No wonder Chu Xianda's expression was so frightened.

For a long time, King Fu gave the impression that he was an idle Lord. Drinking and listening to music, chasing flowers month by month, calligraphy and painting antiques, cockfighting and hunting.

His reputation is not good because he is too "idle" and too "casual". Nothing in the world will eventually lead to a reputation as a "Wanyu".

His reputation is not bad, because he has no intention of political power and plays high art. It doesn't hurt nature, it's not okay. Take some dog slaves to the street to flirt with good family women——

Chu Xianda had doubted the blessing king before, and even played the "loyalty test" countless times.

However, King Fu has been enjoying himself for decades, and has no intention of political power and military power. He doesn't have the support of the civil service system, and he won't get close to any military general. From any point of view, it is impossible for him to have the chance to get the supreme position of the ninth five year plan.

Most of the time, Chu Xianda forcibly gave him a position and was pushed around by him, unwilling to take office. For example, Chu Xianda forcibly ordered him to take over the supervision department this time——

The world is so ironic.

"It's me." With a ferocious smile on his face, Fu Wang said, "brother Huang, are you surprised? I didn't expect that my most incompetent brother dared to covet your throne and dared to stand opposite you and subvert your power to cover the sky with one hand, didn't he? "

"I really didn't think of it." Chu Xianda said in a cruel voice, "I treat you with sincerity, but I didn't expect you to do such a rebellious thing --"

"Hahaha -" the king laughed wildly, laughing recklessly, laughing back and forth, laughing so that tears were about to flow out: "why not animals? My good imperial brother, how can you say such words? Don't you teach us to become a king and defeat an enemy? "

"You are worried that the seventh brother's control of the flame army will threaten your throne, so you find someone to transfer him from the flame army. Soon, the seventh brother died because of excessive drinking -"

"The second younger brother is about your age. He has read a lot and is always talented. He was deeply supported by the courtiers. As a result, he died in a cold storm - and the 16th younger brother fell off the wall and died. Isn't it because he was frank and said a joke that he was not young?"

The blessing king looked at Chu Xianda with a mocking face and said, "brother Huang, are these your masterpieces? Compared with your thunder tactics, what my younger brother has done is totally out of the table -- "

Chu Xianda looked very embarrassed and said in a deep voice, "if you are to satisfy your greed, I can understand. After all, the Xifeng empire is still in the hands of our Chu family. But you should know that if you don't succeed in literature and martial arts, even if you get this position, you are just a puppet of them - are you willing to be a puppet? "

"Brother Huang, who wants to be a puppet?" The smile on King Fu's face disappeared. He looked at Chu Xianda seriously and said, "who doesn't want to wake up and take charge of the world and lie drunk on the beauty's knee? Who doesn't want to use his life and the generals to die under his rule? Who doesn't want to give an order, a thousand troops echo, and a million soldiers wave and charge? Who doesn't want to achieve a millennium emperor and an eternal foundation? "

"But you can't do it, and I can't do it. I can't even do what you can do now - I don't want to be a puppet, and no one wants to be a puppet. However, brother Huang, even if it is a puppet, it is also the king of the west wind. As long as I fulfill their wishes and meet their conditions, I will still be a superior King - just like you before, isn't that good? "

With a relieved smile on the corners of the king's mouth, he said aloud, "it's better than being careful under your authority, isn't it? It's safer than always worrying that you'll cut off your head at your command? "

"You think you've taken my place and become the new king of the Empire. Don't you have to worry about that? Do you think - those people will let you get what you want? "

"Of course not." The blessing King smiled and said, "brother Huang is a lesson from the past. I have learned a lot from you. I should be careful in the future."

"Do you know - do you know how much effort I have made to get rid of the puppet's fate, to let Chu really take charge of the country and to really - govern the people with my own ideas? How many things have I done behind my back? But unexpectedly, they were destroyed by you, all by you - "Chu Xianda roared, extremely sad and angry.

"Brother Huang, I didn't destroy you, you destroyed yourself - without me, there will be other idle princes who will be held by them to take over your position. You want to seize power, you want to get rid of their control, as long as you keep such a mind, have such an idea, and put it into action to make them aware of the danger - they will immediately start to arch you down from that dazzling position and replace you with a Chu clan. It can be the king of Kang, the king of Jin and the king of Ming - since it can be anyone, why can't it be my blessing king? "

"Why did they choose me in the end? It's because I don't seem to have any chance at all, and I don't have any illusions about that big man. Otherwise, I would have been chopped into mud by you and thrown out to feed the dog - the most unlikely person is the most likely one. Because only in this way can they hide the truth. Only in this way can we make the best use of this piece. "

"Yes, you have indeed made great efforts to regain the power that should belong to you and enable yourself to really take charge of the Empire. You pretend to be crazy, you use your strength. You use the dispute between song, Cui and Lu to constantly reduce the power of song and Cui. You are obviously on the side of the Song family and the Cui family. In fact, only Lu XingKong is your loyal slave -- "

"Life is like a play. It all depends on acting. Brother Huang, I've been acting for decades. Why don't you do that? Although you keep saying that you hate Lu XingKong and scold Lu XingKong as an old dog in front of us again and again, how many years have passed? Have you ever taken back the real general's power from him? "

"If the song and Cui families hadn't joined hands to force him, all the important border towns would have fallen into his hands? Even those Lu's lineages who were ordered to enter Beijing have their own arrangements - of course, it's just that it's difficult for you to achieve your wishes and the location is not satisfactory. "

"Brother Huang, the person you really trust is Lu XingKong, and only Lu XingKong. Even in front of your Chamberlain Li Fu, he never revealed a word of confidence - you said you trusted him, which is also a trust in him? "

"Because Duke Lu is really loyal to the monarch and protector of the country. He doesn't have wolf ambitions like some people." Chu Xianda gritted his teeth and said.

