Demon invasion!

Nu River lost!

The devil disappeared!


The official residence newspapers of the nine kingdoms of China, as well as the billboards and posts distributed to various states and counties, use this huge bold title. Shocking, appalling.

It gives people a feeling that although I don't know what happened, it must be very serious.

When the demon clan invaded, the common people were confused at the first sight: Demon clan? What the hell is that? Can I eat it?

For tens of thousands of years, there has been no news of demon invasion in China. And because the first demon invasion involved a race that the human race was absolutely unwilling to mention - the dragon race.

Therefore, the royal families and officials of various countries in China are unwilling to discuss this matter in public, and there will be no records about the demon clan on the books used by various universities.

The first battle of killing dragons was so long away that people could forget everything. Besides, it's a demon family - what does it have to do with ordinary people?

Some low-level martial arts practitioners and practitioners who are not well informed are also at a loss. Isn't the demon clan invasion the guys who dare not see people in the ghost region?

Even if the ghost King leads the team in person, aren't there those experts on Longhu Mountain and Tianyin temple? Any big sword sect can annihilate them - do you need to make such a big announcement to the world?

"It must be that the state wants to take this opportunity to collect taxes for military service!" That's what they think.

However, with the spread of news and the clarification of countless "people of insight", people know that the demon family is not the one they think, nor the one they can eat - but the one who likes to eat people.

It turned out that they invaded tens of thousands of years ago, but were defeated by the Terran coalition.

Now they have arrived again, and the Terran coalition has gathered again to fight the devil------

"Have you heard? Here comes the demon clan - the demon clan with three eyes and six legs and weighing more than a cow -- "

"Who says three eyes and six legs? The fourth son of my uncle's family worked in the anti devil army. He killed several demons and said that the demons had six eyes and nine legs -- "

"How do you walk with nine legs? Four and a half on one side? "

"How do I know? I haven't seen the demon family -- "


These are some idle people who feel that the demon clan is still far away and the Terran will win the final victory. The people are discussing the appearance of the demon clan and there have been countless disputes and contradictions.

"Originally, the peacock king joined hands with the Heiyan Empire to fight for the unification of China ----- I didn't think about it. I haven't had time to realize my ambition yet. The demon clan is here -----"

"Da Zhou and Xi Feng also joined the war - - the nine kingdoms of China sent the most elite troops to fight the devil" --

"The havoc in China - why are those demons haunted? It is said that they are not acclimatized in China ---- what else do they come to China for? How good it is to stay in their demon Kingdom -- "


This is something that people who have a little insight or have someone on duty at home know. Their tone is much more pessimistic and nervous.

The most solemn and solemn atmosphere is the anti magic personnel fighting in the front line.

As written in the residence newspapers of various countries, although the Terrans also organized snipers at the first time after the demon invasion, after all, the Terrans who can come in a short time are very few Terran experts. It will take some time for more people to get the news, not to mention the long way to conquer.

When the boundary is broken, the three eyed devil is like a frog on the surface, covering the whole Nujiang River - how many can a very small number of Terran experts kill? How much can you kill by cutting?

Even if it is the most powerful dragon clan, how many can the dragon clan spray die?

Of course, the number of dragons killing demons is much faster than that of Terran experts. If a dragon stops, countless three eyed demons will be annihilated in the fire.

However, the number of three eyed demons is too much.

The first "abyss invasion", that is, the "dragon killing war" recorded by the Terran, at that time, the Terran had long been on guard, and the whole dragon race fought for it------

Ten thousand dragons soared into the air and fought with the countless abyss demons in the river. The Terran army only needs to defend the Nujiang River and massacre the very few three eyed demons who want to rush to the Nujiang River case.

Last time, with the help of ten thousand dragons, the whole Terran was prepared in advance, and the royal families of all countries worked together.

Therefore, the three eyed demon had no chance to land at all, and was beaten back in the river. Not to mention crossing the broken mountain and entering the Huayu plain, the natural barrier of the Terran.

