Chapter 283: Canghai is killed!


The spine of the Chong Diao was knocked against a rock on the mountain.


The head of the Chong Diao was smashed into a huge tree.


The body of the Chong Diao was moving up and down, dashing left and right, in order to toss away the nuisance on its back.

Li Muyang’s hands were tightly grasping the spikes on the Chong Diao’s back, when its back struck the mountain wall, Li Muyang leaped onto its head. When its head hit against the tree, Li

For Li Muyang, the Chong Diao’s body was too big, there was enough space for him to shift up and down.

He was like a little flea on the Chong Diao’s back, mercilessly biting the Chong Diao again and again, bringing it pain and causing it deadly injuries.




The Chong Diao screamed miserably again and again, and the crying voice of a baby resounded through the valley of the Mountain of flames.

Li Muyang hated this fierce beast, hated it for taking away Lin Canghai, hated it for forcing him to transform into a dragon in front of Qiandu——who would want to show his ugly side to a beautiful girl?

Li Muyang was firmly holding onto the spikes, treating them as the weapon of his attack, repeatedly piercing it into the Chong Diao’s back.




The attack was vicious, the little spikes used was sharp.

At last, the Chong Diao, unable to bear the pain that felt like it was being ripped apart, while making a high-pitched piercing cry brought Li Muyang to the top of the Mountain of flames.

On the top of the mountain, the huge irregular cave mouth was spewing out thick smoke and sparks.

The body of the Chong Diao was hovering above the mouth of the cave, allowing the plume of thick smoke and sparks to erupt into its back and abdomen.

It wanted to use the smoke and sparks to scorch Li Muyang.

However, its plan failed once again.

Its skin that was coarse and thick was unafraid of fire and the heat of the smoke.

But Li Muyang, who had grown scales and magical claws, was much stronger.

When the Chong Diao’s black smooth belly was scalded by the gushing of lava, it’s body was uncontrollably shaking but it could only desperately clenched its teeth and endure the pain, while Li Muyang was still on its back stabbing it with a spike.

The Chong Diao was heartbroken!

Is this guy a man or a monster? How could he be more difficult to deal with than itself?

There was no other way.

The Chong Diao made a leap for the cave and then keeping its head low, dived down fast.

Beneath them was the bottomless abyss and red lava flying about in all directions.

It planned to take him down with it!

You die, I die!

If you make it difficult for me then I will make you suffer!

The Chong Diao desperately speeded up and accelerated.

It planned to carry Li Muyang and charge into the boiling lava, let it and Li Muyang melt into eternal——gas.


Infinitely near.

Thick smoke was rolling out and the smell of sulfur was more and more stifling.

Blasts of scorching heat were blowing over, and some molten iron was splashing directly onto them.

The Chong Diao was charging straight down, a sinister smile emerging on one side of its face.

“Run, stupid human being——”  

“Run, you won’t want to jump in here with me-——”

“You coward, coward——”

While it was saying these words to itself, Li Muyang was piercing the little sharp blade and into its back.

When the Chong Diao’s ugly head was about to plunge into the lava, and the lava was about to engulf Li Muyang, Li Muyang still displayed a fearless expression on his face.

He was still stabbing its back again and again.

“He’s not afraid of death?” The Chong Diao thought. “Stupid.”

Its threat had no effect on him.

Li Muyang was not afraid of dying, and the Chong Diao itself does not want to die.

When the sharp horn on the Chong Diao’s head was about to touch the lava, its body suddenly glided forward at a 90 degrees angle.

Its belly stuck close to the hot lava, flying past the valley floor of boiling red water and making its way into a narrow cavern.


Li Muyang was unable to pass through the narrow hole, fell to the ground, and tumbled over to a lava pool not far away.

Li Muyang all of a sudden firmly plunged his sharp claws into a raised cliff, stabilizing the sliding of his body, and avoid falling into the fire pit that was capable of melting everything.

“Li Muyang——” At the mouth of the cave, a pretty little face appeared. The little face was tense and pale from worry, screaming: “Li Muyang, are you okay? Li Muyang? Where are you?”

“I’m here——” The scales on Li Muyang’s body subsided, the blood in his eyes vanished, as he gradually restored to human form, shouting: “I’m all right.”

After Li Muyang took several deep breaths, and his body regained some strength, he stepped on the cliff wall and pulled himself up.

As Li Muyang came out of the cave along with a plume of smoke, Qiandu ran over with her eyes glistening and her brows drawn together in worry, and pulling Li Muyang’s arm, crying: “Are you wounded? What about the Chong Diao? Did it hurt you——”

“I’m all right.” Li Muyang looked at her panic expression, very enjoying the feeling of being cared for. When he was in Jiangnan, there was a girl who cared about him. Later, the girl became his first love. Unfortunately, very soon they lived on other sides of the world and would most likely never meet again.

Even if they see each other again, she would not treat him like the way before right?

Thinking of this, Li Muyang felt heartbroken.

The most painful thing is first love, the most unforgettable is also first love.

Li Muyang knew that he no longer has any chance with Cui Xiaoxin, he also has been thinking of forgetting her. But how could it be so easy?

Qiandu seriously examined Li Muyang’s body, making sure that he was safe and in good health before breathing a sigh of relief, “Just now you turned into——”

Li Muyang interrupted her, “Forget that scene just now.”

“No.” Qiandu shook her head.  

“What do you want?” There was a cold and fierce gleam in Li Muyang’s eyes. The vicious tendencies in his heart had not yet dissipated completely, and he may do something ruthless for his own safety at any moment.

“I will not forget it.” Qiandu said solemnly. “I know you just turned that way for me. If it was not because of me, you could have had many kinds of choices——you wanted to protect me so you transformed into a dragon. Therefore, I will always remember this kindness.”

“——” A strange way of thinking; a strange woman.

Without conducting a deliberate search, the two people easily found the cave of the Chong Diao.

Without the obstruction of the Chong Diao, they very easily squeezed through the deep hole that was also reeking of a gunpowder smell.

“Lin Canghai——” Qiandu screamed sharply.

In front, was a half-eaten carcass presented plainly before their eyes. The white of the starry cloud robe was still as dazzling as before.


Chapter 284: Seek revenge for the smallest grievance!

Although they expected the worst possible, when the fact was plainly presented in front, Li Muyang and Qiandu still felt they were about to collapse.

They had thought of the worst. But when the truth was right in front of them, both Li Muyang and Qiandu had the feeling of complete devastation.

Qiandu’s eyes were brimming with tears, standing in the same place refusing to come forward.

Maybe everything she saw was fake, the body was not Lin Canghai’s and someone else——but what if that person was Lin Canghai?

She refused to accept a fact like that.

Li Muyang was also grief-stricken over his death. He and Lin Canghai had not known each other for a long time, and only met at Starry Sky Academy, but they were very close. Whenever he encountered danger, Lin Canghai always came to his rescue.

Thinking of his handsome and cute face, and that they would never see each other again in this life, there was a very painful feeling.

But, being in a dangerous place, right now he must be strong.

