Xifeng palace, great interior and deep court.

At this time, in the palace city, thousands of troops are ready to go and hundreds of generals gather.

They gathered outside a small courtyard. When the Xifeng monarch inside gave the order, they rushed in and killed all the enemies in the future.

There was too much noise in the courtyard, which has attracted the attention of the general manager and Feiyu juntongshuai. They were worried about his Highness's loss and immediately deployed heavy troops on the periphery. All the offerings in the court were scattered around the courtyard.

It can be said that at this moment, all the experts belonging to the Xifeng royal family or ostensibly belonging to the Xifeng royal family gather here. Even a fly can't escape from here.

However, there was no order to attack in the yard.

"In front of you, it's rubbish, it's dog shit, it's a blind and ugly monster. But after sacrificing his life to serve the devil, everything changed -- "Chu Xun reached out and touched the eye in the center of his eyebrows and said," although my eyes were dug out by Lu XingKong's old dog, I have a third eye - the third eye of the abyss family. This eye can help me see things, and can help me see the power and people I couldn't see before. "

"Moreover, they also gave me strong strength - I used to be too weak. After losing my eyes, I couldn't even find my goal. In that case, revenge is a dream. With this third eye and the demon family's "ghost King's Jane", I am qualified to stand here and have the opportunity to say these words to you ----- otherwise, who will listen to the wail and scream of a useless man? "

In the last sentence, Chu Xun almost roared out.

This is his heart. Every word he said said said his feeling after personal experience.

Few add to the icing on the cake, and many fall into the water.

When he was the little prince of the Empire, all the people he saw were polite and modest to him. Everyone does not hesitate to praise, saying that he is an outstanding young man in China and the first beautiful man in the west wind.

When he was blind and confined to the orphanage, his life changed dramatically. Not only did those powerful officials and sons of rich families ignore him, but their words were full of contempt and ridicule. Even the servant girls and slaves in the house felt that they had no chance in life because they served a waste Lord, and gradually developed a heart of laziness and contempt.

At the beginning, the father came to visit the house every once in a while to let him not worry and get sick. Later, I didn't see Jun Yan in January, and then in March and may.

He offered to visit the palace, but his father refused because he was busy with government affairs.

Finally, he didn't even have a chance to meet his father.

If it hadn't been for today's events, he would never have had a chance to speak these words in front of his father.

The family affection is so weak that he can't have resentment in his heart?

"Xun'er, come back quickly - the demon clan is the natural enemy of the human race and the opponent who never dies. How can you sacrifice yourself to the devil? You will be hated by people in China, and Chu's reputation will be damaged because of your choice. " Huiwang was full of tears and wanted to win his son back with the love of father and son“ It was the father's fault. The father treated you slowly and neglected you ----- the father will correct it and take good care of you ----- "

"It's late." There were tears in Chu Xun's dry eyes“ Father, it's late. If you had said these words to me earlier, how could I make such a choice? I am the prince of the west wind Empire, and the monarch of the west wind empire is my father - -- how am I willing to give up my Terran identity? "

"Unfortunately, it's too late - that is, if you have entered the devil's way, you will be a demon family all your life. Life or death. " The third eye in the center of Chu Xun's eyebrows began to congest, and then became more and more red. It poured the evil family's anger and hatred into Chu Xun's body, filled his body with strength, and also made him sink deeper and deeper without the slightest resistance“ Get caught and have a chance to live. Or there is only one way out. "

"Xun'er -----"

King Hui wanted to persuade him again. Chu Xun had clapped his hand towards the position where he stood.

The huge black palm covered the ground, almost pressing the whole courtyard below.

Lu XingKong stretched out his hand and pulled the king Hui out of his palm.

The black palm slapped on the ground, the floor of the small courtyard paved with bluestone was also fragmented, and a huge palm groove appeared in the middle of the small courtyard.

"Xun'er, you --"

"The night is coming, the new king is born - you, get ready to meet the new king." Chu Xun roared up to the sky.

At the same time, those people in black who came with Chu Xun also tore off their robes and tore their skin, revealing their body like an orangutan and their ugly third eye.

"The night is coming, the new king is born ----"

"The night is coming, the new king is born ----"

"The night is coming, the new king is born ----"


Many three eyed demons shouted at the same time, shaking the sky.

