
Cone heart pain.

The pain of cutting meat.

Scraping pain.

It's like a steel fork pierced the heart and made a crisp sound.

It's like having a sharp blade to slice the skin and meat piece by piece, and then put it on a plate waiting for others to taste it.

It's like a rusty iron knife scraping on the bones, like a hungry wolf chewing on the bones——

The pain is not only physical, but also spiritual.

If the soul is a villain, the Dragon nail is a pair of scissors.

Chug, chug, chug——

A knife went down and cut the little man to pieces, with blood flowing.

From inside to outside, or from outside to inside.

Because it's too painful, it's hard for you to find out where the pain comes from and where it goes. Anyway, every part and corner you can feel is in pain and burning.

This is the unbearable pain of life and the unbearable pain of the body.

Li shepherd's body was trembling.

Not only the body is shaking, but also the soul.

"Ah -" Li shepherd exclaimed.

This has nothing to do with cowardice and strength, but the normal reaction of the body.

Li shepherd never knew that there would be such pain in the world. Compared with the hardships of that childhood, the trapped dragon array encountered in Fu Tu city is hardly worth mentioning.

He wanted to faint and die immediately.

But, to his death, he remained awake.

More sober than ever.

He could clearly feel that a nail that seemed to have frozen in an iceberg for thousands of years was taken out, and then ruthlessly inserted it into the celestial cover on his head.

He doesn't insert it all at once and let you digest the pain carefully.

But slowly, little by little.

Where the nail is inserted, your thoughts will gather there, and your attention will follow there.

It's like there are a pair of eyes on the sky. They are their own eyes. They watched the cold nail insert into their own celestial cover, minute by minute, inch by inch.

It was cold and piercing, but I felt a wild fire burning on my brain.

It wants to burn its head into coke and dust.


The black dark nail was all inserted into the celestial cover, and the brain was cold.

Because it's too cold, it's like ice in the brain. The whole brain is blank, only the cold pain is spreading downward.

All the way down, and then into the bone gap.

The bone suddenly weighed a thousand kilograms, which made people have the impulse to reach out and pull it out and throw it away.

A ghost nail into the body, Li shepherd's whole person will collapse.

If song loneliness hadn't still pinched his neck, I'm afraid he would have collapsed on the ground like a dead body.

Ice and snow, cold winter.

Li shepherd's forehead was dripping with sweat, and even his clothes were soaked with sweat.

His face was purplish red. It was an abnormal face caused by the rapid flow of blood.

His eyelids were open and closed, and his eyes protruded like a dead fish.

There was saliva spilling from the corners of the mouth, and blood from broken teeth.

Song lonely looked at Li shepherd's dying appearance and said, "what's the answer?"

"Let go of my sister -" Li shepherd whispered in a weak voice, "let go of my family - I'll tell you --"

"It seems that you don't understand what I mean." Song lonely sighed gently.

Why did the child suddenly become stupid?

"It seems that you don't think a nail is enough." Song alone said.

He stretched out his right arm again, palms turned down, palms down.

A transparent light ball appeared in the palm of the hand, and then the light ball extended towards the ground and became a transparent column of light.

Soon, the light column turned black, and then dark and terrible black substances were absorbed from the depths of the earth.

Those black elements gathered and condensed in Song's lonely palm and turned into nails.

Then, song lonely held the long black nail and inserted it into the tianlinggai on the top of Li shepherd's head again——

"Ah --"

Li shepherd's collapsed body tightened again, and his mouth made a sad scream.

"What about the answer?"

"Let my sister go -"

"What about the answer?"

"Let go - my sister -"——

Song solitude would punch a nether nail into Li shepherd's head every time he asked an answer and was rejected by Li shepherd.

One by one, I asked the answer eight times and hit eight nails.

Song's lonely right hand hung in the air, holding a long sharp nail as black as an ink bar in the palm of his hand.

He looked at Li shepherd and asked again, "what's the answer?"


Li shepherd did not answer.

He couldn't answer again.