Li Muyang gently patted Qiandu’s shoulder and talked in a low, consoling voice. “Don’t worry, let’s see if it’s Canghai first——”

At this time tears were covering Qiandu’s cheeks, large beads of tears rolling down her beautiful cheeks.

“This is the illusion of water, no one usually come here, and the Chong Diao also took away Canghai in front of us——Who else could it be except him?” Qiandu choked back her sobs, tears pooling in her swollen, red-rimmed eyes.

She was a only child, and although she has many cousins, every one of them are full of ambition, their smile is kind and fake.

Lin Canghai is her aunt’s son and had been living at her house since a young age. They lived under the same roof and eat at the same table. Later, Lin Canghai went back to his own house, but they still kept in touch, and agreed to enrol to Starry Sky Academy together.

When there’s good food, he would let her eat first.

When there’s something fun, he would drag her over to see.

When there’s danger, he was always the first to stand in front of her.

He was not her little brother, but in Qiandu’s heart, a brother could not be any better than he.

But now the Chong Diao had taken him away, leaving only this pile of bones. How could she explain to his family? How could she explain to her aunt?

Thinking of all the good points of Lin Canghai, tears raced down Qiandu’s cheeks.

Li Muyang patted her consolingly on the shoulder and carefully walked towards the body.

The Chong Diao, one of the ten most vicious beasts of the divine continent, is not only fierce, powerful and extremely difficult to deal with, also very cunning. Who knew whether there were any traps around the corpse?

Li Muyang slowly approached the corpse, examining the half-eaten dead body. 

The clothes on the corpse were torn to pieces, and the remains were visibly parts of a Starry Sky Academy starry cloud robe. During this training experience, most of the students were dressed in the beautiful starry cloud robe.

The abdomen of the corpse was cut open, and most of the flesh had been eaten clean.

The face was not visible, because the flesh on the face had also been eaten clean.

The whole body was bloody and mangled, but the figure of the body was similar to Lin Canghai’s medium build, thin body.

Li Muyang’s heart began to sink.

“Is it Canghai?” Qiandu was standing in the same place, still refusing to come closer.

“Not sure.” Li Muyang answered aloud. Looking more carefully at the carcass, he then said, “I don’t see Cangha’s sword.”

“His sword may have fallen off when the beast captured him, look at his arm——Canghai has a plum blossom mark on his arm.”

“Left arm or right arm?”

“Right arm.”

Li Muyang went over, lifted the right arm, and carefully searched for the plum blossom mark that Qiandu mentioned.

“No plum blossom mark.” Li Muyang exclaimed, fill of delight. “And he doesn’t have Canghai’s white skin——Canghai’s skin is very pale, the palest of us Starry Sky male students.”

Elated, Qiandu couldn’t care less about wiping the tears, trotted over and asking loudly “Really?”

She crouched down, examined the body carefully, and smiled. “It’s not Canghai. Canghai is whiter than him, and Canghai has calluses on the palm of his hands from frequent sword practice.”

“I don’t know who he is.” Li Muyang said aloud. The corpse was not Canghai, but a fellow student of the Starry Sky Academy. Li Muyang could not bear to see him die like this in this barren land, resisting the urge to vomit he fumbled around the pile of torn clothes, fished out a bottle of pills, a folded sheepskin scroll, and a name plate made of unknown materials, engraved with two simple and thick calligraphic words: Nine Heaven.

Li Muyang instantly realised the identity of this person. Before he entered the Weak Water, Tie Muxin repeatedly persuaded him against it and told him that a person of the Nine Heaven Sword Sect had jumped into the water and instantly sank, and after that there was not the slightest movement.

Li Muyang also remembered that the classmate was called Wu Chou. Wu Chou did not die inside the Weak water, but was captured by the Chong Diao and buried in a cave.

He was the first one of the group of students to have the courage to enter the Weak water. Li Muyang admired his courage.

But in the land of illusions, it is full of danger and life is uncertain.

Besides strength, luck is also needed——without Qiandu’s glass mirror, would they have been able to survive the lava attack? Without transforming to a dragon, there was no way he could fight against the Chong Diao in such a physically exhausted state.

“Life and death rests are the hands of fate. Wealth and fortune are arranged by the heaven.”

Li Muyang was reminded of these words.

“He’s called Wu Chou.” Li Muyang said to Qiandu.

He hid away the bottle of pills and the scroll in his bosom, wiped the nameplate and put away in his bosom.

Since they had met, he’s going to take these things back. To his close relatives, and to the master of his sect.

It was the only and last thing he could do for his fellow unfamiliar schoolmate.

Qiandu had conducted a search of the huge cave, and besides several strains of golden petal ginseng that has medicinal value and fire rockfruits that are beneficial to the body, there were only a large pile of bones. The bones were stacked together and some were crushed. You are among us and we are among you, there was no way of identifying who it belonged to.

“Canghia is not here.” Qiandu said loudly.

Li Muyang stood deep in thought for a moment, then replied, “Canghai was taken away by the Chong Diao and we have come here in the shortest time possible. The Chong Diao has been driven away by us, Canghai is supposed to be here——Is there another cave?”

The expression on Qiandu’s face changed. “It’s possible. These fierce beasts can live over thousands of years, there intelligence is very high. A crafty rabbit has three burrows, it makes sense that the Chong Diao has other caves——”

Li Muyang grumbled. “If I had known earlier, I would have followed the Chong Diao or not let it run away.”

At that time, Li Muyang only wanted to kill or drive it away, so they could hurry quickly Canghai. But turned out that Cangai was not here. They should have held the Chong Diao hostage——

“It’s not your fault. You just wholeheartedly wanted to save him.” Qiandu said consolingly. She scanned the surroundings and said, “Now that we know the Chong Diao likes to live in caves that are high up the cliffs, we will continue to look for these caves.”

She glanced at the corpse on the ground, “As long as Canghai is alive, I will never give up as long as I’ve not seen his corpse.”

“Good.” Li Muyang solemnly nodded. “I will accompany you.”

He dashed over to pull out all the golden petal ginsengs in the corner and stored them in his pockets and then picked all the fire rock fruits. Since there was not a source of water in the cave, he gave the fruits a wipe with his sleeve and handed one to Qiandu. “Eat one it replenishes your physical strength.”

Qiandu took a bite, not at all minding that it was dirty.

Fire rock fruit indeed has a miraculous effect. Li Muyang immediately felt refreshed, his qi flowing freely and the energy within his body rapidly increased. And the taste was sweet, sharp and juicy. It was the best fruit that Li Muyang had ever eaten.

Qiandu ate two, while Li Muyang ate five or six consecutively. They put away the remaining and headed down the mountain.

They did not hurried down the mountain, rather slowly walked, searching every cave on the Mountain of flames, looking out for the figure of the Chong Diao.

Unfortunately, there were many caves; they still had not found the presence of the Chong Diao, or the whereabouts of Lin Canghai.

They were almost at the foot of the mountain of flames, when suddenly there were several white figures leaping toward them from all directions.

They were dressed in white starry cloud robes and appear to be students of the Starry Sky.

But, meeting their classmates in this barren land, Li Muyang and Qiandu did not feel lucky at all.

