When the holy palace came into the world, only a very few human leaders knew about it.

When the holy palace disappeared, the news really spread to all levels of the nine kingdoms of China.

This is the timeliness of the message.

One step ahead of others to grasp the news, one step ahead of others to get tangible benefits.

For thousands of years, it has been tried repeatedly.

"It is said that the Dragon appeared in Kunlun ruins and broke into the holy palace --"

"So many Terrans haven't been able to kill a dragon. Are all the strong people of the Terran eating for nothing? What, and was robbed of the universal seal -- "

"What if that dragon becomes the Terran co master? However, this kind of thing can't happen, because Terrans can't obey the orders of a dragon - ---- "


Within the nine kingdoms, all talk about the divine palace and all complain about the evil dragon.

If we say that before, Li shepherd's influence was limited to the big people with certain influence in Xifeng or China.

This time, Li shepherd's reputation quickly spread all over the nine kingdoms of China with the advent of the holy palace.

Li Shepherd is a young man in cloth who came out of Xifeng Jiangnan City------

Li Shepherd is a dragon. He eats people's hearts and hearts-------

Li shepherd has three heads and six arms--------


Of course, no one denies his strength no matter scolding him for his cruelty or attacking his appearance.

Thousands of people were unable to kill dragons. They drank violently, and no one dared to intercept them. He allowed him to take away the all souls jade seal that everyone competed for--------

However, the strong people who entered the temple but got nothing, failed to kill the dragon and caused heavy losses to the human race were ridiculed and despised by the people. What's the use of I want you waste? Is your reputation the kind of hate iron and steel you bought with money-------

Tiandu. Cui Fu courtyard.

Before the cold winter, the cherry blossoms in Tiandu haven't had time to bloom.

However, the dense green leaves still completely shrouded the hot sun overhead. The stone pavilion hidden under the shade of the tree is the best place to avoid the summer heat.

I don't know if it's because last winter was too cold. After winter, the sun began to become violent. The earth was scorched every day. Tiandu people were like pond fish thirsty for water. They felt dried at any time.

In the pavilion, there is a stone table and four stone stools. A chessboard is placed on the stone table, and the chess game is coming to an end. Sunspots have been surrounded to death, and there seems to be no way out.

The two girls sat opposite each other in white and green skirts.

The girl in white held the sunspot in her hand, sighed gently and said, "I lost this game again."

The green skirt girl smiled, threw the white boy in her hand and said, "your heart is not here. What fun is it to win?"

"If you win, you win. Don't be polite, princess."

Chu Ning waved his hand and said, "I've said it many times. Don't call me a princess ------ what kind of Princess am I? The treatment is not as good as you women of the state. "

"After all, it's a member of the royal family --" Cui cautiously smiled and comforted.

"If I can choose, I'd rather I'm not a member of the royal family, rather I don't want the Chu surname - to be an ordinary people, do whatever they want, and go wherever they want. Isn't my life much happier than now? I am not a bird in prison now. I have long been cut off and lost my freedom - ---- "

"The princess said carefully."

Chuning looked at Cui's appearance of careful persuasion and burst into laughter.

"Don't worry, I just said such words in front of you - on other occasions, I still have to put on the airs of a princess. The more no one takes themselves seriously, the more they have to take themselves seriously. I know what I said is taboo, but be careful. My sister is someone I can trust. You won't betray me, will you? "

After a pause, Chu Ning smiled and said, "be careful, sister, everything is good, but she is too calm and cautious ----"

Cui carefully picked up the tea sent by peach red, took a sip of it, and said softly, "we always envy the beautiful scenery when it is prosperous and in full bloom, but who knows the cold it bears in the cold winter?"

Chu Ning nodded and said, "we are all miserable women."

"What else can I do except to accept my life?"

Chu Ning hesitated for a long time. After all, he didn't put down his curiosity and said, "the wedding date is approaching. Do you really want to marry song Tingyun of the Song family?"

"Do you have a better way?" Cui was careful, her eyelashes trembled and asked in a voice.

Chuning also has a helpless face.

Both of them are women and can be said to be vassals of two powerful forces. Who they want to marry and who they want to marry is more beneficial to the family - they have no decision-making power.

