Li shepherd attacked Kaiming twice.

The first time was a magical attack with water element. This attack method belongs to the secret method of the dragon family, which was realized based on the dragon family's control over the water element.

The dragon can't live without water. Water is also a powerful element that the dragon can manipulate naturally.

The 'crystal ball' was directly eaten by the enlightened beast, which proved that the element of water had no effect on it.

Not only has no effect, but also can directly enjoy it and become a meal to fill its stomach.

The second time was to release its own true yuan to attract the power of Tianlei, and then attack the Kaiming beast's body with the destructive power of thunder. As a result, it groaned like taking a hot bath.

Enlightened beast, guarding the temple for thousands of years.

Although it defines itself as the same status as the watchdog tied at the door of the Terran family, can a watchdog have a long life span of tens of thousands of years?

I'm afraid only the little white dog snowball that Li shepherd knows can be compared with it.

Li shepherd watched the enlightened beast roll around on the ground. Nine happy expressions were displayed on the nine heads, and the anger in his body began to gather.


This is a provocation to the dragon family!

The dragon clan is a demigod. It is a strong clan that can directly seize the holy palace. How can it be despised by a dog at the door?

"The last one was very delicious. Any more? Again. " The enlightened beast lay lazily on the ground with a begging face.

"If you like it, of course you do." Li shepherd sneered“ It's called "double dragon play pig."

"Double dragons playing with beads? Good name. Am I the bead? Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.

"Yes, you are the pig." Li Shepherd said aloud.

As he spoke, his body rose slowly from its place.

Li shepherd held his hands flat to his knees, and a white light ball appeared in the middle of his hands.

The light ball flows like water.

Inside the sphere of light, there is a white dragon tumbling and fluctuating inside.


A majestic atmosphere is blocked in the light sphere. Only when the two white dragons open their teeth and claws will their strength leak out.

The enlightened beast felt the strength and threat of the two small balls. It got up from the ground, stared at the two light balls held by Li shepherd's hands at the same time with nine heads and 18 eyes, and asked aloud, "what's this? It's different from the double dragons playing with beads just now - ---- "

"This is called Double Dragons entering the sea." Li Shepherd said aloud, "look, these two dragons swim in the light ball. Do they look like dragons entering the sea?"

The enlightened beast looked carefully, nodded and said, "it's really like a dragon entering the sea - is it also for me to eat?"

"Of course." Li shepherd smiled and nodded.

His body flew to the top of the temple, and then the two light balls in his hand suddenly became golden. At the same time, two light balls flew out of Li shepherd's palm and rushed towards the enlightened beast on the ground. The white golden light enveloped the whole body of the enlightened beast.

"So comfortable." The enlightened beast is bathed in the golden light. It feels warm and sleepy.


The two light balls suddenly accelerated and burst on the top of the enlightened beast.

When the golden light dispersed, the two small balls disappeared, and the two white dragons in the small ball also disappeared.

The enlightened beast enjoyed it very much. He licked his lips with his tongue, looked at Li shepherd sadly and said, "these two light balls look good too. Why did they explode before I could swallow them? Why don't you give me two more to taste?"

"No." Li Shepherd said coldly, "those two light balls have been eaten into your stomach."

"Have I eaten into my stomach?" The enlightened beast looked puzzled.

"Good." Li shepherd nodded. He pointed to the belly of the enlightened beast and said, "look, the Twin Dragons have entered the sea. Now the two white dragons are tumbling in your belly."

The tiger belly of the enlightened beast suddenly # swelled up, just like a little snake trying to break its belly and break out of its bondage.

Soon, the stomach of the enlightened beast changed into various images.

Sometimes it is in the shape of a pillar, sometimes it is in the shape of a hill, and sometimes it is in the shape of a fan-------

"Ah" -- "Kaiming beast exhaled miserably, with dilated pupils, pale face, sweating forehead and roaring:" what are the two dragons going to do? What are they doing in my stomach? "

"Isn't it delicious? I don't know what they want to do. Maybe they just want to pierce a big hole in your stomach and take out your crystal soul for me -- "

"Let them out. Let them out. " Li shepherd looked down at the struggling enlightened beast and said, "give me the crystal spirit and I'll let them out."“ It's impossible. If you give me crystal soul, I'll die -- "if you don't give me crystal soul, you'll die --" Li shepherd threatened: "just give me crystal soul and die comfortably. If you don't give me crystal soul, you will be ripped open by those two little dragons and die by caesarean section. You are so smart that you should make a choice? "“ You threatened me - you dared to threaten the guardian of the temple - "so what?" Li shepherd looked disdainful“ The holy palace was almost robbed. What if you threaten a guard dog? I want crystal soul. Do you give it or not? "“ Do you think this will force me to obey? " The enlightened beast roared. It suddenly sprang up from the ground, and then quickly rushed to the distance“ Want to escape? " Li shepherd has been staring at the Kaiming beast's every move. When he saw that he wanted to escape with two white dragons in his stomach, a white power grid flew down as soon as his right hand was raised, and the Kaiming beast was shrouded in it all at once. When Li shepherd stretched out his hand and pulled, the enlightened beast was dragged by the power grid and flew into the air. Instead of giving up, Li shepherd pulled the rope end of the power grid with one hand, and then hit the net bag wrapped with the enlightened beast against the tall and solid stone wall of the temple. Bang ------- the enlightened beast's body hit the stone wall. Bang ------ Bang ------ Bang ------ click ------------ Li shepherd dragged the Kaiming beast into the sky and danced with both hands. Every time he waved his arm, the Kaiming beast's body would hit the stone wall or floor. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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