Click, click------

In the worry free palace, there was only the chewing sound in the mouth of the black monster.

It not only ate the famous death poison tent in China, but also swallowed the poison widow who was full of poison.

I'm really not picky about food at all!

Everyone stared at the strange scene in front of them, at the black monster swallowing, and at Li shepherd who raised his hand and released the fierce monster.

"What the hell is this?"

"Isn't it true Qi? Why is it like real? "

"I've never heard of such skills - where is the origin of the black monster?"


Because the cannibalism of the black monster is unheard of, many people at the scene are guessing the background of the black monster.

Immortal Tianbao looked dignified and asked aloud, "but ----- corpse eater?"

"Good. This is the corpse eater -- "said Li shepherd aloud.

Hearing the name of the corpse eater, many people took a breath.

Someone once asked the poison fairy Wu qingniu: what is the most poisonous in the world?

Wu qingniu replied: the corpse poison is the most poisonous.

The corpse poison is the most poisonous, but the corpse eater lives by devouring the corpse poison.

You can imagine how poisonous the corpse eater is.

No wonder the poison widow from Tangmen aristocratic family in Sichuan Valley didn't have any power to fight back when she faced it. She met her ancestors who used poison today.

Because corpse eaters are too fierce and domineering, and they like to eat corpse poison. It's not pleasant to say. Most of them are not ashamed of the righteous people in China. Therefore, the secret method of expelling corpse eaters ten thousand years ago has been lost.

Unexpectedly, in order to deal with the poisonous widow who almost hurt him, Li shepherd did not hesitate to use the secret method to summon the corpse eater to devour it.

It can be seen that how vicious Li shepherd's heart is and how cruel revenge he is for those who have hurt him.

Click, click-------

After eating the poison widow, the corpse eater licked his lips. It looked like I wasn't full yet.

The corpse eater looked at Li shepherd, but Li shepherd didn't drive it to attack others again.

The corpse eater howled, turned into a black smoke and disappeared.

It is a "guest" from another world and can't live in this space for too long.

"You dragon, summoned this kind of filth to harm human beings" -- "someone stood up and pointed to Li shepherd“ A dragon is a dragon after all -- "

"Such vicious means can make it out. It seems that the dragon is often exposed to dark things -----"

"Black hands and black hearts are worse than animals"

Li shepherd stared coldly at the attackers, smiled and said, "the poison widow uses the death poison tent, you don't say a word. I attack poison with poison, but you jump out and attack wantonly and accuse wantonly - it's really the consistent style of a famous and decent school. "

"What is good for you is to turn a blind eye to darkness and evil. Against you, even a worm in a grain of sand vegetable in the rice will be regarded by you as an act of murder and arson - attacking this and blaming that all day, but secretly it is full of men, thieves and women, burning, killing and looting. What right do you have to blame me? "

After a pause, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Li shepherd's mouth and said, "since you call me the dragon, if I don't do something" evil ", I'm sorry for the name you shouted?"

The corpse eater is a kind of beast from the dark world, just like the blood crows that Li shepherd once encountered in Jiangnan City. Their whole body is full of toxins, and their attack power is extremely powerful, but their attack methods hurt Tianhe.

If it were not for the killers or butchers who are evil in their hearts or walking in the dark world, I'm afraid no one would learn their calling method.

The reason why Li shepherd specially summoned them is that the poison widow not only wants to poison him, but also his friends around him are unwilling to let go ----- of course, since they are called poison widows, they can't what's wrong with their behavior.

Therefore, Li shepherd has always been known as the "dragon", so it is natural for him to summon corpse eaters.

What kind of people say and do.

If a dragon doesn't kill people, is it qualified to be called a "dragon"?

"Full of nonsense." Immortal Tianbao was extremely angry. He stood out from the crowd and shouted, "Xia Hou, pale, this dragon just used the forbidden method in China. This is what you saw with your own eyes ------ do you really want to continue to help the tyrants? You ignore your parents' orders and family duties, and don't pay attention to the religious righteousness commandments of our Taoism? Do you still remember the truth of our Taoism? "

Xiahou Qianbai bowed to immortal Tianbao from a distance and said, "the real person is also there. Xiahou Qianbai saluted the real person."

"You don't have to salute me. You haven't answered my question yet. What you did today, do you know how bad it has affected our reputation? Have you ever thought about how you will explain to brother Zhang when you return to Longhu Mountain next time? "

"Never thought about it." Xia Hou said with a pale and expressionless face.

