In the widely circulated bedtime stories in China, the dragon clan is evil. They have great powers and call the wind and rain. Slaughtering people and eating people's hearts and liver raw. In order to save the people and the princess, those great dragon slaughtering warriors trekked through mountains and rivers and killed generals. Finally, they found the evil dragon on a high tower. The brave and clever dragon slaying warrior tried every means to kill the dragon and save the princess. Finally, he became a dragon slaying warrior admired by everyone and lived a happy life with the princess——

In the final analysis, the Dragon slaying warrior has always played an unscrupulous role of relying on powerful force to win love and the involvement of a third party.

What Li Yangyang knows is that the dragon people don't eat people.

At least in his memory, he didn't find the experience of the black dragon cannibalism——

And it thought it was an extremely disgusting thing. It's just disgusting to think of it.

Li shepherd can feel its feelings.

Li shepherd didn't expect that the bald monk had a tendency to eat human flesh, and he didn't expect that such an evil man who was killed by everyone would be adopted.

No matter who does this kind of thing is the Song family, Fuwang or any other family - those people are as damn as the flower free monk.

Looking at monk Wuhua's drooling appearance, Li shepherd's murder suddenly appeared in his heart.

"If the same kind eats the same kind, how can you be qualified as a Buddhist disciple? A wolf's heart and a dog's lung are not as good as animals. Human disasters like you, heaven does not cross you, Buddha does not cross you, I will cross you - "

"You Doll -" monk Wuhua wiped his saliva and said with a laugh, "who says grandpa is a Buddhist disciple? Because of his natural power, Grandpa was angry with the stars and his strength ran through the top, so he just knocked off all the hair on his head - grandpa ate meat and drank in a big bowl, and lived a carefree life. Who wants to learn from those bald people who read the Buddhist scriptures of Lao Shizi? "

"So good." Li shepherd sneered. Because his Master Kong Li is a member of Buddhism, and he has indirectly received the grace of Buddhism, he also regards himself as a member of Buddhism. At first glance, I thought the monk was also a scum of Buddhism, so I wanted to eradicate the villain for Buddhism.

Now it is said that he is not a Buddhist. Li Shepherd is in a much better mood.

Such a person kills people who think they have stained their hands.

However, Li Shepherd is naturally not afraid of dirty work.

His body soared into the air and rushed towards the flowerless monk.

He knew that it was incomparable with Shangli, and he had full confidence in his divine power.

Therefore, he clenched his fist with one hand, his fist expanded several times, and a yellowish air flow flashed around his fist.

"What do you mean, little doll? Are you scolding grandpa? "

"No." Li Shepherd said frankly, "I'm praising you for your self-knowledge and not tarnishing the reputation of Buddhism."

"Little doll, wait for the monk to eat you -"

Monk Wuhua was extremely angry.

His body soared and his huge legs moved in the clouds.

When he came to the top of Li shepherd's head, he punched him down.

"Give grandpa another punch -"


A huge black light wave emitting a rotten smell bombarded Li shepherd's station.

Li shepherd also punched fiercely.

After the yellowish air was blasted out by him, it immediately formed a hill like shape.

Shake the mountain fist!

"In terms of its majestic power, the fist of shaking the mountains is the first."

This is a passage from the general discipline of boxing Gang, which shows the position of shaking Yue boxing in the field of boxing.

Hit hard with force and break through force with force. Is fundamental.

This is also a must kill skill specially prepared by Li shepherd for the flower monk.

"Roar -"

The black light ball opened its ferocious mouth, and the disgusting black juice flowed from it.

All fists have roots, and all things are tangible.

Li shepherd could not see where the root of monk Wuhua's fist was, nor what species the black light ball was. However, judging from its appearance - it must not be a good bird.

How can a good man grow into a monk without flowers?

Similarly, how can a good bird grow into this - a black light ball?

"Boom -"

Regret Yue fist expanded in the air and became a towering mountain at a speed visible to the naked eye. Crush the enemy with a destructive attitude.


The Yellow towering mountains and the black ball of light flew in the opposite direction and soon met in the air.


The mountain and the black ball collided violently.

The wind roared and the Qi splashed.

The vigorous Qi sweeps away and kills everything around like a heavy sword.

Including space and air.

Space is broken and air is extinct.

There is a vacuum in the sky.

Except for the crashed mountain, there is only the huge black ball of light.

The light ball is suspended there, not retreating, not falling.


The black sphere broke open, revealing an ugly monster like a baby's head.


The monster suddenly opened its mouth, and then a large stream of black liquid burst out.


The earth is covered with water.

"Shepherd, hide -"

Lu Qingming, who is fighting with others, is paying attention to the situation of Li shepherd. If he finds that Li Shepherd is not caught, he will come to the rescue.

Therefore, he can give an early warning for him at the first time.

