. I was afraid you died. Now that you're well, I'm afraid you'll be killed by them. "“ Miss - "I don't know how many people you killed and how many good women you harmed in your last life. That's why you suffered so much pain and suffering in this life." - "“ However, since you have met me in this life and are lucky to be my brother, I will let you live 100 years and 200 years without disease, disaster, disaster and difficulty. You will live as long as I live. "“ Miss - "is it very moving?"“ Yes. "“ Mother asked me to wash the dishes. Go and wash them for me. " Li longed to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes and said with his head held high. "--"( PS: thank the children of "book friend 8266004" for their 20000 rewards!) This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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