"Your Highness is going to Kunlun?" Luo Qi asked in surprise.

Because of her birth, Luo Qi always couldn't regard herself as a member of a rich and powerful family.

Even though Gongsun Yu has always been commensurate with her sister, she still habitually calls Gongsun Yu "Miss" and Lu Qingming "Uncle" or "master".

Who let her be Gongsun Yu's dowry maid before?

Therefore, she always called thousand degrees as "Princess Highness", which is too solemn, and let the two sides have a distance gap.

Gongsun Yu was much more calm when he faced QianDu. He called him "QianDu" and treated him completely as a good friend of his younger son. In this way, QianDu has a strong sense of intimacy and belonging to her, Li shepherd's mother.

Many times, a person's birth determines a person's vision and pattern.

It's not that Luo Qi loves Li shepherd less than Gongsun Yu. On the contrary, she has been selfless to Li shepherd for more than ten years----------

However, in front of Gongsun Yu, she was the guilty party.

This is also the reason why she and Li Yan were worried that the Lu family would go back to find Li shepherd. They are afraid of losing their son.

But unexpectedly, it is also lost, but separated in such a tragic way.

"Yes." One hand was held by Gongsun Yu, and the other hand took the initiative to hold Luo Qi's hand, smiled and said, "Luo Qi, I'm here to say goodbye to you and aunt Gongsun. After I come to see you, I will go to Kunlun market to find Li shepherd. "

Gongsun Yu smiled happily, looked at QianDu and said, "are you sure? The young man who appeared in guanjinzhou is Li shepherd? "

Chidu nodded and said, "the people of the kingdom of Dawu rushed to the capital of Xifeng in order to find Yan Xiangma to plead guilty. However, Yan Xiangma has been in Tiandu city for a long time and has never left for more than half a step. Moreover, based on my understanding of Li shepherd, he must have done it. "

"Also, I got another piece of news today. Nangong Yanqing, the law enforcement elder of Changbai sword sect, met the mysterious young man in Kunlun market. He also affirmed that he was Xifeng Yanxiang horse ----- moreover, the mysterious young man also killed Zhong Wuyan, the nephew of Changbai sect, and more than ten Changbai swordsmen, Only Nangong Yanqing escaped from his hot hand and returned to Changbai ------ it is said that the leader of Changbai was so angry that he sent crazy shark elder and a group of Changbai elite to Kunlun and ordered them to bring the mysterious boy back to Changbai anyway, to see people alive and dead ------ "

Gongsun Yu frowned, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and said, "in this way, if the mysterious boy is a shepherd, his situation is worrying."

"Yes. After the mysterious young man killed Wu crack and Zhong Wuyan, which made the great Wu Zhou and Changbai sword sect angry, experts from the nine kingdoms of China also speculated about his true identity. Many people have set out towards Kunlun ruins to witness whether the mysterious young man is "Li shepherd"

Gongsun Yu clenched QianDu's hand, looked into her eyes and said, "QianDu, now you are the only one who can save him. Please be sure to bring him back - wherever you take him, just let him live. "

Luo Qi also felt Gongsun Yu's sad mood and said with red eyes: "yes, as long as we live, it doesn't matter whether we see ---------- it doesn't matter. Tell him never to come back to us. You tell the shepherd that we live well. "

"I will." QianDu nodded solemnly and said aloud, "I've come to Fengcheng to see you this time. I also want to see what you two want to bring to Li shepherd ----------- I think even if he can escape Kunlun safely this time, he can't get to Fengcheng to meet you for a while. Otherwise, it will only recruit all the strong in the world to the wind city. At that time, it brought disaster to Fengcheng. With Li shepherd's heart, I don't think he will do such a thing. "

"I understand. I understand. " Gongsun Yu nodded, looked at QianDu and said, "can you give us some time? We want to write a letter ----------- if you see shepherd, give him the cover."

"Yes, yes, yes. We wrote a letter to the shepherd. "

"Don't worry." QianDu said with a smile: "I also have this intention. Aunt Gongsun and aunt Luo, go write a letter. I'm thirsty on my way. I just sit down and have a cup of tea to moisten my throat. "

"Jing'er, make tea." Gongsun Yu shouted.

The pretty maid came out quickly and invited QianDu to come in for tea.

Gongsun Yu and Luo Qi let go of QianDu's hand and hurried to their respective rooms.

Li Yan had been standing in the corner watching the three women talk. After Gongsun Yu and Luo Qi entered the room to write a letter, he bowed deeply to QianDu, and QianDu quickly bowed back.

Before drinking a thousand degrees of tea, Gongsun Yu and Luo Qi came out with a letter with wet ink.

They solemnly handed the letter to QianDu, just like entrusting their worries and thoughts.