Compared with the safety of his son, what is the injury he suffered?

"That's the red eyed ghost baby. Is the most vicious thing in the world -- "

Red eyed ghost baby?

Li shepherd's mind suddenly came up with the information of this name.

Red eyed ghost baby is the embodiment of the most evil and poisonous thing in the world.

It is to refine the premature infant, infuse the waiter's true Qi and a wisp of true yuan, and then soak it in 100 poison water for 9981 days.

It's not over yet. We still need to keep the ghost baby together with the body. It will be three years before he can become this manipulated red eyed ghost baby.

Red eye means that its eyes are always blood red, while ghost babies refer to - they use premature babies. At that time, babies have long been lifeless, which is the easiest for them to refine ghosts and finally use them.

This thing is poisonous all over the body. You will die if you touch it.

Even the servant didn't want to contact it. Instead, he wrapped it with Python skin and sacrificed it only when it was used.

After knowing the power of this thing, Li shepherd naturally didn't want the sewage sprayed from its mouth to infect himself.

With a wave of its sleeves, a layer of cyan transparent light mask appeared above its head.

Those black water touched the blue light all over the sky, and instantly turned into black smoke and made a loud explosion.

Evil is afraid of right, darkness is afraid of light.

As song lonely old dog said, all things grow and conquer each other.

Li shepherd used the Taoist unique skill "half moon pill classic" privately handed down to him by Xia hou to eradicate these evil things by using the righteousness of the bright moon.

The blue light flickered, and the red eyed ghost baby obviously felt disgust and discomfort.

It opened its big mouth again, and then rushed at Li shepherd.

Triangular head, red eyes. The body has four limbs, but the feet are not feet, but fins. Hands are not hands, but claws.

This is ten times and a hundred times uglier than the Gu carving, one of the top ten fierce beasts in China that Li shepherd has seen - does it never look in the mirror? Even if you don't look in the mirror, you have to drink water?

Drinking water in the pool and seeing the reflection inside, I thought there was an evil enemy attack.

"Ugly people do more mischief."

Li shepherd punched out. The red eyed ghost baby was extremely smart and knew how to avoid it. With a 360 degree rotation of his body, he skillfully avoided Li shepherd's fist Qi.

Li shepherd punched out again, and the red eyed ghost baby still escaped quickly.

Li shepherd was extremely angry.

So ugly and naughty——

Li shepherd threw out more than ten or twenty punches at the sky.

The red eyed ghost baby kept avoiding and kept shouting in his mouth.

In the process of avoiding, it is getting closer and closer to Li shepherd.

"吚 -"

Its body fell on the top of Li shepherd's head, opened its big mouth and vomited a big mouthful of foul black water towards Li shepherd's body.

Maybe in the eyes of the red eyed ghost baby, Li Shepherd is also very ugly——

"Just fight, and dare to insult people -" Li shepherd's anger became even stronger.

Since I went to XingKong college, no one dared to say that they were ugly——

The red eyed ghost baby opened his teeth and claws and fiercely rushed at Li shepherd.

Stretch out a sharp claw to catch Li shepherd's face, head and body.

Its feet suddenly elongated and wanted to wrap around Li shepherd's body and tie it together.

As long as it can climb on Li shepherd's body, it can become one with it, infect its own toxins into his body, or directly cut open its chest, and then get into its body and become its host.

It looks like this body is delicious.

This time, it was Li shepherd's turn to dodge left and right.

In any case, it can't be caught by the ugly evil spirit.

Its body is flying in the air, sometimes East and West, sometimes a 90 degree sharp turn《 The cloud moving formula of "cloud moving formula for cloth rain" has been brought into full play by it.

Who can capture the track of the cloud?

Li shepherd runs in front, and the red eyed ghost baby chases after him.

At first glance, the scene was like an ugly child abandoned by his father who wanted to go home with his father's thigh - "ha ha -" the flower free monk laughed wildly in the air as he watched Li shepherd being chased by the red eyed ghost baby. He didn't believe that shepherd Li could always have the strength to dodge. He would eventually be caught and eaten by his own ghost baby. Li shepherd's body turned sharply. Another sharp turn. He used the cloud and rain rhyme twice in a row. He turned behind the red eyed ghost baby and punched it out on its dark, dry back covered with meat maggots. Boom - startling dragon fist! The red eyed ghost baby disappeared. Probably, it was taken outside the jiuxiao cloud by the electric dragon? The monk Wuhua was furious, pointed to Li shepherd, yelled and scolded, "you doll, destroyed my red eyed ghost baby - I'm going to tear you." Li shepherd was really amused by the monk Wuhua. Don't you need IQ to be a bad person“ If I don't destroy your red eyed baby, you won't kill me? "-" Monk Wuhua was stunned and lost in thought. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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