Peacock Dynasty. Scorching sun hall.

The peacock king wore a purple robe inlaid with a fire peacock and sat upright on the Dragon chair like a huge thorn bush.

In the hall, Xiong Feihu, the envoy of the Xifeng Empire, was making an angry and impassioned statement: "for thousands of years, Xifeng and the Peacock Dynasty have been friends and neighbors, living in harmony, and rare swords. Xifeng respects the tradition of the Peacock Dynasty and admires the long history and profound culture of the Peacock Dynasty. There is more trade on the border between the two countries, and there are more exchanges between the businessmen and people of the two countries. "

"The west wind regards the Peacock Dynasty as a friend, but the Peacock Dynasty regards me as an enemy. This time, Princess QianDu of the Peacock Dynasty led thousands of elite ghost dance legions to invade the territory of our Xifeng Empire without authorization, slaughtering thousands of elite of our Xifeng Empire, resulting in the destruction of the whole army of the imperial lion Qilin army in hundred battles, and the commander song Lang was also killed by Princess QianDu himself - such a vicious act, the gods are angry. Don't the peacock king give me an account of the Xifeng Empire? "

"Do you have any evidence?" The peacock king, who was thin and looked like a scholar, asked aloud.

"Is the peacock king going to deny what everyone knows?" Xiong Feihu felt humiliated and said angrily.

Who does "everyone know" mean? Bring them before the king and let me see. "

"Peacock king, this is difficult for people -"

"Look, you came all the way to attack my daughter and said that the king's daughter killed someone. I'm not angry yet. What can you be angry about? Don't get excited, don't get excited. Everyone has something to say - what did you say just now? "


"It's all right?" The peacock king waited for a while. Before the envoy Xifeng said anything, he yawned and said, "let's go if it's all right. I'm tired. I'm going to have a rest. "

"The peacock king wants a witness, so I'll bring you a witness." Xiong Feihu said loudly, "I want to see. There are human and material evidence. How long will the peacock king have to argue?"

Xiong Feihu arched his hand at the height and said, "the peacock king dares to let my people bring up the witness?"

"Is there really a witness?" The peacock king asked in surprise with his slender eyebrows.

"What? The peacock king is afraid of being exposed to his face? Afraid of being told the truth in public? "

"Since there is a witness, the king will see it for the time being." The peacock king said aloud.

Xiong Feihu turned around and said to his confidants, "go and bring people in yourself."

"Yes. My Lord. " The boy took orders and left.

Soon, the boy ran in with a sad face and shouted, "my Lord, my lord --"

"What's the matter?" Xiong Feihu turned around and asked aloud. Seeing the young man's face, I had a bad feeling in my heart.

"My Lord, they --"

"Have something to say. What the hell happened? "

"Our witness card was good, but we walked - suddenly fell to the ground and died." The young man said with a frown on his face“ It must have been the people of the Peacock Dynasty. Otherwise, he couldn't have died like that

"Bloody mouth. How could our Peacock Dynasty do such a despicable thing? "

"Lord Xiong, in front of your highness, you should pay attention to your discretion - we are also surprised that your people are dead. Maybe you're too anxious and tired? Isn't it? "

"What about the evidence? You accuse us of the Peacock Dynasty. Where is the evidence? "——

"You?" Xiong Feihu pointed to the ministers of the Peacock Dynasty in the hall. Their faces were purple and their bodies trembled“ You -- "

"Lord Xiong, you should pay attention to evidence." The peacock king changed his direction, and a lazy voice came from a high place and said, "if the king says you attack the king's daughter for no reason, and accuse the king's ministers of misconduct, there is evidence. Because it all happened under the king's eyes. However, Lord Xiong, where is the evidence for your slandering the king's daughter for cross-border murder? "

"The thousands of dead Kirin soldiers are the evidence."

"Where are the officials of the Ministry of household? Count the death toll of the Peacock Dynasty this year, and then go to the Xifeng Empire to ask them for a statement to kill our innocent people. Gods and ghosts are angry - "

"You --"

"Look, you don't want to do this, do you? Lord Xiong, can you feel the king's grievances now? "

"What Princess QianDu has done is like declaring war on my Xifeng. My Xifeng monarch asked his ministers to ask the peacock king if the Peacock Dynasty has the same attitude as Princess QianDu and wants to enter a state of war with my Xifeng Empire?"

"What a headache." The peacock king rubbed his head in some trouble and asked aloud, "Lord bear, why don't you understand after the king talked for a long time? You said the little girl crossed your westerly border. I want to ask, where did she cross? Are all your soldiers on the westerly border paper paste? If others want to get in, they can get out? And it's a legion of thousands of people. It's impossible to hide it from your eyes? "


"You said that she killed countless people in the territory of Xifeng, and even wiped out the entire Kirin army - if so, no one in Xifeng Empire? How can I let you be so reckless but powerless? "

"The peacock king means that our Xifeng empire can use any means against Princess QianDu, regardless of death or injury?"

