Hearing Chu Xun's suggestion, Lu Xing was inexhaustible. He shouted in a deep voice, "Li shepherd just fought with the wooden tripod. Now he is seriously injured and has no strength to stand."

Lu XingKong pointed to Li shepherd lying on the sword square in the distance and shouted, "look, look - how can he accept your test now? Absurd, shameless. It's hard for people. If you want to test others like this because of the little prince's word, I say that the little prince may also be some other fierce beasts in China. Should you test him immediately? "

Chu Xun looked indifferent and said, "if Grandpa Lu suspects me, Chu Xun will naturally prove his innocence. I am willing to accept all the tests proposed by grandpa Lu -- "


Now, everyone can see it. Chu Xun is going to kill Li shepherd. He is going to die with him.

The friendship between their classmates is false, and the superficial enthusiasm and kindness are also false. The naked hatred doesn't know why or where it comes from.

"Can it be said that Chu Xun was ordered to do this?"

"If someone can move the little prince, there are only a few characters at the core of the conflict - what role does King Fu play in it?"

On the viewing platform, many people lowered their eyebrows and eyes, but their ears stood up to inquire about the progress of the situation.

"Don't forget that Li Shepherd is a student of XingKong college. Famous masters in the starry sky are as many as stars. Didn't one of them find out the identity secret of Li shepherd? Li shepherd was accepted by the three famous masters of XingKong. Didn't they find that Li Shepherd is not a human race? Besides, when Li Yangyang was competing with Mu Ding Yi just now, he once used the unique Buddhist skill "Curse of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger". This curse was made by Shande Luohan, a Buddhist monk. This is his unique skill of catching the Dragon - Shande Luohan is the 19th Luohan of Buddhism, with profound Buddhism and mysterious skills, Can it be said that his mantra of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger is not as good as the song of killing the dragon and the mantra of trapping the Dragon sung by ordinary people? "

Lu XingKong sneered and said, "I have never heard of a dragon family who can use the Dragon subduing and tiger subduing mantra - I want to hear how the little prince solves this phenomenon?"

"What grandpa Lu said is very true." Chu Xun said aloud, "Li shepherd did use the mantra of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger in the battle just now, and I know that this Buddhist secret collection was handed down to Li shepherd by Master Kong Li himself. It is precisely because I know that he is familiar with the mantra of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger that I asked Gao Neng to experiment with the song of killing the dragon and the mantra of trapping the dragon. "

"What's the difference?" Chu Xianda asked aloud.

"Your Majesty, this is exactly what Li Shepherd is smart about. He knew that his identity would eventually be exposed in the future, so he specially asked Kong Lishi for this mantra of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, and then practiced hard every day, and finally exempted his body from this mantra. Not only will it not be affected by the spell, it can even use this spell to fight and kill the enemy - and the song of killing the dragon and the mantra of trapped dragon are well-known dragon recognition techniques, which many people can sing, but the skills of the chanters are different, and the power they inspire is also very different - just because it is too common, so I think, This must have been ignored by Li shepherd. We use these two kinds of rhymes and mantras to know and debate dragons, which will certainly have miraculous effects. "

I have to say that Chu Xun really had a deep understanding of Li shepherd.

He hit the snake seven inches, and each punch hit the key part of Li shepherd.

Lu XingKong arched his hand at Chu Xianda and said, "Your Majesty, I think the little prince's suggestion is really inappropriate. When Li shepherd had just defeated shuistop old immortal, some people suspected that he was a dragon, attacked him as a non-human race, and wanted to break him into a land of eternal disaster - what did Li shepherd think? What does this make the people on Lanshan think? Don't they doubt that this is because we are partial to the waterstop old immortal and want to kill him even after seeing the death of the waterstop old immortal Mu Ding in the first war? What's more, Prince chuxun is also an apprentice of the waterstop sword hall. He put forward the test again, which is not good for his name? "


Chu Xun knelt down in front of Chu Xianda, the king of the west wind, and said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty, Chu Xun is your nephew, with Chu's blood flowing in his body. Chu Xun is also a citizen of the west wind. He loves the country that gave birth to me and raised me. Chu Xun dares to guarantee with his own personality and the honor of the royal family. What I do is for the safety of the royal family, the country and all the people. I definitely don't attack and accuse Li shepherd for his own selfish interests. What he said is true. Chu Xun is willing to make a gambling oath on the spot. If Li Shepherd is not a dragon, Chu Xun would like to poke his eyes as a punishment -- "

"Chu Xun -" King Fu was shocked.

