There are 12 full-time escorts on the building ship to protect the safety of the guests on the ship.

Both financial security and personal security are within their scope of responsibility.

However, at this moment, the business travelers on board said that they were not safe at all.

The money was stolen completely. Now the little life will be taken away by those bandits - always give them something left?

The crowd gathered on the deck and looked at the three collision ships with various flags intercepted by Hengjiang, and at the bloody canvas hull, there was a sound of wailing and screaming.

"What should I do? What should I do? Are we going to die? "

"Those bandits, they shouldn't kill?"

"Why don't bandits kill people? I heard they still eat people -- "


"That damn thief." Zhang Linpu's eyes flushed and scolded angrily.

"Brother Lin Pu, why do you still care about those things outside your body now?" Ask your friends“ Life is what matters. "

"Brother Ping, don't you understand? What do bandits like best? It's money. Our gold coins were completely stolen. When the bandits broke the ship and asked us for money, we told him that the gold coins had been robbed last night - can they believe it? If they can't get the money, they'll take our lives. "

"------" Niu Pingzhi became frightened and worried.

Li shepherd looked at Zhang Linpu with new eyes and thought that there was something extraordinary about this guy's good grades. At least the twists and turns in the head are much better than people.

After pinching his thigh and feeling that the package of gold coins was still there, Li shepherd's nervous mood was slightly relieved.

He is rich!

If those Lake robbers really boarded the ship and robbed, and when their little friends couldn't get money, they took off their pants and counted nearly 100 gold coins in front of them, what a powerful scene would it be?

Although the posture is not elegant enough, but at least the sincerity is commendable?

The steward of the building ship Chen Tao forced himself to calm down, but his pale face and intermittent words still revealed his inner fear.

They have also encountered Lake robbers before, but they are small robbers with more than a dozen or thirty-five people. Find a relationship or send some money and send it away.

What's going on today? Are there too many people here?

"It takes a thousand days to raise troops for a while. Usually good wine and meat are provided for everyone, but have you ever been treated badly? Warriors, now that the building ship is in trouble, we have encountered -- a large number of Jiming Zehu thieves. The banner may be confused, or it may be three strands - - I hope you can work together and show all your fighting spirit and courage -- "

"Steward Chen, it's not that I can't wait and try my best. Look at the three big ships opposite. I'm afraid there are hundreds of people stealing from the lake this time? You asked twelve of us to resist hundreds of Lake robbers -- we can't even be gods? "

"Yes. Even if we were to die, we would have to die worthy - we were cut down by a knife, and all of you present would be fine? "

"I'd better pack up the valuable things and send them away with good words -----"


The battle has not started yet, but these guard warriors have been timid first.

Most importantly, Li shepherd thought they made a lot of sense.

The guard is also human. The guard also has parents and children. You let others work hard - in fact, you are going to die. People don't like it, do they?

Chen Tao was very anxious. He turned to look at many students and said, "you are all talented people. Now a great disaster is coming. We are all grasshoppers on the same boat -- what do you think?"

"We have no money." Zhang Linpu shouted“ Even if you want to surrender, it must be your ship company who will send it with money. "

"Yes. Can't we cut a few kilograms of meat and send it? "

"Steward Chen, this matter must be borne by you. There's nothing we can do -- "


Li shepherd's mouth opened. After all, he didn't say anything.

He felt that what everyone said was really reasonable.

Sure enough, in times of crisis, the wisdom of the masses is infinite.

As for power - who would think of such a boring thing?

Chen Tao's lips wriggled and said, "first touch and see - see what they want."

The three old ships rushed across and opened the distance from each other to form a positive interception attitude.

The lake is wide, but there is no place for building ships to pass.

Chen Tao told the sailors to slow down the ship so that the building ship would not hit it. Before others started, the ship broke into the water on his side and was washed away by the big waves one by one.

On top of a large ship headed by, stood a bald man whose whole body looked like copper.

There was a deep scar on the man's face. Half of his eyes were cut from the tip of his eyebrows to the corner of his mouth.

Therefore, he wore a copper eyepatch on his glasses, which looked like a pirate in the open sea.

The big man looked at the approaching building ship and shouted, "take my chain."

So, more than a dozen subordinates struggled to drag a strong subway chain with arms, and the front end of the chain was a crescent copper hook.

