"Lord Zhu, where are you going to send the murderer?" The handsome young man named Ang Lee asked aloud.

"What's your name?" Zhu Yuren looked at Ang Lee and asked aloud.

"Student Ang Lee." Ang Lee's heart was nervous and he thought that this adult Zhu's eyes were sharp. Did he ask too many questions and show too enthusiasm to be remembered by him?

"Ang Lee?" Zhu Yuren chewed the name in his mouth. "“ Where did you study? "

"At the lakeside University. Teachers and students, Mr. Meng Deyu. " Ang Lee couldn't help but straighten his spine and replied. This was a decision he made subconsciously, as if he could prove his innocence. However, in the eyes of old officials such as Zhu Yuren, his actions seem more guilty of being a thief.

"Say hello to Mr. Meng for me." Zhu Yuren said aloud. He knows the lakeside University and Meng Deyu, but he doesn't know who Ang Lee is.

However, if everything he said is true, let someone inquire about it later. If you keep the green mountains, you won't be afraid of no firewood.

For the sake of old friends and benefactors, Zhu Yuren is willing to be a sword in the hands of others. However, he had to find out who was behind all this.

"Yes. The students must bring Lord Zhu's greetings to us. " Ang Lee said respectfully.

"I'm going to send the murderer to Yan's house and hand him over to general Yan Bolai for custody." Zhu Yuren said with a smile, "I'm a civil servant. Except that I have a sharp mouth and can write a few big words, I don't have the ability to take good care of giant bandits like red boy. It's better to leave it to general Yan. I think he will be able to guard this person tightly and prevent anyone from coming to kill people. "

"What Lord Zhu said is very true." Ang Lee praised“ Although Mr. Zhu was born as a civil servant, he is loyal and courageous. He is a model for our generation of scholars. Today, we will send the murderer to Yan mansion together with Lord Zhu. If passers-by are intercepted and want to kill people, Ang Lee will block Lord Zhu with flesh and blood. "

"Yes, we'll go with Lord Zhu --"

"Who dares to hurt Lord Zhu and step on my Wang Li's body --"


Ang Lee's performance strengthened Zhu Yuren's heart. He was the childcare sent by the person behind the scenes.

However, things are moving in the direction he wants. He is also willing to accept it.

Zhu Yuren pondered for a moment, waved his big hand and said, "they are all iron men of the Empire, so go with him."

"Go together, go together." Countless people shouted.

A group of people, surrounded by Zhu Yuren and the colorful West Sea bandit red boy, walked towards Yan house.


"What?" Yan Bolai gave a heavy blow to the brush in his hand, leaving an ugly ink scar on the paper“ The red boy was transferred? "

"Yes. Red boy has been transferred, and Zhu Yuren is taking him to our Yan House - "the young clerk at the table said aloud. He is a confidant subordinate brought back from Jiangnan by Yan Bolai, who has laid many spies for him in Tiandu city. Naturally, what happened in front of Zhu's house could not be concealed from their spies, so he came back at the first time just to make his master have a preparation in mind.

"Zhu Yuren is just a civil servant. How can he catch the red boy? Red boy runs across the West Sea and is protected by the natural dangers of the evil Jiaodao island. In those years, our Yan family didn't send someone to look for it. As a result, all of them came back from great losses - - how can Zhu Yuren catch him? " Yan Bolai looks incredible.

"Sir, it is said that the red boy fell from the sky --" whispered the young registrar. I'm afraid Yan Bolai doesn't believe it. He doesn't believe it himself“ Lord Zhu said it himself. In front of countless students. "

"You said he was going to send someone to me?"

"Yes. It is indeed the direction of our Yan mansion, and accompanied by many Xifeng students and countless Tiandu people who follow to watch the excitement -- "

Yan Bolai's face was extremely gloomy and said, "Zhu Yuren is a poisonous snake. He usually hides deeply and is kind to others. Once you work hard, you can really do anything. He was worried that song's family would kill people and that our Yan family would refuse to accept it, so he deliberately made a big noise - in this way, song's family would throw a rat's nest, and our Yan family could only follow the public opinion and value the red boy. It's so shameless. "

"My Lord, what should we do now?"

"What should I do?" Yan Bolai's eyes narrowed like a fine needle“ Now that he has sent the people, we will accept them according to their wishes. Anyway, one is closed, and the two are also closed - he has found such a good excuse for us, so song can't find an excuse even if he wants to find us trouble. Under such circumstances, don't they do nothing? Have the ability to kill people in the street - just like when they ambushed the little dragon -- "

"Will they do such stupid things?" The clerk looked surprised.

