The distance is too far to hear what Li Shepherd is shouting.

However, seeing him standing on the top of the alligator dragon and dancing with his hands and feet looks like showing off and provocation-------

"Come on, you can beat me. If you don't beat me, you're my grandson. You - - we - - are - - Big - - stupid - - forced -- "

This is Cui Zhaoren and everyone on the building ship's interpretation of Li shepherd's action.

"What is that bastard doing? Does he want us to hit him? "

"Why did the monster help him? Is he with that monster? "

"Li shepherd not only cooperates with the enemy, but also with monsters. It's an unforgivable crime ----"


"Little Lord" -- "Su Rong worried about Cui Zhao's impulsive use of things under people's anger, quickly reminded him," we have more important things to do. Why don't I ask them to drive the building ship into the tributary and we speed up to catch up with Tiandu. Compared with that Li shepherd, we still have more important things to deal with. If the goods are lost, there will certainly be a crazy counterattack. We can go back one day in advance and make some preparations earlier - please think twice. "

"More important thing" -- "Cui Zhaoren looked at Li shepherd on the head of alligator dragon, his face became colder and colder, and said:" do you think ------ Li Shepherd is not important enough? "

"Even if he is the first in the literary test, even if he is admitted to the starry sky - back to Tiandu, we also have more opportunities - can he still ascend to the sky step by step?"

"That sword didn't kill him just now." Cui Zhaoren said.

"The young master was blinded by the illusion that he didn't know kung fu and didn't practice. He was careless ------"

"There is no deception or carelessness in this world. No luck or misfortune - my sword didn't cut off his head, which is a fact that everyone can see. "

"But -- --"

"Also, look at the alligator - look at its eyes - what do you see in its eyes?"

Su Rong looked hard and said, "eye droppings ------ and docility."

Su Rong was slightly shocked. He looked at Cui Zhaoren and said, "young Lord, do you mean that Li shepherd subdued the alligator dragon? After he fell into the river, in such a short time? "

"What other reason do you have to explain what we see?" Cui Zhaoren said coldly, "you just said that alligator dragons are very fast and thousands of miles a day. Moreover, he is cruel and aggressive by nature and likes to kill ----- however, he saved Li shepherd from the river. "

"He used that magical way of boxing to block my crossing and robbing sword, and was protected by alligator dragons after he was seriously injured into the river ------ first in Imperial literature test and admitted to XingKong college ------ do you still think he is not important enough?"

"Little master" -- "

"It's hard for me to get rid of this son." Cui Zhaoren held a long sword and shouted, "kill."

More than a dozen black clad supervisors who guarded around were ordered to take out their scabbards immediately. One foot by one, they soared into the air and flew towards the alligator dragon standing tall in the middle of the river in the distance.




Those in black avoided the most aggressive part of the dragon head and cut off its abdomen and back, which were as tall and broad as mountains and rivers.

Even though the alligator dragon had scales to protect its body, it was still difficult to resist and felt the pain when the black clothes directly stayed on it, clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, raised its head, and then stabbed it down.

"Ow ------"

The alligator gave a creepy howl.

Its body began to shake, but it was afraid to throw the king's master overhead into the river and try to maintain its balance.

One knife after another, the knife is fierce and deadly.

The alligator dragon's body rises and falls in the river. It wants to get rid of the small humans on its body. It wants to bring them into the river, because they make it miserable and crazy like the dead dragon lice.

Li shepherd was stunned.

What the hell is this?

Isn't this monster a prop used by the supervision department to extort confessions? They want to kill it now?

The enemy's friend is my enemy. Similarly, the enemy of the enemy is my friend.

In other words, this ugly and ferocious looking big guy is his little partner?

Li shepherd was really excited.

He found another glimmer of life. He felt saved.

No wonder the monster never hurt itself. Putting itself on top of its head is like being its own mount. So we are good friends.

However, his little partner is being hacked and bullied.

Li shepherd was very angry.

He stared at the man in black who was closest to him. He was angry and worked hard for a moment.

One punch out.


Breaking fist of breaking body!

The supervisor in black didn't even have time to moan. His body suddenly burst into pieces and turned into pieces of stumps. Bursts of blood and water waved down towards the jimingze.

When his companion was injured, the other supervisors in black hated him and couldn't accept it.

As a special department of the Empire, they usually bully others. Who dares to bully them?

Several people in black looked at each other, then attacked each other on three sides and surrounded Li shepherd standing on the top of the alligator dragon.

They have seen the power of Li shepherd now, but if the three sides attack at the same time, even if Li shepherd kills one of them with one punch, the other two companions can take the opportunity to cut his body into more than 300 pieces at that moment.

"Ow --"

The alligator dragon felt the danger and suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a lot of yellow and green juice.

A man in black in front of him couldn't dodge. He was completely wrapped by the Yellow dirt. He was so dense that he couldn't breathe at all. His body fell heavily towards the river.

The alligator shook its head and used its sharp teeth to bite the long knife in the hand of a man in black.

Another man in black came from behind Li shepherd. The long knife was powerful. The knife was bright and shining blue. The whole long knife and its handle were buzzing and shaking, and it looked like it was going to get out of hand.

It's close.

The black clothes inspector Shi ran for a long time on the alligator dragon. After several jumps in a row, the area covered by the long knife was just above Li shepherd's head.

"Dead." The inspector in black shouted angrily and cut off Li shepherd's head with a long knife.


The body of Shi in black burst without any warning and turned into a shower of blood.

