The mantis catches cicadas, and the Yellow finches are behind.

Reality tells us that before the last step, no one knows who is a mantis, who is a cicada and who is a yellow finch-----

In Song's eyes, he is a yellow Finch, Lu's is a mantis in the way, and Chu's is a cicada.

In the eyes of the Chu royal family, song is a mantis and Lu is a cicada to be caught after autumn.

However, in Lu's eyes, song is a mantis and Chu is the cicada that will be eaten by one bite.

Huiwang thought he was going to hold power alone, and the Chu royal family regained imperial power. I will make great efforts to rule the country, return to the heart of the world, and become a famous emperor in history.

Unexpectedly, the important minister who can be relied on in his own eyes has become a rebellious minister, and the confidant who can be entrusted has become a great danger-----

half of the country!

He dares to ask for half of himself!

What courage, what appetite------

If you can, King Hui really wants to kill him with a sword, kill his family and destroy his family.


The answer Huiwang got from the eyes of the worshippers around him was no, and they were not sure of victory.

"Duke Lu, this matter still needs to be considered in the long run - as I said, as long as Duke Lu opens his mouth, what if half of the country is given to Duke Lu? In the final analysis, I was called back by Lu Gong. If there were no Duke Lu, song would not know how to bully and humiliate me. However, this matter is very important. How about giving me some time to prepare? "

"There are many dreams at night. If song's actions were more cruel and decisive, would there still be his majesty and me today? Please make a quick decision. "

"Duke Lu is forcing me to make a statement on the spot?"

"I just don't want your majesty to worry about it all the time."

"What a loyal minister."

"Your Majesty is also a gentleman of benevolence and righteousness."

"Lu Gong ----"

"Your Majesty --"


The words have been exhausted. It's useless to say more.

Everyone is not a fool. One doesn't want to give it, and the other wants it now. After all, it is necessary to give a result.

Now, the competition is whose fist is bigger and whose strength is stronger------

Their eyes looked at each other, one like a knife and the other like a sword.

The swords intersect, and the murderous spirit overflows.

The war was settled, but he tore his face in order to divide the dirty war results.

Looking at Lu XingKong's calm and deep eyes, Huiwang suddenly felt a sense of deja vu.

Where had he seen these eyes, and they impressed him deeply------

Song lonely!

Yes, song loneliness is such a look.

The eternal peace is like water, and the eternal depth is unpredictable. At a glance, it gives people a dangerous feeling of drowning.

Lu XingKong's eyes became song's lonely eyes, and Lu XingKong ----- also became song's lonely eyes.

Generally speaking, all powerful officials in the world have the same eyes, don't they?

Huiwang suddenly realized that if he didn't "give" the tiger amulet today, I'm afraid Lu XingKong wouldn't let himself out of the courtyard-----

The eye of the starry sky is cruelly pecked by sand eagles.

He himself, the king of the west wind, was also controlled in the palm of his hand.

The layout decades ago is for today's forced palace, isn't it?

poor! deplorable!

Did the emperor's brother, who regarded him as his uncle, know that he was a sincere trust?

If so, he would not end his life in such an extreme way-----

Bang Dang------

The wooden door of the yard was pushed open.

A group of people rushed in. Chu Xun, the prince of the Xifeng Empire, was at the front.

The blind Chu Xun walked steadily and calmly. A group of people in black stood on his side and followed him around.

Chu Xun stood in the middle of the courtyard, bowed deeply to his father's position, and said, "my son's ministers have seen my father."

"Xun'er, what are you doing here? Leave quickly. " Hui Wang shouted.

Even though he doesn't like the blind son in his heart, Chu Xun is his own blood after all. If Lu XingKong suddenly gives a hot hand, Chu Xun will not only be unable to help, but will be dragged down here.

"I came to see my father." Chu Xun smiled strangely and said, "it's said that Cui Gonggang has just left here. His hair is like a corpse. I also heard that my father came here to meet people. My son thought to himself, "what kind of important people can let my father and Cui Gong meet in person?"

As he spoke, Chu Xun's "eyes" covered with black silk had moved to the position where Lu XingKong was, and hissed, "how are you recently, captain?"

"OK." Lu XingKong looked at Chu Xun and said calmly.

It was originally thought that this outstanding young man of Chu, who has always been valued by people, would never recover and completely disappear in the eyes of the public after being dug out by himself.

But I didn't expect that the Chu Xun didn't disappear or die, but grew up in another way.

Now Chu Xun looks much more mature and calm. Moreover, even if he stood there motionless, his eyebrows were evil and his body was black, giving people a sense of gloom and terror.

This son is by no means good!

