"Three masters in one school?" Lu XingKong sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "the peacock king has offered a good price."

"I know Duke Lu doesn't like false fame, but your son Lu Qingming, your grandson Lu Tianyu, and a young man named Li Shepherd - a Sangong, are so prominent. Even if China is unified and the nine countries are unified, Lu is still a first-class family in the world. Does Lu Gong really not think about it? "

"My son is clear, honest and down-to-earth. He has a little knowledge of military affairs, but his government affairs are ordinary. My sun Tianyu is tired and lazy by nature. It's appropriate to be a rich and idle man. Being in a high position hurts him. As for the other grandson shepherd, his affairs are well known all over the world. He only wants freedom and only cultivates elders - - what's the use of being a Duke? "

After a pause, the black robed old man then said, "besides, the peacock king should know that as long as I am still alive, the Xifeng country is full of words, and no one dares to disobey me. Although the peacock king is below one person and above ten thousand people, in this Xifeng country, Lu is no different from the royal family - Master and servant, master and servant, master and servant. No matter how high a servant is, he is still a servant. Why not be a free king in this westerly country? "

"Hahaha" -- "the peacock king laughed, looked at the black robed elder Lu XingKong in front of him and said," does Duke Lu really think so? "

"Why not?"

"If it had been in the past, Duke Lu would have done nothing wrong to be the rich, noble and idle king of Xifeng. But now the situation is different. During the nine countries' War, most of the Xifeng land fell into the hands of our peacock. Lu Gong thought, "how long can this free king do?"

Lu XingKong raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "what's the matter? The peacock king thinks he can take my west wind? "

"It's not a question of whether we can, but of whether we must win it. No matter how much it costs. Not only the west wind, but all other countries will fall into my hands -- "said the peacock king, confident, as if picking up the world's rivers and mountains like exploring Nang“ Lu Gong is a first-class smart man in the world. It's impossible for him not to understand this childhood situation at present? "

"I don't think so." Lu XingKong said.

"Oh." With a mocking smile on his mouth, the peacock king said, "I heard that Duke Lu has the nickname of" sand Eagle ". The world often calls him mentally resolute and intelligent. If Duke Lu forcibly refutes Boyan for opposition, Boyan will look down on him --"

"The peacock king asked me about the current situation, but I also want to ask the peacock king about the current situation ----- can't the peacock king see that the Peacock Dynasty is now in a stalemate of internal and external troubles, deep into the mire and difficult to extricate itself?"

"I'd like to hear it in detail."

"As soon as the internal worries, the peacock king fought in China with his own strength. Although Heiyan Empire helped him, after all, he was used to being the master. Would Heiyan Lin be willing to become the Minister of the peacock king? Even if King Heiyan wants to, I'm afraid those soldiers in Heiyan Empire don't want to? The general does not pay attention and the soldiers do not use their lives. I'm afraid the strength of this support is extremely limited. "

"Second, the peacock king just said that most of the land of the Xifeng empire fell into the hands of the peacock. Not only the westerly wind, other countries have the same situation. Since the peacock Army started, it has been invincible all the way - but the same problem has come. The large number of occupied places proves that the Peacock Dynasty needs more troops. It is well known that the peacock king has many generals, but how many people can continue to fight with the peacock king? With those soldiers, the peacock king can continue to maintain his unbeaten record? "

"As for the third, I didn't want to mention it. I'm afraid it will add to the mind of the peacock king. However, since the peacock king asked, he didn't answer well ----- I heard that the princess of the peacock king's court disappeared thousands of times, and can't be found until now ----- the world knows that the peacock king loves his daughter. I'm afraid the peacock king is worried at this time? Moreover, the long Princess disappeared. I'm afraid some people in the Peacock Dynasty also had an idea? Who let the peacock king have only such a baby daughter? "

"It makes some sense." Ying Boyan did not argue with Lu XingKong, nodded and said, "what about foreign aggression? Does Lu Gong also want to list one, two or three for me? "

"There is only one foreign invasion." Lu XingKong said in a deep voice“ Those three eyed demons from the abyss. "

"Bo Yan thought so."

"In this way, the peacock king still has the confidence to unify China?"

"After hearing what Duke Lu said, Bo Yan had to unify China." Yingbo said with a smile: "first, regardless of internal worries, it's this foreign invasion. Let our generation catch up with the stars and the moon. Don't wait for me. As long as we gather the power of China, we can compete with those ugly guys from the abyss. Do you think what I said is reasonable? "

"You also said that you had this set of words to deceive the dean?"

"What a wise man is the dean? Will you be blinded by me? Bo Yan told me with reason and moved with emotion, so that the president accepted my point of view, and then promised to help me make an appointment with Duke Lu - so Duke Lu and I can have a chance to sit here and drink tea. " Ying Boyan picked up the broken bowl in front of him and tasted it happily.

Then he raised the bowl to Lu XingKong and said, "the tea is still warm. I'll give Lu Gong a bowl?"

Lu XingKong sat still.

Ying Boyan was not in a hurry, so he hung a broken bowl in mid air and waited.

long time.

Lu XingKong finally picked up the broken bowl in front of him and drank the boiled water inside.



Star College. Stargazing tower.

Lu Jiji stood on the roof of the stargazing building, watching the mountain streams shrouded in clouds, the red Nu River surging and the red waves rolling.

