Not bright light shines through the thick clouds on the bluestone floor at the door of the silk shop. The silk in the shop also emits a shallow halo because of this continuous light, which makes the good Suzhou Hangzhou silk shine and shine.

It's not the peak time to pick up guests, so everyone else is lazily dozing off except Gao Dafu, who accompanied a pair of mother and daughter who bought silk and satin. Spring is tired and autumn is sleepy. Now this cloudy and foggy cold weather is the most lethargic.

Li Shepherd is not sleepy, just bored. He comes all day to do important things. In order to hide his identity, he is arranged to spend time as a young man in a silk shop. Is it necessary?

Just as Li shepherd wanted to find a reason to run away, he saw a row of luxury carriages crashing down at the door of the silk shop.

Morley, who had been buried in the accounting room, knew that there was a big business. He stared and shouted, "don't go to meet the distinguished guests soon."

Chen goudan pulled Li shepherd and ran out quickly.

When Li shepherd was still stunned, he saw the very familiar girl in red who jumped down from the carriage.


Chuning, Princess of the west wind empire!

After leaving XingKong college, I didn't expect to meet again in this small silk shop today.

Lu's collapse, land air battle meteorite, Lu Qingming was seriously injured, and Lu was completely removed from the power circle of the Xifeng empire. Lu is the biggest loser.

But where is Chu Ning better than himself?

Her favorite father died and was killed by his grandfather - at least that's what the royal family publicized. Lu's people rebelled, Lu XingKong succeeded in sneaking attack on the monarch and committed the felony of killing the monarch.

His brothers were even worse off. Most of them were sent to remote areas or directly kept in captivity in the palace. Because Chu Ning is a girl's family, the situation is much better. At least she can visit friends without being restricted.

Misunderstandings and contradictions.

How will old friends face when they meet again?

Li shepherd's mood is a little sad.

On second thought, Chu Ning and I were not friends. Moreover, he is now a boy in the silk shop. Even if Chu Ning really enters the shop, he will not take a look at himself. This situation can only be regarded as a face-to-face meeting, not a reunion.

Therefore, Li shepherd gathered up his mind and stopped thinking about those inexplicable problems.

Chu Ning jumped out of the carriage and ignored Chen goudan's hospitality. Instead, he went to another carriage and whispered something inside.

Soon, a girl in white came out of the carriage.

Li shepherd's heart could not help but "click", and he felt heavily stirred by a strong force. It's like the rush of suddenly falling down and then suddenly bouncing up again.

Choi, be careful!

I didn't expect Cui to come down from the second carriage.

Cui careful, a classmate in Jiangnan City, Cui careful, a wise enlightenment figure, Cui careful, a first love object, and Cui careful, who is about to marry a woman------

"Be careful, the silk and satin in this shop is very good." Chu Ning seems to get along well with Cui carefully these days. As soon as he came down, he clenched her hand, smiled and said, "the dress I wore last time was the cloth I bought here and asked the tailor in the palace to help sew it. Don't you think it looks good, too? Look at you. Usually, you always like to read and write in the yard. You always wear these clean clothes back and forth - just wear them at ordinary times. How can the new lady need some bright red clothes. That's what makes you happy. Aunt has told me several times that I will drag you out to pick out some fabrics and make some new clothes today -- "

Cui was still calm and determined. Compared with the last separation, he lost a circle. His original oval face became thin and long, his chin pointed and pitiful. The eyes are big, with a touch of sadness that is difficult to solve. She just stood there, there was a feeling of being supported by the stars. Even if Chu ninggui is the princess of the Xifeng Empire, she can only become a green leaf in front of her.

"I like plain colors, clean clothes and quiet heart. Besides, I'm not happy in my heart. I'll be happy if I change some bright red clothes? Just leave the troubles to the women at home. Where do you need to come out like this? I still have several pages left in my book, Guanghan Tan Ji -- "

"What's good about a broken book?"

Cui carefully smiled at the corners of his mouth and said softly, "reading is much more interesting than getting married."

Chu Ning sighed gently and said, "how nervous are other girls when they get married? It's hard to sleep at night if they don't eat tea and rice. Well, the tighter the marriage, the more stable you are. Three meals a day, never fall. I read and write every day and never complain. It's like this wedding has nothing to do with you at all - your mother, they're worried that you've gone to extremes, so they've always advised me to take you out to relax. Can I refuse such a thing? "

"That's really wronging you." Cui carefully smiled and said, "I'm fine."

