On the Bank of Nujiang River, there is a broken cliff corner.

Terran soldiers are looking forward to the unknown result.

When the demon king is born, the Terran will be destroyed.

When the demon king dies, the Terran will survive.

The lifeblood of Terran is tied to the battle of dragon and beast.

Li shepherd turned into a golden dragon and fought with the demon king. They fought from heaven to the earth and from the earth to the sky, regardless of time and space, day and night.

It has been eleven days since the beginning of the battle to this day.

They fell to the bottom of the Nu River and disappeared. The Terran experts who went to inquire suspected that they had entered the abyss forbidden area-----

Until this time, those people who had always been arrogant knew that the cultivation level of the demon king was so exquisite and powerful. If there were no Li shepherd, the only dragon family in the world, who could compete with it and compete with it, it would be difficult to defeat him even if he gathered the strength of the whole Terran expert.

In the flower language plain, the devil kills people like mowing grass. Where can it be combined?

The next step forward in the realm of sub God is the God of heaven. Can this be compared with the flesh and blood of ordinary people?

"Li Shepherd - you must live" -- this is the obsession of countless people.

Adversity shows the truth, life and death show the truth.

Those ordinary soldiers had hatred, misunderstanding and all kinds of dirty things that could not be mentioned again. After this time, they realized that the dragon people didn't like enslaving the human people as much as they thought, and they liked eating human liver-----

They can also be an ordinary person, be kind to others like an ordinary good man, and fight side by side with them like brothers.

Even the Terran rulers who least want the dragon to exist realize that they have made a huge mistake.

They think the dragon clan is too powerful and difficult to control, so they think "there is no dragon in the world". However, if they expel and massacre the powerful dragon clan. So, when there is a powerful alien invasion like the demon king, how will they deal with it?

A mistake, that can be the Chinese catastrophe of human death and family destruction. If their status is more noble and their strength is more powerful, can they still live in the sky?

After all, I haven't become an immortal yet.

Anyway, whether shepherd Li is a man or a dragon, he is on the side of the Terran after all.

Otherwise, he could ignore it and even avenge himself with the demon king-----

But he didn't do that.

Regardless of past grievances, he once again stood on the side of the Terran, fought with blood, stormed the front, and once again carried the banner of guarding the Terran.

"Amitabha, I hope shepherd almsgiver will be safe and return safely ----"

"Didn't the open-minded beast with nine heads say that Li Shepherd is now the Lord of God and the word of God - it's not easy to catch a sub God?"

"You can't say that. We can't tell whether Li Shepherd is God or not. After all, the guy with nine heads can't believe everything - - Kunlun temple is a dragon palace. It doesn't have anything wrong to regard its owner as an immortal. However, there is still a gap between the realm and the real God ----- the demon king has practiced in the abyss for thousands of years and has an almost immortal life. Even the real God may not be able to kill him ----- "

"Yes, it is said that the first generation Dragon Lord fought with him. Although he knocked him down into the abyss, he was not able to kill him completely ----- is Li shepherd more powerful than the first Dragon Lord? I'm afraid not.

However, the general trend is in our Terran. Li shepherd will defeat the devil and return safely -- "


Chidu was badly injured in the first battle with the demon king. Ying Boyan was unwilling to let her rush to the riverbank. However, she insisted on refusing to see Li shepherd return triumphantly with her own eyes. Yingboyan was helpless and had to accompany him every day. Yingwu wanted to repair his body in person.

Miss Li is also scarred. In order to purify the poison gas in the abyss of Huayu plain and give a glimmer of life to the millions of people's army in the war, she is almost exhausted, her body is empty, and she doesn't even have the strength to stand. These days, masters of Buddhism and Taoism accompanied him personally. Hou treated his body by the Nujiang River.

There are also Lu Qingming, Qin Han, Hong Xiu and others who care about the safety of Li shepherd and look forward to his safe return. They all gather on the river bank and wait for the return of the hero.

Hearing the round of those Terran masters around him, win QianDu was very worried. He looked at the win without desire around him again and said, "second Grandpa, shepherd, can he really beat the demon king?"

"Silly boy, you have asked me this question countless times these days. Haven't I already answered? The shepherd has been promoted to the God of heaven. He is half a grid higher than the demon king. Naturally, his strength should be strengthened. " Win Wuyu looked at his little granddaughter with a pitiful face and replied aloud.

"I'm worried that my second grandpa lied to me. I said this deliberately to broaden my heart - I want to hear the truth."

