Creak, creak——

The wheels rolled over the ice and snow, making a fragmented sound.

The horseshoes were raised and fell at the same time, neat and uniform, dull and solemn.

The huge white gas emitted from the horses' mouths merged with the cold fog in the air, indicating that they had just experienced a long journey and their exhaustion at this time.

These are frontier war horses, monsters that can charge and fight with fully armed soldiers on the battlefield - but at this moment, they are tired to look like this. This shows what terrible things they experienced before.

A hundred black riders were surrounded by a black carriage. Their bodies were wrapped in black iron armor, and their heads were also wearing wolf head masks made of fine steel. This is the wolf riding army that swept the world and became famous in the mainland of China.

They were made by Lu XingKong, the leader of the Lu family. Although there are a small number of them, they are invincible. It's unmatched.

When Lu XingKong left the battlefield, he only took hundreds of wolf riding guards back to Tiandu. These people are also the main forces guarding land and air safety and guarding Lu's mansion.

Now these wolf cavalry troops appear in the wasteland, which proves that there must be legitimate figures in the Lu family nearby.

Creak, creak——

Wheel roller


The war horse neighed.

The wind kept blowing and the snow had stopped. A cold moon appeared in the sky.

It is the cold moon and the silver makeup on the vast land that shine on their way forward. Otherwise, in the ridge of the wilderness, they do not burn torches and do not need to illuminate the Pearl. I am afraid it is difficult to move forward quickly in the deep snow.

If you accidentally walk to a cliff or pit, it will be dangerous.

Snow, the world is full of blood and snow.

Blood, a continuous red blood line appeared in the heavy snow.

The blood line is as long as the motorcade goes.

Some people and animals in the team were injured. They rushed all the way and encountered seven interceptions, big and small. They didn't even have time and energy to dress up.



Go to a destination they don't know.


The two black riders, led by them, suddenly stopped.

A wolf Knight raised his right hand. The wolf cavalry behind him immediately stopped the horse's hoof and pressed the handle of the knife.


A dead silence.

The mountain road is steep and the cold moon is lonely.

In the heavy snow, hundreds of black horses surrounded a carriage and stood in the snow.

Neither forward nor backward.

They stood there quietly, looking ahead, pressing the handle of the knife with their hands, silent.

The straddling horses seemed to feel danger. They twisted their bodies uneasily and planed the ice and snow under their feet.

However, under the control of those black iron knights, they can only stay where they are, can't run, can't escape.


In front, at the dark end of the line of sight, a man in a three headed snake uniform and a big red cloak came out.

Then the second, the third——

There are many people in black and the uniforms of the supervision department in groups.

It's like the whole empire's monitoring history has been gathered here.

Cui Jian looked at the elite wolf heads sitting high on the war horses and said with a voice of admiration: "it's really an invincible wolf riding army. A big gift has been prepared for you. As a result, you can warn in advance and dare not take another step forward - it's a pity if the elite teacher will be destroyed. If you are willing to surrender, I am willing to give you a way to live. Let bygones be bygones. "

The black armour is strict and the eyes are deep.

The wolf riding army doesn't say a word.

They don't think Cui Jian is here to praise them.

Cui saw that he turned his mouth and didn't care. He looked at the black carriage surrounded by the wolf riding army. A mocking smile appeared at the corners of his mouth and said in a loud voice, "Mrs. Lu, are you all right? It's windy and snowy outside, but Mrs. Lu took master Tianyu to play in the wild mountains. Don't freeze your body. "

No one answered.

The black carriage stopped there quietly, and the black wolf riding army also stopped there quietly.

No one wants to talk to Cui Jian, and no one is willing to respond to his sarcastic questions.

Cui Jian raised his eyebrows and said again, "Mrs. Lu, I have come all the way to visit you. I always have to say a word to you. Mrs. Lu also comes from a famous family in Yingchuan. Gongsun's family is also a first-class aristocratic family in the Empire, and the gold coins in that family are even higher than the black mountain in the distance? Speaking of, we all live in the same street of Tiandu, one is the east of the street and the other is the west of the street, but we are also neighbors after all - what does that say? A distant relative is better than a close neighbor. Cui Jianyuan came to visit, but Mrs. Lu didn't say a word. I'm afraid it's not noble etiquette? "

The carriage was still silent.

Cui saw his eyebrows slightly wrinkled, turned to a supervisor nearby and said, "are you sure Gongsun Yu and the little wild seed of the Lu family are in this carriage?"