Not to mention that they had come into conflict with these several people before.

Changbai seven sons, Zhong Feng, Zhong Yu, Zhong Lei, Zhong Ming, Zhong Chang, Zhong Bai, Zhong Shan. They had once fought with Lin Canghai over [The three-sword technique of autumn wind] in the school’s starry sky library.

Zhong Feng swept his eyes over Li Muyang and Qiandu, asking with an evil grin, “Classmates, any harvest up the mountain?”

“Whether there are any harvest or not, you can go up the mountain to find out.” Li Muyang said, his face devoid of any expression. He could sense that these guys had bad intentions. They were staring at him and Qiandu with greed in their eyes and naked lust.

Zhong Lei words were the most vicious. He looked up and down at Qiandu and Li Muyang and said grinning: “I heard that you two and Lin Canghai are a group. You entered the illusion together and now there are only two of you here, could it be that Lin Canghai is dead? If this is the case, it really is a pity, our brothers wanted to try his [The three-sword technique of autumn wind]?”

Li Muyang furtively exchanged a glance with Qiandu, reminding each other to be on guard.

These people seek revenge for the smallest grievance; they still remembered the trivial matters back then and took it to heart.


Chapter 285: Surprise attack!

It must be said that, Zhong Lei, the big mouth, poked Li Muyang and Qiandu right at their most vulnerable spot.

The Chong Diao had taken Lin Canghai away, and even now they were not certain whether he was still alive or dead. Li Muyang and Qiandu were dreadfully worried, trying to think of ways to find Lin Canghai, but one word from Zhong Lei saw Li Muyang and Qiandu grimacing slightly.

“Hahaha——” Once Zhong Lei was laughing his head off upon seeing Li Muyang’s and Qiandu’s expression, turning around and said to his several brothers: “Don’t tell me I got it right? Is that Lin Canghai really dead? I also have the ability to predict the life and death of others——”

“If you have that ability, it’s better to give yourself a good prediction first.” Qiandu eyes were sharp like a blade, her voice biting cold. “Be aware of your own safety first, just know what words you can say and what words you can’t say.”

“Oh, this little girl, seems tough——” The second eldest brother Zhong Yu was the most perverted. The last time he saw Qiandu at Starry Sky library, he was already amazed at her beauty, but he couldn’t do anything lawless. Also the fact that Qiandu knew about Shark elder’s rib injury made the Changbai seven sons confused and worried. The seven brothers left in a hurry.

But he did not expect to meet her again in this illusion, where it is not protected by the law, there are no moral constraints, and no one would know what happened here.

Thinking of this, Zhong Yu’s gaze became more intense.

He licked his lips and grinned. “Brothers, this is a threat, a naked threat.”

“Just the two of you?” A look of ill intent blazes Zhong Lei’s expression as he glared at Li Muyang and Qiandu. “If we were in Starry Sky Academy, us brothers would have thought twice. We wouldn’t be able to do much to you. But we are in a barren land, even if we killed you all, who would see it? Who’s going to stand up for you?”  

“Then you should try.” Qiandu narrowed her eyes and responded in a low voice. From his understanding of her, Li Muyang knew that this girl already had the intention to kill. Qiandu is a calm and composed person. The more dangerous the moment, the more calm she would be. This was distinctly different from Li Muyang, who frequently exploded and his eyes turned blood-red. “If anything happens to me, you seven sons of Changbai would all have to pay with your life. There will never be days of peace in Changbai sword sect.”

Zhong Feng’s eyes were piercing cold, his hand clasping tight around the sword hilt. “No one can threaten our brothers, and no one can threaten Changbai sword sect.”

The oldest brother Zhong Feng bellowed, and the other six brothers also clenched the sword hilt at the same time, preparing to launch a collective attack.

At first glance, the seven brothers seemed scattered about and extremely disorganised. But upon careful observation, you would find that they were in fact scrambling into positions in accordance with the Big Dipper. Every one of them was like a star dropping from above.

Li Muyang’s eyebrows were drawn together in a frown, inwardly worried.

Just now, he and Qiandu have exhausted themselves fighting the Chong Diao. Even if they ate a few fire rockfruits to replenish their strength, there was no way they could deal with the Changbai seven sons right now.

His only chance of defeating them was to transform into a dragon.

However, in that case, his identity would be exposed to the Changbai seven sons.

If he could kill them all, then all troubles would be solved. He was just worried that if one of them was able to escape during the battle it would put him in a very bleak situation. They would ran back to tell everyone that Li Muyang is a dragon, and even if the majority of the people do not believe them, there would be a small handful of people with bad intentions that start paying attention to him and investigating him.

Once they find any flaws, waiting for him would be the entire population trying to kill him, the road to death.

Transforming to a dragon was a suicidal attack, he would wound eight hundred but lose one thousand; Li Muyang did not want to try if not absolutely necessary.

Even worse was that, Li Muyang was worried that other people would see his transformation into a dragon.

The Changbai Seven sons could enter the Weak water, other people might also have followed them into the Weak water?

In this wilderness, deep in the forest, are there no other hidden eyes?

Ultimately, Li Muyang did not want to fight this battle.

If it could be avoided.

Besides, it takes time to fight. 。

Li Muyang did not want to waste time, they had to save Lin Canghai at the fastest speed possible.

If the Chong Diao vented his anger on Lin Canghai because he lost to Li Muyang, would Lin Canghai have a way of surviving?

Li Muyang knew about the relationship between Qiandu and Lin Canghai, also knew that, because of Lin Canghai, she hated the Changbai seven sons, and most likely would initiate a fight at the slightest disagreement.

He stood in front of Qiandu, protecting her with his body, looked at the eldest of the seven sons of Changbai, Zhong Shan and said: “We are all students of Starry Sky Academy, we should know the purpose of this trip? The land of illusion is the best place for training, we only have such a precious opportunity once a year. And before entering the illusion, the teachers have repeatedly warned us to return before sunrise——Before sunrise, all of us must leave the water illusion. Time is precious, the opportunity is rare, do we really want to waste precious time and opportunity on this pointless matter? ”

Li Muyang’s mouth widened into a smile. “Besides, we originally do not have any deep-seated hatred. But because of the trivial matter of fighting over a book in the library, are we really going to fight and kill at this kind of time and occasion?”

Zhong Shan relaxed the frown upon his brow, realising that this guy’s words were quite reasonable.

Although they hated Lin Canghai, that matter was not worth mentioning compared to their training in the illusion. As long as they were still studying at Starry Sky Academy, there would surely be a chance for them to seek revenge.

Zhong Shan and the several other brothers looked at each other. “What he said is right. We need to find that thing. Time is precious and we should not waste time.”

Zhong Lei suddenly thought of the order given by their sect master. The purpose of they coming to the water illusion was mainly to find that magical object. “I will listen to big brother.”

Zhong Yu gave a helpless look and shrugged his shoulder. “Since you guys have all decided then I have nothing to say.”

He looked at Li Muyang’s bulging bosom. “What is that in your bosom? Looks like you made a lot of harvest up there.”