"The children are scattered."

The scarred man roared, then swung the iron chain up, turned in the air for a few times, and suddenly hit the building ship.

The copper hook is huge and extremely heavy, whistling in the air.


The copper hook hit the deck, and the sharp hook was deeply buckled in the hull.

"The boss is powerful, and the boss's divine skill is unparalleled -----"

"Good monk Hua. I'll write you a song this time --"

"Pull him over, pull him over ----"


Seeing that the leader on his side showed his magic power, there was a cry of applause from the bandit ship.

"Just watch." The flower monk laughed bravely, then rolled the chain twice with his body and made a sudden force on his arm.


Under the control of monk Hua, the building ship quickly ran towards their encirclement.

All the people on the ship looked pale.

Isn't that fucking scary?

He robbed money well and even played an acrobatic show. The hook hit the ship and made a big hole for the building ship. If you hit someone, does he still have life?

Li shepherd's face also became cold.

Only the little gold coins in the crotch can't satisfy these people's appetite, can they?

The building ship is like a big fish biting the hook. It is dragged by the fisherman to the shore.

When they entered the encirclement set up by the three large ships, the bandits jumped out of the ship and did all kinds of evil.

Li shepherd stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, storing Qi in the Dantian.

The heart is secretly on guard.

In times of crisis, black clothes float in the air.

A man was born with a sword, like a startling rainbow, cutting at the thick and thin iron chain of the arm with the burning flame light.


The iron chain broke in two. The flower monk on the bandit ship exerted too much force. Suddenly, he broke and staggered back.

The body of the man in black flying in the air fell slowly, and his feet stood on the mast of the building ship. The white sail surged and the black shirt flew. The building ship traveling along the water suddenly stopped swimming.

Cold face Bodhisattva Cui Zhaoren!

More than a dozen men in black have quietly jumped onto the top of the ship, pressed the handle of the knife, and stared at the three large ships opposite indifferently.

"Who dares to cut off grandpa Hua's iron chain?" Hua and Shanglu shouted at this side because of the bad weather“ Come on, report your name and let Grandpa teach you how to be a man -- "

Cui Zhao's expression was indifferent, but his heart was burning with anger.

These damn guys had a bad idea about who they were, but they found the ship they were on.

It's impossible for them to expect the garbage on the ship to stop the bandits.

However, if they make a move, I'm afraid they will reveal their whereabouts, and the Lu family and the forces of the Lu family will follow to rescue-----

While still hesitating, the building ship was caught by monk Hua's "arhat hook soul", and the whole ship had to be dragged into the encirclement by them.

If we wait any longer, their whereabouts will still be revealed.

Cui Zhao was so murderous that he angrily shot and cut off monk Hua's copper hook with a sword.

"There is a way in the starry sky. You don't go. There is no door to hell. You go astray." Cui Zhao's eyes were cold, and he shouted, "kill all, not one."

"Yes." More than a dozen people in black received orders and responded proudly.


More than a dozen swords came out of their scabbard, and then they were divided into three groups, rising in the air and flying towards the three big ships.

Immediately, there was a fierce massacre on the three big ships.

Those people in black have excellent kung fu and vicious means. Every knife is a key part of bandits.

A knife goes down and his head is different.

Cui Zhaoren aimed at the swearing flower monk, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, showed a charming smile on his face, and said, "if you want to teach me how to be a man, I'll let you be a man -"

When you speak, your body jumps up again.

The robe floats in the air, and the body is like a roc flying in the sky.

He dived from a high position and stabbed Hua and his bare forehead with a sword.

Monk Hua laughed wildly, reached out and grabbed the half of the iron chain and waved it again. The long chain was like a long snake. He hit it in the air and shouted, "come on, let Grandpa ----"

He couldn't speak any more. Because Cui Zhaoren suddenly accelerated. He stabbed the flower monk's head with a sword. The body sinks and the long sword goes down. A sword startles God. A sword captures the soul. The long sword stabbed all the way until it reached the hilt“ To be a bandit, you should also read more. Isn't it good to rob politely? " Cui Zhaoren stood upside down in the air and said to the flower monk whose head exuded a lot of blood. Then, as soon as his body spun, he pulled out the long sword. Chum ---- blood red like a spring well, spraying towards the blue sky. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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