Li shepherd took a giant Buddha, a wolf and a dog to siege the wooden tripod. It really looks shameless, but no one said that you can't bring pets when fighting.

If Mu Dingyi wants to, he can also find some equal pet assistants.

If he can find it.

Attack on all sides.

Life is at stake.

Everyone can see that the water stop old immortal wooden tripod is very dangerous this time.

Only when the heart is still can the sword be like water.

Until this time, mudingyi was still calm and not moved by the dangerous situation outside.

His body disappeared in place, and then miraculously appeared behind the man, Buddha, wolf and dog, and cut a sword at their backs.

Ghost separation!

Change from one to four and meet the four opponents respectively.


With one sword, the figure of King Kong Buddha was broken, the golden light collapsed, and then disappeared into the sky.


A pinch of red hair behind the butt of the red moon wolf was cut off by the sword Qi, and a large flame burning around its body was cut off at the same time.


A corner of Li shepherd's clothes was cut off again. Fortunately, the dragon's "Rhyme of moving clouds and cloth rain" is unpredictable and its running track is different from ordinary people. Otherwise, this sword must split him in half.


Snowball's expression was the most frightened, and his mouth kept chirping. It looked like I was going to die and I was going to die. But it was also the most relaxed and casual way it hid. While its four little fat feet were bouncing around, it suddenly turned around and vomited at the wooden tripod.


A powerful water sword rushed towards Mu Dingyi's body.


The water sword ran through the past from the phantom, fragmented the phantom and disappeared in the air.

After cutting Four Swords in a row, the wooden tripod lifted the danger of being besieged.

There are more and more illusions, from one to four, and from four to a hundred.

In an instant, hundreds of wooden tripods have appeared in the sky.

Each figure, holding a huge sword, chopped at Li shepherd and his wolf and dog.

Hundreds of figures are uniform and powerful. Each sword makes people feel dead and lifeless.

This time, it was Li shepherd's turn to feel the danger.

He couldn't find the real body of mudingyi, because each one could be the real body.

You can smash one wooden tripod and ten wooden tripods with one punch, but there are dozens and hundreds of wooden tripods. How can you resist?

You killed a wooden tripod and hundreds of wooden tripods.

However, as long as you are cut with a sword by hundreds of wooden tripods, you can't die anymore——

"The technique of separating ghosts and ghosts. Every time a ghost is broken, ten phantoms will be scattered. The more you kill, the more phantoms will be -"

"The west wind sword God has a lot to hide. This is the strength of the sword God family -- "

"Although Li Shepherd is a genius, I'm afraid it's not easy to defeat the peerless expert who has been famous for a hundred years?"——

Li Yangyang knew the power of ghost separation. When the wooden tripod began to separate and kill them from behind, he knew the name and origin of this unique skill.

After all, the moves that can be remembered by the black dragon are not easy to deal with.

The most important thing is that during the "battle of killing dragons" in those years, some peerless strong people used the skill of separating hundreds of ghosts to kill the dragon family. Their body covered the whole dragon's body, raised the sword and cut the sword at the same time. Such an attack mode does great damage to the dragon clan.

Dragons have dragon scales. Ordinary attacks are difficult to hurt their bodies.

However, if hundreds of people hold swords on the dragon's body at the same time, it may attack the key core part of the dragon body and bring hard to ignore damage to the dragon family.

It is for this reason that the black dragon knows how to deal with a move of ghost separation.

"Wolf king." Li shepherd shouted.

The red moon wolf heard the call and rushed towards Li shepherd immediately.

Li shepherd's feet fell on the wolf king's back, and the snowball 'chirped' and landed on Li shepherd's shoulder.

"Rush." Li shouts“ Towards the center of the array eye. "

"Ow --"

The wolf king obeyed the order and took a man and a dog with him to attack the phantom human wall composed of hundreds of wooden tripods.

The position they hit was the center of the human wall, which was the place where the giant sword cut most intensively.

"Ow --"

The wolf king raised his huge claws and patted them hard at the human wall in front of him.