"Nothing? If only it were all right. I'm most afraid of you who don't say a word. If you make a big noise and look for life and death, everyone won't be so worried. But if you don't say anything or do anything, everyone's heart can't put it down - ---- no matter, go and pick the cloth first, and I'll buy you all you like. "

Cui smiled carefully and said, "sister chuning will choose for me."

"OK. I'll pick it for you. " Chuning said with a smile“ If the bright moon of the Cui family wants to marry, it will naturally become the most beautiful bride in the world -- "

"The most beautiful bride in the world --"

Li shepherd was silent and chewed this sentence bitterly.

Before, he also thought that he could come together with Cui carefully. They studied and worked together, and finally married. He also imagined how bright and moving Cui would be when he carefully put on his red makeup?

The bride is getting married. The groom is not me.

This is the saddest thing in the world.


Li shepherd got a blow on his head.

Morley waved a feather duster to clean the counter and scolded in a low voice, "yellow dog, are you sick? Distinguished guests are coming in. What are you doing standing in the door? Go and greet me. "

Li shepherd woke up and quickly got out of the way to invite these distinguished guests in.

Seeing that Li shepherd was beaten, Chu Ning and Cui carefully looked up in his direction at the same time.

Just a glance, and then he was attracted by the good silks and satins of all kinds of fabrics in the shop. After Yi Rong, Li shepherd was just a passer-by to them. A passer-by who doesn't even have the qualification to look at or ask.

Li shepherd was slightly absent-minded and not sad.

Isn't that what he wants?

Chuning seems to be a regular here. When he came, he shouted to the waiter in the store to put all the most expensive new goods in front of him.

He pointed to shepherd Li and said, "the new one, go and take down the one hanging on the shelf."

Li shepherd nodded and agreed. He quickly moved the stool and stepped on it to take samples.

Chu Ning drew these colorful fabrics on Cui carefully and said, "this is suitable for you, this is also suitable for you, and it's also good ----- people are good-looking and look good in any clothes. Be careful, you are a natural clothes shelf. "

Cui carefully smiled and said, "it's all up to sister chuning."

Chu Ning nodded and said, "wrap up everything I've just seen."

"Wrap it all up?" Gao Dafu asked with a surprised look. They had seen more than a dozen materials just now.

"Yes. Wrap it all up. " Morley patted Gao Dafu on the head, looked at Chu Ning with flattery on his face and said, "Miss, we provide delivery service # here. If it's not convenient for the young lady to bring it, we can send someone to the young lady's house. "

Chu Ning thought for a moment and said, "we still have to go shopping. Send someone to send all these materials to Cui's house. Just say it's Miss careful's stuff. Just give it to the porter. "

"Yes, I wrote it down." Morley nodded and bowed.

Cui carefully stood there, letting Chu Ning busy arranging over there.

Seeing that Li shepherd's eyes have been looking at herself, she also nodded friendly to him, and her eyes shifted to other places.

Molly was really annoyed by Li shepherd, an idiot, and whispered, "what are you doing there, yellow dog? Pack the VIP's goods quickly. Later, you and Gao Dafu are responsible for delivering the VIP's things to Cui's house. "


Chuning chuckled and said, "is there anyone else called Huang Ergou? Is there anyone named Zhao Erlu? I thought you were a silk shop if you knew it, but I thought it was Tiandu hunting park if you didn't know it. "

"--------- miss is so funny." Morley smiled with his smiling face.

"Just you." Chu Ning pointed to Li shepherd and said, "it's up to you to deliver goods to Cui's house. You can't live without your reward."

"Thank you, Miss Chu." Li Shepherd said aloud.

As soon as the words were spoken, Li shepherd secretly called it bad. This may cause great disaster. But after all, I couldn't take back what I said, so I had to pretend to be suddenly unknown.


Chu Ning stared at Li shepherd and said, "do you know my surname is Chu?"

Li shepherd nodded and said, "just now I heard the young lady call you, so I secretly wrote down the young lady's last name."

"Is that so?" Chu Ning turned to Cui carefully and asked, "did you just call my name?"

Cui carefully looked at Li shepherd thoughtfully, nodded and said, "I did shout. I said it was all up to sister Chu Ning."

