The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 694: Great hidden danger!

The three-eyed Death Curse is the death curse released by the third eye of the Abyssal Demon.

The abyss can continue to grow new muscles, and the power is constant, the secret is on the third eye.

The third eye on the forehead is the source of strength for the abyss, and their undead mystery.

The only way to completely kill these abyss demons is to destroy their third eye.

Otherwise, no matter how many times you cut off your legs and feet, there is no way to kill them. They will soon be able to grow new.

Three-eyed death curse!

The black light waves released from the third eye are more like the abyss powers of the abyss.

It is said that there is no sun or moon in the abyss.

No, the moon is there, but the moon is black -

Therefore, there is no day in the abyss, only the endless night.

In order to adapt to the harsh environment in the abyss, the Abyssal Mozu automatically evolved the third eye on the forehead.

This third eye is also the source of life for the abyss.

Even if it wasn't for the first time dealing with these three-eyed demons, Li Muyang still didn't know what the light waves emitted from the third eye were. Li Muyang did not know, and he did not know the black dragon.

Of course, it is also possible that this piece of memory is missing.

For example, some of the dragons’ extinctions are to infuse people with the accumulation of dragons in the body or the strength of the cultivation.

But that also requires a process of savings and release.

This third eye said that it would be too easy to put a curse on the curse - it was too easy to drink a large bowl of cold water.

Li Muyang did not want to be hard with this light, and the body quickly fled away from the distance.


Within the scope of the light envelope, all objects are eroded into powder by the black light.

Wooden beds, tables, medicine bowls, vases - everything, disappeared.

It is the origin of the name of the three-eyed curse.

I didn’t know the power of this death curse, and I was almost swept by the death curse.

After seeing the fierceness of the three-eyed curse, he opened his eyes and said, "What is this move? How is it so powerful?"

"Come with my father." Li Muyang shouted.

"Okay. I will go out." The public swearing promised, and quickly ran to Lu Qingming.

"Want to run?" The three-eyed demon sneered out. He turned to face the direction of the escape and the third eye once again released the black dead light towards his back.


A huge tiger rushed over and then disappeared instantly by the black light.

The door of the room to be crossed by the public is also disappearing, and only the half-faced wall is standing alone.

The public squatting and holding Lu Qingming rushed into the yard, and looked at the situation behind him and couldn’t help but take a breath.

Fortunately, I fled fast, and at the critical juncture I dropped a tiger that I had just done and made a victim. If it wasn't for the tiger who rushed over to help him block a block, he was afraid that Lu Qingming, who was holding himself and his arms, would be burnt to ashes by the black light.

The three-eyed demon saw that his own attack still failed. Once again, he roared like a thunder, and his legs slammed on the ground, and his body rose high.


The roof of the room was pulled out by a big hole, and his body wanted to escape in the distance.

“Wind City is where you say it is to go and leave?” Li Muyang said with a sneer.

His body rushed, like a white lightning chasing the three-eyed demon above the sky.

The three-eyed demon rushed very fast, and Li Muyang chased it faster.

The body of the three-eyed demon keeps rising and rising.

Li Muyang holds a peach sword and the blade swings toward the sky.


Above the sky, there was a huge pink mask.

The head of the three-eyed demon rushed over the mask, and a loud bang was heard, and the body quickly fell toward the ground.

Li Muyang rushed over, and a sword slammed into the chest of the three-eyed demon.

The three-eyed demon reached out and blocked the long sword from Li Muyang.

Unexpectedly, Li Muyang temporarily changed his strokes, and the long sword changed from Yokohama to Heavy Skull, and then slammed into the top of the three-eyed demon's head.


The body of the three-eyed demon was smashed in half by the sword of the long sword, and the third eye of the forehead was also split in half.

Li Muyang took out his sword and his body flew away.


The black eyes of the three-eyed demon exploded.

A lot of black liquid splashed around.


Wherever it passes, the air is eroded into a black gas with a sour taste.


When the body of the three-eyed demon landed on the ground, it was constantly corroded, and the black smoke that became a group after another disappeared. When it was time to land, the huge body was gone.

The body of Li Muyang slowly landed.

