"Eldest martial brother" -- "Wen weak still needs to defend his friend" Yan Xiangma ".

"Weak and weak, I know he saved you, so you always have a good impression of him in your heart ------ but in the face of major right and wrong, I hope you can wake up and don't be bewitched by the Dragon ------" Wu Shanji's eyes were cold and interrupted Wen's words“ Moreover, even if he is a real Yan Xiangma, with the style of doing things that he kills every time he does it ------ what kind of good man is he? "

"Besides, are you willing to fight against the whole Changbai sword sect for this reason? Although we came from XingKong college, we came to Kunlun market to kill dragons. I'm afraid the dragon has not been slaughtered at that time, but it has been slaughtered by the world because it has something to do with the Dragon - ---- "

"Eldest martial brother, I think we should let Mr. Xiang Ma explain it himself --"

Wu Shanji sneered and said, "let him explain himself? Of course he won't admit it. "

"Even if Mr. Xiang Ma doesn't want to admit it, compared with those swordsmen of Changbai sword sect, I prefer to believe in Mr. Xiang Ma's character ----- do you think they have done less disgusting things these times? Also, how did the three Changbai swordsmen I begged you to let go treat us? Not only did they not keep our kindness in mind, but they led a large number of Changbai swordsmen to Kunlun market to find us and want to kill us all - - how credible are the words of such villains who bite the hand that feeds them? "

"Yes, elder martial brother. Let's solve the crisis at this time and talk to brother Xiangma later. "

"Crisis?" Wu Shanji sneered. Now it is the bloody massacre of the unknown black robed boy against the Changbai swordsman. Where can it be called a crisis?

The crazy shark elder was cut in half by him. Where are the other Changbai swordsmen still his opponents?

In the gap between their words, the bodies of several Changbai swordsmen were cut in half by him and fell to the ground. His body moved in the air. Every time he appeared and waved his sword, one, two or more people were cut off by him--------

It is only a matter of time before these dozens of Changbai swordsmen are wiped out.

Wu Shanji couldn't understand why this young man hated Changbai sword sect so much when he was young? Why does it seem to have a strong hatred with the Changbai sword sect.

"Although the Changbai swordsman's character is unbearable, treacherous and evil, they say that the Yan Xiangma is the disguise of Li shepherd ------ that is, the evil dragon should be true." Wu Shanji pondered in his heart“ Only in this way can we explain the origin of the black robed boy's hatred for these Changbai sword sect - he hates not only Changbai sword sect, but also the whole Chinese people. Such an alien must not be associated with it. "

Wu Shanji knew that wenweak was deeply "poisoned" by the black robed boy. Now it's useless to say more. He can only be more wary of the Yan Xiangma afterwards, so as not to let his martial brothers and sisters fall into the trap set by the evil dragon.

If you are a little careless, you will end up in a situation where everyone of the Dragon accomplices yells to fight.

This is something Wu Shan Ji would never like to see.

"The wicked have their own mill." Tu Xin looked excitedly at the scene where Li shepherd killed Changbai swordsmen, and said excitedly, "those Changbai swordsmen are really too much. Someone can stand up and give them this thunderbolt. It's right for us. Otherwise, Changbai sect doesn't know that there are days outside the sky and people outside the people -- "

Tu Xin likes reading best. He also has the book of hundred battles in hand, which is equivalent to half reading. This is the way that many childe brothers with family origins like to take. Their own talent is good, and the help given by the family makes them go faster and farther on the road of cultivation than others.

Of course, it is precisely because the family has too much thrust and its foundation is not solid enough that this kind of people can hardly become the top star power in China.

Tu Xin seems to be a gentle nerd, but he has the wildest heart and is the most cruel when he makes a move. In sharp contrast to his image.

Wu Shanji sighed gently. I don't know when the three younger martial brothers and sisters around him all stood on the dragon.



The only few Changbai swordsmen gasped violently.

Their image of always standing high above the others became embarrassed, and their white robes had long been dyed red by blood.

It was splashing the blood of their companions. If the sword had been cut on themselves, they would have been killed long ago--------

Their pupils were red with blood, and their eyes stared at the floating Li shepherd, just like the approaching God of death.