For tens of thousands of years, the mountain is still the mountain, the cloud is still the cloud, and the Nu River has not changed.

However, the world doesn't know, they don't know, at the end of the Nu River, the yin-yang boundary stone guarding the human race is about to be broken by the demon clan.

The yin-yang boundary stone was built by the dragon. It sacrificed the whole dragon family to return the tens of thousands of years of peace of the human race - what if there is another catastrophe?

"Li shepherd" -- "Lu Jiji chewed the name in his mouth and gently called," where are you? "

Li Shepherd is missing.

Disappeared with the long Princess of the Peacock Dynasty.

There are many rumors in the outside world. Some people say that he took the long princess to seclusion, some say that they both died in the first war, and others say that they were involved in a field unknown to the world and will never get out again------

However, Lu Junji knew that he must be alive and somewhere.

She can feel it.

Just, when China is in trouble, will he stand up again?

"In any case, we can't let them break the boundary --" Lu Junji's eyes are firm and silently said to himself in his heart: "the boundary can't be broken, the boundary stone can't be broken, and the demon clan can't come in."

Lu Jiji bit his teeth, then rushed to the attic of the stargazing tower and kicked the "alarm magic bell" that had been hanging for thousands of years.





The copper bell rang nine and the sound rang through the starry sky.

Then it spread to the whole Duanshan mountain, the Nu River further away, and even the whole Huayu plain.


XingKong college was shocked, and countless people poured in the direction of the star viewing building.

"What happened? Why did the "alarm bell" ring suddenly? "

"Could it be a demon invasion? The demon clan has not invaded, and the "alarm magic bell" must not ring for no reason -- "

"Demon invasion ------ demon invasion -----"


At this time, the dawn comes and the sky is white.

It was the moment when the teachers and students of XingKong college were sleeping or practicing. When they heard the sound of the alarm bell, they jumped out of the boundary courtyard or bed of deep mountains, old forests and caves one by one. Everyone looked confused and shocked.

Demon clan, the legendary demon clan - really invaded?

Yang Xiaohu didn't sleep all night. He was at the critical moment of breaking the wall. During this period, he didn't have class. Of course, there was nothing to class, because almost all the students in the class were gone.

When Li Yangyang's identity as a dragon was exposed, the Dragon slaughtering major of XingKong college became a big joke - a little dragon was taught in the Dragon slaughtering department. Where to reason about this kind of thing?

Sheep and tigers are also wronged, okay? When Li shepherd came in, who could see that he was a dragon?

Li shepherd left, Ying QianDu left, Lu Junji left, Chu Xun left, and several other students returned home due to the war of the nine kingdoms------

When Yang Xiaohu became a barehanded teacher, he simply went down to practice the broken path. Inadvertently, when I read a book called "flower and bird collection", the Dantian was on fire and the sea of gas was boiling. There was a faint sign of breaking the wall and promoting again.

Yang Xiaohu was overjoyed and immediately closed the door to practice. The situation was not broken, but I heard the harsh sound of the bell.

He threw his long sleeves and ran towards the star watching building with his legs like lightning.

When Yang Xiaohu arrived, countless starry teachers and students had gathered in the starlight square in front of the stargazing building.

Everyone looked up and wanted to know why the alarm bell rang for no reason.

Some people flew towards the top of the star watching building, trying to find out and give everyone an answer.

"Oh, here comes the sheep master." Kong Li was still arrogant and arrogant. He looked at Yang Xiaohu with disdain and said with a mocking face: "I heard that Yang Shifu was practicing in seclusion. Is this going to step into the realm of the stars?"

"Master Kong laughed." Yang Xiaohu quickly saluted Kong Li and said, "I just have some feelings, so I didn't go out. The air master also knows that Xiaohu has just stepped into the withered glory. It's as difficult as heaven to want the stars. Confucius and Xia Hou have the greatest chance. "

"You two quarrel. What are you doing with me?" Xia Hou came here leisurely with his robe. He was very dissatisfied, stared at Yang Xiaohu and said, "who doesn't know that you have a bright future by reading. Since ancient times, which of those who have broken the Tao by reading, writing poetry and painting is not a genius? Which is not the most dazzling existence under the starry sky? I have to practice hard. I can't read a few broken books. People have to die compared to people and goods have to be thrown away. "

"Don't dare, master Xia Hou ----- laugh at the little tiger." Sheep and tigers bow one after another“ Both of you were Xiaohu's tutors. Xiaohu will always be the disciples of Master Kong and master Xia Hou. " I thought it was boring to bully the nerd. Kong Li took a look at Xia Hou and said, "do you know why the alarm clock rings for no reason?"“ You know? " Xia Hou raised his eyes to look high and asked aloud“ I don't know. "“ Then wait and see. " Xia Hou said plainly, "if the demon clan invades, it will not be as light as this. Could it be that the ignorant student deliberately sounded the alarm bell? "“ How can an ignorant student ring the alarm bell? Naturally, those who can ring the alarm bell will not be ignorant people - "at this time, an old teacher shouted to the stargazing Attic:" who rings the bell? " Oh ----- on the attic, a beautiful woman with purple hair and purple eyes in white flashed on the windowsill“ Lu said( PS: I wish my friends a happy Lantern Festival and a family reunion.) This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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