


In the quiet room, Li shepherd's body rolled and collided with the stone wall again and again. The large pieces of lapis lazuli, which was as strong as gold and iron for thousands of years, fell. In some places, there were even huge grooves because Li shepherd knocked his head over.

Li shepherd's eyes were red with blood, and his whole body was scarred with blood. Even so, he still didn't realize that he continued to hit the past, more ferocious and harder every time.

"Ah ------"

"Oh ------"

"Kill song solitude, you old dog, I will frustrate your bones and ashes" -- "

At the same time, Li shepherd's mouth still roared and cursed.

As long as it is a way to relieve pain, he is willing to try.

Moreover, in this painful situation, it is unknown whether Li shepherd can keep his mind. Perhaps what he is doing now is an instinctive reaction of his body.


It hurts!

The poison of the nether world is really beyond the endurance of ordinary people. The pain was like an iron thorn growing from the bone marrow, or countless steel needles beating into his body from the outside. One after another, let people die and live.

Every midnight, when the spirit of the nether world breaks out, it has never stopped since Song alone broke into the eight nether nails.

Tonight is no exception.

However, in order to expose the ugly face of Wu Shanji, destroy his plan to kill and seize treasure, and save the lives of Qin Hanwen and others, he had to stand up and return to the Dragon Cave at the critical moment----------

Therefore, he used the dragon family secret skill Huilongguan to force the pressure of the nether world in his body to prevent them from drilling out. Then, as if nothing had happened, he returned to the Dragon Cave and stood in front of Wu Shanji again. He even encouraged Qin Han to fight with Wu Shan - he couldn't help but encourage Qin Han to stand up, because if Qin Han didn't do it, he had to do it himself.

At the same time, he had to use Huilongguan to force the nether nail in his body, and he had to spend his energy to fight with Wu Shanji. He was afraid that if he was careless at that time, the nether Qi would surge out. He didn't need Wu Shanji to cut him to death. The nether poison in his body could be tossed. His life was better than death.

Li shepherd can't do it. He must find someone to rush to the front. Tu Xin banned his quiet room. Even if he shouted outside, he wouldn't hear it, so Qin Han was the best choice.

Fortunately, pious Warhammer has never let people down. Like an old friend called Ao.

However, the law of heaven cannot be changed at will.

The Qi of the nether world is like the barren water. The way to control water is better to block than to drain.

If high walls are built by force to block the flood, the flood will be more ferocious and terrible when the flood is accumulated to a certain extent and flooded over the high walls.

Li Shepherd is now suffering from the ghost poison, which is countless times more painful than any other time.





Because the dragon people have a special habit of sleepiness, and they sleep for three or five years or even longer, the sky in the Dragon Cave will never be bright.

However, Ao is different from other dragon families. He likes reading, writing and studying human secrets. Therefore, there are copper furnaces around the Dragon Cave, and the fuel in the copper furnace is unknown. It is still burning for thousands of years and will never die.

In the quiet room, Wen weak lay down in Qin Han's arms and slept soundly.


The sound of something outside woke them up. Wenweak opened his eyes and asked, "what time is it now?"

That happened last night, and Qin Han personally killed his eldest martial brother who had known him for many years. They were in a very bad mood. After talking about most of the night, I don't know who fell asleep first. Finally, they held each other and slept together until now.

"I don't know." Qin Han shook his head. Seeing the pious Warhammer beside him, I was relieved. From then on, the pious Warhammer was his life. Although he still doesn't know how to use it and give full play to its magic power. But Qin Han knew that pious Warhammer was an artifact of China and the most powerful weapon he had ever seen.

Wen weak pushed Qin Han away and said angrily, "don't you let go? You've been hugging me all night. Not enough? "

"Not enough." Qin Han smiled with a simple and honest face and said, "cuddling for a lifetime is not enough."

"Hum, idiot." Said in a weak voice“ Go out and have a look. "

"OK." Qin Han nodded and agreed. He picked up the stone hammer next to him.

A sneer appeared at the corners of the weak mouth, and said sarcastically, "now this hammer is more important than me?"

"No, he's not as important as you. I just want to use it to protect you. "

She smiled softly and said, "silly. I didn't expect you to come out this time. It's like opening your mind. It used to be like a muggy gourd. I couldn't say three words a day. "

"People always change." Qin Han said“ But you haven't changed, and neither have I. "

"Well, well, don't say such silly things early in the morning. Let's go out and have a look. We heard something outside just now. "

When they went out of the quiet room, they saw Tu Xin searching around the Dragon Cave for missing fish.

He wanted to take everything in the Dragon Cave, but it was almost impossible to take it all at once. So, I just want to take the most important thing and what I need most first.

In the treasure room, it was difficult to sleep, so he got up early and wanted to check the items in the Dragon Cave again.

Seeing Qin Han and Wen weak coming out, Tu Xin smiled embarrassed and said, "I accidentally knocked out a medicine bottle just now. Did I wake you up?"

"What do you say?" Said Wen weakly. Seeing Tu holding a lot of booty just found in his heart, he said in a weak voice, "nerd, you haven't slept all night? The Dragon Cave is so big that I'm afraid I can't move it all in one night? "

"Of course, you can't finish it." Tu Xin didn't care about the acupuncture in the weak words. He smiled and said, "I'm in Baoshan and always want to take more out. However, we should do what we can. As long as we keep the secret of this mountain, it will be inexhaustible from generation to generation. "

"What if someone finds the Dragon Cave?"

