The Kirin army is the elite of the hundred battles of the Xifeng Empire, and the ghost dance Corps is the famous lion and iron cavalry in China. Such two teams collided fiercely together, and the destructive force was amazing.

"Kill -" an elite Qilin army in red armor jumped up from the horse's back with a long gun and inserted the sharp tip of the gun into the chest of a ghost faced soldier.

"Roar -"

With one hand, the ghost faced soldier grabbed the gun rod inserted into his body, raised the chopping # saber in his hand, dropped the saber in his hand, and cut off the elite head of the Qilin army.


The head fell with the iron helmet, rolled on the ground, and was trampled to pieces by the surging horses behind.

These are two teams with completely different fighting styles.

Kirin army is silent, orderly and obeys orders.

They form various battle formations under the leadership of the team leader or the school captain. You rush to block me, keep watch and help each other, and go to support guns one after another.

They believe in the power of the team. Thousands of people are twisted into a rope and become a giant war beast that crazy devours life.

If a person falls down, the people behind will rush up to fill it immediately.

Smell the drums and fight, and Mingjin retreats.

Completely militarized management, absolutely not sloppy.

The ghost dance Corps is weird, crazy and fearless.

They are like a group of demons, howling in their mouths, wielding knives and cutting around. Fighting and fighting have become their physical instinct.

They seem to be single individuals, but they are closely related. When one side is in trouble, all sides support. Whenever a ghost dance warrior is about to be in danger, other teams will rush to rescue from an incredible angle.

Each of them is crazy when fighting, but when someone is in danger, they are life and death brothers who can deliver their backs.

The Kirin army formed a huge gun array and, with the help of the momentum of the horses, ruthlessly inserted the long gun in his hand into his opponent's arms.

The ghost dance Legion is an impactor and a butcher.

They ignored the dense array of long guns in front of them, held the chopping # saber high in their hands, and made a strange roar in their mouth.

"Boom -"

They rushed straight in.

Someone was stabbed to death by a long gun array, and the body was picked on the head of the long gun.

More people wielded a horse # chopping knife to chop left and right, and killed a bloody path.


A ghost faced soldier with colorful feathers in his head kicked a red armour Kirin army with one foot. At the same time, the chopping # saber in his hand chopped at the sergeant of the flying Kirin army.

"Kazam -" the unicorn army was cut in half.

Knife gas!

These ghost faced knights can wield and cut off knife Qi with one knife.

The knife doesn't touch the body, but it has cut people in half.

More Kirin troops rushed over and stabbed the long gun in their hand into the body of the ghost faced knight who was wielding knife Qi. The chopping # saber in the ghost faced Knight's hand swung and cut straight.


Several elite of the Kirin army were cut off.

Broken limbs, broken arms, head rolling.

Scream and wail like purgatory on earth.

Song Lang's goal is that general Bai Yu, the princess of the Peacock Dynasty, wins 1000 degrees.

In his heart, he hated the woman who went to war without permission. For his temporary likes and dislikes, he even ignored the danger of the dispute between the two countries and the safety of hundreds of millions of people, so he was merciless when he shot.

The body soared into the air, and the long sword in his hand bloomed blue brilliance.

Wind cut!

The long sword is like the wind, cutting down one sword after another.




Thirty two swords were cut out in an instant.

The light and shadow are graceful, and the sword Qi is vertical and horizontal.

General Bai Yu, who maintained an impact posture on the war horse, was completely shrouded in the shadow of the sword. It looked like he was going to be crushed into meat and mud by the green shadow.

General Bai Yu was unmoved.

Knowing that there were countless sword shadows on his head, he still galloped his horse and cut off the heads of two young generals of the Qilin army who took the lead in contacting him with one sword.

"Arrogance." Song Lang's heart was both excited and worried.

Excitement is the emotion that every warrior should have when fighting. Whether killing or being killed, it can make people's body tense, blood boiling and heart hanging in their throat at the moment of attack.

The worry is that the woman he wants to kill is princess QianDu of the Peacock Dynasty.

It is said that the current peacock king has only one baby daughter and regards it as life. Kill him with one sword. I'm afraid the peacock king will not give up. I'm afraid the two countries will fight endlessly?

Others are afraid of their song family, but the peacock king has no reason to be afraid of their song family.

Countless swords cut general Bai Yu's head and completely wrapped her body.


At the same time, a dazzling white light flickered.

