The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 251: Brother debtor pays!

Chapter 251, brother debts pay!

Lu Tianyu touched a stunned hair on his head and asked with horror: "Do I die? Am I still alive?"

"Yes." Li Sinan nodded.

The moment when the fireball fell down, it was really a line of life and death, and she felt a suffocating sense of oppression.

The heat of the flames burned in the face, as if a magma fell from the sky, and in a moment it would inundate itself and incinerate it into a gas.

If it is left in the past, Li Si Nian should be very scared. In the past, she was just an ordinary student. The most dangerous thing she experienced was that she was blocked by the senior schoolmate at the school gate because she was too popular when she first entered school.

People will change. Since the attack of the killer crows and the ugly water ghosts jumping out of the lake, Li Si Nian has grown up quickly, and nothing has ever made her move.

People who have experienced life and death are always more tougher than ordinary people.

Although she is just a little girl who has not yet grown up.

On the contrary, instead of being accustomed to the 'big world' but pampered, Lu Tianyu, who has hardly experienced any danger, is even more flustered.

"Do I have a phase?"

Li Si Nian seriously looked at Lu Tianyu's face, did not speak, and gently sighed out.

"You - what do you mean?" Lu Yi’s nervous voice shook. He reached out and touched his face and said, “I – ​​my face is ruined – ruined?”

"Destroyed." Li Siyan nodded and said. "It was ruined when I was born."


"Lu Tianyu, you have to be like a man." Li Si Nian said sharply. "I know that you are very nervous. I know that you are very scared. But the people standing in front of you are the opponents of your Lu family, the enemy of your Lu family - no matter what you think in your heart, even if you are afraid of death now. You have to pretend that you don't care about anything, you have to hold on. Don't let those people see your jokes, don't let those people think that the young master of Lujia is a coward."

"I--" Lu Tianyu looked at Li Siyan with amazement, and the girl spoke to herself in an unprecedentedly serious tone.

"You are very smart." Li Si Nian said. "But your cleverness doesn't work in the right place. There are individuals who are the opposite of you."

"You mean Li Muyang?" Lu Tianyu asked in a loud voice.

Ning Xinhai is in the sea of ​​fire and safe and sound.

Cui Shaofeng went over and asked in a loud voice: "Ning Shu, are you okay?"

"I am fine." Ning Xinhai said with a voice. His gaze has been on the body of the ecstasy, and he said: "The best defense is counterattack. Now know that the Buddhist practice is not just defense?"

"It is really shameful to start with two children." Luo Xu said coldly.

"Haha, it's hard to accept this. It's just a few children who started it first? I just have a kind of learning, but now it is shameful?"

"I just give them a little punishment."

"If you say that the thin punishment is to use the whip in your hand to draw the palm of your hand to the flesh and blood -" Ning Xinhai looked at Li Si Nian and Lu Tianyu and said: "Miss miss, long time no see."

"You--" Li Si Nian naturally knows Ning Xinhai. When he was still in Jiangnan, he had been following Cui carefully to protect him. My brother was careful to protect Cui, and he was also a doctor who helped arrange for Ning Xinhai. Unexpectedly, things are human. The friend guards of the day, today became the opponents who shot them.

Thinking of Cui carefully, there are some sadness in Li Sinian’s heart.

In the long journey to the sky, she also dreamed that she could see her friends when she arrived in Heaven. In that case, I am not familiar with life in the sky. At least some friends are waiting for her here.

I have been to Tiandu for so long, and the two have not seen each other yet.

"It seems that Miss Miss misses me anymore." Ning Xinhai looked at Li Si Nian and said with a voice: "So good."

"So very good." Li Si Nian gently chewed these words in his mouth, thinking, it is true, not knowing is more fortunate than knowing. Do you know that it is not more painful to face all this?

Luo Xu turned to look at Li Si Nian and Lu Tianyu and said, "Let's go first."

"Where are you going?" A man with a big sword was riding in the alley.

Behind him is a group of Cui family masters who also came riding. They blocked the alleys and blocked the route of Li Si Nian and Lu Tianyu.

Ning Xinhai saw the coming, his expression was slightly stagnation, he arched his hand and asked: "How did the ancient brother come?"

The ancient desert is the personal guard of Cui's father, Cui Dianchen, and his **** confidant. The cultivation is unfathomable and deeply trusted by the Cui family. I did not expect him to come here too.

Because the desert is the person around the Cui family, the status of the Cui family is more transcendent. Therefore, even Ning Xinhai, a master of the Cui family's offerings, is quite respectful to him.

The ancient desert arched the hand against Ning Xinhai and said: "There is Master Lorning. The old man asked me to look at it. I can't let Cui's children be bullied."

I heard that the ancient desert was sent by the Cui family, and the doubts in Ning Xinhai’s heart were even worse.

It’s nothing more than a contradiction between several children. Is it necessary for Cui’s to make such a big battle?

"Still said - this is the signal that Cui Jia started to Lu family?"

Ning Xinhai thought so, his face could not help but dignified a bit.

It seems that I happened to be hitting this big event today.

The sight of the ancients sweeps to Cui Shaofeng, and there is not much respect. There are many children in Cui's family, and there are also collaterals and side branches. There are days of talented people, there are also mediocrity. Obviously, Cui Shaofeng still has difficulty entering his vision.

Loudly asked: "Who is bullying you?"

Cui Shaofeng saw the desert, his heart was ecstatic, pointing to Li Si Nian: "It is her, she is attacking me behind her-"

He really doesn't have a face to refer to Lu Tianyu. Can't you say that this little fury child with a long hair is bullying himself?

He also pointed to Luo Xu and said: "He bullied me and hurt my hands -"

The eyes of the ancient desert swept through the ecstasy whip Luo Xu, and then stayed on the face of Li Si Nian, and asked: "You are Li Si Nian?"

Li Si Nian did not know the identity of this back sword man, but since he knows his name, he must have done some research before.

So, she said crisply: "I am Li Si Nian. Who are you?"

The corner of the desert has a cruel smile, saying: "At the foot of the starry sky, you can't kill your brother, Li Muyang, the brother and sister, to pay for it. Let's take his sister's knife today."

As soon as he was caught in the horse's belly, the high-headed Malaysian horse rushed toward Li Si Nian's position. Mobile phone users please visit

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