It was raining stars and wildfires were burning.

All animals run, mountains echo, and heaven and earth are lit and stirred.

The black dragon hovered high in the sky and sprayed revenge fireworks on the Terrans it hated.



The dragon breath is too fierce, and the coverage area is too large. As a result, human practitioners were caught off guard as soon as they came up.

Escape, escape, counterattack, and howl.

Those practitioners who were splashed by the dragon breath and their mounts died or were injured, and suffered heavy losses.

It was a pear blossom rainstorm, a meteorite falling from the sky. It's a disaster that Terran forces can't contend with.

"Elder martial brother Xiuxian, run quickly - the dragon clan is too powerful. Don't compete with it -"

"The black dragon is fierce, everybody run away——

"My life is over, my life is over -"——

The calls came one after another, mixed with monster calls and painful calls.

Terran practitioners suffered a great loss in the first round.

I haven't seen the dragon for tens of thousands of years. I haven't fought with the dragon for tens of thousands of years. Almost everyone has lost the skills of how to fight with the dragon.

Dragon slaying stories are familiar in China. Even young # children are saying that they want to kill dragons and become dragon slaying heroes——

However, when they really encountered this scene, they found that things were not as simple and satisfactory as they had imagined before.

The black dragon has great fighting skills. It first sprays indiscriminate dragon breath at the strong Terran people gathered together. When the strong Terran people have to flee, it starts to chase and kill one or more——

Of course, the main pursuit is song lonely and those enemies who have been helping song lonely before.

It hates the whole Terran, but it knows in its heart who is the most dangerous and powerful enemy it faces at this moment.

It wants to kill song solitude. Every time the Youming nail in the body breaks out, it wants to kill song solitude once.

Moreover, its pursuit is very skilled.

It wants to isolate song loneliness.

In the dragon like state of Li shepherd at this time, I'm afraid it's not easy to fight with all the practitioners gathered and kill all of them.

So it can't let them come together to fight themselves.

It first makes a round of indiscriminate spray and attack on all Terran practitioners to let them know the strength of the dragon family and the danger of the dragon breath.

Let them know that although you are very powerful, you are still weak compared with the powerful dragon clan——

We should recognize the gap between ourselves and the Dragon nationality and not make unnecessary sacrifices.

Then the main target is song loneliness, so that all the strong Terrans should realize that song loneliness is the Terran that the black dragon wants to kill most. They are westerly practitioners close to song loneliness. They come from other countries - they just come to make soy sauce and enjoy the barren mountain scenery.

It has to be said that Li shepherd's strategy was successful.

Those practitioners who wanted to kill dragons began to avoid and watch. They began to hesitate whether they wanted to go into the muddy water or not. They accidentally killed themselves——

"The dragon clan, they are facing the Immortal Dragon Clan -"

If you want to achieve the reputation of a dragon slaying hero, you may lose your life.

It's not worth it!

"Evil animal."

Song solitude took advantage of the gap between the black dragon brewing the dragon's breath, and a solar fist of great solar art blasted towards the black dragon's body.

A new sun was like a huge fireball, wrapped in the wind, attacking the head of the black dragon.

The black dragon knew the power of the fist and didn't dare to answer it. He immediately dragged his huge body to escape towards the sky.


After all, the scorching sun still hit the huge body of the black dragon. The black scales produced one lightning after another. After the click sound, the scorching sun finally gave full play to its power of hair, became dim and disappeared into the darkness.

Song alone made a successful attack and immediately took advantage of the situation to shout to those practitioners who were afraid or wanted to escape: "the vast China is respected by the human race. The dragon clan is violent and ferocious. They commit adultery # and plunder. There are countless evil deeds that can't be recorded. "

"Our generation's cultivation breaks the environment. First, we want to live long, second, we want to become famous, and third, we want to live up to the benevolence of heaven and earth. It is the bounden duty of our generation to eliminate pests for the country and kill dragons for hundreds of millions of people in China -- "

"I am the west wind song alone. Today, I will fight the dragon to the death."

Song's lonely voice is old and solemn, but heavy and dignified, giving people an endless sense of trust and strength.

Sure enough, being bewitched by song's loneliness, someone answered loudly.

"Someone is Ning caichen. Today, I'll kill this dragon with old immortal Song -"

"Changbai sword sect is here. Li Shepherd is the enemy of our Changbai sword sect. We must kill this villain -"

"Great martial arts seven temples accompany the old immortal of Song Dynasty to kill Dragons -"——


Song solitude is best at using people's hearts, then mastering all the power in his own heart, and finally achieving his own goal.

For example, everything done in the Xifeng Dynasty hall, and now.

When the Song Dynasty attached great righteousness to loneliness, those eminent practitioners in the nine kingdoms of China were embarrassed to sneak away.

Moreover, song alone set an example. He is not afraid of death. What are others afraid of?

"Heroes, we fight together to kill this dragon." Song alone shouted.

Song alone took the lead and rushed in the direction of the escape of the black dragon.

Dozens of other practitioners did not want to be outdone. One after another, they began to form an array to attack around the black dragon.

These practitioners are strong in China. They are extremely rich in personal wisdom and combat experience.

At first, they were shocked by the appearance of the black dragon. For a moment, they didn't know what to do. Moreover, the Black Dragon said to fight and spray, and the power of dragon breath was too powerful, so that they had no ability to return their bodies, only passively beaten.

However, bewitched by song's loneliness, dozens of strong men twisted into a rope to do the same thing and attacked a target at the same time, which naturally brought great threat to the black dragon transformed by Li shepherd.

Li shepherd's incarnation of black dragon has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that it can borrow the strength of the black dragon itself and improve its combat effectiveness.