When the thirty-two sword Qi was about to cut general Bai Yu into pieces, a transparent mask suddenly appeared around general Bai Yu's body.

The light mask was like a glass mask, which shrouded general Bai Yu and her horses.

Moreover, the greater the splitting force, the greater the rebound force of the hood.

Glazed mirror!

The thirty-two swords immediately returned and roared towards song Lang, who quickly flew towards general Bai Yu and was ready for the second round of attack.

Song Lang knew that there were countless treasures of the Peacock Dynasty, but he didn't expect that Princess peacock had such a powerful treasure hidden in her body.

This kind of weapon that automatically generates defense when in danger and can rebound the enemy's sword Qi, I'm afraid it can be directly listed in China's treasure manual?

Song Lang cut out his thirty-two swords and thought that even if he could not kill general Bai Yu, he could attack her in a hurry.

Therefore, without waiting for the sword Qi to seriously injure general Bai Yu, he has flown in with a sword and is ready to use his sword skills again to kill or capture general Bai Yu.

Attack fiercely and rush fiercely.

The strength of the 32 Sword Qi counterattack is also more fierce.

There are many heroes in the Song family, and song Lang can be sent by the Song family to control the Kirin army. Naturally, he is superior.

Although the sudden appearance of the glass cover caught him by surprise, he didn't hide, let alone run away in panic.

The long sword in his hand waved and cut again.

Around the blade, a red flame rushed forward.

Wind sword!

This sword does not cut others, but cuts in front of itself.


Those sword Qi that bounced back touched the sword and was immediately dispersed everywhere.

The long sword opened a passage for song Lang, and song Lang's body flew directly to the head of general Bai Yu.

Holding the sword in both hands, he fiercely chopped at general Bai Yu's head.

Wind sword!


The white brilliance flashed again.

The sword was bounced back by the transparent mask again and attacked song Lang in the sky.


Song Lang's body disappeared in the air. The sword Qi rebounded and chopped in the air, and then disappeared into invisibility.

In an instant, song Lang split more than thirty swords. The white feather general seemed as if nothing had happened. He cut off the heads of several heavily armored soldiers with a long sword.

"Law -"

General Bai Yu reined in the reins and handed over the battlefield to her ghost dance Corps.

Looking up at the sky in the distance, song Lang's body appeared in the sky again.

Song Lang looked at general Bai Yu and felt very ashamed.

He spent so much energy and split so much sword Qi, but others didn't even have a decent counterattack.

It was like a mosquito buzzing around. She could slap the mosquito to death, but she chose to ignore him completely——

Song Lang felt that he was the poor mosquito that had been ignored.

Song family hero, an important general of the military, never thought that he would encounter such treatment.

Song Lang stared at general Bai Yu from high above, and general Bai Yu also stared at Song Lang from high above.

"It is said that the peacock king has a legendary five shaped glass mirror that can defend against gold, wood, water, fire and earth - he gave it to you?"

"So what?" General Bai Yu said coldly and proudly. It's like talking about a very insignificant and natural thing.


It's that sentence again, it's that 'so what's that'——

Song Lang felt that he had been slapped in the face again.

This woman is really hateful.

It's just hateful. It's quite terrible.

Not to mention her own strength, the glass cover that can defend against all kinds of five shape attacks is a great headache.

How can you kill people if you can't even break their defenses?

Song Lang was quite distressed.

"The peacock king really loves his daughter like life. He is willing to give such treasure to others easily." Song Lang said with envy. Although there are many treasures of the Song family, there are many men in the Song family, so we can't get anything. Besides, the Song family is not as profound as the peacock king. The Peacock Dynasty continued intermittently for tens of thousands of years, and the Song family was not worth mentioning in front of him.

"My father doesn't need these." General Bai Yu said quietly.

I saw that the elite of the 3000 Kirin army brought by me was slaughtered, chased, divided and destroyed one by one by the soldiers of the ghost dance Corps wearing ghost faces, and finally began to rout——

Song Lang's heart is dripping blood. These people are their own efforts and reliance for many years. They followed themselves to build miracles, but they were slaughtered when they encountered more powerful forces“ Win a thousand degrees - "Song Lang's eyes were about to burst out fire. He pointed to the ghost general with white feather and ghost face and shouted," do you know what you're doing? You are provoking a dispute between the two countries - are you declaring war on the westerly Empire? "“ Since you think so - "general Bai Yu's voice is still cold, like someone pouring a basin of ice water on your head in the ice and snow“ Even so. "-" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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