QianDu collected the two letters, bowed to Gongsun Yu and Luo Qi and said, "aunt Gongsun, Luo Qi, QianDu said goodbye. When they come out of Kunlun ruins, they will come to visit them as soon as possible. "

Gongsun Yu and Luo Qi took QianDu's hand and kept telling her to pay attention to safety.

Chidu stood in the middle of the yard and waved. The colored bird peacock flew in and bent down to wait for Chidu to ride up.

With a gentle leap, QianDu stepped on the peacock's back.

The peacock screamed and its huge body rose to the sky.

When the peacock rode by QianDu rushed into the air, countless peacocks swooped down from the distant sky. They surrounded QianDu in the middle, and then flew farther away. It is like a peacock army.

The whole Fengcheng was shocked by this scene. Both the people and the garrison looked up.

"See? That's the thousand degree Princess of the Peacock Dynasty "--"

"Princess QianDu has an old relationship with our windy city and has a deep relationship with the city master ------"

"Princess QianDu is so beautiful. If anyone can marry her, it will be a blessing of 800 lives" -- "


Gongsun Yu looked up at the sky and said, "QianDu is worried that he has gone to Kunlun ruins. There is no guard in the wind city, and people's hearts change. So before you leave, use force to deter, so that no one will have any bad thoughts during this period of time. Magnanimous, calm and meticulous. How could there be such a clever girl in the world? "

The wind city changed its master. Finally, the demon army of the Heiyan Empire, the wind City Army loyal to Lu and 20000 machetes and iron cavalry of the Peacock Dynasty stationed together. The Xifeng royal family didn't know whether it was because of the unstable domestic situation or other considerations. They didn't come to attack the city at the first time.

Of course, the Xifeng Empire also sent envoys to the peacock king and the black fire king to ask them to return the wind city.

It is said that the two unlucky officials were thrown out.

Lu Qingming is Lu's eldest son, and Fengcheng is where Lu's ancestral house is located. Therefore, Lu Qingming and Gong SunYu decided to stick to the wind city.

If Lu Qingming and Gongsun Yu don't go, neither will Li Yan and Luo Qi. Finally, they all refused QianDu's invitation to go to the capital of the Peacock Dynasty and chose to stay in Fengcheng and wait for their return when Li shepherd and Li Miss Lu.

However, Gongsun Yu and Luo Qi are two women. Lu Tianyu is too young and Lu Qingming is injured. No one of the Lu family can stand the power of the city.

Therefore, QianDu should worry about this, and it is extremely necessary to use this means of deterrence.

Luo Qi nodded seriously and said, "if the shepherd can marry her, it's really the blessing of the shepherd."

"Who said no?"



Kunlun ruins, ice and snow, everything is covered with ice and snow.

There are no trees, only rocks.

There is only one way for ordinary people to enter the mountain.

It is even more difficult for those with profound cultivation to find the holy palace or the dragon in such a bad environment.

This is the fifth day that the Dragon slaughtering team has been in the Kunlun market. A few days ago, everyone was very interested. They thought that the mountains were steep and the ice and snow were beautiful. All they saw were wonders.

Five days later, everyone was not even interested in talking.

In the cave, several people nibbled on the freshly baked snow rabbit.

Wen weak looked at the large piece of rabbit meat in his hand in a daze, sighed gently and said, "is there really a divine palace in the Kunlun ruins?"

"Yes." Qin Han chewed the rabbit meat and said, "we have visited all the Kunlun ruins these days. Where can we see the shadow of the divine palace? It's just that the holy palace can't be found, and the dragon is missing - has he really arrived at the Kunlun ruins? If you arrive at the Kunlun ruins, you will always leave some clues. "

"It's strange to say." Tu Xin sat in the corner drinking muggy wine. The gourd wine was brought from guanjinzhou. I was reluctant to drink more. I took two sips every day“ The conch in the sky is only abnormal a few days ago, and there is no response these days - can it be said that the dragon has not arrived in Kunlun? Our guess is wrong? "

Wu Shanji chuckled and said, "where do you look like slaughtering dragons? If the holy palace and the dragon were so easy to find, where would they still look mysterious? Have you been found long ago? Mr. Xiang Ma, do you think so? "

Li shepherd swallowed a mouthful of rabbit meat in his mouth, smiled and said, "senior brother Wu is right. The dragon clan is cunning and certainly will not show its shape easily. The temple is even more ethereal. There are thousands of seekers. Who has really found it? When we come here, we should also be prepared to return empty handed. "


There was a strange noise outside.

Wu Shanji listened attentively. He was overjoyed and said, "stepping on iron shoes, there is no place to find. It takes no effort. The snow lion took the initiative to send it to the door -- "before the voice fell, he rushed out first. This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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