"Impossible." Tu Xin shook his head“ The dragons are extremely cunning. Their caves are very difficult to find, and they have many array eyes. Besides, we broke in by mistake. As long as the four of us keep our mouth shut, I don't believe anyone else can come in. "

"That's what I say -------- I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

"Yes, what if others break in by mistake?"

Tu Xin looked at them helplessly and said, "how do I feel that you two want others to break in?"

"Of course not. We're just worried. We always have to prepare for the worst -- "

Tu Xin nodded and said, "then when we leave, we'll make some disguises and put down a few prohibitions."

"Never." Wen weak hurriedly made a noise to stop it“ The Dragon nationality is powerful. Their prohibition is the most clever and difficult to be found. If we came here to ban it, wouldn't there be no dragon here? No, No. "

"What do you say?"

"Let's ask Mr. Xiang Ma." Wen weakly said: "Mr. Xiang Ma is the wisest. I think he must have a way. By the way, have you seen Mr. Xiang Ma? "

"No." Tu Xin shook his head“ I think I haven't got up yet? "

"I got up early." Wearing a black robe, shepherd Li came over and said with a smile, "I not only got up early, but also took a bath in a pool. There must be a water head in the Dragon Cave, and that water head must be the best water. Otherwise, the dragon people will not take this place as a habitat ------ take a bath in the dragon pool, which is really refreshing and comfortable. Just go all the way east along the canyon. You can also try it. "

She was so weak that she said, "are you serious? I haven't bathed for several days since I entered the Kunlun ruins. I really want to take a dip. "

"I'll accompany you." Qin Han said.

"Who wants you to accompany?" She shouted in a weak voice.

"I don't mean that. I mean -------- I can protect you when you take a bath."

"That's about the same." The blush on the weak face did not fade, but his speech was much softer.

"Mr. Xiang Ma, what are your plans next?" Tu Xin ignored the flirting between the two people around him and looked at Li shepherd and asked aloud.

"I just want to talk to you. Do you have any ideas?" Li shepherd asked with a smile.

"After so many things, the eldest martial brother is gone. We have no backbone for a time. We don't know where to go next." Tu Xin sighed softly“ Besides, if you find this Dragon Cave again, you need time to digest it well -- "where are you going?"

Li shepherd pondered a little and said, "the dragon still needs to be slaughtered. Otherwise, it will go against our original intention. "

"I'm not afraid of Xiangma childe's jokes. I used to look for the dragon with the idea of killing the dragon, but after breaking into the Dragon Cave, I found that the dragon family is too powerful. We're afraid to die when we go up - besides, where can we find the evil dragon? Although we guess that Li shepherd entered the Kunlun ruins, the Kunlun ruins are vast, like an ice and snow world. How can we find it from the Kunlun ruins? "

"Since you don't want to kill dragons, I won't force it." Li Shepherd said with a smile“ But, dragon, I still want to kill it. "“ Mr. Xiang Ma wants to kill, and I'll kill with you. " Qin Han said aloud“ Me too. " Said Wen weakly. Tu Xin laughed and said, "it seems that we have a backbone. Since Mr. Xiang Ma wants to kill the dragon, how can he do without me? I'll be with you. " Li shepherd nodded with a smile and said, "since everyone gets up, search again to see what they need. Take what they can take away as far as possible --------- weak doesn't want to take a bath. You can also try Longchi water."“ OK, I'll take a bath. " Wenweak happily agreed and flew in the direction of Li shepherd“ I'll watch the wind. " Qin Han followed closely. Li shepherd looked at TU Xin and asked with a smile, "aren't you forced?"“ Reluctantly? Reluctantly what? " Tu Xin looked confused“ I mean, Tu Shi is a dragon hunting family. Now that he has found the Dragon Cave, he has harvested a lot in the Dragon Cave. Take what you should take and what you shouldn't take ---- are you really going to kill dragons with us? You should know that killing dragons is a dangerous job. "“ I think Mr. Xiang Ma has a little misunderstanding about Tu Shi. Our Tu family is not a dragon hunting family, but a dragon slaughtering family. The reason why we look for dragons is to kill dragons. Yes, I did find a lot of treasures in the Dragon Cave, but now that I have the help of these treasures, shouldn't I go to kill dragons? " Li shepherd nodded and said, "I hope you don't regret it."“ Certainly not. " Tu Xin said firmly. Li shepherd smiled and walked towards the distant bookshelf. Tu Xin looked at the back of Li shepherd, and the smile on the corners of his mouth gradually faded away------------------------ In the ice field, a group of shadows came flying. Cha ---------- a dark figure covered with black robes stopped by an iceberg, stretched out his hand to see the fracture of the ice, and shouted, "tell my king, there is a clue here." Hua La - several dark shadows flew towards the iceberg. Looking at the broken ice vertebra, a hoarse voice asked, "what's the clue?"“ The Kunlun iceberg is as strong as stone and iron. There is no human trace or animal shadow here. How can this ice break? I think this place should be used by someone when flying. But because the strength on the foot was too strong, the ice vertebra was cut off. That's why there's a view. " The man shrouded in the dark shadow pondered for a moment and said, "it seems that the little dragon has been here - he escaped by chance last time. This time, he dared to kill my ghost general and deceive me. There is no one in the ghost land? This time, I'm going to kill it. I'm going to peel it and cramp it. "“ Master, we must be cautious this time. " A handsome young man who was also dressed in Black said aloud. Young people have delicate facial features, but they are unpleasant because they are too cold“ The last time the strong powers of the nine countries worked together to kill dragons, they failed. This time, who knows what kind of state he has grown to? " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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