Riding a crane down to the south of the Yangtze River is just to recruit Li shepherd?

After hearing the news, all the teachers and students in front of the Hero stage were shocked.

"What school did Li shepherd enter? Need to report the good news in this way? "

"Is it too exaggerated? Li shepherd didn't even get on the hero list - ---- Cui, who is the first in the hero list, doesn't have such treatment? "

"It looks like a great school. The image and temperament of the crane rider seems to be admired by people -----"


Others can only whisper, but Li shepherd has many doubts in his heart.

He looked at the crane rider with a puzzled expression and said, "thank you, senior brother, for coming all the way to report the good news for me. The shepherd was very grateful - but what I don't understand is, which school did I get admitted to?"

"Star College." Wearing a white robe embroidered with flowing clouds, the crane rider stood on the hero's stage and made a slightly unobservable upright movement. When he said this, his eyes twinkled.

Anyone can see that it is his pride and his great admiration.

"Star College?" Li shepherd was more confused and asked, "I have never heard of such a school, let alone applied to such a school. Why did star college recruit me? "

"What is star college?" Lin Zheng is worried that the students in his school have been cheated by some unscrupulous schools.

After all, the current social atmosphere is not good. When major universities release the list in August # and September, some pheasant universities also distribute admission notices to students. Some poor students with poor grades can receive five or six good admission reports at the same time ----- however, even if the star college is a liar school, it will cost too much? I'm afraid the beautiful and arrogant white crane and the heroic crane rider in front of me can't be invited for 30 or 50 gold coins?

However, because of his years of knowledge, Yilin has never heard of the name of XingKong college.

He sent out countless graduates, and no student ever said that he was admitted to XingKong college-----

Then, the origin of XingKong college is very suspicious.

For examinees, the college entrance examination is an important turning point in life. What kind of school to choose is an important choice that affects your life's future. If you can enter a famous school, meet excellent students and attract excellent knowledge, your life will be open and prosperous.

However, if you accidentally enter a pheasant university, then a good person will become a pheasant.

"Star College is naturally Star College." The crane rider said with a smile. He couldn't explain the problem and was unwilling to explain it. Star College is star college. It doesn't need to add any labels to it or tell its glorious history. It is like the scorching sun and the bright moon. It exists forever, and heaven and earth live together.

Gentle, every look, every action is just right, like a fairy coming to earth. Only immortals have this ethereal temperament and demeanor, right?

"I mean --" Lin Zhengyin frowned and said, "no one knows XingKong college. None of the students in our school has ever been admitted to XingKong College -- "

"Oh, maybe they are not good enough." The crane rider still smiled and said in a very calm voice. His words almost slapped the faces of all the teachers and students present - because the students you taught were not good enough, they could not be admitted to XingKong college. Because all the candidates present are not good enough, there is no way to know the existence of XingKong college.

However, because of the pure smile on his face and his sincere attitude when he said this sentence, people feel that what he said is a fact.

Including those who have been insulted by him, I think it should be like this ----- otherwise, how can XingKong college have such outstanding crane riding students?

The crane rider is really outstanding. He stands on the Hero stage with a long body and a feeling of standing out of the crowd. It is like a god supported by countless believers and a favorite idol pursued by a large number of fans.

If such people say such things, even if the students below are dissatisfied, they can't resist.

"That's Li shepherd --" Lin Zhengyin turned to Li shepherd and said with an unbelievable face: "he was the only one who was admitted to XingKong college?"

"Yes." The eyes of the crane rider looking at Li shepherd remained warm, which made some flower crazy girls at the scene very dissatisfied. You have the ability to look at us. What do you always look at a man for“ He was the only one admitted to star college. "

"You said we were not good enough, but Li shepherd didn't even go up the hero list - what's his reason?" Zhang Chen screamed with a sharp voice. What happened today is a nightmare. Just after struggling out of a nightmare, I entered a more terrible dream.

Isn't Li shepherd a disaster? Isn't it just a small black carbon? Isn't it just a big pig?

For a long time, it has occupied the bottom of the grade, and even some basic common sense problems are not clear. Accidentally got a good result in the exam, but was kicked out of school by the teacher because of cheating - such a waste suddenly became everyone's favorite sweet steamed bun? There is also that shit Star College. We have never heard of the name of the school, and there is no enrollment of this school on the hero list. A fool riding a crane came out and said that Li shepherd had been admitted. By the way, he despised them. These students who were admitted to other schools were not good enough. Is there any reason? Is there any royal law? Acting! It must be acting! Maybe this is a troupe performance that Li shepherd paid for. Oh, Li shepherd has no money. It must be a troupe performance that Cui careful found for Li Shepherd - Cui careful has a good relationship with Li shepherd. Last time she contradicted Zhao Mingzhu in the class for Li shepherd. It's understandable that she was worried that he would be ridiculed after he lost the list. Otherwise, how could such a pheasant university suddenly come to recruit Li shepherd? This is not only Zhang Chen's idea, but also the idea of many students present. When shepherd Li is bullied, they will have sympathy for him more or less. However, when Li shepherd soared to the sky and was about to become a figure that everyone could not reach and needed to look up to, their hearts were a little uncomfortable - why is Li shepherd better than them? He is a waste who eats all day and waits for death. He has become the best person in their school? What a big joke“ Heroes list? " Obviously, the crane rider was stopped by Zhang Chen's question. He thought hard, turned around and looked at the name on the huge red silk behind him, smiled and said: "sorry, I only know the wind chart, the green cloud chart and the star chart, but I haven't heard of the hero chart ----- also, the real greatness is preached by the world, not written on the red silk to express his merit." "------" This guy talks too straight. As soon as this sentence came out, not only Zhang Chen's white face was purple, but also Lin Zheng's face was slapped because of Zhao Mingzhu( PS: thanks to Queen jihee for her reward. Happy birthday, Moda! In addition, Zongheng held a Book Review competition. The guards are full of talents. They should actively participate and live up to their talents. If you don't want to write, go and vote for our boys. There are free tickets every day. Don't waste it. I have to vote nine every day. Voting address: http://news.zongheng.com/zhuanti/2015/spds1/dsjl.html#navThis novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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