The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 804: Behind the scenes!

The eighth hundred and four chapters, behind the scenes really fierce!

"Kill them, they slaughtered your compatriots -----"

"Kill them, they kill you ------"

"Kill them - go, kill them -------"


The hands of the evil priests are extremely fast, and all kinds of cumbersome laws are changed. The black mist of a group of clouds is shrouded toward the white dragon. The pupil of Bailong is getting red and red, like blood and water.

However, Bai Long paused in the middle of the air, and the front of the evil priest did not obey the command to kill the people of Jinzhou.

"Punching a mantra!" Bai Longkou spit out people's words, that is the voice of Li Muyang. "The "Heart Mantra" of the Evil Moon Sacrifice is really worthy of the name, even I am almost confused by you and become a murderer-----"

"Do you know "The Heart Mantra"?" The eclipse of the Evil Moon was horrified and asked in a loud voice.

"Know." Bai Long said: "Because the abyss invasion before 10,000 years ago, you have used it once ------"

"It seems that your memory is not very good. I said that the battle of the Dragon Slayer before 10,000 years ago, I was shackled by the lord to stay in the country, and I felt that the battle was not good enough to rush to the Nujiang River. At that time, the lord had been the black dragon in your body. Wounded, the Abyss defeated and fled ------ I know that I am weak, and I hide it in the Terran. When did I use the "Heart Mantra"?

"Do you still want to lie?" Bai Long roared out: "You are not using it to me, but using the "Heart Mantra" for those Terran rulers -----"

There was a glimpse of doubt in the eyes of the priest of the evil moon. If I looked at the white dragon thoughtfully, it seemed that I was dissecting my huge body with my eyes.

"You know----- seems to be more than I expected ------"

"As you said, you are left by the lord to stay in the town, but you are not willing------you know, this is the time when you can make a fortune. If this abyss invasion succeeds, your entire ethnic group can be moved. The dark place can have the entire **** under the stars---the names of those conquerors will be remembered for generations to come ------"

"This is a huge temptation for any practitioner, who does not want to live with the world, who is not willing to immortal with the sun, the moon and the stars - you also rushed to the Nujiang when the invasion of the abyss, But you don't have to worry about it. You want to wait until the demon lord loses to the dragon, and the abyss comes forward when it comes to the catastrophe----- At that time, you are the savior of the Abyss, the hero of all the tribes---- ”

"But, what you didn't expect was that after the Dragon King seriously injured the lord, the Abyss was vented like a flood. At that time, you couldn't save the day." You know that the Dragon is the most powerful enemy of your Abyss. If the dragons are not removed, your abyss will not be able to occupy this fertile land anyway----you know that the human rulers are afraid and fearful of the dragons, and hatred hidden in the heart-----"

"So, you are hiding in the dark, or in the crowd, using the "Heart Mantra" for the rulers of the nine kingdoms of China----you have inspired their fear and hatred of the dragons, let them do whatever they want. The price is against the exhaustion of the exhausted dragons-----so, the first time the Dragon Slayer has been battled, the dragons are almost extinct----you are the sin of the Battle of the Dragon The culprit."

"Ha ha ha -------" Evil moon priest laughed out loud and pointed to Bai Long and said: "Interesting, it is really interesting. The black dragon in your body thought for tens of thousands of years." I didn’t expect it to be clear to you by this little boy. He must have been surprised, why the people who are so afraid of them will suddenly raise a knife to the dragons ------ unwilling, angry, betrayed The humiliation of the day and night devours it, making it worse than death. Therefore, he wants to retaliate, wants to report the hatred of the Terran. Only destroy the entire Terran, can solve the hatred of his heart ----- ”

"It’s a pity, but unfortunately, even if you leave that soul, how is it? This world is not the world that the dragons control. This Shenzhou is not the **** that your dragons dominate. The dragons are like this. The dog that mourned the family, cast aside for thousands of years, everyone saw it and slaughtered it--------all of this is handled by me."

"How can the Terran and the Dragons unite? I can only kill the enemy by the hands of the Terran, and then I can lift a hidden danger in my heart----but, I didn’t expect that the Terran hate so deeply for your Dragons. When I provoke them to hide their hatred in the depths of the soul, what they do----even my demon, whom you call the "Devil's Family", is shocked--- --"

"Li Muyang, you are the same as me in the past. Since you are weak, you can let it go. What is the sacrifice of a few useless people? As long as the Peacock Dynasty unifies the Nine Kingdoms, then I will become the Chinese Communist. ----- At that time, I gave you the name of the dragon, and sealed you as my abyssal teacher -----"

"I am a dragon. I have lived a dragon in my body." The sound of the white dragon is low, and every word is squeezed out of the teeth. "But, I am a human being, a living person----I don't allow you to kill innocent people. I don't allow you to use the blood of these innocent people as a pedal to fulfill your ambitions."