What's more, Li shepherd had already exhausted at that time. If he could not turn into a dragon, he would have died under the lonely great solar art of Song Dynasty.

However, the problems after the Dragon appeared.

First, Li Shepherd is not the black dragon after all. His combat experience is not very black dragon.

Second, his defense is not as good as that of the black dragon, and the physical state of the black dragon at this time is eighteen thousand miles away from its peak.

Now the black dragon is just a wisp of mind of the Black Dragon King.

It was sealed in the tears of the Dragon King, entered Li shepherd's body, and then gave Li shepherd the ability to incarnate into a black dragon.

But, after all, it's just a wisp of God.

Third, and most importantly, the black dragon's physique is too large. It is easy to be attacked by those strong men and is not easy to avoid.

"Li Shepherd -"

At the scene, only Lu Jiji knew the physical state of Li shepherd best and was the only Terran who didn't want the black dragon to be slaughtered.

Or Phoenix.

"Qiang -"

Lu Jiji drank all over, turned into a Firebird Phoenix, and then rushed towards the cultivation armies who were chasing and killing Li shepherd.

Today's war, never die!

The wolf king was also very familiar with the black dragon. He looked at the scene of the black dragon's battle for a long time, and made a cold hum of "scolding" in his nose.

Then he jumped at the practitioners around him again.

Snowball is just like Wang's playfulness. The more people come to besiege it, the more fun it feels. When he saw several practitioners running to kill the black dragon, he squeezed his nose unkindly to the black dragon.

Then, once again, he rushed towards a strong man of the great Zhou state.

"Wheezing -"

"Wheezing -"

This is Terran breathing.

It is also the breathing of black dragon and Firebird.

It was a strange battle.

One is a team composed of pure Terran strongmen, and the other is a combination of animals and animals composed of a black dragon, a Firebird, a dog and a wolf?

The dragon clan is strong and the Phoenix clan is immortal. However, they are in a new state. Now they are far from their combat power at the peak.

The talent and physique of the Terran are far inferior to that of the dragon and Phoenix. However, he can fight with the four animals of the dragon, Phoenix, dog and wolf. So far, he is one of the strongest among the Terrans and a famous figure in the whole China. Now they are the strongest state of the Terran and the peak of their combat power.

Therefore, people can't kill dragons, and dragons can't kill.

The battle is so deadlocked.

Song lonely glanced at the audience and said in a deep voice, "you righteous men, the dragon is powerful and there are evil beasts to help. It's difficult for us to kill it all for a while."

"Ten thousand years ago, the wise men of the human race gathered the elite of the nine races and slaughtered all the Dragon races. Today, if we don't follow the example of the sages and gather the strength of all heroes, we will slaughter the dragon and its accomplices. For the country, for the race. In any case, we can't let them run away. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to kill again in the future. "

"Old fairy song, if you have any plans, just put them forward. We will help each other. "

"Yes, old fairy song, just say something. We believe you -"

"It is everyone's responsibility to kill the Dragon -"——

"I will use the great light skill to incinerate the demons and monsters in the world. Please lend me the power of light. Can you? "“ Ning caichen is willing to borrow. "“ Li Pingsheng is willing to borrow it. "“ Wan Liyun is willing to borrow. "-“ For the sake of the National People's livelihood, Mr. Song won't thank you. " When song spoke alone, the red flame of fire burned around his body again. Those flames burned more and more fiercely, wrapped song loneliness in it, and then gradually swallowed it“ Rather pick dust to help the old fairy. " A Qingguan practitioner brushed his sleeve and poured his Zhenyuan into song's lonely body, and the fire burned more fiercely“ Li Pingsheng helped the old fairy. " A black robed old man blew out with a fist, and a light cyan majestic force rushed towards song's lonely body. Coax! The red flame became purplish red, and the color was more colorful“ Hou Xiaolong is willing to borrow it. " Someone else joined. As more and more people joined, the flame burning on Song's lonely side became more and more flirtatious. From light red to crimson, from crimson to purplish red. As the sky fire becomes stronger and thicker, it becomes pure white, and then from white to light gray to dark black. An inky flame. Strange and evil, but with the power to destroy everything. The black dragon looked at the black flame, and the blood boiling in his pupils became more intense. It felt danger“ Li Shepherd - "the Firebird Phoenix's mouth made a sound, which was the sound of Lu Junji“ It's just death. " The black dragon hissed“ You go. "“ Li Shepherd - "the call of Firebird is more urgent. Li Shepherd said to let himself go, but how could he go at this time? This stubborn guy, this crazy and simple guy, does he never understand the meaning of company? The black dragon's body has countless electric flashes, and startling lightning gathers on its scales. At this time, the black dragon is like an electric dragon, releasing the lightning accumulated in his life at one time“ Roar - "the black dragon roared and rushed towards the burning song solitude. Song lonely opened his eyes. His golden eyes turned black, like the color of his pupils. However, there were no pupils in his eyes, only the two rounds of black sun. There was no white eye or pupil in his eyes, only black, which was completely filled with black. He drew circles with both hands and waved the black flame with both arms, forming a complex and mysterious formula. Those printed formulas are like Buddhist scriptures, Taoist spells, and some strange graphics that integrate scriptures and spells. Countless people have never seen or heard of it“ Burn. " A word of truth came out. The two black suns in my eyes flew out, became one in the process of flying, and then rushed towards the roaring black dragon. Boom - the black sun and the black dragon collided together, and the whole world fell into an unprecedented darkness. The sky is black and the earth is black. The wind is black, so is the snow. Space is also black. The whole world can no longer find a glimmer of light. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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