After a long silence, Yan Bolai said slowly, "I wish they would do such stupid things."

Before the words fell, the noise came from the gate of Yan mansion.

Yan Bolai knew that Zhu Yuren had sent the West Sea bandit red boy to the door.

He gave the clerk a hard look. The clerk only felt a slight vibration, because he knew that the master was very dissatisfied with his reaction speed. People had to go to the door of the house to spread the news. It was really a dereliction of duty.

However, Chang'an Street is so long that these officials live on the same street. It doesn't take long. His people have to inquire about the cause and effect of the matter before they can report to themselves, and they have to control the progress of the matter------

The clerk bowed down and expressed his deep apology.

Yan Bo snorted coldly, dropped his brush and walked outside the gate.

Now that the "goods" have been delivered, he has to show his "thanks".


"What?" Song Yu exclaimed, and even the soup bowl in her hand fell to the ground. He was not in the mood to eat in the Song family's old house. Later, the old man's strategy made him confident. When he came back, he felt hungry and wanted to go to work after he was full. As a result, I heard such bad news before I had two mouthfuls of soup.

Yes, the arrest of red boy is bad news for himself.

"General, the red boy is really caught --" Song dawn looked very embarrassed. He knew what the capture of red boy meant to the general“ I didn't believe it at first. I thought that the red boy was far away in the West Sea and there were many proud soldiers and fierce generals under him. How could he be caught? Besides, Zhu Yuren is a weak scholar. Why can he catch red boy? Unexpectedly, I took a trip to Chang'an Street. The person they tied up for the parade was really the red boy - the general and I met the red boy and were very impressed with him. "

"Damn it." Song Yu said in an evil voice“ Red boy, a fool, can be found hiding in the West Sea. If I had known so, I would have done him directly last time. "

"General, that said, in the final analysis, Hong ER and we are still grasshoppers on the same boat - if Hong Er falls into Yan Bolai's hands, I'm afraid the general will be in an extremely dangerous situation. We need to come up with a response early. "

"What else can we do?" Song Yu's pupil became blood red and shouted, "naturally, it's just to find a way to kill him. Only in this way can we shut him up. "

"If we start to kill, will it make people think --" Song dawn wants to stop. He knew the general's violent temper. Even if he was his top confidant, he didn't dare to say something directly. Inside and outside the iron gate, Song Yu was nicknamed "white haired devil". His hair was white, but his heart was black. And turn your face ruthlessly. He killed not only the enemy, but also his own people.

Therefore, the whole iron gate is his speech hall, and no one dares to disobey every word he says and every order he gives.

"Not what? At dawn, when is it? You and I still need to hide like this? " Song Yu shouted angrily.

"If we kill the red boy, will the world think that the general is guilty of being a thief?"

"What do you say? Not to kill, not to stay ------ what do you say? "

Song dawn also looked embarrassed.

This time, the situation forced him so far that he didn't know what to do.

Song Yu also knows that the situation is extremely delicate.

First, the old man Zhu Yuren overturned the case in the court and put Song Yu on the fire to bake. He splashed his blood on the court, making everyone believe in his loyalty and integrity - making people feel that what he said is true and will never deliberately frame others.

After all, Song Yu is not only a general with military power, but also the core figure of the song clan. He didn't do this until he was full? That's risking beheading.

Later, he said that he had a witness card on hand and sent it to the Yan family who was at odds with the Song family.

At this time, there was a lot of noise, and the people in Tiandu talked about it. Everyone knew that as long as the murderer Hong ER was found again, the crime of general Song Yu could be judged.

Now they really found the red boy.

Killing people is the best way.

It's the only way.

However, they regard themselves as a scholarly family and cherish their reputation most.

If he sends someone to kill hong'er, everyone in the world will think that song did it.

At that time, song's reputation for maintaining the Millennium would collapse, and the image of a mountain and a sea of stars in the hearts of students would also collapse.

Is this what the old fairy wants to see?

"Can we say that we can only sacrifice ourselves --" Song Yu thought in her heart“ No, absolutely not. Live, he must live. If you die, you have nothing. "

"The red boy must die." Song Yuhan said in a voice“ Either he or I die. "

"But what about the old fairy?"

"I can't care so much. There's no proof of death at that time. The old immortal is angry. I don't admit it - the red boy killed countless people. Who knows which enemy killed him all the way? It's better to keep him speechless than to let him talk nonsense. That will have less impact on my song family. "

Song dawn's eyes showed a fierce light and said, "then kill the red boy."