This time, the abyss demons invaded, one without the help of the dragon family, two without the early warning of Uncle Tai's immortality, three without preparedness, four without the Terran army guarding the river bank, and the royal families of the nine countries are not united -- even just in the fierce fighting state, all countries have suffered heavy casualties, and the elite teachers of some countries have been defeated. Countries like Dazhou and Dawu have been conquered by the Peacock Dynasty-----

As people know, the nine countries sent elite teachers because the news is blocked. Where are the nine countries coexisting in the land of China?

Even the Xifeng empire was almost captured by the Peacock Dynasty.

If the Peacock Dynasty is given more time, it can't be said that he really has a chance to unify China.

Pity, pity------

In the middle of the fierce battle, the news of the demon invasion came. The peacock king was dull for a moment, slapped the chopping board in front of him and shouted, "assemble! Fight the devil! "

The peacock king, who was about to become the Communist Lord of China, was interrupted by the news of the demon invasion. It is conceivable that he was depressed.

However, he still knows which is more important. In an instant, he cleaned up his mood, gathered the three roads and drove in the direction of the Nu River-----

Not only that, he also united all countries to fight the devil together. Although the royal families of other countries do not want to be with the "aggressor" of the peacock king, everyone knows the harm of the demon family.

If the peacock king wins the world, they have more or less a place to live. Their children and grandchildren can also break away from a way of life. If those three eyed demons get the world, even if no one in China has enough land.

This beautiful land fell into permanent darkness in an instant. suffering oppression.

Race war, either you die or I live!

The addition of many reasons led to the three eyed demons jumping onto the Bank of the river this time, and a large number of demons entered the flower language plain.

Moreover, what makes the anti magic army unbearable is that they lost the shadow of the demon king.

According to historical data, during the last abyss invasion, the Demon Lord took the lead and led his 18 demons to fight in the front line. This time, only eighteen demons will fight with Terran masters, but there is no trace of the demon king.

This result is really chilling!

If the demon lord enters the human world and takes an ordinary person's PI Nang at will, what can the human race do?

To use an ancient Chinese proverb is: hooligans are not terrible, they are afraid that hooligans have culture.

After tens of thousands of years of recuperation, the individual combat ability of the demon clan has been greatly improved, the number is still countless, and even the IQ has been greatly improved.

The demon king knows that when the border is broken, naturally there will be many Terran experts waiting outside to fight. Including the powerful and awesome dragon race - the first invasion war, the dragon race helped the Terran race drive away the abyss demons and seal them. The three eyed demons didn't know that there was such a cruel war called the "battle of killing dragons" behind.

Therefore, in their minds, the dragon clan has always existed and has always been an invincible natural enemy. Is their most feared opponent.

A large number of demons sneaked into the vast Huayu plain, and the Terran army rushed to form an anti demonic coalition with the Great Wall as the boundary.

The Great Wall is the last protective line to protect the Terrans. If the Great Wall is lost, the three eyed devil can step into the fertile land of China, and hundreds of millions of Terrans will be trampled and slaughtered.

In the great wall guard station, peacock king yingboyan looked around and said in a deep voice, "Uncle Dean called everyone here to discuss a way to deal with it. You only know what's the use of sitting there and sighing?"

"Easy to say? Can you think of a way? "

"The devil's strength is unfathomable. He just hides from us ----- what can we do for it?"

"Yes. The demon king's face was not seen. He couldn't even draw a sea arrest article and send it out - - besides, did the demon king come, where he came and went? We didn't have a trace at all - - I can't do anything. Peacock king is wise and wise. You might as well give us an idea? "


These are the monarchs who are hostile to the Peacock Dynasty. I just killed myself on the battlefield. Although it was temporarily stopped because of the common enemy of the human race - the hostility in my heart and the hate look at each other can not be eliminated in a moment.

"What? Unconvinced? " The peacock king frowned coldly, looked around and said, "you should be glad to yourself. If these demons hadn't come at the wrong time, I'm afraid you would all bow down to me now -"

"Win Bo Yan, don't be arrogant!"

