He came as soon as he came. He couldn't go if he wanted to. Shepherd Li simply gave up.

I am Li shepherd, the only dragon in China, a member of the dragon who once expelled you - no, the image spokesman of the Dragon King of this life. What can you do to me?

After Li shepherd shouted that sentence, he immediately felt that he was full of pride and emotion. He gave people a picture of being generous to die. I don't go to hell. Who goes to hell has the courage to sacrifice.

At this moment, his chest stood high, his eyes became firm, and his expression was not afraid of life and death.

There was only a naive and pure idea in his heart: he must not lose the prestige of the human race in front of the demons.

I speak for Terrans and dragons!

However, the result did not develop as expected.

Under the priest's stage, all the demons were confused with three eyes and looked at Li shepherd with an ignorant face. The green saliva was dripping - what was the Terran talking about? It looks delicious.

They couldn't understand what Li shepherd had just shouted.

Of course, the black star sacrifice and the wind thief sacrifice were also very stingy. They didn't agree to Li shepherd's request and translate what he just shouted to their own people.

Soon, Li shepherd found the problem.

He turned to look at the black star sacrifice and the wind thief sacrifice and said, "please help me translate. I want to communicate with your demon clan - you see, they look forward to it."

"Li shepherd, do you really think it makes sense?" The wind thief priest looked at Li shepherd and said calmly, "the abyss people spent tens of thousands of years and finally broke the border again and stepped back into the Middle Earth -- do you think a few words can dispel their idea of expedition?"

"I just want to tell them that their efforts will not bear fruit and the demon clan will lose."

"Do you think they will understand what you say? They will only be more crazy, more irritable and more bloodthirsty - a few words can't change the fate of the Terran. Including your destiny. "

The wind thief sacrifice was obviously unwilling to give up Li shepherd, and again advised: "you are a dragon, not a human. You should stand with us - if we win, you will be below one person and above ten thousand people. "

"What if you lose?"

"How did the Terrans treat you before and will still treat you like this in the future - do they hurt you less?"

"No." Li shepherd shook his head firmly: "if you lose, you will dive into the Nu River again and return to the abyss. It's a difficult place for Terrans to survive, and you can still live well -- "

"But I will stay and face the angry Terrans. Stay and face my relatives and friends - the most important thing is, if I join you now, will the humiliation and hatred borne by the Dragon nationality for tens of thousands of years be wasted? They will say, "you see, the dragon clan is with the abyss devil. They are bad people. They want to invade our country like the abyss devil --"

"They will say that we should hate him, we should kill him, and we should kill them. If so, those who speak for me, defend me, give me life, give me love and warmth - how sad should their hearts be? "

"Li shepherd, you should think for the dragon family and yourself -- if our abyss family is defeated, will they raise the butcher's knife to you again?"

"This possibility is not unknown, and I have fantasized countless times - but I want to consider it for the dragon people and myself. It is precisely because of this that I have to stand firmly on the opposite side of you. I think the Dragon King tens of thousands of years ago left a tear in my body, so that one day - when the devil comes back, I will make the same choice as him. "

Li shepherd looked at the black star sacrifice and the wind thief sacrifice and said, "you don't need to persuade me anymore. I don't want to explain anything anymore - after my words, should we get to the point?"

"Get to the point?" The wind thief sacrifice looked at the black star sacrifice and asked expressionless.

"Aren't you trying to keep me now?" Li shepherd asked with some uncertainty. Will the abyss people feel that they still have a chance to fight for it, so this time we value peace, and we can't talk again when we meet next time?

"Of course." While the wind thief was talking, a cool wind suddenly swept away towards the position where Li shepherd station stood.

Li shepherd's body tightened in an instant and his hair stood upside down.

Ignoring the hidden breath, he threw his long sleeve and wrapped the black wind in.

Then, there was a crackling sound in the long sleeve, and countless holes were blown out of Li shepherd's clothes.

Fortunately, he was dressed in the colorful cloud clothes of immortals in the temple. If it were ordinary clothes, I'm afraid that the black wind would not only tear the clothes to pieces, but also blow his body to pieces.

The wind thief is worshipped. The wind is used as a killing tool. There is no shadow and no trace of clouds. It is really impossible to prevent.

The body shape of the wind thief sacrifice has disappeared in place.

It turned into a black wind and went around Li shepherd's body.

Li shepherd punched out, the black wind dodged flexibly, and then went towards Li shepherd's package at a faster speed.

In the eyes of those who don't know, Li Shepherd is fighting with a strange black wind.

However, for those three eyed demons, they know that it is their wind thief sacrifice.

"Curse of the wind god", this is the avenue that the wind thief sacrifice realized from the wind without a trace.

He is the wind, he and the wind merge into one.

"Wulala ----"

"Kill the Terran -"

"Wind thief sacrifice, come on ----"


Although Li shepherd couldn't understand what those three eyed demons were shouting, it probably meant that from the excited look of them waving their fists.

Black Star sacrifice saw that the wind thief sacrifice and Li shepherd were intertwined. For a while, there was no sign of victory or defeat. His eyes were slightly closed. People stood still, but dozens of black shadows floated out of his body, turned into more than a dozen Black Star sacrifices and surrounded Li shepherd.

