
The real dragon!

The white dragon falls from the sky. Just a dragon head gives people a feeling of Taishan pressing the top, not to mention the white dragon tail that can't see the edge at a glance.

"Dragon" -- the man in black was full of panic“ It's a dragon -- "

"Dragon ----"

All the villagers were shocked. They didn't expect to meet the legendary dragon here.

Are those rumors true - these black robed people are the slaves of the dragon. They took humans just to give the Dragon fresh heart and brain?

Just as they stared at the scene, the white dragon had rushed to the people in black. No hesitation, no pause.


The huge faucet severely hit those black robed people who wanted to jump on the villagers. The black robed people were knocked out one by one. Some of their bodies were smashed into meat foam, and others were broken into several pieces in the air.

Nine days down, wrapped in the spirit of the Dragon King, can these physical mortals compete?

This is a massacre. The white dragon has no chance to explain or beg for mercy to those in black. When it bumped into several black robed people, its mouth opened, and a huge corrosive gas sprayed out, burning the three black robed people who wanted to fly away to ashes.

From the appearance of the white dragon to his killing of the nine black robes, it was just lightning and flint.

When he killed those people in black robes, he didn't escape immediately, but his blood red pupils looked at the poor villagers who gathered together and trembled, and even many people collapsed to the ground.

The strong man kept the women and children behind him. As the leader, Zhou Gang wanted to open his mouth, beg for mercy, or say something threatening-----

He felt his mouth wriggling, but he didn't know if he made a sound.

His brain is blank.

Dragon, they are facing the powerful and terrible dragon family.

The blood fog in the white dragon's eyes gradually dissipated, and then the huge dragon head nodded to them, gave a long pterin, turned and rushed towards the nine days.


All the villagers fell to the ground and looked at the white figure gradually disappearing into their eyes.


"Didn't the white dragon do it? It's impossible. The book has long said that the Dragon likes to eat people's heart, liver and brain - the reason why he killed those black robed people and saved the villagers this time must be because he knew the rumors about him in Tiandu and was afraid that our old fairy song would come to the door -- "

"How can the dragon be afraid that there are rumors about him in the sky? Even if he didn't kill those villagers, would everyone think he was a good dragon? Perhaps, those villagers were not taken away by the dragon people - - you see, he also killed many people in black robes. How could he kill his own people? "

"That's the cunning of the dragon. If he doesn't do that, will you help the dragon? Would you doubt the dragon's real motive? Don't guess, it must be the dragon who wants to eat people's hearts and hearts, so they let those black robed people catch people -- "

"I think there's something strange about this. If the Dragon really likes to eat people's hearts, why did he save so many villagers from those black robed people ------ maybe the Dragon didn't do this --"


After Bailong saved the villagers, it soon spread all over Tiandu. Originally, ordinary people were interested in such anecdotes and ghosts, and it was even more impossible to hide the most popular ogres and dragons at that time.

Therefore, since the silk shop opened, Gao Dafu and Chen goudan quarreled over this matter in front of Li shepherd. Gao Dafu still firmly believes that the dragon clan is an ogre, and only the dragon clan will do such crazy things. Chen goudan thought more carefully. He thought there might be another secret. The dragon must have been wronged by others.

Li shepherd was very bored and patted the flies in the store with a fly swatter. He listened to the two people arguing in their ears. He thought all this had nothing to do with himself.

Their idea is also the idea of Tiandu people. It seems that Li shepherd's recovery of the dragon shape and saving the villagers did make some Tiandu people doubt the true identity of the ogre.

"Two dogs, who do you think makes more sense?" Gao Dafu ran to Li shepherd and wanted to win Li shepherd's support.

"Of course he will help you - but if you use your head for such a thing, you will know that the dragon must have been framed. He didn't eat people early and didn't eat people late. Why did he just start eating people now? "

"Who says he stopped eating people long ago? He used to eat people, but everyone didn't know -- "

"Then why didn't he eat again? Why did you let those villagers go? "

"Maybe - maybe he's tired of eating. He wants to change his taste ---- two dogs. Tell me, who do you think makes sense? "


Li shepherd patted a fly to death, looked at Gao Dafu and said, "I think what brother goudan said is more reasonable. If the Dragon really likes eating people, why kill the man in black who is looking for food for himself? Why put down such a perfect Terran meal? "

"Er Gou, that's the purpose of the Dragon - he did it to confuse the public and make us all wonder who the real ogre is. In fact, the dragon is a ogre -" Gao Dafu also tried to convince Li shepherd.

"Since you think so - that's it." Li Shepherd said calmly.

"Hey, you're --"

"I always think the dragon people can't like eating human flesh." Li Shepherd said aloud, "bloody, who likes to eat human flesh?"




