The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 812: , surrounded by all sides!

Chapter 821, all sides!

"How long can I stay with my guardianship? This is broken, and there is no bounds to defend. This world can't be broken, and you don't need a young girl to help me. I want to do something that I still want to do. I have to go to like it too-----you are one of the two dragons and one phoenix, and it’s a time to have a result.” The old man looked at Lu’s machine with kindness and said with a voice. .

This purple-purple girl is a descendant of the phoenix, adding up the age of each of them, fearing that it will last for tens of thousands of years or even longer. Others say that there is a phoenix protoss when there is a heaven and earth.

However, at this time, the land opportunity is just a proud glamorous girl, although the temper is a bit cold, but the heart is very good. During this time of the day and night, the old man can't help but treat her as a younger generation.

If you have a granddaughter, isn't it the kind of life like this?

"what a pity------"

Lu Cheji felt the old man's mind and his tone was softer. He said: "If this yin and yin stone is broken by the abyss, it is feared that the entire human race will be in catastrophe-----the human race can still exist is unknown. Where else is the mood to consider other?"

"It’s too pessimistic to think like this." The old man shook his head and looked at the beautiful eyes of Lu Qiji’s eyes and asked: "What do you think of the Terran?"


"Compared with other races----What do you think of the Terran?"

"I don't understand what you mean."

"Compared with the dragons, the human race is short. Compared with the Feng nationality, the human race is short-lived. Compared with the abyss demons, the human race is not strong enough. Compared with the lion and tiger, the human race is not ferocious. However, why is it so much stronger than the human race and more tenacious than the human race? The creatures that are more qualified than the Terran to survive in this world are extinct. But the human races with many defects can survive and become more and more good after thousands of years?"

Lu Cheji looked at the old man, did not take the meaning of the words, know that the answer is already in her heart.

"Because the human race is reluctant. Hungry knows to eat, cold knows to add clothes. Knowing that eating raw food is not good, so the Terran found the fire, found a variety of ingredients that can be imported, and painstakingly study the cooking method-----Human Society I planted hemp, textile, tailoring, and sewing all kinds of boots. There are fans in the heat, umbrellas in the rain----there are cars, horses, and various creatures for domestication. ----"

"Only those who are afraid of death can find ways to live in this world, and they can live better and better. Selfishness, arrogance, and more important things than living?"

"Yeah." Lu Cheji nodded gently.

“Well?” the old man looked at the land and asked: “Do you feel deeply?”

"Thinking of Li Muyang----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----"

"Yes, Li Muyang's identity is special, but like thousands of people, living is the biggest thing in the world----" Laojiao said. "So, why do I say that you are too pessimistic about the Terran? Because every time there is a dangerous moment in the life and death of the Terran, there will be heroes who attract world attention. They lead the Terrans over the Devils, win, and continue again and again. The fragrance of the human race does not destroy the children and grandchildren -----"

The old man pointed at the yin and yang boundary stone and said: "The opposite abyss demons do not understand that even if they break the enchantment, they can't break the human race's desire to survive, and they will continue to stand on the backbone of the human race." - At that time, there will still be strong people standing up, leading the Terran and the demons to fight, and then driving them back to the abyss again. This time is no different from the previous one. However, the Terran needs to shed blood, needs sacrifice, and needs to pay a heavy The price is all."

"Why are we so hard to guard the border? The reason is that people don't bleed, don't sacrifice, don't have to pay such a heavy price----but this doesn't mean there is no hope for the Terran."


Lu Qiji wants to turn and leave.

Since your Terran is so powerful, then our Protoss does not mix with the Terran -----

"Maybe, this time, it’s still the little dragon who can save the Terran again."


After listening to this sentence, Lu Cheji decided to stay and help the people. After all, the Phoenix Protoss is the mother of the Terran. How can a mother not protect her children?





Horseshoe bursts, muddy water splashes.

The young teenager immediately slammed the horse back. It’s already exhausting and it’s hard to accelerate again.

"General, in front of the Wujiang Ferry-----" A scout called back to the horse and reported loudly.

The teenager general wiped the rain on his face and asked: "Can there be a boat?"

"No boat."

The young general’s brow wrinkled and said: “Tune the head.”

When he turned around and was ready to lead hundreds of elites in the northwest direction, he heard the horseshoes booming behind him, and a black tide rushed toward him.

"General, is the Peacock Army -----"

"Going southeast-----" Yan Xiangma glanced at the scale of chasing the army behind him, knowing that the other party is crowded, and hundreds of people on his own side are far from rivals.

The only solution is to escape---- continue to escape as before.

However, when Yan Xiangma once again turned the horse's head and led the public to the southeast direction, he found that there was a bird's voice coming from the top of the head. Thousands of colorful birds soared above the sky and waved beautifully. Wings, the sky is also set against the colorful.

"General, that is the Peacock Legion ------ Peacock King's Guard -----"

Yan Xiang Malma stopped, looked up at the top of the colorful bird screaming and said: "I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it, the Peacock King won the praise of the younger-----for me a little Yan Xiangma, even sent a four-way army to encircle the army, even his own Guards Corps Peacock Legion was dispatched-----I Yan Xiang Ma Hede how can I?"

"General-----" the young man wiped off the rain on his face and asked: "General, there is Wujiang in front, there are chasing soldiers in the northeast and northwest, and there are high-altitude, how will we act?"

"How to act?" Yan Xiangma sneered and laughed again and again, violently pulling out the long sword at the waist and said: "Since there is no way to go, then ----- only the death battle! Brothers, kill me!"

Yan Xiang Ma Yiqi first, the hand dance long sword rushed toward the southeast direction of the Peacock Army.

Behind them are hundreds of Westwind soldiers dressed in grey armor of the Westwind Empire.

Meet in the narrow road, only death!

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