"The truth is that the shepherd will come back safely. Every word I say is true. "

"But why hasn't he come back yet? And -- "

"QianDu, it's not like your usual style. At this time, you need to calm down, recover well, and wait quietly for the shepherd to come back ----"

"It's eleven days. The shepherd's life and death are unknown. How can I calm down? Why don't I go to the forbidden area of the abyss myself? "

"That won't work." Next to Ying Boyan, hurry to comfort him“ You are seriously injured, let alone go to the forbidden area of the abyss. Even going down to the bottom of the Nujiang River can kill you - besides, is the yin-yang boundary stone so easy? Is the abyss so easy to stay? Your second grandpa and uncle Dean went in to search and got nothing. What's the use of you going in? "

"I'm worried that the shepherd in the abyss is too seriously injured and can't be treated - there is the devil's territory. The devil can do whatever he wants in it. If there is no help, the shepherd will suffer a great loss."

"Thousand degrees" -- Ying Boyan was impatient and yelled, "you are the princess of the peacock king, the future peacock queen and a young girl. How can you keep a man's name on your lips all day? Li shepherd, Li shepherd, Li shepherd, my father's ears are cocooned -- "

"It's easy to talk to us about this. How would you feel if others listened to it? What is the relationship between the Peacock Dynasty Yingshi family and the Li shepherd? "

"Father, that's what my daughter wants to say to you." Yingqiandu doesn't care about his father's attitude. Although his body is weak, his eyes are firm and shining“ When Li shepherd returns safely, I will marry him as my wife. "

"How unreasonable!" Yingboyan was furious“ I disagree. It's just an ordinary woman, but you have a special identity. A man's woman married with - ---- married with Li shepherd, how to unify China in the future? How to control the people? "

"Father, I have made up my mind." Win a thousand degrees and don't give in“ If the father thinks that the daughter married to Li Shepherd is not qualified to unify China and control all the people -- I don't want the throne. "

"No? Who do you want me to go to? I won Boyan

You're the only daughter -- "

"The father will give it to whoever he likes. There are many people who want this position ----"

"Presumptuous! If others want it, it depends on whether I am willing to give it. " Ying Boyan said angrily, "what if Li shepherd doesn't come back?"

"I will observe the festival in the name of my wife, and then unify China to correct the name of the dragon family ----"

"It's OK to correct the name of the dragon family, but never to marry him as a wife."

"Father ----"

"Stop talking, I'll never --"


QianDu suddenly knelt down in front of Ying Boyan, his eyes moist, and said with a crying voice: "from small to large, father and Emperor doted on QianDu most. Although Chidu was born as a daughter, he never felt slightest contempt and Prejudice - the father gave all his love to me and my mother. "

"Thousand degrees, what are you doing? You're not well yet. Get up quickly. You are my daughter. I don't spoil you. Who do you spoil? " Ying Boyan squats down quickly to pull QianDu up.

QianDu refused, stubbornly knelt down on the ground and said, "however, QianDu is not a clever child. He disobeyed his father again and again and indulged himself with his father's love. My father never really got angry and loved him as always. "

"From small to large, the father has always been the pride of his daughter. From small to large, I also want to be a daughter that makes my father proud. However, in this life, I met Li Shepherd - I know what my father gave me must be the best in the world. However, if I had to make a choice, I would choose Li shepherd. "

"Thousand degrees, you --"

"Bo Yan, what Chidu said is not wrong. The word" feeling "is the most hurtful. Didn't you say these words to your father like this? When will the blood of the Ying family easily give up what they like? QianDu likes Li shepherd. Let her like it first. "

"Besides, you are worried about the sensitive identity of Li shepherd. If you marry him for thousands of degrees, it will be bad for your name and words - look around and look at the eyes of these people. Which of them doesn't want Li shepherd to return safely? In the nine kingdoms of China, who hasn't received the kindness of Li shepherd? "

"Besides, Li shepherd has been promoted to the protoss - if QianDu marries Li shepherd, it will only gain for my Yingshi family, and there will be no drag." The national teacher won without desire and heartache. He also gave a voice to comfort him.

"Please allow me." Thousand degrees voice said firmly.

"Well --" Ying Boyan sighed softly and said, "I'll give you everything you want. You have to take everything I give you. Who made me your father? "

"Thank you, father" -- just then, a vortex suddenly appeared in the Nujiang River. The vortex rolled bigger and bigger, and a white figure flew out of the center. White is better than snow, ethereal as God. It was Li shepherd, the dragon who disappeared after the war with the demon king“ Li shepherd! " Someone exclaimed“ Li Shepherd is back -- "Li shepherd" -- "Li shepherd" -- "Li shepherd" -- "on both sides of the Nu River, the voices of all Terrans are shaking. They waved their fists or weapons in their hands and chanted a person's name. Li shepherd( PS: it's not over yet!) This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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