The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 468: Too sloppy!

Chapter 468, too sloppy!

The long dragon flies and the fragrance rises.


Suddenly, the dragon was broken and the petals of the plum blossoms landed.

Over the Shenjian Square, the petals rained for a long time.

When the sky was flying and the flowers were flying, the lonely eye of ‘Star of the Eyes’ slowly fell.

Hunting in the gray robe, flying with the wind, looks like a thick ink in this snow world or a goshawk flying in the sky.

"It turned out to be the 'eye of the starry sky' of our empire. The country’s lord was closed for many years, and I did not expect it to come out today-"

"The ancestors of the Song family came, and the drama is getting more and more lively. - With such a big deal, the old gods of Song can’t sit still--"

"The old gods are dead, the old gods of Song are coming out, and the old gods of Song say that there are dragons in China. Is it true that there is a dragon in China? Where is the dragon?"

Because of the arrival of Song Lonely, there were many discussions around the Shenjian Square.

Sitting on the square, Li Muyang looked stunned.

The reason why peerless masters are peerless is that they are masters, because they are all opponents who jump from high places. In addition, the way they played was extremely powerful and rare in the world. Can be called peerless.

When Mu Ding came out, the sky hangs across the waterfall, and he drilled out of the huge waterfall in front of the people.

The old guy of the Song family is even more powerful, flying like a dragon, aroma to destroy the city. He landed from the petals of the sky, just like the lady who will be married soon.

Li Muyang has seen many mysterious novels, and the masters there are extremely low-key and extremely simple. Not showing off the rich, a dog skin can wear for thirty or fifty years, the front is dirty and the opposite side. The reverse side is worn and replaced. It seems that if you change a piece of clothes, you lose your master.

Not dazzling, walking up and swaying, stepping on a **** can plant a big heel. When the move is simple, there is no volatility, and it will not scream out the name of your own martial arts.

However, Li Muyang has suffered successively the top two elites of Mu Dingyi and Song Lonely. They are completely incompatible with the master image written in the novel.

"Is these two guys a parallel?" Li Muyang could not help but have such doubts in his heart.

However, his heart is still very envious of Song's loneliness.

Compared with Mu Dingyi, he prefers Song’s lonely way of playing.

Flying in the sky, I swayed in the air and slowly landed in the air -

Merry, stunned.

Xifeng son, Wan Wan, who dare to compare with me Li Muyang?

When Song was alone, he sprinkled plum blossoms, and Li Muyang later sprinkled peach blossoms.

After all, people send the nickname 'Peachboy', if you don't sprinkle a peach, you are sorry for this elegant and extreme name.

However, Song’s lonely way of playing is very cool, but Song Lonely came here at this time, but Li Muyang’s heart has a bad feeling.

He knows that Mu Ding doesn't like himself, and this Song alone doesn't like himself.

He didn't want to understand. He didn't ask anyone to provoke anyone. How did the old man of the world want to kill himself?

Have you slept on their trampoline or robbed their wife?

Hey, he is not willing to grab his wife.

If he really did this kind of thing, Mu Ding and Song Lonely, the old guys killed him hundreds of times and he didn’t feel bad.

However, he did not do this kind of thing at all, and even thought about it - just thinking about killing him once and he recognized it.

Why do they want to kill themselves?

When you are old, you can play tricks?

"There is no good person." Lu Qingming stared at the direction of Song’s lonely arrival, Shen Sheng said.

"The soldiers will stop, the water will cover the soil." Li Muyang said.

Lu Qingming took his eyes back and looked at Li Muyang. Say: "Don't worry. We will protect you anyway."

"Thank you Lu Shu--" Li Muyang said with a smile. "You have done too much for me."

"This is not enough." Lu Qingming's face screamed, Shen Sheng said: "We owe you too much."

"Lu Shu -"

Upstairs upstairs, Song Chenxi waved at the Song Lonely on the Excalibur Square and shouted: "Grandpa, Grandpa-"

Far away, Song Lonely seems to hear the granddaughter's shouting, nodding and smiling at her position, a look of kindness and embarrassment.

Song Chen’s happiness was broken, and he shouted: “Grandpa saw me, Grandpa saw me—”

Song Yu and Song Shuyun looked at each other and Song stopped the cloud and asked: "How did Grandpa come?"

Song Yu’s expression was cold, but he was looking at the battlefield while he was condescending, as if there was something going on there.

"Three brothers -" Song Chen's thoughts are delicate and extremely sensitive. She looked at Song Wei's dignified expression and said: "Grandpa is coming over - is it to find Li Muyang trouble?"

"Dawn--" Song Yu's gaze stared at the front without shifting. Shen Sheng said: "Grandpa is doing anything for the Song family, for us. Don't stop, don't blame."

"Is it?" Song Chen looked confused and said: "But, Li Muyang did not think about hurting the Song family. For the Song family, can we hurt others?"


If in the West Wind Empire, there is a person whose influence in the folk is higher than that of Mu Dingyi, that person must be Song Lonely.

If it is said that in the West Wind Empire, there is a person who is more powerful in the officialdom than Chu Xianda. That person must be Song Lonely.

