Some say goodbye affectionately, some fight endlessly, and others wait for the opportunity to cut off the tap.

All living beings in the worry free palace.

Because of the extremely tacit behavior of those people, the people around Li shepherd felt the pressure.

Unknowingly, they have been trapped in the middle by those bystanders and are difficult to break free.

If you want to leave, you must kill a way in one direction.

However, it's not so easy to meet all the practitioners present?

"You follow me." QianDu has been supporting Li shepherd's body. At a critical juncture, we can't care whether men or women give or receive.

In addition, when they are in the weak water, they have more intimate behaviors than this, but everyone regards it as a "dream" and doesn't want to say it“ I have glazed glasses to protect my body. If they attack, I'll help you block it in front. "

QianDu is ready to take Li shepherd to open a blood path and reopen a new life for Li shepherd.

Just walked away from a Xiahou Eagle holding a peerless artifact startling dragon bow. Before Li shepherd could breathe and wrap up his wound, more enemies stood opposite him.

Li shepherd, is this the lone star of the fate criminal Tiansha?

Gram's are all family members and friends. It's good for him to take his Gram's life and death. There's nothing wrong with others-------

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Li shepherd shook his little hand, glanced coldly at the people in front and said in a deep voice, "they want to kill me, but they have to pay a heavy price."

If Li shepherd had just got up from the pool that day and was still weak, but was secretly attacked and shot through his chest by Xiahou eagle, Li shepherd would be incompetent and wouldn't say such arrogant words.

At that time, life was at stake. If you were careless, you would die forever.

With the physical condition at that time, I was really not sure to block Xia Houying's next arrow.

Li shepherd doesn't know the true origin of caiyunyi, but after he was hit by an arrow, he has been repairing his wound. And the effect is also very obvious. The previous hole is like filling up new muscles.

Li shepherd thought to himself, when it's over today, we must have a good chat with Kaiming beast and see what the origin of Caiyun clothes is.

Kaiming beast talked about a "white fairy" when chatting with "it", and mistook himself for the white fairy. Can we say that this colorful cloud coat is the immortal's robe?

Li shepherd's body is recovering rapidly, and he is surrounded by the heart of weak water and the wolf king in the heart of weak water - it's scary enough just by virtue of the fighting power of the two pets. Even if we can't kill all the thousands of people in front of us, we still have enough self-protection and escape ability.

Besides, I still have powerful strength around me, such as QianDu Yan Xiang Ma Xiahou Qianbai. If those people dare to deceive others too much, they must pay a heavy price.

Li shepherd looked at the snowball flying in front of him and said, "snowball, let the wolf king come out and breathe out."

Snowball and Li shepherd have the same heart, as if they can understand Li shepherd's words.

"Poof" -- "

"Poof" -- "

"Poof ----"


After it spits out several bubbles in a row, the small mouth suddenly expands dozens or hundreds of times.


A behemoth spewed out of its mouth.

The giant beast had a wolf's head and was like a lion. Red hair grows all over the body. When it moves, it looks like a red flame burning.

"Ow ----"

The wolf of the red moon roared up to the sky after a few circles in the air.

Its energy body gathered by sucking the light of the red moon can not survive alone in this world. Therefore, most of the time, you have to be swallowed by the snowball, and then suck the jellyfish element of the snowball to practice and enrich yourself.

This is why the wolf king once lent his wolf beads to the dragon family. The agreed harvest was that the Dragon gave himself several years of cultivation time after he got the heart of weak water.

Obviously, Li shepherd met its requirements. Compared with his dragon elder, Li shepherd kept his promise.

However, the journey of cultivation was bitter and boring. This time, the wolf king was very excited.

Many people saw the ferocity of the wolf king during the last war of the windy city.

Seeing the wolf king appear again, many people exclaimed.

"The wolf appeared again, and it killed countless people that day ----"

"Red Moon wolf king, this is the legendary red moon wolf king --"

"This dog is also one of the claws of the dragon. We must be careful ----"


After the wolf king roared out his anger, he was able to spit out people's words, looked at Li shepherd and said, "we are fighting a strong enemy for you, but you ran away alone. And shield your dragon spirit so that we don't want to find you. Heartless man, what face can we continue to help you? "

"Wolf king, it's really my fault." Li shepherd sincerely apologized“ But at that time, I had to. I hope you can forgive me. "“ Never forgive. "“ What a pity. " Li shepherd sighed gently and said helplessly, "in that case, let's say goodbye."“ Let's go. " The wolf king looked at the snowball and reasoned“ Puff -- "the snowball threw a bubble at it. It won't go. The wolf king looked at Li shepherd reluctantly and said, "believe you for the last time, if you still escape alone this time, I will not spare you. We parted ways. " The wolf king has a rich vocabulary and knows the usage of "parting ways". Li shepherd nodded and said, "don't worry, I'll never bear you this time. Think about it. I promised to lend you the heart of weak water before. Have you done it now? Have you been with the weak water heart day and night? "----" The wolf king was speechless. It wants to travel around the world alone, but it needs to be able to do it. Without the heart of weak water, it will soon be disillusioned, and there will be no way to return to fenglinzhou, where the red moon will never land. The wolf king can't bear this result. It must rely on the heart of weak water, and snowball seems unwilling to separate from Li shepherd for the time being. Wearing a colorful cloud robe and holding a thousand degrees' small hand, Li shepherd strode ahead and said, "let's go. If someone dares to stop ------ God stops killing God and Buddha stops killing Buddha." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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