Li Muyang took out a few of the fire rock fruits and said grinning: “We haven’t found anything. If senior don’t mind, you can have a fire rock fruit to quench your thirst, the fire rock fruit tastes really good——”

“Give me one.” Zhong Yu walked over smiling.

He stretched out his right hand to receive the fruit that Li Muyang was passing over and once the fruit was in his hand, in the split second that Li Muyang was about to let go, a silvery glow was lunged at Li Muyang’s stomach.


The sound of flesh being cut open.


Chapter 286: Become meat on somebody’s chopping board!

The book ‘Reflection of the heart’ stated: when people successfully completed a certain task, their body and mental state would relax momentarily.

When Li Muyang handed over the fire rockfruit to Zhong Yu, Zhong Yu let go his grip to receive it and Li Muyang let go of the fruit——that is, he fulfilled the task of sending the fruit, and his body and heart naturally relaxed his vigilance and defensiveness.

Because at that moment he saw Zhong Yu stretching out his hand to receive the fruit.

The fruit represents his goodwill, the other side had accepted his goodwill, they should also return the goodwill.

He didn’t expect Zhong Yu to draw his sword.

None of them had thought of it.

While his right hand was receiving the fire rock fruit from Li Muyang, his left hand was simultaneously administering a sword attack.

Left-handed sword.

Left-handed sword masters were geniuses.

Most people are right handed, because the right hand was more flexible and powerful than the left hand. As long as people have a common sense they would feel a clear difference between the two when clenching both hands into fists.

But some people are different to ordinary people; they have a more flexible and powerful left hand compared to their right hand. These are what people of the divine continent often call ‘left-handers’. Left-handed sword masters generally walk a tricky, paradoxical route.

Fast, accurate, ruthless, and taking advantage of others unpreparedness to strike a deadly blow.

Zhong Yu was not left-handed. He also was not an expert in left-handed sword.

He was a right-handed sword master, and was no different to the majority of sword masters.

It was only that he had some hidden intentions, and he had spent enough work in training in his right arms. After tens of years of effort, his left handed swordsmanship was already refined.

Although the elders of the sect had repeatedly reminded him that doing two things at once would not end with a beautiful result, and instead affect the right hand’s sensitivity and understanding to a sword.

But he had persevered in this practice. And he found that left-handed sword usage has a lot of advantages in many cases, such as suddenly stabbing a person.

For example, now.

Zhong Yu stretched out his empty right hand to receive the fruit, to paralyze the mind of Li Muyang and make him relax his vigilance.

At the same time, his right-handed dagger was lunging forward at lightning speed.

Like an evil monster at the foot of Mountain of flames, the sword blade streaked across in a silver glorious arc.

Li Muyang was caught completely off guard, a sword piercing right into his stomach.

With Li Muyang dead, Qiandu would be no match for the seven opponents. At that time, whether it was the woman’s seductive body or the treasures and rare books that were on her, it would be all theirs.

When Qiandu was heading down the mountain she was cloaked by a sphere of transparent white light. Although he did not know what sort of magical object protection it was, it must be extremely extraordinary. He still had a good eye for treasure.

In this barren world with no sign of human habitation, they could vent their inner evil without a second thought.

Indeed, as he had expected, the sword had pierced unobstructed through Li Muyang, because he heard a familiar flesh piercing noise.

His eyes were still fixed on Li Muyang, and accompanied by a smile of gratitude for the fire rock fruit that Li Muyang brought over.

The smile was infinitely magnified, like a blooming flower.

There was a glint of mockery in his eyes, and said in a very scornful tone to appreciate Li Muyang’s surprised expression, asking: “Did not expect it?”

“I didn’t expect it.” Li Muyang said in a low voice, his brow tightened, annoyed at himself for making such a low-level mistake.

He should not believe these people, they have long lost their human nature.

“I also didn’t expect it.” Zhong Yu shrugged his shoulders. Clearly he felt that his action was very dashing.

“I didn’t expect that I’d be able to block it.” Li Muyang said loudly.

“——” Zhong Yu was astonished.

His sight shifted, only to find that his dagger was tightly in Li Muyang’s hand.

That sword that appeared unpredictably, that sword that was like lightning, that sword that he entrusted his hopes on was, blocked by Li Muyang——

He seized the blade with his palm, so that the blade could not pierce his stomach.

“He was already on guard?”

However, even if he was prepared, with his ability, how could he be able to keep pace with his sword?

A cunning person was scheming against someone that was unprepared. The fact that Li Muyang was able to seize his blade, was rather humiliating for Zhong Yu.

The blade drew a deep cut across Li Muyang’s palm, the skin and flesh were opened, and the bones were visible. Fresh blood was pouring outward.

The blood trickled onto the blade, dripping down upon the ground. When it was mixed with the black soil in the ground, it disappeared without a trace.

“Muyang——” Qiandu hastily ran over, the magic flute in her hand flashing jade-green in her hand, said in a fierce voice: “You despicable people, you used such a lowly method——Are you not afraid of disgracing the Changbai Sword Sect?”

The air around whistled and roared like the sound of thunder.

She was going to fight these people.

Even the other six people of the Changbai seven sons did not think Zhong Yu would suddenly draw his sword and wound Li Muyang. Zhong Feng’s brow tightened into a frown, yelling: “Zhong Yu, what are you doing?”

“Since a feud has been started, then killing him would solve all problems.” Zhong Yu cast a look at Li Muyang and Qiandu, when the smile faded from his face and said in a cold voice: “These two people are not easy to bully, especially that woman——she even knew about Shark elder’s injury. It proves that her background is not that simple. Perhaps Shark elder’s injury is closely related to her. If we let them go now, when they have a chance later would they do the same to us?”

“Besides, is big brother not curious about that treasure on her? An ordinary starry sky student would not have that kind of weapon to protect themselves——we also don’t have such an item.”

Zhong Yu was tempted.

Earlier, the Changbai seven sons had noticed the transparent light cloak that enveloped Qiandu as she headed down the mountain. Under the protection of the light cloak, the wind could not enter and the fire could not invade. Enveloped by the light shield, her elegant and calm appearance was like a beautiful celestial being.

For martial artists that fight and kill all day long, a magical weapon that may protect their lives from harm countless of times, and repeatedly pull themselves out of the gates of hell, who wouldn’t want a treasured object like that?

A person’s wealth will arouse the envy of others.

Moreover, the price that they have to pay is just killing these two people.

Killing was the speciality of these brothers, with their combined strength, who could escape?

With this thought in mind, he knew that Zhong Yu had already made careful considerations.

Zhong Feng clenched the hilt of his sword tight, looked to Qiandu and said: “Give us your protective weapon, then perhaps we can let you live.”

“Idiot.” Qiandu remarked. The magic flute in her hand had gathered enough strength.

Who would believe that they were going to let her go?

A flash of lightning stretched across the sky, striking Zhong Shan who was the nearest to her.

Qiandu could tell that, although these seven people see Zhong Feng as the leader, according to the positions of the Big Dipper, the youngest Zhong Shan was the eye of the seven star formation.

To break a formation, one must first destroy the eye of the formation.

—— Kacha——

An unbearably loud clap of thunder resounded directly overhead, as six sword light were flashing at the same time.