"Yes, Lu XingKong is loyal to the king and patriotic. He is loyal to the emperor's brother. If the Lu family had not been in control of the military power, the position under the emperor's ass would have been unstable for a long time? "

"If Lu hadn't been in control of the military power, the territory of Chu would have been gone and replaced by others. Can it be your turn to pick up the leak now? How much did Lu pay to protect my royal family? Most of the martyrs in the whole clan have been killed or injured. Until now, it has become a single pass - if not for the secret protection of the Lu family, why should the Chu family compete with the Song family? Why resist their attack? "

"Your Majesty, that's not true." Cui Xichen said aloud, "if your majesty had not been close to Lu, I would not have come to this step - hasn't it come day by day for thousands of years? After the previous kings recognized the current situation, they all kept their position and sat upright on that high position to be a Taiping emperor - but his majesty felt that he was a master of great talent and had to plot Lu XingKong to eradicate the Song family and regain the power of governing the country - so old song was not happy. Since this emperor is not obedient, it's better to change to a obedient emperor - anyway, it's just a matter of more hands and feet -- "

"Cui Xichen -"

"I know, I know, your majesty has resentment against me. But, your majesty, why do I have no resentment against your majesty? According to the distance between relatives, when our ancestors established the country, our Cui family was the people in the house around our ancestors. Later, your majesty appreciated the kindness of the Cui family, let the Lu family control the troops and horses in the world, and gave the Cui family the ability to monitor. "

"The Cui family is loyal to the Chu family and has no two hearts. They are confidants around kings of all dynasties‘ Cui is in Chu, Chu is in Cui. "This is what our ancestors said. They said that the two families were integrated into one. Where there is a Chu family, there will be a Cui family. And where there is the Cui family, it proves that the Chu family must also stand behind -- "

"But, your majesty, where have you placed the Cui family these years? Why is it unfair to the Cui family? Li shepherd, the son of a servant girl of the Lu family, killed Cui Zhaoyun of the Cui family. He came to your majesty for several months to fight a lawsuit, but it turned out to be a big deal and a small deal - not only did the Lu family not get any punishment, but also let Xu Da under Lu XingKong take charge of the supervision department - Your Majesty, the old minister is unwilling. "

"If you weren't selfish, why would I treat you like this? If you didn't flirt with the Song family and make an engagement with each other, why did you come to this step? "

"My Lord, it's lucky that you were excluded by the emperor's brother --" King Fu smiled and comforted him, saying, "if you are still loyal to him and guard in front of him like before, I'm afraid the Cui family is in danger now --"

"People die for wealth, birds die for food. It's still not firm enough. " Chu Xianda sneered and said, "Lu Xing holds the military power in the world with empty hands. I don't believe you haven't courted him. Why can he be loyal to the west wind and to the few? "

"Yes, I did win over land and air." King Fu said aloud, "I have expressed my goodwill countless times, and even put my favorite son Chu Xun beside Lu Junji, the youngest daughter of the Lu family, in order to make the two families marry each other. In that case, when I transfer the throne to Chu Xun, the Lu family will raise the boat. As a result, the Lu family remained unmoved and repeatedly refused - what's wrong with my son, Why don't they deserve the girls of the Lu family? "

Chu Xun likes Lu Junji. His pursuit of Lu Junji is not a secret all day.

Before, everyone thought that a man and a woman were a perfect couple. It's perfect for two people to go together.

No one expected that such a dangerous crisis was hidden behind this affair.

If Lu Junji also likes Chu Xun, if Lu XingKong agrees to these marriages and Fuwang gets the support of the Song family, Cui family and Lu family at the same time, what capital does Chu Xianda have to compete with him?

King Fu pointed to Lu XingKong, who turned into a mass in the distance, and said in an evil voice, "it is precisely because of this that Lu XingKong is suicidal. Today, it will be killed. Otherwise, it will be difficult to solve the king's hatred. "

"On the 23rd, listen to the order and go to save Guowei immediately. Anyway, I will try my best to protect Guowei's safety -" yes. Your majesty. " Behind Chu Xianda, two white figures took off“ You can't go. " Two more figures rushed into the air to intercept. All four are worshipped by the imperial palace. They are strong and integrated in the air. It is difficult to win or lose for a while“ Broken palm - "Chu Xianda shouted again. In the crowd, a middle-aged man whose palm was completely cut off stood there expressionless, disobeying the king's orders“ The supervision department listens to the order - "the supervision department has no expression, and no one listens to the order. Yan Xiangma's face was livid and he bit his lower lip tightly. Cui Jian stood beside him and stared at him with the rest of his eyes“ Don't forget your last name. " Cui saw the cold voice and said, like cutting meat with a knife“ Feiyu army listened to the order - "Feiyu army was unmoved. Many Feiyu generals looked at their ears, nose and heart, as if they had not heard Chu Xianda's order“ I - "Chu Xianda's eyes were red and hissed," I'll fight with you. "“ Li Fu, what are you waiting for? Want to jump? " King Fu's face was ferocious, with a cruel smile on his mouth. Whoosh - Li Fu's body suddenly bounced up, like a thin and dark monkey, jumping into Chu Xianda's arms. Chum -- the sound of the blade cutting the skin and flesh came. When Li Fu's body flew away, Chu Xianda looked at his chest with an incredible face. In his heart was a jade inlaid tiger dagger. That's the tiger dagger he gave Li Fu“ I don't regret my death - "Chu Xianda's chest was red with blood, and even his mouth began to overflow large blood clots“ This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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