"Poof -"

The snowball opened its mouth, puffed up its fleshy cheeks and shot the blue arrow rain at the human wall.

Li shepherd's clothes fluttered and his long hair danced. He stood high on the wolf king's back and threw more than a dozen punches at the human wall.

Breaking fist of breaking body!

The art of breaking the body comes to break the array.

Several air streams gather and impact in red, white and blue.


The earth shaking noise came, shaking the whole Shenjian square. Countless people cover their ears to resist the sound that may pierce the eardrum.


I saw a golden aperture blooming in the sky, like the sun suddenly exploding in front of me.

It's so bright that everyone can't open their eyes.

The wind keeps blowing and the snow keeps falling.

There was still a crackling sound in the air and a strong smell of scorched air.

After a while, when the glory dissipated and the strange noise disappeared, someone finally opened his eyes.

Then, one by one, two by three, everyone's eyes looked up into the air——

"What happened just now?"

"How's it going? Is anyone dead? "

"Who won? Anyone here? Where's the old fairy? Where's Li Mu? "——

In the sky, there are still traces of the explosion. Colorful explosion clouds light up the dark sky. It looks like a naughty child smearing the painting on the canvas.

Li shepherd disappeared.

The snowball disappeared. The wolf king disappeared

Even the wooden tripod disappeared.

It's like everyone burst into foam in the big explosion just now, a wisp of dust and smoke, and disappeared no longer.

"Li shepherd?" Upstairs, the beautiful girl covered her mouth and exclaimed“ Li shepherd won't be -- "

Chu Xianda, the king of the west wind, couldn't sit still. He looked at Lu XingKong and said, "Captain, what does this mean? What does that mean? Anyone here? Where has everyone gone? Where did the old fairy go? And Li shepherd, you can't lose the heart of weak water. "

Lu XingKong's face sank like water, and his heart was also extremely uneasy.

"Separation of ghosts", although the name has something to do with the word "ghost", it is extremely domineering and ghostly Kung Fu. Once cast, all ghosts will fly in the air and have great power. And as you kill more and more wild ghosts, there will be more and more illusions——

Most importantly, there is no array eye in the ghost separation, because each phantom is a single individual.

There is no virtual body. When your sword is cut up, it may be virtual or phantom. However, when you are cut by him, the Buddha will fuse instantly.

This is the person who reaches the peak of essence, Qi and spirit. Only when he integrates with the invincible sword move can he display it.

Wood bath white can't be used, but wood tripod one can do it.

Li shepherd then rushed into the ghosts, followed by a big explosion——

Even their bystanders can't see what's going on inside.

"Your Majesty, please take it easy. They will be fine. " Lu XingKong said aloud.

Lu Qingming couldn't wait. His fist clicked. He stared at the sky and the direction where Li shepherd disappeared.

"With the blessing of the ancestors of the Lu family, you must not let Li shepherd have an accident -"


A blue pool appeared in the sky.

"The old fairy came out -" someone exclaimed.


From that pool, the first thing to squeeze out was the "heart of weak water" known as the snowball.


Then there was the wolf king with flames burning all over his body. The wolf king looked seriously injured, the flame light on his body weakened a lot, the hair on his body fell off a lot, and there were several deep holes on his back.

Although the wolf king is an element body, when the sword is fierce to a certain extent, it can also leave a very heavy wound on the wolf king's body, and it can't recover for a while.

When the wolf and the dog came out, there was no movement in the blue pool in the air.

Moreover, the pool is getting smaller and smaller. It keeps shaking and looks like it is about to disappear.

"Li Shepherd -" someone shouted upstairs.

It's like trying to call out Li shepherd with his own voice.

"Li Shepherd -"

"Li Shepherd -"

"Li Shepherd -"——

After the onlookers were a little stunned, they all shouted with the sweet voice.

The name "Li shepherd" resounds in the sword square above Lanshan.

The blue pool twisted violently again, and then a white figure fell out of the cold pool.


His body fell heavily to the ground, like a dead pig thrown from the air.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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