Therefore, when Song Lonely suddenly appeared on Mount Lushan, when the Shenjian Square was over, the people present in the scene looked different, but they had to make a gesture of welcoming.

The Western Wind King Chu Xianda quickly walked to Song Lonely and said with concern: "How did Song Lao come in person? What is the matter, telling the younger people at home to do it. How can you drive you? It’s cold outside, You have to pay attention to your body."

"Do not get in the way." Song Lonely Cloud said lightly.

"I have seen Song Lao."

"I have seen the great people of the country -"

All the people in the room went forward to say hello to Song Lonely, and those who were farther away were not qualified to go forward. They all licked their backs and walked away from the distance.

Cui Washing seems to have a very good relationship with Song Lonely, and he is enthusiastic about going forward, laughing and saying: "Congratulations to Song Lao, He Xi Song Lao. I saw the fragrance line and the flowers bloomed everywhere - if I expected it to be good It must be that Song Lao once again broke down. How many years have passed, we have not seen such a splendid flower in Tiandu City. Today, we have to be honored."

Song Lonely nodded and said: "I have some feelings, so I just want to come out and see."

"Song should always look out more." Cui Xiaochen said with a voice: "The capital city is changing with each passing day, and the heroes and young people are endless. I have to see every day, I can't help but feel the sigh in my heart. This is the world of young people. We, all of us old guys, should support their days."

"Old is not old, but in a state of mind." Song said alone. "The heart is not old, people are not old. The land of glory, returning to the old back to the child. Not because the mood is comfortable, the mind is broad, the mind is open, the blood is smooth - so, you can beat the moon and the stars, the heavens and the earth often."

"Teached." Cui washes the dust and swears.

Although Lu Xingkong did not like Song Lonely, but the identity of the old man of Song was placed there, he still arched his hand and said: "I have seen the country."

Song Lonely looked at Song Lonely and thoughtfully for a long time. He said: "There has been a lot of gains recently. It seems that there is a breakthrough on the road of practice?"

Lu Xing was soaked in the hollow, he had tried to cover up all the traces, but did not expect to still see the eyes of this old guy.

His expression was calm and calmly said: "There is little gain. It is a far cry from the fact that the country’s adults are stepping into the world of the gods. The light of the worms, Anke and the moon are vying?"

Song Lonely shook his head and said: "Every progress is progress, and every harvest is harvested. How can it be accumulated? How can it be thousands of miles away?"

"The country's adults say it is very good." Lu Xing said quietly.

Song’s lonely sight looked at Fu Wang, Fu Wang’s face with hatred, eyeball congestion, and bowed to Song’s loneliness, saying: “I have seen Song Lao.”

Song Lonely looked at the eyes that Chu Yu was dug, and frowned and asked: "What is it? How can it dig people's eyes if they don't agree? It's just a child."

"Song Lao -" Fu Wang seems to have met a companion, shouting in a crying voice: "Song Lao, you have to be the master of us. Lu Xingkong, this old man is too deceiving, Chu Yu is just a speech on him. However, he started to dig his eyes - he used to bully people, holding strong bullying, only Song Lao can get justice for the dog."

"What is it?" Song asked lonelyly.

Fu Wang hesitated a little, but still answered truthfully: "Chu Yu doubts the identity of Li Muyang, saying that he may be a dragon. As a result, Lu Xingfu is very angry and hurts."

"Fu Wang said the difference." Lu Xing air counterattack said. "It’s Xiao Wang’s first words. After the test, if Li Muyang is not a dragon, he will poke his eyes and plead guilty. All the people present are witnesses. Is it forgotten by Fu Wang?”

"Children are unscrupulous, can you take it seriously?" Fu Wang yelled. Although he is not the only son of Chu, but the most favorite thing in his heart is Chu. Moreover, this is his chosen successor. It is now equivalent to smashing his life #根子, let him sever the grandson.

“Children’s words are unscrupulous?” Lu Xingqi laughed out loud. He pointed to Li Muyang, who was sitting on the square of Shenjian, and said, "Is the young man of the young age? Li Muyang is old and young? Li Muyang and Xiao Wangye are the same age, but under your pressure and Mu Dingyi. The opponent's decisive battle. Scarred, survived, just had a little gasping, you jumped out, he is a dragon, want to kill it, do not stay alive - this is your attitude towards your peers? The children in your family are children, and the children in other families are not children?"

"That is the case -" Song Lonely turned to look at the direction of Li Muyang, and asked: "Is Li Muyang a dragon?"

"Song Lao did not know." Chu Xianda said with a voice: "I ordered the real people of Qin Tianguan to sing "The Dragon Slayer" test, Li Muyang did not have any reaction, and did not show the characteristics of the dragon. Li Yifeng personally personally To make the identification, Li Muyang is not a dragon, but our human race -"

"Li Yifeng--" Song Lonely chewed the name, and then sighed softly and said: "It is ridiculous, the truth is still unclear, but it has already dug people's eyes and destroyed people's reputation. Too sloppy."

When the words came out, the audience was shocked.

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