He believed that there was no dragon in the world, and the dragon family had long been slaughtered. However, his son was so determined that he had doubts in his heart.

"Is Li shepherd really a dragon?"

China's dragon is slaughtered by everyone.

Everyone knows that if what Chu Xun said is true, Li shepherd will become the target of public criticism and face the slaughter of strong talents in the whole country——

But what if not?

Cui Xichen cleared his throat and said aloud, "Your Majesty, I can see that the little prince is sincere to your majesty and sincere to the Empire. Since the little prince is sure, this matter is no longer a small matter. But a major event related to the safety of all the people. We followed the advice of the young prince and invited three or five experts to experiment with the song of killing the dragon or the mantra of trapped dragon. "

"Otherwise, Li shepherd's dislike has not been cleaned, and there are still some doubts and uneasiness in everyone's heart. What's more, the song of slaughtering the dragon has the function of healing and restoring Terrans and improving morale. Li shepherd was seriously injured and used it at the right time. " Chu Xianda looked at Lu XingKong and saw Lu XingKong's face sad and angry. He hesitated a little and was angry. After all, he waved his hand and said aloud, "there is nothing in the world. Idle people disturb themselves. For tens of thousands of years, where have there been dragons? Let's leave this matter alone and don't mention it again. Li shepherd was seriously injured and rushed back to ask a famous doctor for treatment. Li Fu, send the Royal doctors Wang and CAI in the palace to show Li shepherd. Today, I have lost my pillars. I can't let these young heroes leave me - "thank you, your majesty." Lu XingKong bowed his thanks“ I'll take shepherd Li back for treatment now. I hope he's safe and sound““ Your majesty - "Chu Xun's head knocked heavily on the stone slab, his head broken and bleeding. Chu Xianda was startled, pointed to Chu Xun and said, "Chu Xun, I said, let it go. Didn't you hear what I said? Go back immediately. Don't leave the palace without my order. That's outrageous. "“ Your majesty, you can't stop it. If what the little prince saw is true, then - there are dragons in the Empire, which is a major event to shake the foundation of the country. I also ask your majesty to give priority to the country and correct the name of Li shepherd and relieve the worries of thousands of people. "“ Please also attach great importance to the country. " After Cui Xichen, countless civil and military officials asked for orders. Chu Xianda began to be depressed. Since his accession to the throne, he has been very oppressive as an emperor. No matter what he does, there are a large group of people giving directions. Listen, that's being led forward by them. If you don't listen, more people will kneel down and let you "judge", let you "think", and let you "attach importance to the country". It seems that if we act according to our own will, we do not regard "the country as the most important". Chu Xianda looked at Lu XingKong and felt pity for each other. He waved his hand and said, "let's tell some gurus of the Qin Tian Temple to sing the song of killing the dragon."“ Yes, your majesty. " Li Fu bowed. At the order of Chu Xianda, several old Taoists from qintian Temple rushed over immediately. They have been accompanying the emperor, observing the sky and stars, divining good and bad luck. He is an important "adviser" around the king. Several old Taoists came to Li shepherd's side. Li Yifeng, the leader of the qintian temple, arched his hands at Lu Qingming and said, "governor Lu, I have offended." Lu Qingming's eyes were cracked, his eyes were red, and he shouted angrily, "get out, get out -" Li shepherd grabbed Lu Qingming's hand, shook his head and said, "Uncle Lu, don't get excited. Let them sing. Otherwise, they would suspect that I was guilty of being a thief, so they would resist - "deceive too much." Lu Qingming gritted his teeth and said. He looked in the direction of the viewing platform and said in a cruel voice, "humiliate people to death." Cui Xichen frowned and said, "governor Qingming has a deep affection for Li shepherd, but he is not calm enough after all - this is what his majesty ordered. How dare he resist the order in public?" Lu XingKong's face was expressionless. He kept his eyes on Li shepherd and Lu Qingming. He never turned around to see Cui Xichen. He fought back and said, "I heard that when the news of Zhao Yun's death came back, the Duke broke the table - after all, it's not calm enough." Cui Xichen's eyes were grim, but he didn't say much. For people of their status, the dispute is not in front of the stage, but behind the scenes. The more fierce the jump in front, the more people feel that this person is not cultivated enough to be a big responsibility. Li shepherd stopped Lu Qingming, then tried to sit up from Lu Qingming's arms, crossed his legs, and sat quietly in the wind and snow of the divine sword square. He arched his hand at Li Yifeng and said, "thank you, Taoist priest." This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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