"You are the dragon, you are the Dragon ------ I can feel that you hate us ------" a swordsman, holding a long sword, hissed“ You want to kill all our Terrans. "

The famous sword envoy yelled at the weak four of Wu Shan Ji Tu Xin and Qin Hanwen who were standing by to watch the war: "if you are not my race, your heart must be different. He is a dragon. You should know that he is a dragon. Do you really want to help him kill his compatriots? "

Wu Shanji's eyes twinkled and looked at Li shepherd, whose body was flying in the air, hesitated.

He didn't know what kind of attitude the black robed boy would treat him.

But he knew how the black robed boy would treat the Changbai sword sect. He could see from his expression that it was an immortal attitude.

Why should he provoke this pervert who is likely to be the dragon for the sake of Changbai sword sect?

Qin Han said with a buzzing voice: "last time, Mr. Xiang Ma wanted to kill your people, but he was blocked by me and weak ------ they turned around and ran to recruit more Changbai swordsmen to kill us ------ who dares to plead with you Changbai sword sect after the last thing?"

Tu Xin sneered and said, "help the tyrants? It's a wonderful word. However, I would like to know who is Zhou? Are you Changbai sword sect the biggest villain in the world? "

"You people from XingKong college dare to use this cruel means against our Changbai sword sect. Aren't you afraid of our 100000 swordsmen in Changbai?"

Li shepherd shook his head and said aloud, "I'm really not afraid of this."

"Don't kill me, please don't kill me" -- "a Changbai swordsman threw his long sword onto the snow, fell to his knees with a plop, looked up at Li shepherd's face and cried," please don't kill me, I'm willing to make cattle and horses for you, please don't kill me "--"

"Again?" Li shepherd couldn't help but be happy“ Your Changbai sword sect is really interesting. Every time they come out, they are aggressive and want to break people into pieces. When they find it difficult to do this and their lives are about to be threatened, they shout "be an ox and a horse" -- "

Li shepherd glanced around and found that the three Changbai swordsmen who were released last time had been killed by himself. Not without regret, he said, "I don't know how many long white cattle and horses there are even the first three who want to make cattle and horses for me ----"

"What are you doing begging for mercy with him? He is a dragon, he and our Terran are mortal -- "the famous swordsman kicked the Changbai swordsman who knelt down and begged for mercy to the ground, and shouted angrily," get up. Get up and fight. Before the sword is broken and the man is dead, we will fight the dragon to the end -------- get up and don't lose the prestige of our Changbai Mountain. "

"I won't fight, I won't fight, we can't fight him" -- "the swordsman fell on the ground and refused to get up.


A white light flashed.

As soon as the long sword in his hand was raised, a head was picked up by him into the air.

He cut off the head of a white swordsman with his sword.

The other three remaining swordsmen look at me and I look at you. They have been together for many years, let them know each other's thoughts, and suddenly made a tacit decision.

They turned and fled, dispersed and fled in three different directions.

"Again?" Li shepherd shook his head gently.

His body disappeared in place.

Suddenly appeared in the eastern sky and cut a sword into the sky.


When the shadow of the sword was still flashing in the air, his body appeared on the west side again and cut a sword towards the sky again.

At the same time, the figure of Li shepherd also appeared in the north, and the sword that Li shepherd waved and cut out also appeared.

Flower Shadow separation!

Three directions, three Changbai swordsmen.

Li shepherd's body changed into three, appeared in the East, West and north directions at the same time, and cut out the sword towards the fleeing figure.

Take the sword!

The shadow of the sword disappeared!


Three people and six corpses fell from the sky at the same time, smashed them on the ice, dyed the ice red, and smashed the ground into red pits one after another.


The famous swordsman spit on the corpses“ Coward rats deserve to die. Even if you don't do it, I'll kill them one by one. The only way to give thanks is to die. "

"You're welcome." Li shepherd glanced at the famous swordsman, smiled and said, "I said, Changbai swordsman, kill one person when you see one person. See two people and kill a pair. You can stick to the end without running away, but you are a hero. To tell you the truth, you are the most courageous swordsman I have ever seen. I'll give you a chance. You -- finish it yourself. "

This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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