Song Lang died in the war and the Kirin army was destroyed.

Such news is a big earthquake in top families such as the Song family.

Song's lonely expression was sad and silent for a long time. He hissed, "I hurt him. If I hadn't ordered him to go after and kill the dragon, he wouldn't have encountered an accident - I hurt song lang. "

"Grandpa, don't blame yourself. It has nothing to do with you." Song Tao quickly gave a voice to comfort“ Song Lang is a general and a soldier of the Empire. It is the duty of soldiers to kill the enemy with blood, and they may be killed by the enemy at any time. "

"That said, but --" Song loneliness sighed gently, took back the golden ball above his head, and then stood up from the soup spring“ After all, a good grandson is missing. "

"Grandpa -"

"If Li shepherd lives, the Song family dies. When Li shepherd dies, the Song family will be born. " Song lonely looked at the heavy snow in the distance and said, "this is fate."

"Grandpa, Li shepherd, is he really a dragon?"

Seeing that grandpa didn't answer, but looked at himself thoughtfully, Song Tao was frightened in a cold sweat. He quickly explained: "I'm not going to disobey grandpa and don't believe what grandpa said. It's just that Chenxi has always said that there can't be dragons in the world. Maybe it was influenced by her - but since Grandpa said there are dragons, There must be a dragon. Unexpectedly, the dragon clan disappeared for thousands of years, but appeared again in the world. It's really hateful. "

"How's the morning?"

"Dawn is good. At home, I had been clamoring to come and visit Grandpa, but I refused. "

"It's freezing. You can't let her get cold." Song solitude said earnestly.

"Yes, Grandpa. That's what I told her. She's just a little angry. "

"The child." Song lonely shook his head gently.

"Grandpa, you just said that if Li shepherd lives, the Song family will die, and if Li shepherd dies, the Song family will live - that Li shepherd, does he really have so much influence? His life or death can be related to the rise and fall of the Song family? "

"Things in the world are so magical." Song's lonely expression was dignified and said, "there is a book in my house called the back pushing # picture.". The name is insignificant, but the content is unfathomable. Choose a fulcrum freely in the long river of history, which can push up 5000 years and down 10000 years. As like as two peas, I have chosen several historical pivot points. Later, I tried to calculate the rise and fall of my song family. Unfortunately -- "

"What a pity?"

"Although I know a little about this, I still calculate that the Song family will suffer a great disaster. Live in case of fire, and die in case of water. "

"What does grandpa mean?"

"The princess of the Peacock Dynasty led the army to trample on my Xifeng land and massacre my Xifeng pillars. You always have to give an explanation." Song lonely didn't talk about the meaning of fate deduction with his grandson, but changed the topic and led the conversation to song Lang who died in the war.

"King Fu - the king has sent a note to the Peacock Dynasty, and our envoys are on their way to the Peacock Dynasty. If the Peacock Dynasty favors its daughter and doesn't give us a statement. Then don't blame our westerly army for pressing on the border. It's better not to die. " Song Tao said with hate. After all, the elite of his own song family died, and his brother of the same family was also very unhappy.

"Princess QianDu is a guest from afar. Xifeng should invite her to the capital to play the host's friendship." Song alone pondered a little and said aloud.

"Yes, Grandpa." Song Tao nodded and said, "Song Lang sent out a ghost butterfly for help before he died in the war. Now eight nearby legions have gone to rescue him. Ying QianDu led the ghost dance Legion in the territory of Xifeng. It will certainly be surrounded by my fine mirror division, and finally made dumplings. "

"Go." Song alone waved his hand and said, "take good care of the dawn."

"Yes." Song Tao took a look at his grandfather and thought that until this time, his grandfather was still remembering the physical condition of Chenxi's sister. It seems that in his heart, the favorite is song Chenxi's granddaughter.

Song Tao bowed and left in a hurry.

"The Bodhisattva bled and the country lost its pillars -" Song lonely looked up at a plum blossom blooming with pink stamens not far away and muttered, "which pillar did you lose?"

"Chenxi, Chenxi - is the life and death of the Song family really tied to you, a weak woman? Does the back pushing # picture really calculate the fate of my song family? Three thousand and one hundred years later, there was a great disaster. Can this great disaster really end the glory and prosperity of the Song family? "——

"You and I are friends and brothers - I am willing to swear by the glory of my family -"

"The devil of the abyss breaks through the wall, the lives are ruined, and the disaster in China is coming - the people and Dragons should have been one and saved China from water and fire -"

"You stupid guys, who have natural magic skills, but are as stupid as the lowest pigs, kill it - kill those evil Black Dragons -"——

"Kill it -"

"Kill it -"

"Kill it -"——

Boom - Li shepherd suddenly woke up from one nightmare after another. His face was pale, sweating, shortness of breath, and his chest beat badly. It was a long and dark life, a painful memory that made people sad, angry and desperate. The endless fighting, the endless war and the sea of blood - the oath initiated with honor, the cruelest betrayal - the body cut by ten thousand swords, the huge head cut off, and the blood stained River - are deeply engraved in Li shepherd's heart and heart. He hurts! It hurts! It hurts to the bone! Remember. I remember everything. Pile by pile, piece by piece. Clear, clear. Tens of thousands of years ago, they killed themselves once. Now, they're going to kill themselves again“ I disagree. " Li shepherd clearly heard that in his heart, there was a dark monster roaring“ I want revenge! "“ Blood debt must be paid with blood! " Li shepherd opened his eyes and blood mist filled his pupils. No black pupil can be seen, and the pupil is completely covered by blood“ Shepherd Li, you wake up - "QianDu lifts the curtain and comes in“ Ah - "QianDu looked at Li shepherd's face and exclaimed. Click - the porcelain bowl in your hand also fell to the ground and broke into pieces. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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