Bang Bang----

The shelves in the bakery were pushed down and the oven was smashed to pieces.

"Help -- help -- sister Qi save me" -- the saleswoman struggled desperately, reached out and pushed away the big man's fat face, trying to escape the big man's claws.

However, her strength is too small. No matter how hard she tries, the big fat man's smelly mouth still arches around her face and neck.

Two pastry masters rushed over with rolling pins. Before they could make any counterattack, they were knocked down by street bullies. They are experts in making bread, but they are not the opponents of these hooligans when they fight.

"Xiaoting --" Luo Qi bared his eyes and rushed at the little girl. That is a poor child without parents. In any case, Luo Qi can't let her be destroyed by these hooligans.

Zhang Tianyi's strong body just took a step forward and just blocked Luo Qi's body at the periphery.

"Zhang Tianyi, I'll fight with you." Zhang Qi reached out to grab Zhang Tianyi's face, but Zhang Tianyi grabbed her wrist.

"Did you spell it?" Zhang Tianyi's smiling eyes narrowed into a gap“ I'm afraid you can't take advantage of it here. But if you fight in bed, you will have three or two chances -- "

"Zhang Tianyi ------"

"Yes, keep it hot. I like this one now -- "

Bang Dang--------

The wooden door of the coffee shop was knocked open heavily, and Li shepherd stood panting at the door.

"Shepherd" -- Luo Qi is extremely sensitive to Li shepherd. Seeing him suddenly running to the door of the bakery, for fear that he might be hurt, he screamed and shouted, "shepherd, run ------ go find your father and come back -----"

"Oh, is this your little wild seed? Hey, hey, let him have a look. Young people should get in touch with the society as soon as possible -- "Zhang Tianyi glanced at Li shepherd from the corner of his eye, and his interest was even higher.

"Zhang Tianyi, you beast ------ shepherd, you run -----"

"I can't run away." When Zhang Tianyi spoke, several gangsters had surrounded Li shepherd.

"Zhang Tianyi ------ let my son go, let my son go, I'll give you money, I'll pay the management fee according to your requirements, and I'll give you all the money you want ------ do you know who he is? If you dare to hurt him, I want you to die without a place to bury, and I want your whole family to be buried -- "Luo Qi shouted hysterically and rushed desperately towards Li shepherd, a posture of never dying.

"If you had agreed to my request earlier, wouldn't there be none of these things? Well, you want to protect your son, don't you? It's not that you can't. just go and have a drink with me. Let's have a good chat. What problem can't be solved? "

Seeing what happened in front of him, Li shepherd's black eyes were immediately wrapped by red clouds.

It was blood red, like a pair of black ink beads soaked in the blood pool.

His face was as cold as frost, and his face could twist out handfuls of ice water.

The fists clenched together sounded like they were going to crush their bones.

On the back of his right hand, the missing scale became darker and darker, like an ink stone inlaid on his flesh.

Because the ink stone was too black, it set off his skin very white.

Li shepherd panted and stood motionless, waiting for the scum gangsters to rush towards him.

"Boy, you're looking for your own death. No wonder others -- - -" the first pockmarked face said with a smile, and then stretched out his hand to grab Li shepherd's shoulder.

"You shouldn't provoke me." Li Shepherd said hoarsely. That voice is cold and vicissitudes, it is difficult to believe that it is said from the mouth of a young boy.

"Oh, the little guy has a temper." Pockmarked face laughed at his friends and said, "what if we provoke you? Can you kill us? "



Li shepherd punched out.

Thunder roared and lightning roared.

Countless white electric lights flickered in the air, just like a flash of lightning, suddenly burst inside the bakery.


The fury soared, rolled up all the shelves and bread that had been pushed to the ground, and hit the surrounding walls. The sound of clattering and clattering could not be heard.

The four gangsters in black gathered around Li shepherd bear the brunt and were first blown away by the fierce bully.

Their bodies hit the wall, and then there was a sound of bones breaking inside their bodies.


The four bodies fell to the ground at the same time, and then suddenly spit out big mouthfuls of blood.

The worst thing was the pockmarked face of Li shepherd. In front of Li shepherd, his whole chest collapsed.

His body flew in the air and a mouthful of blood sprayed in the air. Blood splashed, and his body quickly backed back.


His body smashed the wooden partition and flew directly into the back kitchen where the baker worked.

Then there was no movement inside. I was afraid I couldn't bear the power of this punch and was killed alive.

