Living, these two words transcend all the norms and codes in the world.

Lu Lin felt Li shepherd's hesitation.

He knew that what he said was exactly what he was worried about.

He was chased and killed by countless strong men and escaped wounded. Now that the injury has not been cured, he went to their windy city to save his parents and family - just to let his parents and family live and live well?

If he dies, his parents and family will all die with him. Even Li shepherd could not escape the attack of those people and needed to be buried with himself.

If Li Shepherd is not a fool, he should know how to make a choice.

"Li shepherd, you are a smart man. You have hidden well before. You know what kind of choice to make - I don't want to die, and you don't want to see your family die. is it? Put me down. I'll take you to your parents, family, General Xu Da and others who escorted them. I can leave it to you to deal with -- "

"My father only has a son like me. In order to protect my life, he must be willing to accept any request from you - just ask him what you need - Li shepherd, we have a deal -"

"Li shepherd, that's all for today. I'll talk about it later - Li Shepherd -"——

Lu linyue said that the more nervous he was, the more nervous he was, the more he wanted to convince Li shepherd.

Originally, he thought he would make a reasonable move to benefit. Li shepherd would promise himself that no one would die.

However, he found that Li shepherd's face did not loosen at all, but had that kind of increasingly strong irony.

And his eyes - his eyes like wild animals are awe inspiring and bloody. There is no compromise and obedience, and there is no meaning to let life go.

"He's going to kill himself." Lu Lin thought in his heart. His body was tight and his heart pounded.

"Are you making a deal with me?" Li shepherd hissed. The voice was cold and heartless, with a sense of irony.

"Yes. I think - this is a win-win situation. " Lu Lin finally let go of the pride of his young master of Fengcheng, the arrogance that everything is under my control. If you don't promise, you'll have to die, and the integrity and self-esteem that a human should have“ Li shepherd, in your eyes, I'm just an ordinary human, no, just a tiny mole ant - I can't do any harm to you. The first time we met, I knew from the way you looked at me that you didn't pay attention to me at all -- "

"Li shepherd, your opponent is my father, the practitioners and senior generals around my father - they decided to betray the Lu family after consultation, they surrendered to the Song family and the royal family for their own interests, and they imprisoned your parents and family - these things have nothing to do with me, and I haven't done anything -"

"If you take me to make a deal with Lu Buyong, he will be very painful and tangled - but in the end, he has to promise all the conditions you put forward - isn't that what you want? Li shepherd, you see, I'm really good for nothing. Why let the blood of people like me stain your body? "

"I'll make a deal with you, too." Li shepherd's voice is cold and has no human touch.

"What deal?" Lu Lin was ecstatic. He thought things had finally turned for the better, and Li shepherd was finally willing to compromise with reality.

"Shall I break your neck or cut off your legs?"

"Li Shepherd -" Lu Lin was shocked. He didn't expect that the "deal" mentioned by Li shepherd was to make him make such a difficult choice. In other words, he had been sensational for a long time just now, and he didn't listen to any word of any sentence at all.

If you choke your neck, you're dying. If you cut off two legs, life is better than death.

"Li shepherd, don't --"

"If you don't choose, I'll choose it for you." Li Shepherd said aloud.

"Miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss miss. bawler. As the son of the Windy City Lord, Lu's huge branch, when did he receive such a threat in his life? When did you encounter such hardships“ Miss miss, save me -- for the sake of my hospitality to you these days and for the sake of not killing you, say a word for me -- miss miss miss -- "

Lu Lin cried bitterly and constantly begged to miss li.

"Do you think you can summon others by shouting like this?" Li shepherd sneered“ I've put a sound barrier in this room. No one can hear you yelling -- "

Li missing has quickly put on his clothes, tied the cloth belt around his waist, looked fiercely at Lu Lin with infinite hatred, and said: "Lu Lin, I really appreciate you these days, because you didn't kill me directly and all my parents and family like the bad guys I know - because I know that there is hope when I live. It's possible - it's possible that our family can get together and live happily together. This is also the driving force for me to persevere these days. "

"However, the situation suddenly changed. The Lu family collapsed and grandpa Lu died in the war. You said my brother was a dragon, and then you chased and killed him endlessly - I know you kept us to lure my brother over. You set up a snare here, killed my brother, and then killed all of us --"

"I begged you countless times to kill me - but you had a fantasy that I would compromise to the cruel reality, or obey your power - Lulin, I only have hatred for you and your family."