The law of unification!

Man is like a sea of stars, turning into countless stars to fight for himself. Every shadow is a star, and those stars can keep copying and splitting.

All over the sky, there are stars.

In the end, he was promoted to God.



Cui's careful body was raised high, like a beautiful and graceful Little Daisy.

The little flower fell fast and fiercely, just like a meteor falling from the starry sky. She scratched a beautiful trace in the air, and then hit the black iron carriage heavily.


The carriage was smashed to pieces, four wheels rolled, and the wind roared away.

But the people in the carriage disappeared, just like being folded by the car that collapsed like a discus.

After Cui's careful body smashed the carriage, he bounced up again and suspended in mid air.

Her long hair was scattered, blown by the cold wind, and the hunting was flying. Blood red eyes, but not ferocious, but there is a more beautiful beauty.

Her eyes fixed on the ground where the carriage collapsed, like an eagle waiting for food she had coveted for a long time.


A piece of grass was pushed up high, and an old man covered in black came out of the grass.

He lifted his dusty hat and revealed the true face of his firm and elegant face.

Land and air!

He is the powerful minister of the whole Xifeng Empire, Lu XingKong!

A legend of the westerly wind who was killed in the name of betrayal and was later rehabilitated------

He's still alive!

At this time, he stood in the air and stood in front of Cui carefully.

"Grandpa Lu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Be careful. I really miss you." Cui is careful to smile. She is as beautiful as a flower.

"Who the hell are you?" Lu XingKong stared at Cui's careful face and shouted, "you're not Cui careful, Cui careful - not as cruel as you."

"Tut tut Tut, in order to achieve his desire for power and subvert the Xifeng Empire, he didn't hesitate to push the whole family into the ground and almost become an entourage - such people are saying that others are cruel and cruel? Be careful. I really admire grandpa Lu. "

"Cui be careful -" Lu XingKong's eyes were like eagles, thinking about the real identity of the woman in front of him. This is obviously not Cui careful, because Cui careful has no such cultivation and strength. Just now she looked at her wolf army Iron Guard and could see his general cultivation level.

In addition, Lu XingKong and Cui carefully had several contacts when she was in Tiandu before. Even in the half year when Li shepherd disappeared, she repeatedly visited the Lu family despite the opposition of her family.

That's a very nice girl - definitely not like the person in front of her.

However, she must be careful. With Cui's careful appearance, Cui's careful temperament, she knows everything Cui knows-----

"You are a demon!" Lu XingKong hissed. He stared at Cui carefully with alert and fierce eyes and said, "you are a demon clan. You took Cui carefully's body ----"

"Grandpa Lu - - indeed, his eyes are as sharp as a torch. People all say that song loneliness is the eye of the starry sky and the wisest old man in the west wind. Careful doesn't think so. Careful thinks that song lonely is really far from Grandpa Lu‘ The name "eye of the stars" is a bit exaggerated. "

"What the hell do you want to do?"“ I want the west wind to make a mess. " Cui said in a deep voice“ So you're going to kill me? "“ It's ironic. " Cui carefully said with a joking face: "it was grandpa Lu who stole the state power, so it caused the west wind chaos. But I didn't expect that because of Grandpa Lu, the west wind is not in disorder at this moment - I have to bother to kill Grandpa Lu. "“ I see. " After Lu XingKong pondered a little, he understood Cui's scruples“ You want the troops of the Xifeng Empire to attack and annihilate each other, but because of my existence, although the troops of the Xifeng empire can not be called an iron plate, at least most of them are in the hands of Lu ----- so you want to kill me and help some people take away military power, don't you? "“ Good. "“ That man is king Hui? "“ Grandpa Lu is as wise as the sea. He can't hide anything from you. "“ He doesn't deserve to be a king and is no different from an animal. " Lu XingKong scolded fiercely. If Cui carefully and seriously persuades Huiwang to cooperate with him, and then solves himself easily, most of the Xifeng army is controlled by Huiwang, that is, the hand of the demon family, what a terrible thing? The Terran army is in the hands of the demon clan. Is this true for one country and for all other countries? It's chilling to think about it“ If Grandpa Lu wants to -- "I don't want to." Lu XingKong bluntly interrupted Cui's words and said, "although Lu has a heavy selfishness, he will never plot with other nationalities or betray the interests of his fellow countrymen. If you want my life, take it yourself. "“ Good. " Cui carefully said with a smile, and the red blood in his eyes glittered with a strange light“ You are Li shepherd's grandfather, and I -- Li shepherd's first lover. If you die in my hand, you say -- "will it be fun for us to meet again?"“ Vicious. " Lu XingKong gritted his teeth and said, "he only knows that I died at the hand of the demon family. He will never blame me for being careful."“ Is it? I'm still looking forward to it. " When Cui spoke carefully, his long skirt flew and flew towards the landing again. Lu XingKong stretched his right hand into the air. There was thunder in the sky. A white lightning broke through the clouds and came through the air at night. When it fell in his hand, it turned into a lightning spear“ Try my newly realized "Xumi gun formula." This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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