"I see." Chu Ning nodded and said, "you have a heart. Bamboo branches, reward. "

Princess highness naturally does not need to bring money, naturally there are girls around to help Li Muyang to reward money.

Li shepherd grabbed a handful of reward money, quickly bowed his thanks and said, "thank you, Miss Chu Ning."

"It's rare for a young man to have a heart." Cui carefully smiled and said, "I also have a reward, but I'll give it after you deliver the goods to Cui's house."

"Then I'll thank you first, miss." Li shepherd bowed his thanks again.

Chu Ning wants to take Cui out to relax. Naturally, he won't just visit this store. After she asked the waiter to pack all the silk and satin fabrics, she took Cui carefully to another store.

Li shepherd felt that Cui's eyes at himself when he left carefully were meaningful.

When a group of women and servants left, the two guys Gao Dafu and Chen goudan immediately surrounded Li shepherd.

"Huang Er Gou, are you too lucky? The first day's work can be rewarded by the distinguished lady ----- we rarely meet such a reward in a month ----- "Gao Dafu said with envy on his face.

"Yes. And it's still so generous - more than your monthly salary? " Chen goudan stared at the reward in Li shepherd's hand with golden eyes.

Even Molly, who had been indifferent to Li shepherd, patted Li shepherd on the shoulder and said, "two dogs are good. Come and earn a big order for our store. But the name is really not auspicious. It doesn't matter in my old hometown, but it's a little dazzling in the city - -- you'll be called Huang ER in the future? "

"-------" shepherd Li wants to curse his mother.

Why don't you call Mo Er? Your family are two.

However, Li shepherd nodded obediently and said, "thank you, shopkeeper."

Morley is just a bookkeeper. When boss Mo is away, everyone calls Morley the shopkeeper. Also pick up good words. Li shepherd followed suit.

Gao Dafu and Chen goudan also flattered, saying that Huang er's name was a hundred times better than Huang Er's.

Morley ordered several people to pack the silk and satin cloth, and then asked Li shepherd and Gao Dafu to send all the goods to Cui's house with the carriage in the store.

Gao Dafu knew that there was a reward for following Li shepherd. He looked happy. Chen goudan looked wronged and asked the shopkeeper why he didn't let himself follow. Morley said that Chen goudan's name didn't sound good and would be laughed at by people of high families like the Cui family.

Chen goudan took Morley to help change his name. After a long time, Mo thought it was not good to call Chen goudan and it was not appropriate to call Chen egg. So he said your name will be Chen San in the future. Easy to remember.

Li shepherd and Gao Dafu took the men who drove the car and sent the silk and satin cloth to Cui's house. Sure enough, they got a rich reward. When Li shepherd passed by, Cui's careful maid Liu Lu was already waiting at the back door.

After she ordered the people in the house to move all these fabrics in, she gave Gao Dafu a piece of silver and threw Li shepherd a money bag. She stuffed it into Li shepherd's hand and said, "it's hard. This is the reward that Miss asked someone to leave you."

"Thank you for me, miss." Li Shepherd said gratefully.

When Li shepherd and Gao Dafu returned, Gao Dafu was very angry and chewed the broken silver for a long time, saying that he had made a small fortune today. I didn't expect these big families to spend so much money.

He asked Li shepherd what was in the bag and asked Li shepherd to open it. Li Shepherd said it was some broken money and nothing to look at. Although Morley murmured in his heart, everyone got a reward, and he had nothing to complain about. People get more. That's their ability. Who let his name fail to amuse the two nobles?

When Li shepherd returned to the shop, the satin shop was closed. Morley and Chen goudan, now renamed Chen San, cleaned up the shop and sent the guys home.

Li shepherd returns to the room where he and tea have a rest. Tea hasn't come back yet. His cheap brother-in-law is also missing.

Li shepherd went to the room and closed the door. Then he took out the money bag from his arms.

There were indeed two pieces of silver in the purse, but it was just a trick played by the little servant girl. If Gao Dafu really wants to see it, he can take it out to prove it.

Li shepherd stretched out two fingers and went in for a while. Sure enough, a plain white note came out of it.

When Li shepherd opened the note, there was only one sentence on it: Farewell in winter, how are you?

Li shepherd was struck by lightning.

How is that possible? I clearly wore a human # skin mask and disguised my voice. Why is Cui careful or able to distinguish himself from the crowd?

