"That's ridiculous." Li shepherd sneered“ You did everything you could to pull me into the water. If I were a dragon, would I give the snow lion crystal soul to the weak? Will I give the Shennong dagger to the weak? Will I give the pious Warhammer to Qin Han? I will spare my life to save you from danger again and again? "

"If I were a dragon, I would run for my life with you and enter the Dragon Cave. I would personally deliver the treasures and wealth of the dragon to you? If such a person is also a dragon, then ----------- what reason do you have to kill the dragon? Who doesn't want to be friends with such a dragon? "

"You're not a dragon. What's the result? What dirty things are you doing? " Pointing to Wen weak and Qin Han, Li shepherd shouted angrily, "they are XingKong classmates and have many years of friendship with your classmates. They have never broken contact when they come back from their studies. Even after many years, they have formed a dragon slaughtering team ------ they call you the eldest martial brother. They are both respectful and respectful to you, and only you follow. What happened? How did you treat them? "

"Yes." The gentle and weak girl cried out. Her full chest is still fluctuating until now. It seems that she is really disappointed with the big senior brother Wu Shanji“ We have been classmates for many years. We call you the eldest martial brother. In fact, we treat you like a brother ------ as a result, you have never taken any care of our younger martial brothers and sisters. Now you use poison on us and want to take the opportunity to kill and win the treasure ------ Wu Shanji, is this what you, the eldest martial brother, have done? This is your elder brother's special care for our younger martial brothers and sisters? "

"If Mr. Xiang Ma hadn't given us the antidote in advance, I'm afraid you would have killed me and the weak" -- "Qin Han's eyes were red and stared at Wu Shanji.

Qin Han's character is honest and sincere, and he attaches most importance to friendship. He regarded Wu Shanji as his senior brother, elder brother and the backbone of the whole dragon slaughtering team. But it never occurred to me that the big brother and brother did not hesitate to kill them after seeing the baby---------

The party who pays more is always the loser. Until now, Qin Han can't believe what he saw with his own eyes.

If someone had told him that the eldest martial brother had poisoned them, he would not believe it. He would even fight with the man, thinking that he was provoking discord.

However, what happened in front of him broke all his fantasies.

Wu Shanji's eyes turned to Li shepherd and said, "you gave them the antidote to flying immortals outside the sky?"

"When you found the tianwai Feixian medicine bottle, were you very excited?" Li shepherd sneered: "do you think I didn't notice your little moves? You looked excited at that time. When people didn't pay attention, you put the medicine bottle into your arms. At that time, I knew you had the heart to kill and seize treasure -- "

"I know you've got a lot tonight. But human greed is endless? If the treasures of all the people in the Dragon Cave are gathered on you alone, won't it be more able to meet your desires and needs? Besides, if you want to keep the secrets of the Dragon Cave, if you want to own the wealth of the Dragon Cave by yourself - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

With a wave of his big hand, Li Shepherd said sternly, "this mountain of gold and silver jewelry, pills and fruits are enough for your children and grandchildren in Wushan?"

"Hahaha" -- "Wu Shanji laughed wildly.

His expression was ferocious and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Smart. It's brilliant. Yes, what you said is not wrong at all. I need the snow lion crystal spirit, I need the Shennong dagger, I want all the treasures they found in the Dragon Cave but hid secretly - they have no talent in practice, and giving them is a waste. No, if you use all the skill scripts, pills and immortal fruits on me, you can help me break through the starry sky and become a strong star. "

"And this mountain of wealth, who is willing to share it with others? Now we can share equally, but what about later? They are so stupid. Who knows if they will tell others where the Dragon Cave is? Tu Xin, in particular, was originally born in the Dragon hunting family. If people in the family knew that he had found the treasure, how could they not force him to lead his people to seize the treasure? "

"Only a dead man can keep his mouth shut. So they all have to die. The weak have to die, Qin Han have to die, Tu Xin have to die too ---------- I can rest assured that they are dead. "

"So, you want to poison Wen weak and Qin Han with flying immortals outside the sky. When they die, you will sweep away all the skill treasures they have found. Because Tu Xin's quiet room is forbidden. If you make a strong attack, I'm afraid you will scare the snake. So I want to wait until it comes out by itself tomorrow, and then take it by surprise and kill it with one blow -- "

Wu Shanji's eyes were vicious and said, "you used to leave alone every night and never rested with us - why did you come back today to do me a bad thing?"

