No wonder Gu Qinglin was angry.

King Hui was only the blessing king before. He was a prince who was suspected and guarded by the first emperor, and he was also the first emperor's brother. I can't tell when he was killed by the first emperor instead of a cup of poisonous wine. Only because of the help of their brother Yan Qiang, song and Cui, did they have the throne of the ninth highest Emperor today.

At the beginning of King Hui's accession to the throne, he was able to defend himself, live in peace and enjoy his life, and guard his son's identity as emperor. It is very helpful for song to protect the overall situation of Xifeng and eradicate Lu's traitor.

Unexpectedly, with the time of his accession to the throne and the stability of the throne, his mind became more active, his attitude towards song became more and more negative, his attitude towards himself became more and more perfunctory, and he also had some of his own careful thoughts.

Because of this, Gu Qinglin had a night talk with the old fairy at home. The old fairy said it was human nature and didn't care. Huiwang wants to seize power and get rid of the Song family, which is an idea that ordinary people will have. Just like his brother. Moreover, he is still a high-ranking emperor, and it is natural for him to have some autonomy. Big and small rights are in their own hands, but they will be criticized by the government and the public. As long as the general situation is still in Song's hands, let him toss around.

Although Gu Qinglin listened to the words of the old fairy, he still lost the face of Huiwang in several things, which made his plan come to naught. Gu Qinglin must let Huiwang know the fact that only with the support of song can you sit firmly under your ass. If you leave the Song family, you are just a chess piece abandoned miserably.

Song can help you to the throne of God and pull you down from the throne.

After Huiwang was hit, his mind became sober and indeed he became obedient and respectful. He often delegated power to song, but he was obsessed with women and couldn't extricate himself. They are busy giving birth to children for the Chu family and making contributions to the continuation of future generations.

This trial found that King Hui once again ran counter to song's intention. Does he also want to use the power of Zhu Yuren and those behind the scenes to pull Song Yu down?

If it were other officials, song would not take it seriously. However, Song Yu is an important general who holds military power for the Song family. This person must not be lost.

Therefore, Gu Qinglin's attitude towards King Hui was extremely hated, and even hated the idea of abolishing the emperor.

Of course, such an idea just flashed away in my heart.

They just pulled down the first emperor and let the Xifeng Empire change the sun and the moon. There are still a lot of follow-up work to be completed, and there are still many powers in urgent need of consolidation. In particular, the change of military power and the city masters of major cities moved the whole body. Even song dared not act rashly.

No way, Lu has been in charge of the military for thousands of years, and his position in the military is too stable. No one knows how many lineages and forces they have in the army.

They who are openly loyal to Lu can vigorously eradicate them, but there are countless army generals in the dark. How will those people be eradicated?

"Your Majesty, Cai Jingcheng was so excited that he did such reckless things. For the sake of safeguarding the reputation of the imperial court's important general, let him be exempted from the punishment of his staff?" Gu Qinglin stood up and spoke for Cai Jingcheng.

Hui Wang pondered a little, nodded and said, "you have no jokes. How can you take it back easily? However, since the prime minister speaks for Cai Jingcheng, let's reduce the twenty heavy staff to ten staff - - you should never roar at the court in the future and do such things as losing your honor in front of you. "

"Yes, your majesty." The ministers were ordered.

Gu Qinglin glanced at Cai Jingcheng and gave him a reassuring look, which meant that he would help to repay today's humiliation.

"Your Majesty, the main reason why Cai Jingcheng made such a loss of honor is that Lord Zhu falsely accused people of innocence. Since Lord Zhu said that general Song Yu's virtue was bad, he was unwilling to take out testimony and evidence - - this is teasing his majesty and all ministers. Please punish him. "

King Hui stared at Zhu Yuren with sharp eyes and shouted, "Lord Zhu, if you don't take out the witness evidence again, I'm afraid I'll punish you - slander the important general of the court in court, which is the crime of bullying the king. I certainly won't spare it. "

"Your Majesty, I beg your majesty to send a credible person to lead the flying feather army to follow the old minister to collect the witness and evidence." Zhu Yuren shouted.

"Bold, do you distrust the man Dynasty's civil and military?" Someone shouted angrily.

"The flying feather army is your Majesty's flying feather army. How can it be used by you alone?"

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid that Lord Zhu is getting old and has a hypochondriac ----- you'd better allow him to go home and recover from his illness -----"


"Lord Zhu, do you really have witness evidence?" Huiwang hesitated.

