The wind city is facing rain and light dust. The courtyard is green and the willows are new.

In the city master's residence, Li Yan, dressed in black, is practicing his gun. Li Yan doesn't understand other skills. Lu's "Heavenly King gun technique" has been his primary school student.

He is not good at learning, and he can't even protect himself. On the way to martial arts, he was really inferior to his son Li shepherd, and even his daughter.

However, he is very satisfied with his life and everything he has.

If there had been no accident in Tiandu City, for this honest, diligent and willing middle-aged man, it would be his "peak of life".

After playing a set of regular "Heavenly King's marksmanship", Li Yan took the gun into the house. When he saw the food on the table, his face changed greatly and said, "it's pimple soup again?"

Luo Qi came out of the kitchen with some small dishes and said with a smile, "what my son likes best ----"

"How long have we been eating pimple soup? one month? three months? Or half a year? Our breakfast hasn't changed since the shepherd came back last time? "

Luo Qi stared angrily, "don't you like it? Do it yourself. "

"No, no --" Li Yan quickly denied it and said, "I just want to discuss with my wife whether we can change our breakfast - just eat one meal the next day."

Luo Qi's eyes suddenly turned red and said in a sad voice, "pity our shepherd. I don't know how it's going outside. Do you have pimple soup every morning?"

"If he gets up every day to eat pimple soup, he'll be bored long ago --"

"What are you talking about?"

"What? I didn't say anything. "

Luo Qi wiped his tears again and said ruthlessly, "my son is not my son alone. I don't know whether my son will live or die outside, but you call jin'er for breakfast at home ------ do you still want to be a father?"

"I" -- "Li Yan was speechless. I thought, I just want to change my breakfast. Don't eat pimples all year round. How can it become that I don't care about my son's life and death? When I was worried that I couldn't sleep day and night, you advised me to think that some sons would live in a delicious place.

Seeing the tears in his wife's eyes, Li core also softened. He came forward and gently patted Luo Qi on the shoulder and said, "you said you wouldn't let me think blindly. Don't you always think blindly? Don't worry, son will be fine. I've been on duty at the city Lord every day these days - the city Lord is also concerned about shepherding. If there's any news, he will tell us at the first time. "

"There are also thoughts and opportunities - none of the three children is around us, and none of them can save people's worry - how can you let go of my mother?"

"Missing there, immortal Ziyang didn't send a letter - - he said that missing is very good, even though he is breaking the barrier, he doesn't know what barrier to break - - Taking the opportunity, the child was not with us when he was young, and he wasn't close enough to us. We owe her --"

The couple looked at each other speechless and worried. They really didn't know how to solve it.

"Mother ----"

Familiar sounds sounded in my ears.

Luo Qi thought it was his illusion, looked at Li Yan and asked, "did you hear anything? How can I hear the shepherd talking to us? "

"I heard it too - is it because we miss our son too much?"

"Father ----- mother -----"

Li shepherd fell from the sky with a full smile on his face and said, "it's me - I'm a shepherd. I'm back. "

"Shepherd" -- "Luo Qi hugged Li shepherd in his arms and said in a choked voice:" how could you -- how could you come back? "

"I'm back." Feeling his mother's deep love, Li shepherd let her hold herself out of breath, gently patted her strong back and said, "I'm back, I'll never go again. Our family will never be separated again. "

Luo Qi was overjoyed and said, "really don't go? Never go again? "

"Don't go." Li shepherd nodded very firmly. This was the time he had been looking forward to for a long time, and it was also the consequence of his trip to consider“ I'll never go again. I'll guard my parents all day. Our family will never be separated again. "

Li shepherd looked at Li Yan and said, "I'm coming back to pick you up this time - - we go to Jiangnan, we find an unknown place to live in seclusion - - we live our own safe and stable life, and don't have a trace of connection with those broken things any more."

"Great --" Li Yan smiled and said, "your mother has been talking about you for fear that you won't have enough to eat and sleep well outside --"

"Worried my mother." Li Shepherd said apologetically, "not in the future. I came back this time to pick you up to Jiangnan -- where we settled and lived, just like our previous life in Jiangnan. "

Luo Qi wept with joy and said, "I often miss my life in Jiangnan in the past day and night. Although the city is smaller, it has a kind heart and harmonious neighbors. Everyone gets along just like their relatives ------ I also want to go back to Jiangnan."“ Father and mother, clean up as soon as possible and we'll leave immediately. " Li shepherd left his mother's arms and gave instructions“ OK, I'll go now -- "Luo Qi nodded. After a pause, he asked aloud, "what about your father and mother over there? My sister is also worried about your safety day and night, looking forward to your quick return. "“ On their side, I will also make it clear to them -- "Li Shepherd said aloud," I come back this time and want to take them away with me. "“ They won't go. " Luo Qi shook his head: "Fengcheng is the place where Lu's ancestors made their fortune and buried their bones. If they leave, what about the windy city? What about the ancestral hall? What about the generals loyal to Lu? "“ These things ------ "Li shepherd's heart aroused a ray of hostility again. He deliberately slowed down his tone, forced the hostility down, and said aloud:" let others deal with it. As long as they are willing to hand it over, there are many people who want to take over the wind city - --- "that won't work. That won't work. " Li Yan also shook his head: "you don't understand. You don't know what Fengcheng means to Lu ----- if your father gives up Fengcheng, he will be stabbed in the spine by countless people."“ The old are not afraid. What are the small afraid of? " Li shepherd's expression was ferocious and shouted angrily. Luo Qi and Li Yan looked at Li shepherd in surprise. They had never seen Li shepherd lose control in front of them. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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