The public stunned and stunned and said: "The three eyes of the demon - so dead?"

"How?" Li Muyang looked at the public and looked at the public and said: "Do you really want to get back to do research?"

"I really want to get back to do research. You said, if you put all of my works on the forehead with such an eye, then it would be invincible in the world?" The public lost a look of expectation. "But think about it, forget it, this ghost thing is too vicious, and he will take a look at it. The black light sweeps on it, and the person disappears without a trace, even the bones can not find it - too dangerous It is."

The public lost his face and looked like a sigh of relief. He said, "Fortunately, I am clever. If my two legs are running fast enough, I am afraid that I have lost a handsome friend and father."

"-" Not to mention who the handsome friend is referring to, at least Li Muyang did not see where the fat legs of the fat man are.

"You can't catch it, and you can stay dead. How can you die and disappear?" The fat man lost his doubts and asked: "Where did the three-eyed monster go?"

"This is the three-eyed demon from the abyss. The third eye on their forehead is the source of their life. You saw it just now. I broke their claws and they immediately developed new claws. To really kill them, you must destroy the third eye on their forehead. But when you destroy their third eye, their bodies will also disappear and disappear - no The third eye, they simply can't survive in this world."

"It’s a weird race." The fat man looked disgusted and said: "Isn’t it said that there have been no such ghosts for many years? Why is there a windy city? And why did he pretend to be a doctor to harm Lu Shushu? ?"

"I don't know the inside story." Li Muyang shook his head and said: "I don't know if they were the descendants of the Mozu who died in the invasion of China before the 10,000 years ago, or they found a new enchantment and sent the Mozu elite beforehand. Come secretly and prepare for their full-scale invasion - and, what is most worrying about me is not this."

"What is it?"

"They can use the body that invades the human race and walk in Shenzhou in the form of human beings." Li Muyang's face is cold and calm, and he said: "The high-level dragons have the ability to transform people, but these demons can directly invade the human race. The body - this grandson is invited by you and Tianyu, you should have been closely examined by him. However, no abnormalities have been found. Prove that they have lived in Shenzhou for many years with Sun Yu's body."

"Really." Public transport also realized the seriousness of the problem. "They can encroach on the body of this Sun Yu fishing, and naturally they can also invade the body of other Li Yu Zhang Yu - if they encroach on the bodies of some of the superpowers of China and even the important figures of the nine kings, then, But the big thing is not good."

Li Muyang nodded and said: "This is the case. However, there is no need to worry too much. Those super strong people are strong and vigilant. These abyss demons are not yet close, and they are already discovered by them. As for the important figures of the nine kings, they are heavily guarded, and it is hard for ordinary people to want to get close, not to mention that these abyss demons want to encroach on their bodies - but even if they encroach on Sun Yu The characters are enough to cause headaches. Sun doctor is a doctor of Dawuguo. If those important people who were invited to see a doctor were used by him for his use, it is not impossible."

"What should I do? Do we want to give a reminder?"

"If I say something, can someone believe it?" Li Muyang smiled bitterly. "However, I will write two letters to go out, one to the Peacock King, and one to the Starry Academy to give the Uncle Dean. If the two of them have the details and climb the appeal, there is still a turn for the better. Party forces will be more cautious -"

"Speaking of this is." The public 垣 also knows the situation of Li Muyang at this moment. Don't say that he stood up and reminded the people of the people. Just let the people know that he has returned to the Windy City, and he is afraid that it will be swept away. The new round of the Battle of Dragon Slayer will start again.

There was a fight in the city seat, and many soldiers gathered to guard.

Li Muyang waved his hand and signaled that they did not need to be nervous and dispersed.

Those who are loyal to Lu's strong and the family of the public have also come a lot. Li Muyang and their acquaintances also let them disperse. They asked what happened just now. Li Muyang only said that there was a killer attack and did not reveal the three-eyed demon.

Fengcheng was originally in the midst of worries and worries, and the soldiers in Fengcheng were somewhat uneasy.

Why do you want to throw out the abyss now and add their troubles?

The royal family of the nine kingdoms of the Protoss did not care. What are the other worries about their small wind city?

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