It is precisely because of Grandpa Lu XingKong's concealment and deception, as well as the cruel act of pushing the whole Lu clan out as bait, that Li Shepherd is discouraged. He feels that his painful struggle, bitterness, blood and tears and hatred these days are an out and out joke.

Therefore, from the moment he knew the truth, he was discouraged and ready to escape all this and take his parents and family to Jiangnan - he really missed the carefree life when he lived in Jiangnan before.

At that time, the most sad time was to be scolded by people for "black carbon" and "pigs". Now I think, people didn't scold anything wrong. After all, Li shepherd felt that he was really as black as black carbon and as stupid as pigs at that time.

Now Li Shepherd is ready to "wash his hands in a golden basin", but Lu opportunity comes when they are ready to leave. Do you want to stop all this?

In any case, he is not going to intervene in the westerly affairs. No matter what reasons and excuses she uses, Li shepherd has only one answer ready in his heart: No.

"Terrans are in danger." Lu Junji said.

"What?" Li shepherd was stunned. Aren't you a lobbyist for that old man? Don't you want to talk to me about Lu's revival of the westerly dynasty? Why is one mouth the whole Terran?

However, it seems that Lu Junji is the reincarnation of the Phoenix. She should have been the mother of the Terran. She wants to protect the whole Terran------

If it hadn't been entangled with it for thousands of years, the black dragon in Li shepherd's body would have tried to destroy the Terran - God knows how much resentment the black dragon has towards the Terran.

"After saving Grandpa, I went under the Nu River to guard the boundary stone of yin and Yang - the abyss clan has increased its attack in recent days. It used to be a group of demons, but now it should be a master at the level of great sacrifice."

"For thousands of years, the yin-yang stone has been attacked by the abyss clan. Originally, there were some looseness and small cracks. Because some strong Terrans guarded and repaired them, they never broke through the wall. However, the recent situation is not optimistic. "

Li shepherd raised his eyebrows and asked, "what does this have to do with me? Don't forget that if it weren't for your existence, the abyss would do exactly what I want to do -- "

"Li shepherd" -- "Lu Jiji was obviously angry and said coldly:" you are you. You are Li shepherd. You are different from the black dragon ------ it is the black dragon who wants to destroy the Terran. It has nothing to do with you. "

"And you?" Looking at Lu Jiji's eyes that seemed to be burning a purple flame, Li shepherd asked aloud, "who are you? Are you Lu Junji? Or the Firebird? "

"No matter who I am, I won't watch those three eyed demons break the border, rush out of the Nu River like a mouse, sweep the flower language plain, and finally bring the whole China into their territory and become their nest - Terran? Terrans will be their food. They will not allow the existence of Terrans. What they want is this fertile land, the sun and stars in the sky, everything on the earth - the only thing they don't need is Terrans. "

"The people you care about and the people you want to protect will eventually be eaten by them ----"

"Then tell me, why should I do all this?" Li Shepherd said expressionless, "let a man fight and kill, stand up and protect those who want to drink his blood and eat his meat ----- Terrans, why should I do this?"

Thinking of what happened to him, there was a violent spirit in his heart, which rushed to his head.

Li Yangyang knew that although the black dragon completely disappeared in his body and in the depths of his memory, he finally occupied so long time and his life was changed by him. More or less, his body will leave some traces of him, and his thoughts will be affected by him.

The black dragon is unwilling. His chosen host doesn't want to destroy the Terran like him-----

He is unwilling!

Seeing the red light of anger in Li shepherd's eyes, Lu Junji remained silent for a long time.

She knows what happened to the dragon people, she knows what happened to Li Shepherd - she is the witness of the whole event. Tens of thousands of years of experience.

No one knows the blood feud of the black dragon against the Terran better than her, and no one understands Li shepherd's complex feelings towards the Terran better than her.

The worry free youth in Jiangnan City was slaughtered because the dragon soul entered the body. The nine countries worked together to kill the dragon. He has died once and died in the hands of the human race.

Now, I begged him to guard the yin-yang world and the Terran who once slaughtered him-------

I think I'm a little too much!

No, it's too much!

"Have you ever thought, perhaps, if you go, the result will be different - the human race is hoodwinked and deceived by history books. They should re-examine their relationship with the dragon race." Lu Qingli said softly, and his words meant persuasion.

Such tone and argument are somewhat similar to the girl Li shepherd has always cherished in his heart. It is said that she is now leading an orthodox army to attack other countries, and she doesn't know how the war is going. I hope she is free from disease and disaster and everything goes well“ Different results? I go to protect the Terran, go to work hard for them, let them see my pay - and then they will be moved? Will you repent? Will you accept the existence of the dragon clan again and correct the mistake that the dragon clan is a devil? " The more fierce the anger was, the colder Li shepherd's voice became“ Maybe another betrayal? "“ Li shepherd, why do you think people are so cruel? "“ What I've been through -- isn't it? "----"“ I'm going back to Jiangnan. " Li shepherd looked at Lu Junji and felt relieved“ If you think you are an opportunity, come with us. If you think you're the Firebird, we'll part. "“ Li shepherd -- "you don't have to persuade." Li shepherd interrupted Lu Junji and said with a smile, "I won't go. "No one can go anywhere..." Li shepherd pointed to his family standing in the distance looking at this side, and said firmly in his voice: "no one can separate us."“ Do you believe in fate? "“ "Fate?"“ Fate. "“ Believe it. " Li shepherd nodded“ If it were not fate, how could I become a dragon? But my life - let me deal with it myself, and others have no right to interfere. " Li shepherd took a deep look at Lu Junji and said, "the Nujiang River is cold. Cherish it yourself." Then he turned and walked towards the place where the crowd was. Lu Jiji stood where he was and watched the background gradually go away. His body is so straight and his steps are so firm. As he said just now, nothing can separate them. Lu Junji's mouth showed a sweet smile, inexplicably. Even she didn't think clearly why she smiled. Perhaps, she also felt the comfort after liberation? Her body soared into the sky and turned into a fiery fireball again, flying high into the sky. Just like the sensation when she came, it was also gorgeous when she left. Li shepherd didn't even look up. He went to gongshuyuan, patted the fat man on the shoulder, and then shouted, "let's go." Boom - the carriage rolled up. Set out towards the south of the Yangtze River and the land of hope( This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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