If he agrees to Zhu Yuren's request, I'm afraid he will completely offend the Song family.

What's the matter? As soon as you see someone attacking the Song family, you climb up the pole?

"The old minister is willing to guarantee with his head on his neck that I do have witnesses and exhibits." Zhu Yuren shouted in a deep voice“ Your majesty, please help me. "

As he spoke, his head knocked heavily on the white jade of the Taihe hall and hissed, "please your majesty."


"Your Majesty, please help."


"Your Majesty, please help."





Every time Zhu Yuren knocks his head heavily, he must shout "please your majesty.".

He banged his head so hard that his forehead soon burst and blood splashed. His eyes were covered with blood. Even his face and body were covered with blood. It was terrible.

The man Dynasty's civil and military were numb. Unexpectedly, the little old man didn't hesitate to take his old life in order to beat the Song family.

Hui Wang's eyes flashed, "bang" on the emperor's chair.

"Since Lord Zhu insists so, I'll agree to your proposal - however, Lord Zhu, if my flying feather army can't get the witness evidence, it will have no good fruit with you."

"The old minister is willing to accept the crime."

Zhu Yuren looked excited and knocked his head on the ground again.

"All right, all right. My head is about to crack open. Come on, you said you wanted me to send a trusted person. Then tell me, who is the trusted person in your mind? "

"Yan Bolai, general Yan." Zhu Yuren straightened his spine and said in a loud voice.

Yan Bolai's face changed dramatically. He knew that there was a huge net covering him and the Yan family behind him.



The black waves rippled and could not see the edge at a glance.

Dark clouds rolled and a storm was coming.

A seabird skimmed over the sea and landed on the side of the ship. Then it flapped its wings and screamed and flew away in the distance.

In the vast sea, several giant ships are sailing fast.

Zhao dingfang, the general manager of the caravan, stood in the bow of the first big ship with a worried face.

Chen Tao, the supervisor next to him, saw Zhao dingfang's dignified expression and said with a smile, "steward Zhao is worried about piracy again?"

"This is the West Sea realm. The red boy runs across the West Sea. If he spies on us, we will die. I'm afraid this precious goods worth tens of millions will enter the mouth of the giant bandit - how can dingfang be able to trust his master? How can you live up to the expectations of the Zhao family? You know, these ships of goods are ordered by the government. If they are lost, I'm afraid Chen will be depressed and bankrupt -- "

"Don't worry, steward Zhao. Although the red boy has a bad reputation, the West Sea is so big that he just comes and goes? Didn't our last deposit pass through the West Sea safely? "

"It is said that the red boy is extremely insidious and knows the truth of raising and slaughtering sheep in captivity. He committed robbery only three months of the year and allowed merchant ships to travel at other times. If every merchant ship was robbed by him, where would anyone dare to transport goods in the west sea? However, no one knows which three months he robbed - if we happen to meet him, you and I will be dead. "

"Steward Zhao put his heart in his stomach. I know a little about the reasoning of the book of changes. When I go out, I calculate a divination for our trip. It's scary but not dangerous ----- go for a walk. I'll let the little sinau warm a pot of good wine and let's have a good drink. "

"I'm still not sure. Let's ask, where is this place? If you are close to the evil Jiaodong, you need to speed up the voyage -- "

Located on the west coast of the westerly border and in a hidden corner of the vast sea of people, the island is surrounded by strong winds, rainstorms and thunder all day long. Moreover, the island is shrouded in black fog, and there are many eddies on the seabed. There is a giant dragon growing on the island, which is a devil's land not close to strangers.

However, it has become a place for a group of pirates to escape from disaster.

It is said that the giant thief red boy took this place as the foundation. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Almost no one can break in.

"I should avoid the terrain of the evil Jiao Island - the evil Jiao island. I heard that. Look at the sky and the sea. Where is the wind? Where is the rainstorm? Where is the lightning thunder black fog barrier? "

Before the words fell, the boatman standing on the flagpole Liaowang platform suddenly screamed: "find pirates, find pirates ----- it's a red boy -----"

Zhao dingfang and Chen Tao were pale as ashes.

"It's over." This is their common idea.

The pirate ships came very fast, and the wind blew the sails, like an arrow off the string, quickly surrounded the leading merchant ship.

When other merchant ships saw that the main ship was besieged, they did not dare to turn around and escape easily.