Sword qi was moving unhindered.


The power of thunder and the qi of the sword collided, a hurricane ripped through, stones and sand swirling in the air, and huge trees were chopped in half at the waist.

As the six swords were about to strike the transparent light shield, they were all rebounded away by the protective force.

Zhong Feng and the others were at first standing in great surprise, then their eyes began flickering with excitement.

“Glass mirror.” Zhong Feng shouted. “She has the glass mirror on her.”

Glass Mirror was a divine weapon listed in the ‘precious treasure’, that was rumored to be obtained by a supreme master of the divine continent. Later there was no news whatsoever, and no one knew whose hand the weapon had fell into.

They did not think that they would have this opportunity, to come across the Glass mirror in this barren land, and its owner was such a weak girl.

“Kill her.” Zhong Lei roared. No matter what, this little girl was not allowed to escape this time.

“The glass mirror is ours.” Zhong Chang cackled.

Besides, Zhong Yu, who was standing opposite Li Muyang, the other six people all went into a state of madness.

Their joint attack had failed, and the six swords attempted to coordinate another attack.

The six people were constantly switching positions, and then at the same time a one meter long blue sword qi shot out from each of their swords.

The blue rainbow struck one another, until fusing six into one in the air.

The six groups of sword qi had formed into a slender giant sword, as though the hand of a giant was ruthlessly swinging down a gigantic light sword at the transparent light shield in front of Qiandu.

Qiandu gritted her teeth and endured the pain. While expending a great deal of effort to support the glass mirror’s sphere of protection, the Magic Flute was launching a bell-shaped lightning at the giant sword.

The giant bell and the giant sword collided once again and a sharp clang of gold against metal resonated.


The huge shock wave was deafening.

The giant bell disappeared, the giant sword also vanished

The formation of the Changbai six sons was thrown into chaos. Besides Zhong Shan who had been guarding the formation eye was still standing in his original position, the other five people were sent propelling elsewhere by the powerful qi.

Qiandu soared high into the air, before knocking heavily against the stone tablet of the Mountain of flames.

With the protection of the glass mirror, her body did not suffer too much damage. However, as her body slowly slipped down the stone tablet, the light around her body gradually darkened and finally disappeared with a ‘swoosh’.

At this moment, Qiandu had lost the protection of the divine weapon, and her physical strength was also completely exhausted.

Her body laid on the feet of the stone tablet of the Mountain of flames, weak like a sick child.

By herself, there was no way she could take on the joint attack of these six people.

The six people, led by Zhong Shan, crowded around Qiandu and the huge stone tablet she was leaning against.

Became meat on somebody’s chopping board.

“Give me the glass mirror.” Zhong Feng said condescendingly, looking down at Qiandu and stretching out his left hand.


Chapter 287: The seven disgrace of Changbai!

The greatest enemy of mankind was greed and lust.

Even if he compromised it would still not erase the greed in their hearts. Li Muyang knew that, if he had not desperately fought back, only death would be waiting for him.

Li Muyang’s wounded hand was still holding the dagger that Zhong Yu stabbed right at him, while Zhong Yu was busy thinking about killing him and snatching the treasures. If he was late the treasure would fall into the hands of his other brothers. He repeatedly attempted to take back the dagger from the palm of Li Muyang to no success.

The dagger was still firmly in Li Muyang’s hand.

It was only after a battle broke out between Qiandu and the other six sons of Changbai, the six lowly people jointly attacked a girl in a state of extreme exhaustion, that Li Muyang began to fight back.

Zhong Yu also began counterattacking.  

When he could not pull out his left hand dagger, his right hand drew the long sword hanging at his waist at lightning speed.

The sword swung out a white arc and it was like the sky was stirred by ripples.

A white glow was launched at Li Muyang’s head, as though trying to split Li Muyang into two halves.

If this sword really did strike Li Muyang, he naturally would end up in a tragic situation with his head and body lying in two different places.

Li Muyang suddenly exerted force into the dagger, breaking it into two with a loud snap.

It should be said that, Changbai seven sons come from the Changbai Sword Sect. They are not only are experts at sword techniques, but also good at casting swords. Changbai Seven sons were the young talents that the Changbai seven swords sent out, therefore the weapons that they possessed were obviously not ordinary goods.

However, the dagger that Zhong Yu loved and named ‘Viper’, was easily broken by Li Muyang with a few of his fingers.

The viper was snapped into two; the hilt was in the hand of Zhong Yu, and the blade of the dagger was in the hand of Li Muyang.


At the same time of the blade snapping, Li Muyang thrust the blade forward with the help of the force of breaking.

The blade of the dagger without obstruction plunged right into Zhong Yu’s stomach.

While administering a blade attack, Li Muyang also opened his hand.

Before blood seeped out from the wounded area on his opened palm, there was a majestic force gushing out from his palm directly towards Zhong Yu’s abdomen.


Zhongyu’s body shook, then came the pain of the heart being shot through. It was like he was stabbed in the stomach and then his wound was sprinkled with chili powder.

What’s worse was that there was an irresistible force pushing his body away.

As Zhong Yu endured the pain, his hatred to Li Muyang intensified. The long sword in his hand swiftly fell, like a white lightning was about to struck Li Muyang’s head.

In his mind he already had a plan: when his body was in the air, the sword in his hand would also chop Li Muyang’s head——

In other words, even if he was sent flying away, Li Muyang would be severed in half.

An ideal was beautiful, but reality was a jerk.

The sword like a meteor streaked across, but then collided mercilessly into another meteor.


It was the sound of gold striking metal.

It was unknown when, but Li Muyang had drawn the Understand Heaven Sword from his waist. The two swords struck one another, nobody taking the advantage.

Zhong Yu’s body flew across the air and Li Muyang’s body staggered back.


Zhong Yu landed on the ground with a thud, hurriedly fumbled in his bosom for small medicine bottle, poured out a red pill that staunched blood and threw it into his mouth.

The red hemostatic pill was like a small ball of fire. As it travelled down his throat, the bleeding wound was burning with flames for a few moments and then faded away. The wound also stopped bleeding.

Li Muyang opened up his hand into an open-palm, watching the wound that was as deep as the bones beginning to heal.

With the wipe of his hand, the bloodstain on the surface vanished and there was not the slightest scar on the palm of his hand.

Just like nothing had happened whatsover.

Li Muyang clenched his hand into a fist, not wanting to let outsiders see the abnormalities of his body.

Ever since his body could transform into a dragon, this degree of injury had little significance to him. It would heal within a few minutes, and not even a small scar would remain.

“Li Muyang——” Zhong Yu had stopped bleeding, his eyes gleamed with hostility looking at Li Muyang. He had no idea that he would suffer a defeat, and that he was wounded by Li Muyang, a trash that he had never paid any attention to before.

And he used his own viper blade.

Of course, there was great confusion in his mind. Viper dagger was personally made by casting sword Master Gu Jing of Changbai sword sect, and was not made from ordinary iron, but outer meteorites.

And it was strengthened by refining it with the blood of a thousand year old viper. It was incomparably sharp, cut metal cleanly like it was mud. How could it broken by Li Muyang so easily?