Song Yu looked at Song dawn and said, "dawn, you and I are brothers and sisters. You are also the most trusted person around me. And he is also the most capable cadre around me. Therefore, this matter can only ask you to do it - if I do it myself, if there are any flaws, it will be difficult to end the matter. "

"It's my duty at dawn." Song dawn said with a fist.

Song Yu patted song dawn on the shoulder and said, "the life and death of jade is in the hands of dawn. I am waiting for your triumphant return. "

"Yes. General. " Song dawn bowed and said“ The general will never be disappointed at dawn. "

"When the red boy died, Zhu Yuren betrayed the country. We should cooperate inside and outside and start together. "

"Yes. General. " Song dawn bowed deeply and turned to walk outside.

"Zhu Yuren - - red boy - - and Li Yangyang - -" Song Yu clenched her fists, her strength was surging all over her body, her clothes were bulging high, the jade crown on her head was broken into powder, and her white hair was floating in the wind“ I want you to die one by one. "

At this moment, the God of death came into the world.



Yanfu. Dungeon.

Since Zhu Yuren sent Li Wenjin, the only survivor of the Li family, to Yan's house, Yan Bolai put him in custody in the dungeon of Yan's house, which is also an alternative guard.

Because the Yan family, in addition to the secret room where Master Yan discussed important matters with several key figures in the family and the treasure Pavilion of the Yan family, that is, the dungeon is the most compact, tight, easy to defend and difficult to enter.

Secret rooms and treasure houses are not convenient for outsiders, so only dungeons can choose. As for whether Li Wenjin is going to commit this thing - who cares?

As long as we can protect him from being killed, the task of the Yan family will be completed.

Of course, red boy is a notorious key criminal of the imperial court, and he will be thrown into prison.

Originally, Li Wenjin had a good life. Although he lived in a dark dungeon, the Yan Family treated him fairly well. There are bedding to sleep, meals to eat, and a pot of good wine every day.

However, when honger came in, Li Wenjin's good days came to an end.

When he saw the red boy sent to the dungeon by Yan Family soldiers, his eyes were split and murderous.

How many days and nights, how many times I cursed in the face of the portrait of the red child. Life must eat its flesh, death must drink its blood.

The lives of hundreds of members of the Li family must be avenged in this life.

Unexpectedly, the enemy of the massacre was right in front of us.

"Red boy ------ you are red boy" -- Li Wenjin lay down in front of the prison door, pointed to red boy and shouted.

The red boy gave him a cold look and asked, "who are you?"

"I'm Li Wenjin. I am the man of the Li family who was killed by you - - Hong Er, I must kill you, I must kill you -- "

The red child's eyes twinkled and said coldly, "it's up to you?"

Even no longer willing to talk to Li Wenjin, he quickly walked towards the deep prison under the escort of the guard.

"Red boy - - red boy - - I must kill you, I must kill you, I want to eat your meat, I want to drink your blood, and I want to avenge my Li family --"


The night was dark, and a dark figure appeared in the dungeon unconsciously.

The dark shadow rushed forward like a swimming fish, passed over Li Wenjin's cell, crossed the cell of a condemned prisoner, and soon stayed in front of the deepest black prison.

He looked at the heavily bound prisoners lying on the ground to rest. With a slight tap of his fingers, the huge copper lock was broken by him.

Holding a long sword, he quickly cut off the prisoner's head on the ground.


Blood splashed and his head rolled to one side.


The shadow put his sword into its sheath and was about to leave when he found that the head was wrong------

That's not the head of a living man, that's the head of a dead man.

In other words, the man was dead before he came out of the sword.

"Yes." The shadow whispered and was ready to break out of the prison.

Chug, chug, chug------

Countless torches were burning in the dungeon, and huge night pearls were inlaid on the stone wall at the top. The whole prison was as bright as day.

"Song dawn, since you have come to my Yan house, why are you in a hurry?" Above the long steps, at the entrance of the dungeon, a group of people were walking towards this side.

The first person is Yan Bolai, who is responsible for the custody of prisoners. Next to him is Yan Wuxian, who has almost never asked about world affairs but has the most profound cultivation.

Yan had no time to look at the dark shadow trapped in the depths of the dungeon, and a sarcastic smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Behind Yan Wuqi are the elite guards of Yan mansion and hundreds of bow and crossbow men, which surround the entrance of the dungeon.