"Who is waiting? So humiliated, do you want us to fight side by side? "

"I'll leave now and let the demon family wreak havoc in China - I want to see how the Peacock Dynasty is spared --"


"Everybody --" Uncle Yongsheng raised his head, looked around like a sea of stars, and finally spoke. Although the meeting was convened by him, from the beginning to now, he has been almost silent. He sat there with his eyes, nose and heart, as if he were an irrelevant person. Obviously, the death of bailixi was a great blow to him《 The "star shift" of fighting Dharma is to cut off lust, without dirt and dust, and without any concern. However, how many people can be born human?

What can be done is either immortals or demons! Although he only said two words, all the people of the whole guard station focused on him. Those who can gather here are either the kings of one country or the mountain masters in charge of Buddhism and Taoism, and more are the patriarchs and elders of major sects. Every name is like thunder, and everyone can shake China by stamping their feet. There are even the Peacock Dynasty national teacher Ying Wuyu, who is as famous as his cultivation realm, the mountain Lord who never appeared on the dragon and tiger mountain, and several big monks in the Tianyin temple - "now is not the time to say angry words, nor is it the time to say strange words." Taishu Yongsheng's voice was gentle, but every word was clear and powerful“ Demon invasion, this is China's catastrophe. It is a critical moment related to the life and death of the whole Terran. Whether the Terran incense can continue is between your thoughts. "“ The devil is powerful. This is a fact that we have seen with our own eyes. Therefore, you need to work together to fight the demon clan. Peace is life, and division is death. This is not a matter of one country, but the great cause of the survival of the whole human race. "“ The present is either the monarch or the patriarch, and they are not less worshipped and filial by the human race on weekdays. With the Terran, you have the lofty status and dazzling reputation. If the whole Terran no longer exists, how can you deal with yourself? How to survive? It is impossible to fight the whole demon clan with one force. "“ The demon clan has come, right under our noses. Therefore, I hope you will put aside the disputes over borders, interests and factions -- put aside your prejudices and stop fighting for a while. "“ Now that the problem has come out, we must find a way to solve the problem. " Uncle Tai's eternal sight stopped slightly on the face of peacock king Ying Boyan, and then looked at the monarchs with many contradictions and deep hatred in turn and said, "let's talk about our views." Just now, I was taken a look by Uncle Yongsheng. Ying Boyan had a feeling that his whole body was bound. For an expert of his level, this is a naked warning. I think other "old friends" feel the same way. Obviously, the star Dean's heart at this time is not as calm as the sea on his plane. The beloved woman died in order to defend the boundary. The teachers and students of XingKong college were the first to arrive at the demon slaughtering battlefield, and they were also the group with the most tragic deaths and injuries - - one in ten did not exist, and the students were more than 70%. This is the elite of the Terran, the seed of all countries. After such a great blow, uncle Yongsheng did not cry and gathered and suppressed the rulers of the whole Terran with his own prestige to fight for the survival of the Terran. Such an old man, people have to respect, also dare not disrespect“ What the dean said is very true! " Yingboyan, the peacock king, bowed deeply to Uncle Yongsheng and said to several other monarchs, "Boyan is in a bad mood. Some words don't sound good, brothers." "------" After hearing his apology, everyone felt even more "blame" for him. Of course, Ying Boyan took the lead, and others had to make a statement“ Uncle Dean said that if you combine, you will live, and if you divide, you will die. Let's forget the past grievances and join hands to fight against the devil -- "I heard from the dean that we can do whatever the dean said --" hit the snake seven inches, kill the dragon and cut the dragon head -- - we have to find the demon king and kill it first -- "------ hearing the words" kill the dragon and cut the dragon head ", the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became extremely strange. All eyes were focused on the only young man without a seat in the corner. Li shepherd, the only dragon in the world. Li shepherd glanced at the crowd with an expressionless face and said, "why don't you talk - I'll go first." Then he turned and walked outside. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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