Li shepherd's expression was ferocious and twisted, and looked terrible and ugly.

His pupils were congested and his eyes protruded, as if they could burst at any time.

Li shepherd's head drooped, his eyelids closed, and his body hung there like mud.

A gust of strong wind blew, and Li shepherd's body shook in Song's lonely palm, like a grass doll.

"I have knocked down eight nether nails. If I hit the ninth dragon nail into your body again, you will be terrified, and even the immortal Luo will not be able to save you. " Song's lonely eyes were grim, and his voice finally had a trace of anger“ Li shepherd, what's the answer? What is the secret of the dragon's longevity? "


No one answered.

Li shepherd seems to have died of pain.

Except for the body that's still twitching.

That's the body's natural reaction when the pain hasn't disappeared.

Song lonely shook his head and sighed, saying, "the morning light is cold. I happened to find a dragon lamp in the Dragon Cave. The lamp takes dragon blood as oil and can be warmed for it for thousands of years - unfortunately, the lamp began to weaken some time ago and seems to be going out at any time. If I can't learn the dragon's longevity from you, I'll take your blood and light a dragon lantern for my granddaughter -- "

Then he raised his palm to the top of Li shepherd's head again and wanted to hit the ninth nether nail into Li shepherd's head.

"Go to hell -"

Lu Qingming was seriously injured and could only watch his son tortured by song alone.

He endured desperately and clenched his teeth desperately.

He pinched his fist and bit several of his teeth.

He is meditating on the heavenly king's mind method handed down by Lu's ancestors to quickly restore his physical strength by burning his own elixir field.

He is going to give song lonely a fatal blow.

However, song lonely can give him too little time.

It's too difficult to recover combat power in such a short time and give a fatal blow to an expert like song lonely.

When he heard song solitude say that he would break the ninth nether nail into Li shepherd's body, song solitude could no longer bear it.

His long gun fell to the ground. In order not to attract song's lonely attention and guard, he didn't even dare to call it.

His palm reached into the ice and snow and condensed it into a snow-white ice gun.

Then his body took off and stabbed song's lonely back heart with an ice gun.


The snow-white ice gun in Lu Qingming's hand was inserted into song's lonely body.

He laughed wildly and shouted sadly, "Song lonely, you old dog -- I finally killed you -- I finally killed you -- revenge for my father --"

"Stupid." Song lonely shook his head gently.

His body shook violently, and a blue light wave attacked all around.


When the light wave passed, the wind and snow were swept away.

Click, click——

The ice gun in Lu Qingming's hand was cut off one by one from the gun head. Then it broke faster and faster, and finally the whole ice gun exploded like a bubble.


Ice slag splashed everywhere.

However, song's lonely body did no harm.

The smile on Lu Qingming's face solidified, and the blood at the corners of his mouth was still flowing.

His face and body were dripping with blood. He looked like a madman in a state of madness.

Lu Qingming stared at Song's loneliness. He was puzzled, disappointed and more unwilling.

"How could this happen?"

"Why can't you kill him?"

Song's lonely right hand suddenly patted Lu Qingming.


The ninth Youming nail was hit into Lu Qingming's body by him.

"Poof -"

Lu Qingming gushed blood wildly, and his body flew away like a paper kite out of line.


Lu Qingming's body fell into the snow. He stubbornly wanted to get up. His back was straight and his head was up, but he fell back with a bang.

There was no more sound.

At this time, Li shepherd, who had been in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes.

It was a pair of eyes shrouded in blood mist. They could not see the pupils and there would be no white eyes.

The eyes are full of blood, boiling blood. Black scales quickly appeared on the back of his hand, and his palm turned into sharp claws at that moment. When song lonely hit the Youming nail into Lu Qingming's body with a backhand, Li shepherd finally began to fight back. Cha -- he waved the black sharp dragon claws and dug hard into song's lonely chest. Click - the sharp claw inserted into song's lonely chest without any obstruction, and then he pulled it hard and tore a bloody hole. He wants to dig out song's lonely heart. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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