"Of course." The peacock king said seriously“ However, the little girl has a slight knock, and the king is going to raise soldiers to get justice for her. Lord Xiong, the king is such a daughter and regards it as life. I'm a little unreasonable about her affairs - you have to bear a lot. You also have daughters, don't you? "


It's cold in the north, like countless steel knives cutting people's faces and bodies.

Lu Buyong led his generals to stand on the tower, a picture of negotiating with his generals whether to surrender to the Peacock Dynasty.

A strong wind blew, and the armor of the soldiers on the tower hit and clicked. The yellow sand covered the sky, and everyone became a dusty native.

Thousands of horses stand outside the city gate and on the wasteland. It was cold and snowy. Behind him was the ghost dance corps of the Royal Guard of the Peacock Dynasty.

The wild wind blew, thousands of ghost dance legions were lifted up, and the colored feathers on their heads were stirring. Like a beautiful flag.

Chidu is waiting for the final decision to land, at least on the surface.

"General, it is said that Princess QianDu of the Peacock Dynasty is famous. Does she really believe that I will surrender to her later?" Above the city wall, a counselor whispered a reminder“

"Naturally, she didn't believe I would surrender to her, and she didn't mean to come to surrender. How can you lead thousands of the most elite people of the Peacock Dynasty to recruit others? "

"So what did she come for? Doesn't she know that she will soon be besieged by the four-way army and the situation is critical? "

"The surrender is false, and it is true to attract our attention." Lu Bu used the corners of his mouth with a touch of sarcastic coldness“ We didn't see shepherd Li around the little princess. If I expected it right, he should be trying to enter my city master's house to save his parents and family? "

"City Lord, since we know they will do this Yin move, why don't we take precautions early and spend time with her here?"

"They're acting. Why aren't we acting? The little princess led the ghost dance corps to surrender in order to nail me and my generals on the wall, so as to give Li shepherd a chance to take action. However, we stand on the city tower to keep the little princess of the Peacock Dynasty. When the other three armies arrive, we will beat the drums to catch them all - if we can capture the little princess of the Peacock Dynasty alive and wipe out the ghost dance Corps. This is a great credit. Lu wants to congratulate you in advance. You're just around the corner. "

"But, general, what shall we do in the city master's residence if we do this?" A general asked somewhat uneasily“ If Li shepherd really broke in and rescued his parents and family, wouldn't he care about one thing and lose the other? Although Li Shepherd is not as delicate as the princess of the Peacock Dynasty, he is an evil dragon family - he escaped this time and wants to catch him again in the future. I'm afraid it's as difficult as heaven? Moreover, the dragon people are narrow-minded and will repay their anger. Let the Dragon go to heaven. I'm afraid he will retaliate and hurt him in the future. "

"Rest assured. You can play the play here with me and leave the little princess of the Peacock Dynasty. " Lu bui said strangely with a smile“ As for the city Lord's residence, there are experts to guard it. If Li shepherd doesn't come, as long as he appears in our city master's house, he will make the divine object feel. At that time, the dragon will be difficult to fly. "

"The general means that another expert is in charge of the house?"

"In terms of wisdom, how can these little dolls be compared with the old fairy of the Song family?"

The people were surprised.

"It turned out that the old immortal had expected that there would be today, so he ambushed people in the city master's residence in advance -"

"The old fairy is as wise as the sea and has no plans. There is nothing in the world that can hide from him -"

"There are old immortals to handle the situation and strong stars to sit in the city master's residence, so we don't have to worry about it -"——

At this time, the sound of horns and iron hoofs in the distance.

The earth trembled under the trample of the iron cavalry. Centered on the wind city, there was a large army on the east line, the west line and the north line. The five thousand ghost dance legions at the gate of the wind city were constantly drained by the surrounding water.

"General, the three armies of Tianhai city on the East Road, Baidi city on the West Road and langxuguan on the north road have arrived, forming a potential of flanking attack with us, and the ghost dance Corps is already in the urn."

"This is the time." Lu Buyong had an excited smile on his face and shouted, "ring the drum and let Lu Tiesheng lead his 30000 troops to attack immediately."


The young general responded, ran over, grabbed the drum hammer in the drummer's hand, shook off his arm and knocked hard. The Fengcheng gate was wide open. Lu Tiesheng, Lu Buyong's direct general, rushed out of the gate first. Behind him were 30000 Fengcheng cavalry fighting and wielding knives“ Kill. " The land railway roared“ Kill. " Thirty thousand people responded in unison. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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