The merchant ships were huge, but the pirate ships were light and fast. They could easily catch up with them.

Although they also have a lot of escort forces on board, the red boy has a bad reputation. If he falls into their hands, he may only die.

How dare they take the risk?

On the largest pirate ship, a group of people are looking at this side with grinning and wild smiles.

The boat was bloodstained, the hunting flag fluttered on the pole, and a huge red baby flag fluttered in the wind.

Maritime traders walking in the West Sea all know that the red baby flag is the ship of the giant thief red boy, and it is also his tool for burning, killing and looting in the West Sea.

Chen Tao took a look at the red baby flag. His legs were fighting and his body was soft. If it weren't for holding the boat string, I'm afraid I would have fallen to the ground.

"Steward Zhao, brother Zhao - if you can save your life - give these goods to them --" Chen Tao whispered to Zhao dingfang.

Zhao dingfang sighed gently. Chen Tao was a member of the Chen Clan and the supervisor of the caravan. He was the direct son who supervised them to work hard and had no chance to greedy for ink and huge goods. Even he said such words. It seems that the goods can't be kept.

Zhao dingfang nodded and said, "we act expediently."

"Who is in charge?" On the pirate ship, a man with a knife roared loudly.

Chen Tao pushed Zhao dingfang. Zhao dingfang was helpless and had to promise loudly: "I'm in charge - I'm Zhao dingfang in charge of Chen's caravan. I don't know what heroes want to intercept at sea?"

"What do you want? Hahaha, he even asked us what we wanted? " The sword carrying Khan turned and laughed wildly, laughing with the pirates with weapons behind him“ Brothers, tell me, what do we want? "

"Grandpa's stealing money. Get your money and treasure ready for Grandpa -- "

"We are pirates. In addition to robbery, can we come to send warmth to you?"

"It's killing grandpa -"


Zhao dingfang's face turned blue and white, and he said, "our Chen caravan has prepared a small gift for all sea heroes. Please open up and let us live - we are also eating our master's food and fooling the family not to be hungry. Heroes, take care of me. "

Zhao dingfang said, took a step back and bowed deeply to these notorious pirates.

I have to say that Zhao dingfang's big management is indeed qualified. Facing the notorious red boy, pirates can advance and retreat with evidence, courtesy and integrity. Chen Tao was paralyzed when the pirates laughed wildly, but he still remained calm and wanted to impress these pirates with "small gifts" and words. Ask the other party to let them live and give them a bite to eat.

There was a red faced man on the pirate ship. He couldn't see his real age. He was about forty or fifty years old, or maybe older. But with a big face and thick eyebrows, and eyes like eagles. Besides blushing, his neck was also red, and his bare arms were also red.

He didn't wear a pirate suit or a windblown sand hat, but a light cyan scribe suit. He looked gentle and exquisite. He didn't look like a pirate, but more like a teacher of whose family.

However, everyone knows that this person is the famous overlord of the West Sea ---- Red boy.

Red boy blushed from childhood. He not only blushed, but also his whole body was red, so he was named Red boy.

Red boy is born with different talents. He can be called a martial arts genius. Later, he became a famous teacher and learned good Kung Fu. It's a pity that he doesn't follow the right path and specializes in killing people and seizing treasures.

Later, when he was expelled from the school by master, he no longer had any scruples. He crossed the nine kingdoms of China, killed countless people and committed many great crimes. When the officers and soldiers of the nine kingdoms of China began to encircle and suppress this man, he sailed to sea and became the king of the West Sea.

Red boy looked at Zhao dingfang's style, stretched out his hand, pointed to the man, and said to the leaders around him, "this man is a scholar. You can't kill him lightly or humiliate him."

"Yes." Everyone agreed in unison.

Red boy jumped into the sky, looked down at Zhao dingfang and the many guards around him, and said, "I'm red boy, the king of the West Sea. You should have heard of my reputation - leaving money and goods can let you go. Otherwise, there will be a lack of food on the evil Jiao island. You will all be captured and fed to the evil Jiao to help me train Jiao soldiers. Do you have any objection? "

Zhao dingfang was stunned. Looking at the red faced man with a high body, he thought, doesn't it mean that red boy is seven feet tall, four eyes, eight noses, a blood basin and a huge mouth can swallow a life?

The man spoke politely. Although he was rude and rude, it was also in line with his pirate life. Isn't this man also a scholar?

