The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 676: The name of the sword is nowhere!

Although Li Muyang promised to be profitable, his heart was extremely heavy.

As the white-haired witch said, it is not the swordsmanship that is better. The more swordsmanship there is, the more proof that you are still in a state where you can turn it into a simple one.

You still have the possibility of improvement.

For example, Ximen Bing Xue, who is known as the sect of the Kendo, is only a sword: no sword.

Yes, the sword that Ximen blows snow has no name. Even his hand has no sword at all.

It is such a simple sword, but it has fallen into countless powerful enemies and has become the most dazzling human race in the entire era.

For example, if there is a battle between Li and Yang, the West Wind Song is lonely. In fact, he only used one trick in the true sense, which is the "Big Guangming" that brought great harm to Li Muyang.

In the small box that Li Muyang gave to Grandpa Lu Xingkong, there was only one shot that was turned over and over. Grandpa had some feelings, and simplified his own "Dragon Gun" gun method, and then broke through the realm and promoted again.

It's not that simple is horrible, but that you have experienced complicated things and then simplified them one by one. Such simplicity is terrible.

"What? Are you afraid?" The white-haired witch saw Li Muyang's expression dignified and asked in a loud voice.

"There are some concerns." Li Muyang said incredibly: "However, fear is not afraid, but tells you that you need to be more careful."

The white-haired witch sighed softly and said: "I have never seen such a good young man for a long time. Unfortunately, my sword is called "nothing." You have to remember."

Nothing, no words, no name.

"A nose" means nowhere.

Legend has it that Hell is the eighth of the Eight Great Hells and the most bitter of the Eight Great Hells.

With a no-named sword, it is proved that the white-haired witch also feels that this sword is the most bitter or painful.

"Nothing. Good name." Li Muyang nodded seriously. "I got it."

"That's good." The white-haired witch reached out.


The long sword in the hands of the elders of Yushu unexpectedly flew away and flew toward the white-haired witch's palm.

Although this sword is not an ordinary long sword, it is absolutely not a world artifact. Compared with Li Muyang's peach sword, they are far from each other, and it is even less likely to be compared with the king of the dragon.

However, the sword of the elders of Yushu went to the hands of the white-haired witch as if it was a life-like glow. The silver light flashed and there was a stream of water on the blade.

The real master, picking flowers and flying leaves can hurt people.

An ordinary long sword arrived in the hands of the real strong, and immediately became a peerless sword.

Li Muyang sighed softly and knew that he had met the most powerful enemy in his life.

The white-haired witch holds a long sword and still smiles like a smile. It is not like a happy fight. It is like a sword dance on a banquet.

"There is a sword in his hand, no sword in his heart." Xiahou gently sighed. "This woman walks in the opposite direction to the swordsman Ximen blowing snow - Ximen blowing snow is no sword in his hand, there is a sword in his heart. No matter which way, both of them push the kendo to the extreme. Shepherd is afraid of this is not good. Passing the customs..."

"The bluff is also unknown." Yan Xiangma stared at the white-haired witch with contempt, and there was no way to compare this young and over-extended woman with a sword-level master.

Moreover, in selfishness, he also thinks that this woman is far worse than Li Muyang. Hearing that Xia Hou said that Li Muyang is not easy to pass, he naturally wants to cheer for Li Muyang.

In fact, I mainly cheer myself up.

After all, Li Muyang is faced with a **** of heaven. Li Muyang is in a heavy mood and his mood is equally heavy.

If Li Muyang is in a trench today, he does not know how to deal with the next situation, and he does not know how to tell what happened today.

"Li Si Nian--" Yan Xiangma mourned the name in his heart. "I hope that you will always be happy, as I saw you for the first time."

"I hope so." The solution is calm and calm, watching Li Muyang's expression thoughtful.

"Please." Li Muyang quietly waited for the white-haired witch to sword.

The white-haired witch raised the long sword in her hand.

The sword was not sent, but the sword was everywhere.

Layer after layer of sword air emerged in the air, and then swept away in the direction of Li Muyang.

Like a layer of waves, Li Muyang is a teenager standing on the beach, letting the waves continue to hit and beat themselves.

The sword is not strong, just like the spray that hits the foot. However, Li Muyang knows that he has been surrounded by the sword, like a wave wrapped around his ankle.

For a long time, what is waiting for now is that the white-haired witch will detonate this sword.

Just a sword, how is this sword so horrible?

The long-haired witch moved.

The hand that she held the sword just shook it.

Li Muyang immediately felt that the surrounding air was tightening and the space was compressing.

He has a feeling of oppression that is breathless and breathless.

The ubiquitous swordsmanship began to become fierce, turning into a small knife, which was cutting his body skin and making a hole in his body.

Some bystanders close to Li Muyang began to bleed in the nose, and the strength was even worse, and the blood was so bleeding that it looked very miserable.

Thousands of glazed mirrors automatically launched to protest against the swords, Yan Yan Ma Jie worry-free and others also applied internal forces to resist strong enemies.

Li Muyang still did not move.

He knows that the real attack has not yet arrived.


Suddenly there was a round of sun above the sky, because only the sun would be so blazing.

Because the sun is on top of the head, where everyone is close at hand. Wan Dao Xiaguang rushed out and instantly shrouded all the people in the Sanssouci Palace. Everyone’s eyes were instantly blind and difficult to see.

Li Muyang is one of those people whose eyes are blind and difficult to see.

Even if the power of the white-haired witch is too strong, it is impossible to kill thousands of people in this Sanssouci.

Li Muyang knows that the sword will come for himself.

Li Muyang has already felt the existence of that sword.

He can't see it, he can't hear it.

But I can feel it.

A wonderful state.

That sword has been there, just in the golden glow of the sky.

However, it is nothing to be found, nowhere to hide. It is impossible to prevent.


That sword finally came out.

A sword ran out, and everything was silent.

The airy air of the sword disappeared, and the thousands of glory disappeared. All the swords and glory are absorbed by the sword, swallowed, and become a part of it.

Among the heavens and the earth, there is only one sword.

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