The big man who hugged Xiaoting and refused to let go helped Xiaoting this time, because when his strength swept around like a bomb, his body also rushed towards the cashier's counter.

His body bumped heavily against the mahogany counter and crunched the old counter.

And Xiaoting was held in her arms by him, protected by a meat pad, but saved her life.

Luo Qi's body was soft and was blown out under the influence of strong Qi. His body fell on the cake making panel and was covered with flour.

But Zhang Tianyi could practice Kung Fu with several hands. When he felt that the situation was bad, he immediately used a sinking Kung Fu of "iron horse crossing the river".

When his feet stepped on the ground, there was a clicking sound on the granite ground. His feet were deep in the stone, like merging with the whole huge granite.

Li Shepherd is like a God who came to the world. He brought such a huge storm.

The power of a fist can startle the world.

The strong wind blew in an instant, and then the bakery returned to business as usual.

No, it won't return to normal.

Before Li shepherd arrived, Miss bakery was just robbed by several robbers.

After Li shepherd arrived, missing the bakery was like experiencing a mini tornado.


A piece of bread paper flew in the air and landed towards the ground.

All the people in the bakery, as long as they are still alive.

They looked through the bread paper in the air and finally landed on Li shepherd at the door.

Rocky looked up from the flour pile, and the white powder was still falling off her face.

Her face was full of surprise, her eyes widened, and she looked at Li shepherd strangely.

"Is this your own son?"

Those people in black who vomited blood had dilated pupils. For a moment, they felt they were dying.

They felt they had encountered death.

Because apart from death, no one has given them the sense of suffocation that their whole body can't move and despair to death.

Although Zhang Tianyi resisted the attack of Li shepherd's boxing, the consequence of using his body to force is that his clothes are like being cut by countless knives.

After the strong wind, the clothes were ragged, which was no different from those beggars' clothes on the street.

Zhang Tianyi opened his arms like holding a big ball.

Although a cold wind had just blown, his forehead was dripping with sweat. Beads of sweat kept falling, slid across his fleshy face, and then opened into his fat neck.

The muscles on his face twitched constantly, like pig head meat heated by a fire in a pot.

His little short legs shook constantly, and this time he really felt fear.

The feeling of being flashed by the sickle of death around his neck made him fear from the depths of his bone marrow.

"Poof" -- "

He couldn't hold on any longer. His throat was sweet and he bent down and spewed out big mouthfuls of blood.

Li shepherd walked towards him step by step.





Li shepherd wears flat cloth shoes. Stepping on the floor won't make a loud sound. But in Zhang Tianyi's ears, every step he took seemed to be thunder in his ears.

Li shepherd stood in front of Zhang Tianyi. His blood red pupil looked at Zhang Tianyi with no human emotion.

"Big brother - big brother, let me go this time. I was wrong this time. I dare not come again. I promise you, I will never come back to the bakery to collect management fees in the future - "Zhang Tianyi looked at Li shepherd's eyes and begged.

He found himself in a deep pool. The water was so deep that it was difficult to see the bottom.

He was afraid of the feeling of drowning, and his body was sinking all the time, but he couldn't find a duckweed to use.

"I deserve to die. I'm willing to apologize to Luo Qi - boss Luo. I am willing to compensate the bakery for all the losses - as long as you are willing to let me go this time, I will promise you anything. You can make an offer as much as you want -- "

"Brother, say something ------ I ------ I dare not do this kind of thing again. I will no longer collect protection fees in this street. I am willing to pay protection fees to you. From today on, you are my big brother of Zhang Tianyi. I follow your lead. I will do whatever you ask me to do. I will kill and set fire" -- "

"Kneel down." Li Shepherd said in a dignified voice“ what? Big brother, don't do this ------ boss Luo, please help me. Your son is going to kill. He's going to kill. Stop him quickly -- "Zhang Tianyi wants to run, but he can't move his step at all. Rocky's mouth was stuffed with flour, so it was dry to chew. She opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't say anything. Now Li shepherd makes her feel very strange and flustered“ Kneel down. " Li Shepherd said again. There was already a faint anger in the voice“ Big brother ------ "kneel down." Li shepherd drank angrily, and the blood mist in his pupils boiled. Plop ------- Zhang Tianyi knelt down heavily in front of Li shepherd with his legs and knees soft( PS: at the beginning of the month, the big guy threw the guaranteed monthly ticket to Lao Liu ha!) This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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