"Zhao dingfang, what do you think?" Red boy's eyes swept to Zhao dingfang and asked aloud.

"-------" Zhao dingfang looked very embarrassed and turned to look at Chen Tao around him. I don't know when Chen Tao has sat down on the ground. The boat board is wet and smelly. He peed his pants in public.

Chen Tao can't count on it, and Zhao dingfang doesn't dare to easily say that he gives up the goods for a chance of life.

If he did, even if he came home, would Chen let himself live?

Sometimes, those rich and dignified people are more ferocious and terrible than these pirates.

Seeing that Zhao dingfang didn't answer, red boy's red face became more red. He said coldly, "it seems that you are toasting instead of drinking. I hate dealing with stupid people most, red boy. Since you've missed the opportunity, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

Red boy waved his big hand and shouted angrily, "kill all."

Zhao dingfang was about to open his mouth and stop. Suddenly he found his head flying in the air.

And his eyes were getting closer and closer to the red child. In an instant, they came to his eyes and looked at each other closely with the red child's eyes.

Red boy looked into Zhao dingfang's eyes and said, "I thought you were a smart man and wanted to hire you as my king's aide - - I didn't expect you to be a fool, so you can't be reused. There are too many such people. It's better to die than to live. "

With that, he threw Zhao dingfang's head.


Zhao dingfang's head fell into the deep sea, and a group of sharks rushed over when they smelled the bloody smell.

Until this time, Zhao dingfang's body standing on the merchant ship fell to the ground with a plop.

Chen Tao's head was drenched with blood. He screamed and roared, trying to push Zhao dingfang's body away and push it far away, but he stretched out his hand and found a thick piece.

"Killed." With a scream, Chen Tao's eyes blackened and fell straight on the board.

At this moment, the pirates had approached the boat and jumped on the merchant ship by all means.

Although there are guards on the merchant ship, there is little resistance in the face of these murderous pirates.

Originally, I felt guilty when I saw red boy in person, and the number was not dominant. Many of them were cut down by pirates.

Blood donation is burning!

On the merchant ship, the sound of killing shook the sky and blood flowed into a river.

This is a unilateral massacre. Like countless previous massacres, except for helping raise the reputation of red boy and enriching the wealth of his evil Jiaodao, there are only the tragic cries of the families of the victims.

Red boy didn't need to do it himself. He didn't even turn his eyes to the killing on the deck.

He stood on the side of the ship and looked at the sea as if he could never see the end.

Although the sea is big, it makes people feel that heroes are useless after all.

The nine kingdoms of China, that's where the strong stand.

He's going back. Only when he gets back there can he be famous in China and become the most dazzling existence under the starry sky.

I received a message from Song dawn two days ago. I want to keep a low profile. I'd better not show my whereabouts in the recent days.

"It's a big joke. What qualifications does he have to discipline me at Song dawn? When I became famous, he didn't know where to play with the mud at dawn. "

Red boy didn't take song dawn's words to heart at all. The land of the West Sea is all his red boy's territory. He came out to breathe out and patrol the territory. Does anyone dare to gossip?

Not to mention that song dawns, even if song lonely comes, his red boy will leave him in the West Sea to feed sharks.

Soon, Yang Yi, a small head of his command, reported to the evil eye arrow God and said, "king, the merchants and guards on the ship have been slaughtered. Only a few women are alive and are making the brothers happy in turn - there are two beautiful ones that I keep for the king. Would you like to go down and spoil it? "

In the past, red boy naturally wanted to have fun with his brothers. But today, when I thought of song dawn's news, I lost my appetite and said, "transport money and goods back to the evil Jiao island. As for women, take them back too - where can't you be happy? I can't help it for a while? "

"Hey, I'll tell them now --" Zhang Yi promised and immediately ran to the cabin to do some work.

Just then, red boy suddenly felt that the sea was different.

Not seen by the naked eye, but a feeling.

I feel the sea boiling. No, it's stirred by some monster.

In the deep sea, a white photoelectric is burning like a spark, thousands of miles in a flash.

Like a flickering light and shadow, and like a white rainbow in the water, it swished towards the place where the merchant ship was in danger.

Where they pass, the fish are silent, and all animals bow down.

Even those giant sea monsters who are arrogant in the deep sea only open their mouths when they encounter the invasion of the white photoelectric field, and then obediently lie down in the rock, shrink and shrink their bodies, pretending not to know what happened just now.

The Dragon King patrols the sea and the sea people worship.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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