"Xia Hou is shallow" -- "immortal Tianbao is so angry that he wants to slap the bastard to death.

"Immortal, don't get angry because of me. My father did that just now, but he went back in frustration. It seems that the effect of discipline is not obvious. " Xiahou Qianbai hurried to persuade“ Besides, people don't know whether Li Shepherd is a dragon or not. Don't real people know? "

"What evil has Li shepherd done? What good man did he kill? Why did the dragon clan perish? Why is the contradiction between the people and the Dragon so deep and difficult to solve ---------- others don't know, don't real people know? If you don't know, I know there are several rare classics on Longhu Mountain. I recommend you to go back and read them again. Maybe he will change his mind and choose to stand in the same camp with his younger generation. "

"Xia Hou Qingbai, you ------" immortal Tianbao was offended by Xia Hou Qingbai's words and was about to spit blood for three liters. Of course, he knows the answers to these questions asked by Xia Hou.

However, in the final analysis, it is still a dispute over interests or the right to speak for the whole China.

Immortal Tianbao is a Terran. Naturally, he thinks there is nothing wrong with what the ancestors of the Terran did - it's just a little mean. Even now, they will still choose to do that.

Just, can he say his ideas in public?

"I must report to elder martial brother in charge and expel you from Longhu Mountain - your selfish behavior of taking into account the overall situation is to discredit Longhu Mountain and Taoism."

"Master won't agree." Xia Hou said in a shallow voice, "he is more sensible than you."


"Xia Hou is shallow. How can you talk to real people like this?" A man in a long shirt who has been following immortal Tianbao shouted with a bad face.

"Who are you?" Xia Hou asked plainly.

"Ten thousand to one."

Xia Hou's pale expression couldn't help but be stunned. He immediately recovered to the original state and said with a sneer: "it's said to be the first sword of daomen - I've heard a lot about you."

"Today I will follow the real person to kill the dragon. I hope you don't cause more trouble. So as not to be accused of internal discord and lawlessness among the younger generation of Taoism. "

Xia Hou looked indifferent and said aloud, "if you want to kill a dragon, kill it - anyway, people who wanted to kill a dragon were killed by a dragon."

Wan Guiyi looked embarrassed, but he didn't want to quarrel with Xiahou Qianbai, a Wanyu son with a deep background and a huge backer in the Taoism, on some boring issues.

Wan Guiyi ignored Xia Hou's simple provocation, stared at Li shepherd fiercely and said, "it is said that you are good at using the sword?"

"You are good at making swords. I am good at many things." Li shepherd fought back impolitely. In some ways, he and Xiahou Qianbai teachers and disciples come down in one continuous line, just like they were carved out of the same mold.

"Well, in that case --" Wan Guiyi forcibly suppressed the hostility in his heart and desperately suppressed the nameless fire in his heart with the Taoist green heart mantra. The two masters and disciples are really hateful. Every word is like a knife. No, it's more like the most vicious curse. People are upset and angry after listening to it, and their blood soars“ I'll use the Taoist "Sanqing fu magic sword" to appreciate your unique skills and secrets of the evil dragon. "

"Feel free. Since you use the sword, I'll use the sword with you. " Li shepherd turned to QianDu and said, "lend me my long sword."

QianDu handed the long sword in his hand to Li shepherd.

Li shepherd took the long sword and carefully felt the residual temperature on the long sword and the extraordinary of the long sword itself.

QianDu smiled and said, "this sword is called peach blossom. I dug it under an old peach tree in the yard. Is it a bad name?"

"Good name, better sword." Li Shepherd said with a smile. He had guessed the origin of the sword in his heart, but he didn't say it for the time being. He was going to surprise QianDu later“ You forget, they gave me a nickname of peach blossom boy? Although I don't want to admit it, after all, this name has been with me for many years. Today, my peach blossom childe will use this peach blossom sword to meet for a while. This is the 10000th sword technique of Taoism -- "

"Be careful." Thousand degrees soft voice said. There are stars shining in Li shepherd's eyes, charming and dazzling.

"Don't worry. It's hard for him to hurt me with peach blossom sword." With a wave of his long sword, Li shepherd felt heroic and dry.

He looked at Wan Guiyi sitting opposite and said aloud, "draw your sword."

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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