"Yes, Lord long history." The inspector bowed“ When general song led his troops to attack the government, he was fiercely counterattacked by the city patrol department led by Li Kefeng. Mrs. Gongsun implemented the "spring breeze plan" in the government house. They lit all the Lu house and its adjacent residences. Before that, they had long stored a large amount of black oil and stone carbon in Lu Fu. Those things would burn immediately, and even strong winds and heavy snow could not be submerged. "

"Waste, what I asked is whether you can be sure that Gongsun Yu and the little wild seed of the Lu family are in this carriage - you just need to answer my question."

"Yes, Lord Shi." The supervision department quickly apologized and said, "when general song wiped out all the rebels of the city patrol department and killed Li Kefeng, he rushed into the land house, which has been caught in the sea of fire. General song sent someone to search Lu's house, but they didn't find the body of the servant girl in Lu's house - they had evacuated in advance through a secret road. Now general song is leading a team to chase and kill. Our people have been watching the movements of the wolf cavalry. When they picked up the carriage in the backyard of Lu Fu, they immediately ran away outside Tiandu City -- "

Cui's face became embarrassed and said, "do you mean that if there were no Mrs. Lu and the wild seeds of the Lu family in the group pursued by song Lang, they would be in this carriage - wouldn't they?"

"Humble and incompetent." Shi quickly bowed down and apologized.

"No harm." Seeing the ferocious smile on her face, Cui said in a voice, "since Mrs. Lu doesn't want to talk, Ben Shi will ask her to get off in person - I'll dismantle her carriage, and I'll see if she can sit safely and comfortably in the car. I can't say she felt cold in the mountains, but took the initiative to rush into my arms -- "

"Cousin -" a man in the uniform of the three headed snake of the supervision department frowned and said, "anyway, Mrs. Lu is an elder --"

"Elders?" Cui saw his eyes staring at the man and said, "Yan Xiangma, do you know how their Lu family killed Cui Zhaoren?"

"I know, but -"

"But what? They slaughtered Cui Zhaoren. They couldn't find a bone or a piece of meat. They didn't even have the chance to be buried in their ancestral tombs and in the ancestral hall of the Cui family - Cui Zhaoren can only be a lonely ghost and can only wander outside forever. " Cui saw the vicious roar“ They killed Cui Zhaoren. The immortal Lu family also acted with Chu Xianda, saying that Li shepherd was a young hero and a hero in Tiandu - the murderer was a hero and a hero. What is Cui Zhaoren? "

"When they treat our Cui family like this, you still think that woman is an elder - there are no elders in my eyes, only enemies. Whether he is a man or a woman, whether he is an old man or a woman or a child, as long as he is the Lu family, he is the sworn enemy of the Cui family. "

Cui Jian stared at Yan Xiangma thoughtfully and said in a playful tone, "Yan Xiangma, don't you sympathize with their Lu family? Or is it -- the conditions of Chu Xianda's old thing make you excited? "

"Cousin -" Yan Xiangma's eyes showed a touch of anger and said in a deep voice, "nobility should have nobility. I just don't want you to insult a poor woman who can be called an elder. Besides, when did I promise Chu Xianda's terms? After he said those words to me at that time, I didn't tell Grandpa exactly - but I had no reservations? "

"Yan Xiangma, others don't know you, but I know you." Cui said with a smile, "when did you tell Grandpa after Chu Xianda talked to you? The next night. What did you do that day? Such a secret and important information, but you didn't say it until the next night - I'm afraid Chu Xianda's words happened to be in your heart? Take the Cui family instead. The Yan family doesn't have no chance at all. Is it very moving? Do you want to gamble with them? "

"Cousin, you are spitting blood - when did I have such an idea?"

"Heaven knows, you know, I know. There are some things that we all know. " The chill in Cui's eyes was shocking“ You think your little cleverness can hide it from Grandpa? Since the millennium, which conflict and situation has changed, my Cui family is not the biggest beneficiary? Just because you Yan family want to take Cui family instead? Yan Xiangma, do you think you are stupid? Are you stupid? "

"If my cousin insists on this idea, I have nothing to say." Yan Xiangma said coldly.

"Of course you have nothing to say. Because you are guilty. " Cui Jian didn't want to miss the opportunity to beat Yan Xiangma and said, "of course, you can also prove your innocence. I know you had an old relationship with that Li shepherd when you were in Jiangnan. In that case, you will kill the people in front of you - Gongsun Yu and Lu Tianyu. In this way, I believe you have not been bewitched by Chu Xianda. Your Yan family is still in the same spirit as our Cui family. Are you willing to prove your loyalty? Prove your Yan Family's loyalty? "

Yan Xiangma has a gloomy expression and congested eyes. Choke! He pulled out his long sword and walked towards the wolf cavalry step by step. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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