"Master, what is domineering true solution?" The Taoist disciple protecting immortal Tianbao asked aloud.

Immortal Tianbao's eyes are hot and his expression is excited. It seems that he has fallen into a long memory.

"More than 3000 years ago, Simon Xiaoyu, a talented young man of the sword God family, fought against the Fengshen mountain with the generation of sword King Li lazy dog. It is said that Ximen Xiaoyu only gave a sword in that war, and Li lazy dog only gave a sword ---------- then the sword and sword were in a fighting state and stayed on the top of Fengshen mountain. "

"After each move, Ximen Xiaoyu and Li lazy dog went down the mountain as if nothing had happened. A good man asked who the winner was. Simon Xiaoyu didn't say a word. Li lazy dog probably drank too much wine and replied with a smile, "after March, the winner will be divided."

"Sure enough, three months later, Ximen Xiaoyu was practicing his sword in the courtyard. Suddenly there was blood splashing on his chest, and the arm holding the sword fell down for no reason."

"The servant and the sword boy were frightened and didn't know what had happened. Ximen Xiaoyu's face turned pale and murmured, "if you lose, you will still lose under the sword of the king of the sword ----- until this time, people will understand what happened."

The disciple was shocked and said, "why did the result come out three months after the blow three months ago?"

"Because Ximen Xiaoyu and Li lazy dog, the king of swords of that generation, each have the true meaning of swords and swords. The swords and swords they cut with all their strength contain unparalleled domineering spirit and the mystery of the way of heaven ---------- it's like two masters of Taoism talking about who wins and who loses, which is unknown for the time being. After three months, we will know which side's heaven correction is more fierce and which side is injured and defeated. Later, people called this situation ------ domineering true solution. Because the real domineering spirit takes time to split and analyze. "

"So mysterious." The disciple was stunned“ Martial arts is so mysterious. Today is an eye opener. "

"I hear it's domineering, really? What is that? "

"I don't know. It's a unique skill I've never heard of - but it sounds great."

"Today we know that there are days outside the sky and people outside the people - - it's really lianxu's trip. Even if you die in this holy palace, there's no regret --"


QianDu wanted to come forward and was held by wenweak.

"The outcome is not divided. Take it easy." Wen Wensheng advised.

"But he is a shepherd" -- "QianDu is burning with anxiety.

The so-called care is chaos. She doesn't care about any king's landing sword formula or any domineering true solution. She just wants Li shepherd alive.

Because the most powerful moves are lifeless after all. And Li Shepherd is either alive or dead ---- one is about heaven and the other is about hell. It's about life and death. Who can really put down his heart?

"Young master, it will be all right." A weak and firm face.

QianDu looked at the expression on wenweak's face, perhaps infected by her confidence, and his state of mind slowly calmed down. Looking at the motionless Li shepherd in the sky, he said, "God bless all over the sky and pray for Li shepherd to be safe."


There is a dead silence in the worry free palace!

Everyone looked up at the sky and looked at Li shepherd and the white haired witch above the sky.

Suddenly, there was a purplish red flame in everyone's pupils.

The flame was burning and getting bigger and bigger.


People's eyes were suddenly hard to see, and their pupils were completely filled with the huge purple flame.


A violent explosion came suddenly.

It's deafening, like blowing people's heads open.

The strong shock wave collapsed around, and countless small sword Qi swept all directions.

An expert who was on guard, each casting instrument and each body method, flew away quickly outside the worry free palace.

Those with slow reaction and shallow skill were directly crushed into meat mud by the sword Qi. Others turned into a red rain and could no longer find any trace of existence.

Not only that, the wall that was already thousands of holes was chopped by those sword thunderbolts for a while, and there were countless holes of different sizes again. There are many cracks of different depths on the ground.

The two most powerful swords in the world were broken down in front of thousands of people.

The thousand degree glass mirror is the first treasure in the world. It can defend automatically in case of danger.

However, even so, when she was attacked by the sword, the glass mirrors were cut to creak, and the protection range of the glass mirrors was continuously reduced. Finally, only when it could be reduced to a small ball of light could it be able to protect the thousand degrees.

Qin Han blocked the front with his body and worked hard to protect the safety of the weak. Unfortunately, there were two huge wounds deep to the bone on his back.

If it weren't for the pious war in his hand, he would have been cut off by his waist.

The sword Qi dissipates and peace is restored in the worry free palace. Those masters who survived by chance looked around and were surprised by the destructive power of the two swords. I also saw that the compatriots who were still nearby are now missing. Some turn into red mud, some lack arms and legs. I'm afraid it's unknown whether they can walk out of Kunlun ruins alive. Above the sky, the white haired witch's clothes were messy, and her wide sleeves were cut off. Li shepherd was equally embarrassed, and there were several openings in his face. However, because he was wearing colorful cloud clothes, his image looked more neat than the white haired witch. The white haired witch looked at Li shepherd strangely and said in a deep voice, "who are you?"“ Li shepherd. "“ No, you are not shepherd Li. " The white haired witch said in a crisp voice, "this sword is the sword of the dragon. There is dragon Qi in the sword Qi. I can feel it."“ Don't you call me a dragon? Now you are surprised when I display the dragon sword? " Li shepherd's red pupil twinkled and sneered“ I was not defeated by the hand of Li shepherd, but by the hand of the dragon in Li shepherd's body -- "the white haired witch hissed," no, I was defeated by the joint efforts of Li shepherd and the dragon -- - King's landing. What a peerless sword. "“ "Wujian is also very good." Li Shepherd said aloud“ I said, "take my sword and stop today." Said the white haired witch“ It will meet every day and divide the victory and defeat again. " With a deep look at Li shepherd, the white haired witch turned and flew out of the worry free palace“ Elder -- "elder Yushu called out in a hurry“ Elder Baiyun ------ "elder, you can't go ------" how can you just go like this ------ ----- they shouted. If elder Baiyun leaves like this, the Terran will lose a great help. The white haired witch suddenly turned around, glanced at the people, and finally fell on the face of the elder Yushu“ Take care of yourself. " After saying this, the body disappeared in situ. A moment later, the white haired witch appeared at the gate of the Kunlun temple“ Puff ------ "the blood stasis on the chest could no longer be suppressed and gushed out wildly. This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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