Li shepherd looked coldly at Chu Xun above the sky and said, "it's very stupid. Do you think you can kill all of us just by your trash? Can escape from this palace? "

"Demon army, millions of people. The people of the demon clan are trillions. How can Terrans be compared with demons? Moreover, the demon family has an immortal body, three eyes and God. When the demon lord invades Huayu plain with all his troops, human life will be like mole ants. Those who don't fall will only have a dead end waiting for you and become the food in the mouth of the demon family -- "

"Then wait until your demon lord's army arrives at Huayu plain." Li shepherd interrupted Chu Xun's boasting and said impatiently, "what do you want to do? Tell me quickly."

"Li shepherd, do you know why I am willing to return your lover to you?" Chu Xun asked aloud.

"My lover?" Li shepherd took a careful look at Cui and found that the other party was also paying attention to himself, tender as water and thousands of words. Li shepherd hurriedly turned around, looked at Chu Xun and asked, "why?"

"Because we are the same kind of people." Chu Xun said in a deep voice, "Li shepherd, I could have killed her or asked you to do a lot of things with her as a pledge, such as killing my heartless grandfather."

"I can't promise you." Li Shepherd said aloud.

"If you don't promise, she'll die. Will you watch her die in front of you? "

Li shepherd didn't look at Cui's careful eyes and said aloud, "if she dies, I'll avenge her."

"Of course, that's later. I didn't kill her because I knew we were all the same kind of people. We have the same experiences and common goals. We are also despised, despised, ridiculed and hated by the Terrans. Of course, there are encirclement, suppression, pursuit and killing. "

"Both the abyss demon clan and your dragon clan regard the human race as the enemy of life and death. Our goal is to destroy mankind and make thousands of creatures our slaves. The dragon clan helped the Terran clan to deal with our demon clan again and again, but the Terran betrayed and framed you by taking advantage of your trust in them, raised a butcher's knife against you under the condition of heavy losses and scars, and almost wiped out your dragon clan -- "

"Li shepherd, you bear the tears of the Dragon King. You should have a deep understanding and understanding of the history of the dragon family. With a deep blood feud, do you want to recognize a thief as your father? Come with me, let's fight side by side, let these ungrateful people, let these ungrateful people, and let all the people pay a heavy price - as long as you are willing to join hands with us, the westerly country and all the human beings in front of you are at your disposal. "

The only eye on Chu Xun's head flickered endlessly, and it could be seen that he was lobbying Li shepherd with extreme force.

According to his understanding, Li Shepherd is more suffocating and aggrieved than his life.

What kind of life has he experienced since his identity was exposed?

They were chased and killed again and again, surrounded and suppressed again and again. Even because of his existence, the royal families of the nine countries joined hands in a battle to kill dragons.

Those who were already dead, if not saved by the president of XingKong, I'm afraid that now his dragon tendon has become a bow string of a peerless bow, and dragon blood has become a nourishing tonic for those royal families or generals. And the dragon heart, liver, keel and scale will be divided up by the Terran-----

Is there no hatred in his heart?

Doesn't he want to take revenge on the Terrans?

"Li shepherd, I negotiate with you on behalf of the Demon Lord. As long as you are willing to help the demon clan, you can become the demon lord's most trusted friend. He is willing to share the vast starry sky and the nine kingdoms of China with you."

Li shepherd sighed gently, looked at Chu Xun and said, "I don't recognize thieves as my father. In my heart, both the parents of Jiangnan City and Tiandu city are my biological parents - they are not thieves. They have never hurt me, let alone the dragon family. They are the best parents in the world. All they give me is love and protection. "

"My parents and family are Terrans, my most lovely sister is Terrans, and my friend and teacher is also Terrans ----- Chu Xun, I'm different from you. You are despised, abandoned, despised, and even pursued by hatred all over the world - I am not. "

"Because even if I have the same experience as you, even if I am despised, abandoned and despised by the world, I just think of -- just think of the happy time in Jiangnan City, just think of the ardent expectation of Fengcheng's parents, just think of my sister talking about me and leaving me the food and cakes she thinks are the best -- I just think, XingKong college has my respected classmates and teachers, and Tiandu city has my friends and partners, so I feel warm all over. "

"For a long time, my heart was full of hatred. My body was occupied by hostility. I wanted to turn into a dragon again and again, abandon the human body and heart, and become a real dragon - I'm afraid I finally gave up."

"I can't bear it. I don't want those who love me, I don't want those who I love. I can't bear to be a man anymore. " This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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