"Presumptuous." Cui Xichen shouted loudly“ Do you know what you're doing? "

At the peak of the Cui family, not to mention a young general of the flying feather army, Zhao Dexiang, who was sitting on a horse, dared not talk to the old man. Now a dog slave beside him dares to kneel down on the old man's shoulder, which is really bullied by the dog.

These goods can be the old man's kneeling?

Seeing this, the children and grandchildren of the Cui family were all split. They wanted to draw a sword and kill the evil slave.

"Of course I know what I'm doing." The young general's eyebrows and eyes were horizontal, and he shouted angrily: "the sinner's body still dares to be so arrogant. Do you still pay attention to the imperial court's laws?"

"We naturally pay attention to the imperial statutes, but I Cui's people are not bullied by others." Cui's son shouted“ Our ancestors of Cui have been officials of the dragon since the founding of the west wind. For thousands of years, they have been praised continuously. I'm a three master of the Cui family, and there are countless civil servants and military generals. Can you be humiliated by these despicable villains? "

"Tut tut Tut, that's nice to say - for thousands of years, the holy reputation has been constant. In that case, why did you do such things against the court? Have you ever paid attention to the royal clan? Have you ever paid attention to the emperor? " Zhao Dexiang said coldly and proudly. He is the confidant of King Hui. Naturally, he understands the real thoughts of the master on the Cui family. If it hadn't been for Lu XingKong's old man's words to protect Cui, Feiyu army would have killed Cui all over the house. The Chu royal family has been oppressed by imperial officials for thousands of years. The world knows that there is song and Chu, which has a great relationship with Cui. If Cui didn't help the tyranny, if Cui stood on the side of the Royal Chu family, would song an dare to do so?

After suppressing the violent outburst for thousands of years, and having his own son Chu Xun possessed by the devil, Li shepherd cut off his head in front of him ----- Huiwang hates these aristocratic family tyrants in his heart. Where can he control his emotions?

He can't help Lu XingKong and Li shepherd's grandson, but song and Cui are not ready to forgive so easily. Until now, the people of the supervision department and the night owl department who hunt down song's women and children are still busy outside.

Zhao Dexiang couldn't understand. When Lu was unlucky in the past, Cui didn't show mercy to them. Now the land bank holds power empty handed. Shouldn't it be blood debt and blood compensation -- why should it treat Cui so favorably?

"Is it just because the rumored relationship between Miss Cui and Lu XingKong's grandson is ambiguous - if so, Lu XingKong is not worthy to be a qualified politician, and such behavior is extremely stupid ----"

"You --"

Hearing what Zhao Dexiang said, Cui's children wanted to refute, but Cui Xichen shouted, "shut up."

He looked up at Zhao Dexiang's eyes and asked in a deep voice, "General Zhao, do you really need this? Don't want to leave any face for the old man? "

In order to protect Cui's family, the Duke of a country, who was originally powerful, abandoned his divine skills and destroyed his Dantian, and became a dying old man with no strength to bind chickens.

Now, he was forced to kneel down to a general who was far inferior to himself------

It's sad to be here!

"What?" Zhao Dexiang avoided Cui Xichen's eyes and said, "Oh, you mean kneeling to meet me? That's all the nonsense of the people below. Don't take it seriously, my Lord. If you don't want to kneel, can I force you? However, the people below have always acted lightly and lightly. If they accidentally hurt the children and family members of the family when they went in to copy the house - - even if they were cut off, it would be difficult to dispel the hatred of the Duke? "

Cui Xichen tidied up his clothes and knelt heavily to Zhao Dexiang, who was sitting high on the horse.

"Crime Minister Cui Xichen greets General Zhao."

His face was haggard, his hair was white, and his body was as thin as withered rotten wood.

Once a powerful star and an important Minister of the country, he is now like an old man selling charcoal.

"Father -- you can't kneel, you can't kneel --"

"Grandpa, get up, get up, I'll kill these thieves --"

"Grandpa ----"


Cui Xichen knelt down, and Cui's children and grandchildren standing behind him also knelt down.

One by one, they cried bitterly and indignantly.

The faith in their hearts, Cui's backbone, was pierced and knocked down in front of them, which was worse than killing them.