Could it be, this guy was a reclusive strong master?

Impossible, if he was a reclusive strong master, then why would he come all the way to Starry Sky Academy to learn? The world was so vast, where could he not go?

Moreover, at first when Qiandu wanted to fight with them, he was the first to come out to beg for mercy——Would there be such a spineless master?

“Never go too far, in case you want to remain friendly in the future. You must have not thought carefully about the meaning of this sentence, right? Walking through Jianghu, the most important thing is the word ‘give’. If you do not give others a chance everytime, one day, you would not have the chance to see them again——” Li Muyang warned in a deep voice.

His sight shifted to where Qiandu was. Qiandu’s glass mirror continuously withstood the joint force of the Changbai six sons, her body flew across the air and knocked into the stone tablet of the Mountain of flames.

Li Muyang was darting over to Qiandu’s side, when Zhong Yu’s long sword once again obstructed Li Muyang’s path.

“Want to leave?”


“Leave your head behind.”

Before Zhongyu’s voice had died away, he was already charging over at Li Muyang.

Li Muyang snorted coldly, swinging the Understand Heaven Sword upwards to greet him.

Black clouds rolled across, sword qi streaking across like rainbows.

The two figures seemed like neither had the upper hand.

Qiandu was sat down on the ground, the six men were standing around her forming an airtight encirclement.

Zhong Feng stretched out his hand and said to Qiandu, “Give me the glass mirror.”

“There are six of you but I only have one treasure, how are you going to distribute it?” Qiandu looked up, a mocking smile on her face. “If I give the glass mirror to you, your other brothers will not be satisfied, harbour resentment and then a fight would break out, leading to a terrible tragedy. The cause today will plant a fruit in the future. At that time it would be too late for regrets.”

All the brothers’ face darkened, looking at Qiandu with eyes filled with killing intent.

“Bitch, we obviously would listen to Big brother. You can give the glass mirror to big brother. As for whether there are other treasures on you, us brothers will carefully search for them.” Zhong Lei shouted.

“Exactly. She’s driving a wedge between us, we won’t be fooled——” Zhong Ming laughed evilly. Looking up and down at Qiandu’s beautiful little face and soft body. At this moment she looked pitiful like a little white rabbit about to be trampled on, it really melts a person’s heart away——

Zhong Feng scowled and repeated in a cold voice: “Give me the glass mirror.”

Qiandu looked coldly at Zhong Feng. “If I give you the glass mirror, then you won’t kill me?”

Zhong Feng did not answer.

They have done something so shameless, no matter what they cannot leave any survivors.

And he could tell that, his brothers wanted that woman, even if he wanted to stop them it would most likely be impossible.

In that case, it was impossible for this woman and that Li Muyang to come out the illusion alive. Otherwise, they, the Changbai seven sons, would become the seven disgrace of Changbai. Would they still have the face to stay at Starry Sky Academy?

Even if others do not give them a hard time, their sect would most likely kill them all.

“I’ll be dead if I give you the glass mirror, I’ll also be dead if I don’t give it to you.” Qiandu smiled contemptuously.“Then, I might as well destroy it. If I’m dead, you’re not going to get anything anyway.”

“Bitch, you’re not giving us it?” Zhong Lei threw into a rage, shouting loudly: “If you won’t give it willingly, then I will search for it myself.”

He had already stooped down and reached out to stroke Qiandu’s face.

It was only when Qiandu fiercely swat his hand away with her magic flute, that Zhong Lei drew back his hand.


Zhong Feng drew his sword and pressed it against Qiandu’s neck.

“Give me the glass mirror.” It was obvious that Zhong Feng had lost his patience. This kind of matter, the sooner that they could come to a conclusion, the better it would be. As soon as he took the glass mirror, he would not care about the other things.

Once everyone are finished with their business, and Qiandu and Li Muyang were killed and their bones are thrown into a remote place, then who would know what had happened here?

As he was thinking, he cast a glance over at Zhong Yu, who was fighting with Li Muyang.

Feng, Yu, Lei, Ming, Chang, Bai, Shan. The youngest Zhong Shan was the strongest, then it was himself, and Zhong Yu’s strength was ranked third in the Changbai seven sons.

But the fact that he still had not take down that Li Muyang, made Zhong Feng felt a bit disappointed with Zhong Yu, and also faintly uneasy.

“The glass mirror has already recognised me as the master.” Qiandu said, proudly staring at Zhong Feng. “Once you kill me, the glass mirror will self-destruct, you people also cannot escape.”

“——” Zhong Feng and the other brothers exchanged a glance with each other, there was a feeling of being tricked.

Divine weapons can recognise their masters, but that does not mean that every divine weapon can recognise a master.

They knew about some of the capabilities and characteristics of glass mirror from ancient books, but whether or not it can recognise its master and self-destruct, they really did not know——They never had played with such a high-level weapon before.

Zhong Lei said impatiently, “Big brother, this bitch is intentionally scaring our brothers. Let me kill her, I want to see if the glass mirror will explode.”

As Zhong Lei was speaking, he swung up his sword, flashed it over his head and was about to chop off Qiandu’s head.

“Wait.” Zhong Ming interrupted.

He did not want his reckless brother to kill Qiandu like that. Was that not a waste?

He looked at Zhong Feng, smiling: “Big brother, the matter that the weapon can self-destruct can not be wholly believed, also we cannot not believe. Our brothers had worked so hard, but if the weapon explodes like that, wouldn’t that be really disappointing? How about this, give her to younger brother, I. I promise I will make her obediently to give us the glass mirror. What do you think?”


When Zhong Ming suggested taking Qiandu away to extort a confession, everyone was well aware of his intention.

Zhong Ming likes using medicines. In his hand was an aphrodisiac drug that makes a woman suffer in utter misery. If he gave some to a girl like Qiandu, let alone the Glass Mirror, even handing over something more important than the glass mirror she would dare not disobey.

At that time the woman would completely lose her mind and become his slave. Zhong Ming can demand anything from her, and he would get what he wants.

After hearing Zhong Ming’s words, the other brothers were envious.

Zhong Chang smiled at Zhong Ming. “Fourth elder brother, you might have more work than you can deal with, why don’t I help you? If there is something we can look out for each other.”

The other brothers also wanted to help, but there were already two of them.

So Zhong Bai said, “I’ll wait until fourth elder brother successfully extorts a confession then.”

“Count me in.”

The youngest Zhong Shan had a cold expression across his face, the gaze that he stared at Qiandu with was without lust.  But he cared extremely about the Glass mirror in her arms.

He was obsessed with sword skills, hoping to become famous in Starry Sky, become a sharp sword of the Changbai Sword Sect. If he could obtain a kind of treasure like the glass mirror, the distance from his goal would be a little closer.

Zhong Feng hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: “Get it done quickly.”

Not only getting their hands on the glass mirror, other things need to get done as soon as possible.

They have other tasks to do in this illusion, and it was not good for them to delay their time.

Of course, to obtain such a magical object like the glass mirror that defies the natural order was an unexpected joy on their trip.