"I thought Xun came at a bad time and disturbed the secret conversation between my father and the distinguished guests. However, since the distinguished guest is Lord Guowei, it proves that he came here in a crooked way -- "Chu Xun smiled even more and said aloud," Lord Guowei, you should also have a deep memory of Xun? "

"Prince Xun is a hero of the Chu family and a proud disciple in the starry sky. How can Lu forget?"

"Chu's hero? Starry pride? " Chu Xun laughed wildly and said, "aren't you afraid of thunder when Duke Lu said this? How can a blind waste Prince be a hero of the Chu family? As for the praise of the star proud disciple, only your good dragon grandson is qualified? "

Chu Xun suddenly pulled off his eye mask, showed his empty eyes on Lu XingKong's eye gall, and shouted angrily, "Lu XingKong, this is your masterpiece, this is your evil behavior ----- if you see me like this, won't you have nightmares at night?"

"No." Lu XingKong said softly“ I sleep with internal breathing. I've slept well all these years. "

"You slept well, but I didn't sleep well ----- Lu XingKong, I want to kill you all the time. I will take revenge and kill you, Lu Shi, without leaving any dogs or chickens -- "

"I thought you were dead. I never had a chance to cut off your head with my own hands. God bless me. I didn't think you were not dead - Lu XingKong was still alive - great, it's really great. Lu XingKong, I must dig out your eyes and make you like me. I will cut off your limbs and let you crawl on the ground like a maggot. Life is better than death -- "

His words are the voice of his heart. The more he says, the more excited he is. I wish I could immediately draw a sword and cut Lu XingKong on the spot.

Lu XingKong looked at Chu Xun calmly and said, "it seems that you really hate me. But you can't kill me. "

"Lu XingKong --" Chu Xun forced down his anger, sneered and said, "do you think I'm still the former Chu Xun? Do you think I'm still the trash who can be easily dug out by you? "

Lu XingKong looked noncommittal and said, "let's try."

"Try ----"

Chu Xun chewed these two words in his mouth.

"Try -- of course I want to try -- but before I do that, I want to ask Lu Gong for a little help --"

"Tell me."

Chu Xun clapped his hands and immediately two beautiful young girls were escorted in.

They looked reluctant and desperately wanted to get rid of the shackles of those people in black, but they couldn't do it anyway.

"Chu Xun, I didn't expect you to be such a person ----- let us go ------" Chu Ning shouted angrily.

Seeing King Hui standing on one side, Chu Ning immediately complained to his elders and said, "Uncle Huang, Chu Xun, he bullied me ----"

Huiwang was worried at this time. Where was he in the mood to ask these little things?

Very dissatisfied, he looked at Chu Ning and said, "shut up first."

"---------" Chu Ning burst into tears in his eyes, but clenched his teeth to prevent tears from flowing out.

Cui carefully stretched out his hand to hold Chu Ning's hand and comforted her with his meager strength.

Her eyes were on Lu XingKong, who was sitting on the stone chair in the courtyard. Isn't this old man dead long ago? In front of countless people, why are you still alive? Can you still stand in front of Chu's father and son safely?

It seems that there is an explanation for many things that have happened in the past half a year.

Cause and effect trap fruit, cause and effect.

It is the cause of the day that brings about today's evil consequences. Who is wrong?

Cui cautiously was originally an intelligent woman. When she saw Lu XingKong, she wanted to understand a lot of things.

However, now she is a prisoner, and she doesn't know Cui's near shape and her relationship with the royal family or Lu. She is simply silent, but she also timely expresses her dissatisfaction in person.

"Just, does he know? Does he know that his grandfather is still alive - and has been hiding behind the scenes to manipulate # the imperial wind # clouds? "

Lu XingKong's eyes turned to Chu Ning and Cui carefully, looked at them and asked, "is this what you want to ask me for help?"

Chu Xun pointed to Cui carefully and asked aloud, "Duke Lu must know her?"

"Empire moon, Cui, be careful. Lu knows it. "“ Does Lu Gong know her relationship with your little dragon? "“ I heard a little. "“ Be careful, miss. Why don't Lu Gong invite your grandson Li shepherd to join us? " Chu Xun said with a smile, "the Dragon sees the head but not the tail. I want to find him. It's as difficult as heaven. But it would be much easier for him to find me. "“ I don't care about younger people's affairs as an elder. "“ However, if your elder said nothing and did nothing -- "Chu Xun's arm, a sharp knife made of black smoke, suddenly rushed to Cui careful's neck. The blade touched the skin and flesh, and a small blood stream came out. Chu Xun looked ferocious and said coldly, "she's dying. Die in front of you. At that time, did Lu Gong think about how to explain to his baby grandson? " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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