"Grandpa --" Cui ran out carefully and wanted to help Cui Xichen up from the ground. His eyes were ruddy and tears wet his cheeks. He said in a hurry, "Grandpa, get up, get up --"

"Be careful, how did you get out? I didn't tell you that the women stay in the backyard and don't go out -- "

"Grandpa, why do you wrong yourself so much? The more you do, the less they treat us as people ----"

"People have to bow their heads under the eaves. If Grandpa is not as good as this -- I'm afraid they will be bad for you -- "Cui Xichen also has red eyes and said sadly," if so, how can I face to see my Cui's ancestors under the nine springs? "

"Grandpa, don't think about this. Your body can't bear the cold on the ground -- "Cui choked carefully. It's freezing. I see the first snow of this year is about to fall. If you take grandpa's past body, they will not pay attention to this cold. However, Grandpa just lost all his accomplishments. Now is the time when his body is the most empty.

Practice is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. When a master of practice scatters his accomplishments, he doesn't become an ordinary person, but a useless person worse than an ordinary person ----- the power of counterattack after the destruction of Dantian can't be easily borne by an old man.

Cui Xichen didn't get up. He looked up at Zhao Dexiang, who was high above, and said aloud, "I'd like to invite Mr. Zhao and all senior officials to enter the house."

Looking down at Cui Xichen, the leader of Cui's family, Zhao Dexiang had mixed feelings.

How about being an extreme minister, below one person and above tens of thousands of people?

Once you lose power, don't you crawl on the ground like a dog and beg for mercy?

”However, this feeling is really beautiful -- "Zhao Dexiang thought in his heart:" it's really beautiful to step on the big people who didn't want to look at themselves before. "

"General Zhao is so powerful." A cold, shrill voice came.

On the long street, a group of men in flying fish clothes are rushing here very quickly. Feet do not touch dust, silent.

Supervision department!

"Why did the damn supervision department come?" Zhao Dexiang frowned and thought to himself. Cui Xichen was stripped of his title and official position, and even the Cui's mansion where they lived will be returned to the state treasury. This time, the flying feather army was ordered to copy the family. It's a fat job. Zhao Dexiang originally wanted to make a good fortune, but if the dogleg of the supervision department came, I'm afraid it would be difficult to do things. They must be given some benefits.

Zhao Dexiang was even worse when he saw that the leader was Yan Xiangma, the new head of supervision history. If this son, I'm afraid he can't get rid of some money.

"Yan Changshi ------ why are you here?" Zhao Dexiang stood on the horse and greeted him with a cold face.

"Your Majesty is worried that some people will bend the law for personal gain and move all the things that should have been sent to the inner library to their own house. He specially asked me to come to supervise and inspect - General Zhao is not dissatisfied with your Majesty's order?" Yan Xiangma saw his grandfather Cui Xichen kneeling on the ground. His face was as gloomy as water, and his heart was murderous.

In any case, he couldn't bear to see his grandfather being bullied and insulted like this.

Zhao Dexiang deserves to die!

"Your Majesty has orders. How dare I not obey? However, Yan Changshi's coming here, I'm afraid it's selfish? " Zhao Dexiang said sarcastically.

"Selfishness? Naturally, there are some selfishness, that is, to do a good job for your majesty and do your own job ----- otherwise, you will fail to live up to the grace of God. "

"I'm afraid it's more than that?" Zhao Dexiang pointed to the Cui people on the ground and said with a grimace, "others don't know what crime they committed. Don't Yan Changshi know? Yan Changshi should be careful. If the lamb doesn't eat, but it annoys a coquettish, isn't it worth the loss? Yan Changshi is so young, but he still has a bright future. "

Yan Xiangma walked step by step to Zhao Dexiang and said in a deep voice, "first, General Zhao should know that I am no longer the history of the director of supervision, but the history of the commander in charge of the work of the whole supervision department."

"Second, the supervision department has the power to supervise hundreds of officials and play on the wind. If I am in a bad mood, I let people keep an eye on General Zhao and all these close people around him. How many times have you been greedy for stolen goods, how many times have you wronged the law, how many times have you gone to Chunyi building, and even how many times have you gone to the thatched cottage. General Zhao, even if your holy pet grows again, what do you think of your situation over time? "

"Third, Cui Xichen is my grandfather. Most of the people kneeling on the ground are my uncles and cousins - - I am a person who remembers revenge. If I remember who, I will try my best to revenge. Just now, General Zhao also said that I am still young and have a bright future - - does general Zhao really want to make a death feud with me? "

"Yan Xiangma, do you dare to threaten our general ------ believe it or not, I will tell your majesty that you have an affair with a traitor and intend to rebel -----"

"It is said that song lonely had a unique ink stone, which he loved very much and refused to show people easily --" Yan Xiangma opened his mouth, looked at Zhao Dexiang with a smile and said with a smile: "General Zhao, if you let your majesty know the name of the person who offered the treasure, guess what?"

Zhao Dexiang's face changed greatly, his eyes stared at Yan Xiangma, lowered his voice and asked, "how are you doing?"

This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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