"If your father and son hadn't stabbed you in the back, how could things have been so rotten? If it weren't for you - you did such a thing, how could the Lu family collapse? How did grandpa Lu die in battle? And aunt Gongsun and Tianyu - how could they be unaccounted for? "

Miss Li sobbed and burst into tears.

She has been in Tiandu city for a long time and has deep feelings with the Lu family. In particular, Gongsun Yu took great care of her and regarded her as his own daughter. Lu Tianyu also wanted to tease her at the beginning. It was a young heart after all. When he was saved once by Li missing, he obeyed Li missing.

I thought that the little fat man ran to give himself fresh melons and fruits every day, but now he was chased and killed on the way to escape——

Li's missing is like a knife in his heart.

How did the two good families become so fragmented?

Li's missing heart was filled with hatred for all the people and things that took away her quiet and peaceful life.

"If my brother hadn't arrived in time, I would have been insulted by you. In that case, my life is worse than death - Lu Lin, you still have the face to let me speak for you? And have the face to say, "treat me warmly?"

Miss miss miss miss miss li, save my life. I'll be a cow and a horse in return - "Lu Lin wailed sadly.

"Whether to pinch your neck or cut off your legs - have you considered it?"

"Li Shepherd -"

"That's the choice to pinch your neck." Li shepherd took Lu Lin's neck and began to exert himself.

"Legs. I choose my legs - "Lu Lin shouted hurriedly while he was still able to speak.

If you break your neck, you're dead.

His legs were cut off. Although life is worse than death, he is still alive after all——

Li shepherd thought for a moment and said aloud, "I don't think you chose well."

As he spoke, he threw Lu Lin's body into the air.

Then, one hand grasps the hand, the other hand grasps the foot, and tears hard on both sides.


Blood surged and flesh splashed.

Lu Lin's body was torn in two and fell to the ground.

His face, hands and clothes were all covered with blood.

"Brother -" Li longed for the place, and looked at Li shepherd with a frightened face.

Li shepherd grinned at her and said, "when I saw him do that kind of thing to you, I had planned to do it --"

"Brother -" Miss Li burst into tears and rushed over and hugged Li shepherd's body“ Brother -- "

"I really hesitated to save my father and mother, but I finally decided to do so - because if the bad guys go unpunished, the good guys - the good guys will live really badly."

"Mm-hmm -" Li longed, nodded desperately and shed tears desperately.

"Don't cry, don't cry -" Li shepherd felt that his clothes were soaked with tears, which made him feel burning more than Lu Lin's blood splashed on him“ Don't cry, you know, from childhood to childhood, I'm most afraid of you crying -- "

"I don't cry." Li's missing face was buried in Li shepherd's arms, and his head shook hard“ I don't cry. We went to save my father and mother -- they didn't know where they were locked up, they weren't locked up with me -- "

"Don't worry." Li shepherd gently patted Li Miss's shoulder and said in a deep voice, "as long as they are still alive, I will save them."

"Unless I die."

Li shepherd held this sentence in his heart and couldn't say it.

His physical condition makes it difficult to be optimistic.

In the stone chamber, there is a small sarcophagus.

On the stone coffin board, there is an instrument made of unknown ore in the shape of a wine bottle.

The appearance of the instrument has various runes and figures such as mountains, turtles, birds and animals. Eight huge lions were attached to the instrument, and each lion had a silver pearl in its mouth.

Facing the lion's mouth, eight toads squatted on the ground, all with their heads raised and mouths open, ready to accept the silver beads.


A crisp sound came, and the silver beads in the mouth of the lion in the southeast fell down after fierce shaking.


The toad crouching on the ground jumped up, opened his mouth and swallowed the silver bead.


The Golden Toad burped and squatted in place again with satisfaction“ It's a pleasure to have a dragon come from afar. " A bearded elder who was closing his eyes to recuperate opened his eyes, stared at the place where the silver beads fell, twisted his beard and smiled. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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