"Do you think you can stop me? Can't be a million years ago, now it can't."

"That will try."

The white dragon roared, dragging the long tail and rumbling toward the direction of the evil priest.

"I don't want to measure." The evil priest pulled out the long sword at the waist, and a sword came from it. There were thunders on the nine days.


Tianlei is like a giant sword, and has smashed toward the huge body of Bailong.

The power of this sword is to see that the white dragon is divided into two.


Bai Long raised his head and opened his mouth, squirting a dragon into the sky.


The Tianlei giant sword was swallowed up by the dragon's breath, and instantly disappeared above the sky.

A sword fell through, and the evil priest expelled the colorful bird at the foot and flew toward the white dragon.

The color bird fears Longwei and does not dare to approach.

The evil priest was extremely angry, and the tip of his toes was a little above the bird's back. The man leaped high and flew over the white dragon.

The heart is unwilling to return to a sword.


The peacock mount is split into two, and the blood is sprayed toward the ground.

The evil priest figure was like electricity, and instantly flew to the top of the white dragon, standing firmly on the head.

The white dragon rolled and moved, and wanted to fly the demon above the top of the head.

It is a pity that no matter how hard it works, the ecly priest is like a part of his body, holding his dragon horns.

The black clouds rolled and the wind whistled.

The white feather on the head was blown away by the wind, and the white robe on his body was torn by the wind.

The evil priest grasped the dragon's horn in one hand and the long sword in the other.

The sword of the long sword is aimed at the dragon through the skull, and then pierced it.


A sword fell through.

The white dragon disappeared, and the dragon's horn in his hand disappeared. Even the head that had been inserted deep was gone without a trace-----

In a critical moment, Li Muyang turned into an adult shape, avoiding the fatal blow of the evil priest.

Although he uses a thousand degrees of body, he is not a thousand degrees.

Li Muyang is very familiar with the thousands of moves, knowing that her strength is only in the middle of the world, far from her own.

Now this body is very powerful, and all kinds of bizarre exercises are hard to guard against. Insidious, hot, unexpected.

The land of the abyss, the sky is not seen all day long. The Mozu inside wants to survive, and if they want to live under limited resources, they will have to compete fiercely.

Those who can survive are the strong, and those who can be called strong by the strong are the heroes.

Like the evil moon, the power to refine the darkness has been used, and it has become one of the three great priests of the devil's race, and it is the most powerful high priest. Even the abyss lords must taboo his existence. One person --- slag, to what extent is it strong?

Li Muyang really felt the pressure.

Although the dragons are large in size, they have hard scales and strong muscles, and they have the ability to perform clouds and water, but in some subtle operations, they are far less flexible than the human race.

Therefore, this is why the high-ranking dragons are willing to turn into human figures to practice stunts. Only in this way can we climb the peak of martial arts, break the body and become a real protoss.

The evil priest is a master of practice and a terrorist opponent. Such people are very good at developing the flaws of their opponents. As long as there is a chance, they will be able to be defeated by them.

Treating such an opponent, Li Muyang refused to let go.

"Do you know the name of my sword?" The evil priest held a long sword and stood above the sky, watching Li Muyang, who turned into a human form and left the battle group.

"I don't know." Li Muyang's voice was cold and angry. When the ecstasy priest stood on the top of his head, he was not without a chance to fight back. He did not have the means to crush him into ash. However, he used a thousand-degree body----he destroyed it. Degree.

"斩龙." The evil moon priest said aloud. "In the abyss, I used to make "The Sword of Heaven". The world is the biggest, so I want to destroy the sky. When I destroy the sky, I became the biggest person in the world. Later, after I entered the human world, "Destroy" The sword of Tianjian is forgotten, but in the few months of loneliness, I realized this "Dragon" sword. I have seen the power of the black dragon. In my eyes, the human race is simply unbearable. Only the dragon who is a half-god is the real opponent."

"So, I took the dragon as an enemy and realized the sword of this dragon."

"However." Li Muyang sneered. "If you want to use such a move to come to the dragon, I am afraid that you will be disappointed."

"The sword just called "Butterfly Love Flower". I just want to point out your human form." The priest's mouth evoked a proud smile and said: "After all, although the dragon is physically strong, only the real recovery. Adults can only use their strength to the extreme. At the same time, it proves that the dragons at that time were forced by the situation and had to make the ultimate form. You try my second sword again."

The body of the evil priest disappeared into the night sky, and Shen Sheng said: "This sword is called "Seeing Huan"!"

(End of this chapter)

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