Women like them, like this kind of thing, just hide it in their hearts. Don't take it out and say it. It will be laughed at.

"If I put it in the past, I'd be more willful and make a fool of myself. If the sky collapses and the earth sinks, I'll send you out. My father dotes on me. It's a big deal to be locked up by him for a few days. Now, I'm afraid I'm powerless. Even if you want to do something, who else will listen to me? "

"Forget it. That's what I said casually. " Cui is careful to make a sound of comfort“ They are all ready. How can I leave the table alone? "

"If only you had made a decision earlier --" Chu Ning suddenly added“ When you were still in Jiangnan City, you two gave the big event of your life -- "

"In that case, he should be even more embarrassed."

"Hey, anyway, it's already a public enemy of the Terran. He simply robbed all the women he likes to be his wife ------ didn't he say what dragon sex was?"



Tiandu. Song's old house.

In the past six months, song Chenxi's disease has been the most important event affecting the whole song family.

The whole Xifeng Empire knows that song Chenxi is song's lonely sweetheart and his favorite granddaughter.

However, because of the problems brought out when she was born, song Chenxi's old illness relapsed. Depending on the situation, I'm afraid she can't survive this winter.

The Song family visited famous doctors and searched for secret methods. Song Chenxi took the magic pill that is hard to see in the world as fried beans. However, his body did not improve, but there was a more and more serious trend.

Song lonely, anxious and burning, simply took her to the old house and helped her expel the cold with his Zhenyuan strength every day.

However, because song Chenxi's physique is weak, and this problem is very special------

No matter what she eats or drinks, or even the real yuan Qi that helps her expel the cold, it will soon be transformed into another cold in her body.

Besides not eating, drinking or treating diseases, wouldn't it be faster to die?

"Grandpa, I'm fine." Song Chenxi lay on the bed, pale and sunken. The smart and lovely girl was almost taken away all her magic colors because of this serious illness“ Go and practice your Kung Fu. Don't accompany me. Because I influenced grandpa's practice, that's Chenxi's sin. "

Song loneliness held his granddaughter's skinny little hand and said with a smile, "Grandpa is the first in the west wind. What does it matter whether he practices or not? The most important thing is to watch the dawn get better quickly, travel around without disease and disaster, draw and write -- "

"Grandpa, I'm afraid - I'm afraid I can't get up."

"No nonsense." Song lonely snapped.

Seeing his voice frightened his granddaughter, song's lonely face gradually eased down, and his voice became much softer. He gently advised: "dawn will get better. With Grandpa, dawn will be fine. "

"Grandpa" -- "Song Chenxi's eyes were red and held grandpa's hand hard.

"Good boy." Song lonely smiled and said, "you are grandpa's good child."

When song Chenxi fell asleep, song lonely came out of her room.

Song Tao welcomed him and wanted to ask about his sister's condition, but he knew that he would not get better for a while. Speaking out would only annoy Grandpa. Just don't ask. I'll go in and see you later.

"The Eight Route men and horses we sent searched everywhere in Kunlun market. Up to now, there is still no news. I'm afraid that Li Shepherd - the Dragon left Kunlun long ago."

"Any other news?"

"All the spies from the nine countries are active, and no one has sent information about the whereabouts of the Dragon ----"

"Not in Kunlun ruins, nor in the nine kingdoms of China - where can he go?"

"That dragon is now the focus of all forces. Everyone focuses on him - does he know that all parties will pursue his whereabouts, so he tries to hide it. It can soar for nine days and hide in the deep sea. If it wants to hide, it's afraid it's hard to find -- "

"When the order goes on, the people and horses in Kunlun ruins will continue to search, and all the chess pieces and spies in the nine countries will be launched. Once there is any trouble, send a message back immediately ------ especially the peacock and Heiyan countries. We should pay special attention to them, and the internal lines in the palace can also move ------"

"Yes, Grandpa." Song Tao promised.

Song loneliness waved his hand and said, "go, go busy."

Song Tao hurried away.

Song lonely looked up at the sky.

The sun was shining, but he had a cold sense of sadness and anger.

"God wants to make people." Song loneliness sighed softly: "the dragon has become the general trend. I'm afraid it's the Song family's disaster - should it be on the dragon? Dawn ------- can she really save the Song family? "

This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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