"It's good for you, but it's bad for others." Li shepherd retorted“ Now you know why I leave every night? I just want you to get used to this kind of thing. I think I will leave every night and will not meet you again until dawn. Otherwise, how can you see that after I leave, you can rest assured and boldly implement your vicious plan? "

"You knew I would do it?"

"I don't like your smiling face." "It's too fake," said Li shepherd



Wu Shan Ji shook his wrist and pulled out his sword around his waist.

He stared at Li shepherd with a cold look in his eyes. A sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth and said, "since you found it, I'll save you for the people of China. I have achieved the name of a hero by killing dragons. The name of my Wu mountain plan will be sung by the world. "

"Mr. Xiang Ma is not a dragon. Compared with him, you are more like a dragon -- "gentle and weak" yelled“ I was deceived by you and doubted the identity of Mr. Xiang Ma. Now I know that it is you who are stirring up discord and deliberately destroying the relationship between us. It's to be angry, young master Ma. When you attack us, no one will fight for us. "

"What this man has done, even the evil dragon clan can't do it." Li Shepherd said aloud.

"Yes. The dragon people also know etiquette and shame. Do you know what etiquette and shame are? If you want to kill Mr. Xiang Ma, you must pass Qin Han first. Today ----------- today, we will never die. "

"By you?" Wu Shan Ji smiled sarcastically at the corners of his mouth and said, "I'm afraid it's not enough to see?"

Qin Han pulled out the huge sword behind him and said, "even if I die, I will kill you treacherous villain myself."

"Overestimate." Wu Shanji sneered“ You have to die, you all have to die. "

He cut it out with a sword, and ten thousand sword shadows immediately appeared in the quiet room.

Each sword shadow is as red as blood and looks extremely ferocious.

Countless sword shadows filled the whole quiet room and rushed towards Qin Han and Li shepherd wenweak who stood behind Qin Han.

The power of this sword is to kill everyone in the quiet room.

Blood burning sword!

With blood as the guide and fire as the foundation, blood and inflammation grow together and turn into thousands of sword shadows to cut the enemy.

Blood burning sword is also a famous sword style in China, but I didn't expect to be learned by Wu Shan Ji.

Qin Han roared, waved his wide mouth sword and chopped at the position where Wu Shanji stood.

Dragon chopping!

This is the Dragon cutting style in the eighteen dragon slaughtering styles. Moreover, as soon as he saw Qin Han's move, Li shepherd knew that it must have come from the hand of Yang Xiaohu.

Li shepherd has also learned this skill. He has a great research on the 18 dragon slaughtering styles. He is the best one among their group of dragon slaughtering students.

As long as it is related to the "dragon killing" skill or knowledge, Li shepherd has studied it very carefully.

When Li shepherd saw Qin Han's move, he knew that Qin Han would lose this time, and he might suffer a big loss.

"Blood burning sword" is a sword array attack. You can't say it's wrong to break one point and one face by cutting the dragon. However, I'm afraid you can't break that side, but you will be hurt by other faces----------

Sure enough, Qin Han's body was pushed back as soon as their sword Qi touched.

The ten thousand blood swords were still flying in the air, and then converged towards one place.


Qin Han's body flew backwards.

Li shepherd shot in time and took his body back.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he will be hit by this sword without a trace.

Even so, Qin Han was still seriously injured.

With a puff, a big mouthful of blood came out of the corner of his mouth.

Wenweak rushed over and asked in a hurry, "third brother, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Qin Han grinned at Wen weak and said, "he has always hidden his strength. Now at least it's the middle grade of withering and flourishing. "

"Use a hammer." Li shepherd reminded“ Hammer him with a hammer. "

"What?" Qin Han looked back at Li shepherd and said, "I can't use that thing yet."

"It's not that thing ------- it's the pious hammer." Li Shepherd said angrily, "sincerity is spirit. Do you still remember the five words I said? "

"My blood is my life?"

"Good." Li shepherd nodded“ Hammer him with a hammer. You can't beat him with a sword. "

This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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