Zhong Ming, having obtained the eldest brother’s permission, had a flushed face, staring at Qiandu with an intense gaze. “Little sister, then come with me?”

Qiandu’s eyes were like knives as she coldly glared up at Zhong Ming: “If you dare touch me, I will immediately commit suicide.”

Zhong Ming sighed: “Girl, you’re so young, why do you keep saying words like death? You’re young and beautiful, and from a superior family background, how good is your life? Come on, let’s find somewhere private and talk about it——maybe you’ll like it after the talk and won’t want to die.”

“Get lost.” The magic flute in Qiandu’s hands once again accumulated strength, the colour changing into light-green, then flashing several times, but eventually becoming dim again. Just now when she was expanding the field of light shield protection of the glass mirror, while fighting the Changbai six sons, she had already exhausted her energy.

It was impossible for her to summon the lightning blade once again from the Magic Flute.

Zhong Ming gazed at her affectionately. “This little maiden is quite stubborn——”

As he spoke, his palm was in front of Qiandu.

A handful of white powder was dispersed right in front of Qiandu, and then the water that was everywhere was dyed red.

Qiandu knew that it was dangerous and immediately stopped breathing in.

But she was still one step too late. Once she breathed into the white and transparent powder, she suddenly become drowsy.

“Shameless——” Qiandu cursed.

She knew that she had been poisoned. She hurriedly attempted to use an internal strength technique handed down the family to dispel the poison.

Zhong Ming understood her intention and laughed, “There’s no need to do that. This medicine is called ‘guardian deity cannot overcome’. Even if the Guardian Arhat is poisoned by the medicine, he most likely would have to break his golden body and want to make love. Let alone you little girl. Also, I forgot to remind you, do not think of dispelling the poison with internal strength, once you exert strength, the aphrodisiac drug will only enter your bloodstream faster, the effect would be better——do you feel your body heating up?”

Qiandu’s forehead was hot and dripping with sweat, her body was also burning hot as Zhong Ming had said.

She felt the deepest regret and shame; she did not think that she would fall in the hands of such despicable people and suffer such humiliation.

If her father knew about this, he would surely slaughter these scumbags. The Changbai Sword sect will never have a day of peace——Unfortunately, she would never have a chance to see her parents again?

Qiandu did not want to be humiliated, and even more did not want to fall in the hands of these scumbags.

She had no weapon to kill herself, nor even the strength to commit suicide.

Luckily she thought of other ways.

Her pupils were bloodshot, as if she had stayed up all night and had not slept.

Her line of sight was blurred, trying hard to look into the direction of Li Muyang, but she could only see countless overlapping images.

“Li Muyang——” Qiandu cried.

At this very moment, Li Muyang was her only friend and the one that she could depend on.

Even if she was going to leave, she must let Li Muyang know.

Li Muyang was torn with worry.

Watching Qiandu falling into the stone tablet of the Mountain of flames and Changbai six sons surround her, he knew that she was in extreme danger.

Although these people were from a famous family and influential sect, but every one of them was not a good, honest person.

And in this lawless wasteland, no one can predict what kind of brutal acts they will commit.

He wanted to sever Zhong Yu into two halves with his sword, but the Changbai Seven Sons truly lived up to their name. Their ‘wind and rain sword’ was simply too powerful to be overcame.

Li Muyang again and again attacked, but Zhong Yu again and again counterattacked. Most of the time Zhong Yu was able to find the chance to strike a very dangerous blow.

His cultivation level was originally not high, now he was still only in the boundary of the lowest realm of the empty valley. And in sword technique he had not made any attainments. Most of the time he relied on the unique skills and technique that the old dragon left behind to escape danger.

A body that had suffered a prolonged battle, against Zhong Yu, a promising youngster, who had been practicing sword for more than ten years, indeed there was a feeling of inadequacy. If it was not for fusing with the tear of the Dragon King, he most likely would have been chopped into pieces.

His heart was filled with anger and hostility; the old dragon’s voice kept echoing in his mind: Let me out, let me out——

Li Muyang was in distress and very hesitant.

He did not want to accept the temptation of the old dragon; he did not want to expose his identity in front of other people.

He was afraid, afraid of becoming the servant of the old dragon, and even more afraid that he could not defeat the Changbai seven sons and his identity would be known by the world——

When Li Muyang heard the voice of Qiandu, there was an extremely bad feeling in his heart.

Though he could not look in the direction of Qiandu, he heard the indignation and determination in Qiandu’s voice.

“Qiandu wants to do a stupid thing.” Li Muyang thought to himself.

Given Qiandu’s personality, this choice would only be made when the safety of her life was threatened or when her dignity was humiliated.

“Li Muyang——” Qiandu’s voice was once again ringing in his ears.

Qiandu was in danger!


“They deserve to die.”

“They all deserve to die.”

Li Muyang roared in a low voice.

Li Muyang did not care about anything else.

His eyes were blood red, and a thick layer of scales began to emerge above his arms. Scales spreading upwards until were all throughout his body.

His body was stretching infinitely, the sword in his hand fell to the ground, and his hands became sharp, dark claws.

At his forehead was a huge horn growing, his whole body emitting the aura of death.

A majestic black dragon hovered in mid-air, his eyes that were like copper bells were staring ruthlessly at Zhong Yu.

Zhong Yu’s pupil swelled, as he stood frozen like a wooden chicken.


Chapter 289: Dragon has inverted scales!

Black clouds rolled across, large mass of oppressive clouds came rushing over to this side.

Lightning flashed overhead and peals of thunder roared in succession, the sky exploding in great bursts of lightning and thunder as though they were being torn apart.

The tremendous dragon soared into the air, its enormous body seemingly endless at first glance. It revealed its fierce face in the darkness and extended the tail into the darkness that no one knew.

The pitch-black divine dragon circled and hovered at mid-air, growing scaly magical claws, each of the scales radiating a dark shiny luster.

It comes from the boundaries of the stars, from the wilderness of the ancient times.

It emitted an overbearing aura as though throughout heaven and earth no one was above him.

It has the majesty and imposingness of the king of millions of race and the body of a divine beast.

It has the bloodthirst to kill those that dared to touch the inverted scales of a dragon.

Its circling movement finally came to a stop, its body extended all the way across the sky.

Its eyes that were full of blood mist were unblinkingly staring at Zhong Yu. The small as an ant Zhong Yu was completely wrapped in the colour of blood.


He only let out a short exhalation of breath, when large clusters of sparks appeared before him. Standing on the ground and looking up, it was like seeing a meteor shower that is only seen in a century.

Zhong Yu’s eyes were wide with disbelief, staring at the black dragon like he had seen a ghost, and stammered: “Dragon——there really are dragons in this world. How can there be dragons?”

He came from a prestigious family and famous sect, was experienced and knowledgeable, and was well informed about all kinds of magical skills and techniques.

But he had never been so nervous in his life before, he felt that he had set foot into an illusion of horror.


Another bolt of lightning struck down.

He felt a cold shiver running down his spine, his ears were ringing, and the eardrum kept shaking, like it had been shattered.

The pain struck him to let know that he was not in a dream; it was a living reality.