Can it be said that she cast any magic or bewitching on herself?

Tea pushed the door and entered. Seeing Li shepherd's dull appearance, he smiled and asked, "what's the matter? Can't stand being a man all day? Don't complain, let you be a man, just give you an identity. When you are running around in the streets of Tiandu city in the next few days, you can borrow the name of delivering cloth to distinguished guests - otherwise, with the current alert level of Tiandu City, a strange face may soon enter the attention of the city patrol and supervision department. As long as you make them suspicious, it's not easy for you to escape at that time. "

Li shepherd didn't speak and handed the note to tea.

Tea took a look and said, "it's a woman's handwriting, and there's still a smell on the paper ------ it's the smell of Tiandu cherry. Who gave it to you? "

"Cui, be careful." Said Li shepherd.

Tea was so surprised that she almost jumped up from the ground and said, "young master, are you crazy? How can you see Cui at this time? Do you know where you are now? This is the capital of heaven. This is the capital of Xifeng emperor. It is where the imperial city is located. There are many experts and thousands of tiger generals. No one knows how many terrorist figures are hidden in the imperial capital - the childe's identity is so special that as long as the identity is exposed, the whole Tiandu city will come to chase and kill the childe. In particular, the song and Cui families regard the childe as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh -- "

"I know that the young master used to have some old relationships with the bright moon of the Cui family, but now the young lady is going to marry song Tingyun of the Song family. The Cui and song families were originally a group - the young master returns to Tiandu this time. Doesn't the young lady of the Cui family know that the young master intends to retaliate? Under the threat of family interests and the safety of relatives, can she still hold on to her feelings that year? Will she expose the childe's identity -- "childe, you're so messed up --"

"Finished?" Asked Li shepherd.

"Childe ----"

"It's my turn." Said Li shepherd.

So, Li shepherd told red tea what happened this afternoon.

After listening to tea, fell into deep thought.

For a long time, she looked up at Li shepherd and asked, "it's not you who took the initiative to provoke the Miss Cui family, but it happened that they wanted to buy lucky clothes, so they came to our silk shop------“


”You've never taken off this mask? "


"You haven't changed your voice, either? Change to the old way of speaking? "


"You didn't give any hint?"

"If I gave any hint, what's the meaning of this dress - in addition to accidentally calling out Chu Ning's last name, but I also came back."

"That's really strange."

"I've been wondering. Why can she recognize it under such circumstances? Did someone reveal my whereabouts? However, no one knows about my coming to Tiandu. Except you and boss Mo -- "

"Do you suspect me and boss Mo?"

"How is that possible? One is a friend who fought side by side with me, and the other is a partner trusted by grandpa - how can I doubt you? Besides, even if you want to reveal my whereabouts, you don't have to tell Cui. It's meaningless to tell her. It should be reported to more important people. "

"Good. Besides, I have confidence in my skill. Apart from my master, few people in the world can see through my skill -- "

"What's the matter with this note? Temptation? Even if it is temptation, it will not come to me? "

"There is only one possibility."

"Which one?"

"We often say that the most intense degree of hating a person is - even if you turn into ash, I can recognize you." Tea looked at Li shepherd's eyes and said softly.

"So --"

"You already understand. Isn't it? " Red tea said in a deep voice: "if it's not for your lovesickness and disaster, if it's not for your insight and knowledge, how can you see you from this vast sea of people?"


Li shepherd doesn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

Secretly happy? It's a little.

Any man who is missed and expected by such a beautiful woman will have some joy in his heart more or less. Originally thought she just defined the relationship between the two as a friend, perhaps a friend with the same heart. But I didn't expect that she was also deeply in love? When she abandoned herself and left quietly, she ran to Tiandu and was ready to never meet again - at that time, she was not ruthless, just because the situation was not allowed?

More is depression and heaviness.

Cui carefully recognized himself and pierced the matter.

However, how should I deal with it?

His heart belongs to him. He has been deeply fascinated by the woman called QianDu. He also secretly decided that he would never owe her in his life. Just as she stood in front of her again and again, she tried her best to protect her.

Choi, be careful? Just sit back?

He knew her temperament and he knew she was dissatisfied with the marriage. So what?

It was the decision of the two families. Could he jump out and destroy the marriage? Can he pull her hand out of the sea of suffering? Even so, where can you take her?

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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