The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 600: , make up the stone of heaven!

The sixth hundred chapters, the stone of the heavens!

Jinshan Yinhai, gemstones.

Li Muyang was not the first to enter the Dragon Cave. When his grandfather had a long life, he deliberately entered a dragon cave and took the "Shou Guns".

Sure enough, due to the shooting method, Lu Xingkong finally broke through the hustle and bustle, and stepped into the starry sky from the dry glory and became one of the top powerhouses in China.

Even Li Muyang, who is used to wealth, was shocked by the treasures hidden in the Kunlun Dragon Palace.

Of course, this dragon cave is not the black dragon that comes into the body of Li Muyang. It is a place where a dragon friend of the Black Dragon sacrifices.

The dragon is mysterious, noble and powerful.

Everyone knows that there are dragons, but there are very few people who know about the dragons.

The Dragons have Dragon Valley, which is the place where Wanlong gathers.

It is the place where the Dragon Temple is located, and it is also the venue for the ceremony of offering sacrifices every 30 years.

The original sacrifice ceremony was a three-year ceremony. Later, the dragons felt too frequent, and they lived for a long time. If they were three years old, they would have to do dozens of activities in their lifetime. For them, there is really no patience.

Later changed to a six-year, ten-year, twenty-year, and finally turned into thirty-year -

Most of the time, the dragons live separately, each looking for a place to live in, or a hidden cave. Practice the practice, hoard the wealth of gems, and live a life that is isolated from the world.

The dragons have few exchanges and will only come together at the time of the sacrifice of the gods. At other times, there are similar relationships before and after the move. At other times, the dragons prefer to live in a cave full of gold and silver gems and do not want to be disturbed by the Terran or their companions.

Therefore, for such a race that has procrastination and is lazy to sleep, the Terran's jealousy and hatred against the dragon are superfluous -

Li Muyang looked at Wu Shanji and said with a smile: "If there is no other doubts, please go to the treasure hunt."

Wu Shan nodded and said: "Go together. How can I go back to the empty hole and return to the empty hand, do you say it?"

"That is natural."

"Please, please."

"Master, please."

The two men shook hands and then flew toward the stone room below Baoshan.

Tu Xin’s hand lifts the conch of the sky and searches for the place where the dragon’s gas is booming.

Weak and weak and Qin Han are in the same direction, they are going to a deeper place in the west.

Li Muyang goes east and Wu Shan counts to the north. In this way, everyone has their own direction, the division of labor is clear, and there will be no quarrels.

There are a lot of secrets and organs on the stone walls, and there are countless kinds of tablets and unknown pots.

Everyone flips through the books to see which books are useful and which ones are useful.

Some jars have words on them and some have no words. However, as long as these bottles and cans are discovered, everyone will put their brains into their pockets.

Who does not know that the Dragon Medicine is the best in the world, and some of the top-quality drugs can even allow the practitioners below the stars to directly cross the border.

The dragon's healing medicine is better, and even the huge body of the dragon can cure the medicine. It is more effective to treat people.

Of course, the Terran is not willing to admit this.

"I found the "Blood Heart"." In the distance, the cry of the weak and weak surprises. "I found "Blood Heart". I didn't think it was really good to have this score in the world."

"Bi Xue Qin Xin" is the ancient piano music, the sound of the music is euphemistic, just like the sky.

However, every string can kill people and raise the piano with human blood. Therefore, the name of "Bi Xue Qin Xin" is the only one.

The weak and weak repair is the "Netherel Feather Dance". If there is a "Blood Heart" blessing, the strength can be greatly improved. No wonder she will be excited.

Li Muyang smiled and continued to move forward.

He didn't put all the medicinal herbs in his pocket like other people, but chose a few bottles to pick it up.

I didn't go to see those books or secret books. I have seen most of the books in it.

The dragon friend named 骜骜 is most fond of reading, and most likes to read the book of the Terran. Therefore, all the books he has read will be collected, and there is such a huge library.

Li Muyang stretched out his hand and stroked the bamboo slips with yellowish colors, and there was a strong sadness in his heart.

Why is the Shenlong family so far behind?

What is even more sad is that the vastness of China is no longer a companion – is there something more painful and sad than this?

It’s dead!

It was also killed in the Battle of Dragon Slayer.

In order to save the Dragon King who was besieged by the 17-man strongman, he used his own flesh and blood to block himself.

Seventeen strong people, seventeen powerful weapons. Seventeen exercises, seventeen attacks.

All of it was imposed on him alone.

His body instantly dismembered and turned into a red light that disappeared into the night sky.

Friends have no trace, the dragon's lord also disappeared with the phoenix's eternal killing, and turned into a tear into the body of the human race -

"Old friend, I am coming to see you."



On the bamboo slip, it was stained with water.

Li Muyang instantly woke up.

He discovered that he didn't know when his eyes were red and he fell into tears.

Tears are red, like blood.

Li Muyang knows that this is the emotion of the old dragon.

Although the old dragon disappeared, it may never appear again. However, it is integrated with itself.

When he feels sad, he feels sad as well.

Ten thousand years ago, the old friends who knew each other, the dragons who saved their lives. After 10,000 years, he visited his house in another identity, but he did not expect that he could still help himself and he was sad.

"Why did the horse son cry?" A sudden voice suddenly sounded.

Li Muyang turned and found that Wu Shan did not know when it appeared behind him. Originally he should have gone to the north. After a while, will the treasures in that direction be collected?

I don't know what happened, Li Muyang's heart burst into a big sigh, and a strong killing intention went to the top of his head.

He stared at Wu Shanji with a cold eye and said, "Why is the master here? The baby in the north has already pocketed it?"

Wu Shanji shook his head, but looked at Li Muyang with a smile. He said: "There are many plants in the north. Although precious, I can't take too much. I think the luck of Xiang Magong is the most. Good, so I just want to come and see. What new discoveries are there? If not, why would you cry so much?"

"That is of course." Li Muyang took the white jade stone on the bamboo slip and shook it against Wushan. He said, "Oh, it is it."

Wu Shanji laughed and said: "Thank you for congratulations."

After that, he walked in front of Li Muyang and walked toward a deeper place.

Li Muyang held the white jade stone and sighed and said: "Old friends, use your favorite Tianshi stone."

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