"The fox's tail came out after all." Song lonely said carelessly while decocting the medicine“ Originally, it was just a casual drop. Unexpectedly, his counterattack was so strong that he didn't hesitate to take risks. "

"Yes. This is also the old fairy's ingenious plan to push the hard to crack ogre case in Tiandu city onto the dragon. Unexpectedly, in order to prove his innocence, the Dragon did not hesitate to show a dragon shape to save dozens of villagers ----- in this way, as long as we manipulate it properly, Tiandu's hundred surnames will more believe that the dragon is a heart eating ogre? " Gu Qinglin said with a smile, "I've sent people around looking for the trace of the dragon. I hope to catch it as soon as possible and avenge the people of Tiandu who died in vain."

"It's all trails." Song alone said, "the original reputation has collapsed here. What's the point of more and less?"

"The old fairy taught me." Gu Qinglin quickly bowed to be respected.

"Grandpa means that as long as the dragon is really slaughtered, we can not only relieve our hatred, but also avenge my uncle Song Yu - no one has ever killed my song family safely. Li Shepherd is no exception. " Song Jieyun said coldly.

This time, it was song Jieyun, the Yushu of the Song family, who squatted under the stove to burn fire and add firewood. The old fairy of the Song family cooked medicine himself. The Yushu of the Song family was willing to be the fireman. Song Chenxi was so blessed that she was happier than the princesses in the deep palace.

"Indeed. If the Dragon doesn't come out for a day, it's difficult for the people to settle down. After all, we have to find a way to lead him out and kill him. " Gu Qinglin nodded and said, "since the little dragon loves his feathers so much that he doesn't want people to ruin his reputation, if we do this again, find some experts to dress up as black robed people who forcibly abduct the village husband - when the little dragon appears to rescue him, kill him in one fell swoop?"

"But one more, not two more." Song lonely rejected Gu Qinglin's proposal: "I have a plan for this matter. There is no need to worry."

Gu Qinglin nodded, looked at Song Tingyun and said, "Tingyun, you and Miss Cui will be happy in a few days, but are you ready?"

"It's not all up to my uncle." Song Jieyun smiled gently.

"You don't have to worry about etiquette. Is your mood ready? The four joys of life, the long drought meets the dew, and the hometown meets the old friend. Wedding night, when the golden list is named. For the other three, stopping the cloud doesn't care. But I'm afraid this wedding candle is the first experience in my life? "

Song Tingyun said with a smile, "we have known each other carefully for many years and grew up together. We can be said to be childhood sweethearts - - this day has been expected and expected for a long time. It's just a matter of course. "

"Hahaha, it's natural. It's true that we grew up watching you and careful. At that time, we felt that among so many boys in Tiandu City, you and careful were the most outstanding and the best match. I didn't expect to come to this step in the end - -- it's fate. "

"Thank you, uncle, for your trouble." When song Tingyun spoke, a cold look appeared in his eyes, grabbed a large handful of firewood and threw it into the stove.

Song loneliness was stirring the soup with chopsticks and shouted, "the fire is big."

Song Tingyun found his gaffe and quickly pulled out two burning firewood from the stove hall.

"Stop cloud young, where can you do this kind of work?" Gu Qinglin squatted down and said, "go and see your little wife who is about to pass the door. Let me do the fire - my uncle did this kind of thing when he was young."

Song Jieyun smiled and thanked him. He got up and handed over the fire to Gu Qinglin.

"Grandpa, I'll go out first." Song Tingyun said to song solitude.

"Go." Song's lonely eyes still focused on the soup medicine in the jar, as if there was nothing he cared about in the world.

When song solitude pushed the door to leave, song solitude sighed gently and said, "if you talk about the young generation's mental talent, that little dragon can be called the first. Lu XingKong lost to me all his life, but he got a good grandson. "

Gu Qinglin's eyes jumped slightly, thinking how the old fairy praised him? Song Tingyun walked out of the gate of the old house and looked at the boundless sky outside. For a moment, he was confused and didn't know where he should go. After thinking about it, he jumped on his horse and shouted to several attendants: "go to the government house."------------------ Cui is careful. He doesn't want to see song Tingyun. At least she doesn't want to see you at this time. Since the last time song dawn stopped the car, song Tingyun hasn't come to visit for some time. It seems that he is angry with Cui careful and really suspects that Cui careful has any close contact with Li shepherd. However, it was not easy for the uncle to be to really drive him out. Cui hesitated carefully for a moment and said to Liu Lu, "go back to stop young master Yun and say that I'm not feeling well and it's inconvenient to see guests. Come back when you're well. "“ Be careful what's wrong? Does it matter? " A man's voice came from the yard. I saw the boy in black walking with wind, striding towards the small building where Cui lived carefully. This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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