Everything happening in front was real, a gigantic dragon staring at him with ruthless eyes was also real.

Because of the loud noise and movements at the other side, the other six people of the Changbai seven sons attention were drawn over.

Zhong Ming, who was about to drag Qiandu away, stopped abruptly, an expression of frozen terror on his face as he stared at the enormous dragon’s head, mumbling: “What is that monster——what is that monster?”

“It’s a dragon——it’s a dragon that had not appeared for tens of thousands of years——” Zhong Feng exclaimed, his right hand trembled on the sword hilt. Because of the shaking of the hand, the sword was producing a buzzing sound. “We met a dragon——that Li Muyang is a dragon.”

“Muyang——” Qiandu’s body was still dry and hot, as painful as being burned by fire.

Furthermore, not only was her body temperature rising, but her body was strangely very itchy, as though there was an indescribable feeling to vent.

She desperately bit the back of her tongue, trying to stay awake. But the effect of such pain stimulation was weak, and difficult to contend with that powerful effect of the drug.

It was only when Li Muyang transformed into a dragon, when the black clouds were tumbling across the sky, when a series of continuous roar of thunder was exploding in her ear, that her mind grew a little bit more awake.

She tried desperately to force her eyes open, and finally saw the tremendous dragon in the sky.

She saw overlapping images of its head, that is, there were countless heads swaying back and forth.

However, it was also because of this, that it showed threat, grief and indignation.

Indistinctly, she saw the eyes of Li Muyang.

The pupils were clouded with killing intent, as if was full of hatred towards this world.

“The inverted scales of a Dragon. Those that touch them, must die.”

Qiandu suddenly thought of this sentence. This sentence was a proverb that had spread throughout the divine continent for tens of thousands of years.

Could it be, she was one of Li Muyang’s inverted dragon scales?

Because she was in danger, so Li Muyang, regardless of his own safety, would rather expose his identity to transform into a dragon just to protect her.

“Muyang——” Tears ran down Qiandu’s face. Tears that were like large beads slid down, each teardrop was like the colour of fresh blood.

The youngest Zhong Shan was the most calm, flashed out his sword, the look of excitement beaming across his face, his eyes gleaming purposefully, exclaiming: “Big brothers, our time to gain fame, is now. We shall work together to slaughter this dragon, our deeds will be praised by the world, we will become the new dragon slayer heroes. ”

When he shouted, he was using the Changbai sword sect’s ‘sound technique’, even in the midst of thunder and lightning, and under the extreme conditions of the Mountain of Flames erupting, every word that he said could still clearly spread to the minds of the other brothers. It made them restore the mind, maintain confidence, and accompany him to slaughter the dragon.

His voice, like a bell, shook everyone awake instantly.

Zhong Feng was flushed with shame. He was the eldest brother of Changbai seven sons, the brothers see him as the leader, but the sight of a dragon had made him lose his mind, and forget about him responsibility as the commander and to encourage the whole team, but needed the youngest brother to remind him.

Zhong Feng waved his sword up and loudly shouted, “Brothers, Big Dipper formation, we will join forces to slaughter the dragon.”

Swoosh swoosh swoosh——

The brothers instantly moved about, assembling into their positions according to the Big Dipper.

Only Zhong Yu did not budge an inch.

It wasn’t that didn’t want to move, rather he couldn’t move at all.

His throat wanted to shout, but he could not shout a word.

His feet wanted to move, but he was unable to move a single step.

He heard the words of Zhong Shan and heard the orders of Zhong Feng. But he couldn’t do anything.

His body was locked by the dragon in the sky, like a rabbit that had met the eyes of an eagle, the first thing to do was not run away, but shivering in the grass and not move.

Because, in their view, it was safer this way. Escaping would only send themselves into the eagle’s mouth.

“You——” Zhong Yu wanted to shout something at the dragon above, but his voice was so weak that he could not even hear himself. After he realised this fact, the words that follow would not come out from his mouth.

He even could not swivel his eyeballs, fearing that the slightest movement would trigger the dragon to bite off his head.

“Zhong Yu, do you have any last words?” The black dragon in the sky roared.

It was not the voice of Li Muyang, but an ancient voice that had gone through transformation of the world, like a thousand-years-old monster’s voice.

As the black dragon began to speak, Zhong Yu suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

He knew that the black dragon had removed the body of qi locked onto him.

He glanced over at the other brothers, wanting them to come and rescue him.

But they were only focused on protecting their own formation, and did not want to come and face the black dragon with him.

Zhong Yu’s heart was aching with grief and indignation, and also with extreme hatred. These so-called brothers, at the moment of calamity had revealed their true self. Not one of them could be trusted.

“Don’t kill me.” Zhong Yu cried to the black dragon in the sky. “I did nothing. Don’t kill me.”

He clenched his teeth and pointed to his six other brothers in the distance that had formed a large battle formation. “Its them——they did everything. They want to kill you and take the treasures, they want to snatch the Glass mirror, they want to take possession of Qiandu’s body. It has nothing to do with me. I didn’t do anything.”

When the others heard Zhong Yu’s words, they were all furious and lashed out at him.

“Zhong Yu, you timid coward——”

“Second younger brother, your deceitful betrayal, when we get back I will definitely report this to the sect master, tear off your skin and pull out your tendons——”

“Everyone, no need to get upset, maintain the inner peace——” Zhong Shan reminded. “This dragon is deliberately trying to ruin our relationship, make us fight amongst ourselves, throw us into confusion——as long as we stabilize the formation, we can slaughter the dragon.” ——

“Greedy and sinister, you all deserve to die.” The black dragon’s voice grew biting cold.

His eyes were swirling with blood, and his body suddenly dived down towards the world of mortals.

Terrified, Zhong Yu desperately swung his sword up at the huge dragon’s head.




Zhong Yu found himself more and more far from the ground, his body higher and higher, he was brought into the air by the dragon.

He was still so unresponsive, frantically waving his sword towards the dragon’s head.

One sword after another.

The black dragon dragged him to the high altitude and then suddenly loosened the claws that were gripping his body.

Zhong Yu’s body finally regained freedom, attempting to use Changbai Sword Sect’s flying technique to escape far away.

However, he found that his body was not under his control.

He was murmuring to himself, reciting the flying incantation again and again. However, his body remained in a straight line of descent.

Falling faster and sinking deeper.


His body smashed heavily against the ground.

Enduring the pain, he looked over at a place not far away where there was a half of a body gushing out blood.

The half of a body had only two legs and half of the waist, the upper half of the body had been cut off by some monster.

The more Zhong Yu looked at the half of a body the more and more familiar it seemed, with his forehead dripping with sweat he looked down at his body, only to find that his lower body had been snapped off by the dragon.

He had only half his body.

When he was brought into the air by the dragon, he was already severed in half.

But at that time, he was so afraid, was too busy trying to resist the attack and to escape, that he never felt the pain from his body, and didn’t noticed that his legs had lost all sensation.


Zhong Yu uttered a mournful scream.

His eyes drooped, the breath that he was holding at his chest faded, his strong will to live dissipating.

At this very moment, he truly died.

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