Behind it, an alligator dragon's tail, standing like a pillar in the sky, is slowly retracting and rolling up thousands of feet of waves.

"Waste." Cui Zhao said softly. As soon as he unfolded, the man disappeared from the side of the ship.

When he appeared again, he was already standing on the back of the alligator dragon.

He held the Tongtian sword and cut into the belly of the alligator dragon.

The blood gushed wildly, and a large piece of skin and meat on the alligator dragon's back was cut off by him.

"Ouch" -- "alligator dragon struggled and twisted more madly. Cui Zhaoren's killing move did too much damage to it.


The alligator dragon slapped its tail, but only its own body.

Because Cui Zhaoren succeeded in one strike, he had already fled quickly.

He flew around the huge body of alligator dragon, circle after circle. After each lap, a piece of meat will be cut off from the alligator dragon.

After dozens of laps, the alligator dragon's huge body has become flesh and blood blurred, and bones can be seen in many wounds.

Although the alligator dragon is huge, it is extremely inconvenient to move. Cui Zhaoren just likes this, so he can attack wantonly as long as he avoids its sharp mouth and tail.

Even with scale armor, it is difficult to stop the edge of Dujie sword.

The most important thing is that it should protect Li shepherd from harm, so it can't dive and escape------

It is like a big fool with developed limbs and a simple mind who allows the enemy to cut meat and bones, but can't make any powerful counterattack.





It was more painful and tragic.

Li shepherd's eyes were red and his canthus were cracked.

These surveillance histories not only kill people, but also kill such a lovely monster ---- because this monster saved itself and it is doing its best to protect itself. Because it has something to do with itself, do they still want to frame this monster to commit the crime of collaborating with the enemy?

This is my brother and my back-to-back partner.

Li shepherd doesn't allow them to hurt the alligator dragon like this, although he doesn't know its name yet.

"Asshole - you come to me." Li shepherd's clenched fist banged. He shouted at Cui Zhao, who was as fast as a forest bird: "you coward, come and kill me. You have the ability to kill me ------"

"As you wish." Cui Zhaoren's cold voice came over.

He struck at the back of the alligator's head with a sword. When the alligator shook its tail and patted it, his body disappeared in an instant.

While his body disappeared, countless Cui Zhao people appeared in the air. Countless Cui Zhao people holding countless Tongtian swords stabbed at every part of the alligator dragon's body. The huge alligator dragon was surrounded by countless Cui Zhao people《 "One hundred thousand eight wastelands have no intention to resolve", incarnated in one hundred thousand eight wastelands. No intention, no dust, no dirt. The way of heaven is the largest, and everything in the world can be killed. A loud, crisp sound came. Then the blood surged all over the sky, and a huge head fell towards the river. Plop ---- the river splashed, and then a large area of the river was dyed red by the blood brought by the head. The beast who has been in the water for thousands of years knows the alligator dragon who protects the Lord through human nature. In this way, Cui Zhao cut off his head with a sword. Originally, the alligator dragon could not die, but it threw Li shepherd out at the most dangerous and critical moment. Because it felt that the real killing move was to stab Li shepherd. It traded its own life for the life of Li shepherd. The headless body of alligator dragon persisted in the river for a long time, and then it was unwilling to fall back. Bang ------- the river overflowed, and the whole earth was shaking“ Damn you. " Li shepherd's body fell from a high altitude and then suspended in the air. Li shepherd's eyes were red, and his pupils were wrapped in red blood mist. The black scales on the back of his right hand, like living, came out of his body and spun wildly on his head. Roaring ----- the sun was in the sky, but thunder sounded in the sky. Kappa - the wind is sunny, but there is lightning roaring on the river. The river is surging and the dark clouds are rolling. The white clouds overhead were driven away, and large dark clouds covered the sky and covered the sun. There is rain. First, small raindrops turn into moderate rain, heavy rain and rainstorm. The whole world seems to be flooded by heavy rain, a picture of the end of the world. Born with a strange image, the unlucky building ship bumped in the rough waves and could be overturned and sank at any time. Some cried, some begged, and others prayed to the gods. They held tightly to what they could hold, hoping that some immortal would hear their cry for help all the way. Cui Zhaoren's attack stopped. He felt the pressure. That kind of body method is stiff and the sword method is slow and pressure, which is almost breathless and life-threatening. His body was also suspended in mid air, corresponding to Li yangyangyao in the distance“ What kind of monster is this? " Cui Zhaoren saw that the opportunity was bad. His body leaped like a petrel in the storm towards the building ship. His body landed on the building boat, then turned and looked in the direction of the alligator dragon. A shocking scene appeared. In the rainstorm, countless fish and shrimp surfaced. They are in groups and dense, like a wave lifted by a storm. They jump from the water and fall. Jump up again and fall again. They looked like crazy and rushed in the direction of the building ship. PA ------- a water snake rushed in front and hit the building ship. The water snake was knocked unconscious and fell into the water, and then more water snakes rushed up. Click ---------- a crab with the size of a grinding plate hit the building ship. The crab's hard shell smashed to pieces, but it also caused fatal damage to the building body of the building ship. At the point where it hit the ground, a huge crack appeared. A small herring bumped over and his whole head was torn apart. A wave came and was swept away by the river. More herring bumped over fearlessly. Millions of soldiers protect the real dragon, and the Dragon King is shocked when he is angry( PS: on Christmas Eve, I hope every boy is safe - everyone should be careful. Now girls can do everything! This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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