The head rolled and blood splashed.

The cut off heads piled up on the stone slab, and the hot blood spread everywhere, and then soaked the shoes and dyed them red.

This is a massacre.

A real massacre.

A knife down, the head fell to the ground, simple and rough.

"Chen Jie, the Assistant General of the divine leopard army, conspired with Lu Buyong to betray the country and should be beheaded."


"Li Xinning, general Shi Yijun, together with Lu Buyong, conspired against the country and should be beheaded."


Lu Kun's voice trembled and his face was purple.

He desperately wanted to keep his balance, trying not to look at the head falling on the ground behind him, and trying not to look at the sticky and wet vamp under his feet.

However, the strong smell of blood still came to my nostrils, which made people almost want to vomit.

"Zhangjiabao, divine leopard army ------"

Lu Kun saw that Zhang Jiabao's pupils were lax, his body collapsed on the ground, his excrement and urine leaked all over the ground, his face changed greatly, and quickly turned and fell down towards the arrow tower of the city wall.

"Vomit" -- "

A large amount of vomit was sprayed out by him, and the food residue in his stomach that had not been digested in time flew out. It was patted back by the cold wind and hit him in the face.

Lu Kun's face was turned white by the soup he vomited out. The nearby guard rushed to wipe it for him with a gray towel.

Lu Kun grabbed the gray towel from the guard's hand and wiped his face again and again. He inadvertently saw the ground staring at his head. Once again, his stomach twitched and his five internal organs rolled. He also had a strong impulse to vomit.

Lu Kun turned and looked at Li shepherd. His face was pale and asked, "master, do you want to kill?"

Although these people deserve to die, they were once their own robes and brothers in life and death on their own battlefield.

Now, they are cutting off their heads with their own knives-------

He didn't know how many names he read. He didn't know how many heads they had cut off.

He didn't want to know and didn't dare to think about it.

Just, will he continue to do such things?

"Spare your life, we know it's wrong, we know it's wrong ------"

"I'm old and young. I betrayed the old general for my children. Let me live. I'm willing to be an ox and a horse for you --"

"Young shepherd, young shepherd ------ don't kill me, don't kill me, I'm willing to make amends for my sins -----"


One after another, there was a lot of noise.

Li shepherd glanced at the war criminals who were crying and regretting or desperately shouting their grievances. The corners of his mouth gently spit out two words: "kill."

Lu Kun looked at Li shepherd without any emotional expression and said, "yes."

Then he continued to walk towards the front with the silk silk full of small words. It's like the ghost Lord who is harvesting at the point of Mao.

"Shepherd" -- "Gongsun Yu couldn't bear to see the piled heads on the ground. He whispered," why don't you -- leave them a way to live? It's good to make an example of others. I'm sure others don't dare to have two hearts again. "

Li shepherd shook his head, looked at his mother Gongsun Yu and said, "mother, if you give others a way to live, it's unfair to those who have their heads cut off ----- they make the same mistake. Why should someone live and someone die?"


Li shepherd patted Gongsun Yu on the back of his hand, smiled and said, "Mom, it's okay."

"All right." Gongsun Yu sighed softly and said, "you are now the head of the family. No matter what decision you make, your mother will support you."

"Thank you, mother."

Lin Canghai was also frightened by Li shepherd's iron and blood means. A long row of prisoners knelt on the tall Fengcheng tower.

Some people screamed desperately, and more people were cut off. They looked miserable and lay down in a pool of blood.

Lin Canghai hesitated and wanted to say something.

Thousands of degrees looked back at him. Lin Canghai immediately remained silent and shifted his sight to another place.

He knew that sister Wang didn't approve of standing up at this time.

Gongshuyuan stared, and his sight moved forward with Lu Kun's footsteps. The rest of the public losers bowed their heads and didn't speak, as if they didn't want to see such a killing scene.

The roll call continues, and the beheading continues.

It was gloomy and snowy.

Li shepherd, dressed in white, stood on the city tower, among the crowd, with a shallow and charming smile on his face.

This massacre did not dispel his hatred, but only to pay tribute to his grandfather Lu XingKong, who died in the lonely hand of Song Dynasty-------

"If he knew under the spring, he would not support himself to do such a cruel thing?"“ However, if you don't do anything, if you easily say forgiveness - the death of those innocent people, who will atone for them? " Every evil must be borne by someone, either me or you. The roll call stopped and the sound of beheading disappeared. No one spoke, no one shouted, no one cried and howled - --- even breathing stopped, and even the wind became mild. Lu Kun was sweating like he had just been dragged up from cold water. His face was pale and his eyes were red. He walked towards Li shepherd. He stumbled, and then fell to his knees in front of Li shepherd“ Tell the master that there are 307 traitors, all of whom are beheaded. " Li shepherd looked down at Lu Kun. Although Lu Kun was nervous, he still looked up firmly and looked at Li shepherd's eyes. He dare not avoid, nor can he avoid. He is not guilty at all. At least, he should give Li shepherd such a feeling and everyone present such a feeling“ General Lu, you did a good job. " Li shepherd raised his mouth and helped Lu Kun up from the ground“ Thank you. " Lu Kun said firmly in his voice. Li shepherd patted him on the shoulder and said, "come and send general Lu Kun down to rest."“ Yes. " Two guards rushed over and helped Lu Kun down the tower. Lu Kun saw a long row of cut off heads and bodies on the tower. His stomach twitched and he vomited again“ Treachery is punishable by everyone. " Li Shepherd said in a deep voice, "hang these heads on the wall of the wind city to punish the people."“ Li Shepherd - "Lin Canghai couldn't help it anymore and said aloud," do you know what you're doing? You don't really want to be a dragon, do you? "“ "The sea" -- "thousand degrees snapped. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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