"Ah, my purse ----- my purse is missing -----"

From a cabin, there was a scream like killing a pig.

The sound pierced the tranquility of the building ship, and countless guests woke up from their sleep.

"Mine too, and my purse is gone ----"

"There's a thief on the ship. Go and report to the official --"

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

"Boatman, boatman, please ask your person in charge to come to me --" Zhang Linpu staggered out with his belt tied and shouted, "all the 100 gold coins in my bag have been stolen. You should get them back quickly. Otherwise -- otherwise we won't finish with you. "

"Yes, and my fifty gold coins -"

"My 120 ----"


Li shepherd opened his eyes and felt his crotch for the first time after he understood the shouting outside.

Fortunately, both gold coins and fine library are here.

So he closed his eyes and prepared to sleep a little longer. I went out for the first time and left my parents and family for the first time. Last night, I lay in bed thinking about all kinds of worries. Unexpectedly, I didn't sleep until the second half of the night.

It was still dark outside. There was a faint shadow of the moon hanging in the sky. Was it awakened?

Suddenly, he jumped out of bed. Pull out the luggage package from under the hatch and look inside for a while.

I didn't find anything.

All the gold coins hidden in the package disappeared.

Luo Qi divided the gold coins into several small pieces and hid them in clothes or some food book boxes. Unexpectedly, they were all found. The package remained where it was, as if no one had ever moved it.

He's a thief!

Li shepherd pushed the door out, and there was a lot of noise outside.

Zhang Linpu and other Jiangnan students who lost their money bags shouted. A middle-aged man in a triangular hat was trying to explain to them, but they couldn't listen at all. They took the middle-aged man's arm and skirt and asked the boatman to compensate for the loss.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen ------ please listen to me, please listen to me." The triangular hat man kept bowing and said, "now the building ship enters jimingze, which is the most dangerous and easy place to steal out of the lake on the lake road. Even if the thief stole your childe's money, he wouldn't get off the ship here. "

"The building ship sailed all the way and didn't land anywhere. So, I'm sure the damn thief must still be on this building ship. You have more time. We'll organize people to search each cabin. Your stolen money is not a small amount. Even if the thief wants to hide it, it is not an easy thing. If we find the money, won't we find the thief? Then I can give you an explanation. "

Zhang Linpu felt justified, loosened the collar of the boatman's steward, turned to look at the fellow students and asked, "what do you think?"

"Search. Be sure to search. " The people were full of grief and anger and shouted. Although money is an external thing, it is also a life-saving thing. They had just gone out, and all their wealth was stolen by thieves. Do you drink the northwest wind when it's time?

Zhang Linpu saw Li shepherd coming out of the cabin and asked, "Li shepherd, have you been stolen?"

"Two hundred and ten gold coins were stolen." Li Shepherd said aloud.

Everyone was shocked. Unexpectedly, Li shepherd went out to study and brought such a large sum of money.

"True or false?" Zhang Linpu doesn't believe it.

"I was lucky to be the first in the literary examination. The city LORD rewarded me with 2000 gold coins. Originally, my mother wanted me to bring half out directly so that I wouldn't suffer outside. I don't think I can use that much, so I only brought two hundred and one. " Li shepherd explained. The little bag in the crotch can't be known anyway. It's his life insurance money.


They stared at Li shepherd and thought, why should this bastard be the first in the Empire?

The steward of the building ship was called Chen Tao. He gathered all the crew and the residents on the first and second floors on the deck, and then organized a group of hardbound guards to search each cabin one by one.

All the students followed to supervise, and no one could cheat under everyone's eyes.

Unfortunately, to everyone's disappointment, all cabins were searched, and there was no glittering picture of the a lot of the gold coins piled up in a hidden corner.

"The thief must have hidden the gold coins" -- "

"What can we do without money? Do you have to wait to die when you go to Tiandu? "

"No, our money was lost on the ship. The ship has to compensate us for our loss ----"


Zhang Linpu pointed to the stairway on the third floor and said, "manager Chen, it seems that the third floor has not been searched yet?"

Chen Tao was so anxious that he waved his hand and said, "you can't search on the third floor. There are valuable people on the third floor. They can't steal the meager money of you students. " Zhang Linpu's little heart couldn't stand it again. Pointing to Chen Tao, he drank and said, "manager Chen, what do you mean? Upstairs are valuable people, we are grass-roots dust? Now the whole first floor and second floor, including the crew cabin, have been searched. We can't find the thief and our lost gold coins. Naturally, we have to go to the third floor to search and check -- "that is, the prince breaks the law and commits the same crime with the common people. Why should people who live on the third floor be superior? "“ Even if there are some valuable people on the third floor, are those servant guards more valuable than us? Who can guarantee that none of them are dirty? "---------- Chen Tao still refused and said, "it can't be done, it can't be done. Besides, I can't do it - when the third floor was contracted by these distinguished guests, our ship company made a promise that we would never disturb their rest."“ Then our money will be stolen in vain? " Zhang Linpu said angrily, "if your ship company pays all the money stolen by our students, we won't search the third floor. Otherwise, even if it is the heavenly king Lao Tzu, we will rush up and have a look -- "yes, we just want to rush up and have a look --" the crowd was angry and echoed one after another“ What are you yelling at? " A proud voice came from above. Cui Zhaoren in a black cloak, accompanied by several subordinates of the supervision department, appeared impatiently at the hatch and was disturbed by someone. It is really a depressing thing. Leng humed, "we don't pay attention to your hundreds of gold coins at all. If you dare to slander casually again, see if I don't break your mouth ----- get away from me. "“ You -- "Zhang Linpu wanted to be tough again, but when he saw those men in black pressing the handle of the knife one after another, their eyes were ferocious, and they were ready to draw a knife to hurt people at any time, but they couldn't say anything at the mouth“ Let's go up and have a look. " A light voice came out. Zhang Linpu, who stood at the front, quickly avoided it in order to show the people in black that he was not a speaker. It has nothing to do with yourself. The crowd dispersed and followed the crowd through one cabin after another. Li shepherd, who looked a little relaxed, was pushed to Cui Zhaoren's eyes like the stars and the moon“ It was this two hundred and fifty. " Everyone thought in their hearts“ What are you? " Cui Zhaoren said impolitely with a slight rise in the corners of his mouth“ I'm Li shepherd. " Li Shepherd said with a smile“ What is shepherd Li? "“ Li Shepherd is not a thing, but a living man. " With a smile on his face, Li Shepherd said, "the city master of Jiangnan, Yan Bolai, is my uncle, and the son of the city master, Yan Xiangma, is my life and death brother ----- Yan Xiangma is the most famous dandy in Jiangnan City, but he can do anything bad. Therefore, please be careful. " Li shepherd played a trick here. He thought that since all these people got on the boat from Fenglin, most of them were from Jiangnan. Which Jiangnan doesn't know the power of the city Lord Yan Bolai? Which Jiangnan doesn't know the name of dandy Yan Xiangma? Yan Bolai came to see him off just now. These people on the building boat should also see him off. No matter who they are, they always have to worry about the face of the city Lord's house? As for Yan Xiangma, since he often says he can do anything bad, as his life and death brother and close friend, Li Shepherd is not stingy to give him fame. "------------" This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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