A glimmer of despair flashed in the dark shadow's eyes and pulled the black veil off his face. It was the "shadow" Song dawn. Song dawn stared at Yan Bolai with cold eyes and shouted, "Yan Bolai, do you really want to live with the Song family? Why must we kill general Song Yu? "

"At dawn of Song Dynasty, it's not that we want to live with your song family, nor that we want to kill your general - it's that you want to kill my Yan family. If we just let you kill hong'er and Li Wenjin, how can my Yan Family explain to your majesty? How to explain to the people all over the world? "

"Besides, we Yanfu set up a net to catch turtles in a jar. Who knows this turtle is your song dawn? "

"Stay on the front line and meet each other in the future. You should know that if you force me to stay at dawn today, it will be a death feud with the Song family - today's business is over. If I leave here, you will regard me as having not seen song dawn. How? "

"Ha ha ha --" Yan Bolai laughed wildly“ Song dawn is a big joke. When you almost killed my son's horse, did you ever think about being a man and staying a line to meet in the future? You were merciless that day. How can you meet my Yan family today? "

"You should know that I didn't kill Yan Xiangma - if I wanted to kill, could the fools of the supervision department take people away from me?"

"That makes sense. Since you say so, let's beat you seriously, too - like my son Xiangma. If you can leave alive, it's your bad luck. We Yan family won't stop -- "

"Offended." Song dawn shouted angrily and rushed towards the dungeon entrance with a long sword.

"Over measure one's strength." Yan had no time to drink coldly, stretched out his robe in his sleeve and snapped it at Song dawn.


Zhu Yuren is stubborn!

Li Wenjin identified!

Red boy is caught!

Song dawn assassination attempt!

One pile after another, one ring after another, nailed Song Yu, the general holding hundreds of thousands of powerful troops, to the pillar of shame.

When the news that song dawn broke into the prison of Yan mansion and wanted to kill people came out, the whole Tiandu city was in an uproar.

This time, even the idiot knew that Song Yu and the red boy had an ambiguous cooperative relationship. The Li family's extermination, and even several cases in which the political enemy was killed by red boy, were all directed by Song Yu.

In order to eliminate her own sins and eliminate her competitors in the army, Song Yu did not hesitate to use the trump card of red boy to kill them and their families again and again. The cruelty of the means is heinous.

Song Yu is a murderer, which is the consensus of Tiandu people.

We don't even need a trial. Everyone's heart has reached such a result.

People's emotions broke out, and countless people discussed this matter openly and secretly, and denounced Song Yu's bad behavior.

Even the Song family behind him will be involved.

In everyone's mind, there will be such a question: Song Yu has committed so many murders. Does the old fairy song, who is called "eye of the starry sky" by the west wind, know nothing about it?

Song Yu ran away.

When he couldn't wait for song dawn to return, he knew that the matter had been exposed. At the first time, he rushed out of the city with his confidant black armour Pro guard.

He wants to go back to the iron gate, which is his own territory.

I am the king there.

As long as you return to the iron gate, you will have the foundation to protect your life. Anyone who wants to kill him must weigh the counterattack of hundreds of thousands of troops.

It's the old fairy-----

Thinking of the old fairy, Song Yu's scalp felt numb.

If the old immortal knew this, he would be furious, wouldn't he?

Thinking of this, he urged the hummingbird to step down again.

As long as he flies to the iron gate quickly, he can really relax.


In the clouds ahead, a black figure appeared.

Song Yu's eyelids jumped, and then turned to escape in the distance.

"Song Yu --" the old man stood among the clouds and sighed softly.

Hearing the old man's voice, Song Yu's crazy body suddenly stopped. He hesitated for a moment, and then drove the hummingbird back to the old man“ Father -- "Song Yu dared not look into the eyes of the old fairy“ If you are wrong, admit it and you can't escape. " The old fairy sighed gently“ If you run away, you can't wash it any more. "“ My father taught me. " Song Yu whispered“ Don't go if the iron gate is closed. " Said the old fairy“ Is there a suitable candidate to take over? "“ Murong Jiaxi is both wise and brave. He is also the heart and abdomen General of his son and can be reused. "“ Well, what other wishes have not been fulfilled? "“ No more. "“ That's good. " The old fairy nodded and said, "I'll take care of you and my father and son. I'll take care of you for the last time ----- after that." With that, the old fairy turned and flew in the direction of Tiandu city“ "Father" -- "Song Yu gave a sad cry and clapped her hand on the celestial cover above her head. A generation of owls died. This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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