The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 80: 鼍龙护主!

Chapter 80, 鼍龙护主!

Cui Zhaoren liked the folk song that spread throughout the empire: hate like a gust of wind, cut it and leave. This rhythm, no one can help.

A sword killed Li Muyang, and the dead bird was in the sky, deducting him from the crime of enemies. No one could turn the case.

Originally, he was worried about Li Muyang's challenge to his majesty. Now that he has entered the Starry Academy, he naturally can no longer be merciful to him.

Cui Zhaoren knows what kind of special existence is the Starry Academy. Li Muyang was admitted to the first grade of the text test. In time, I am afraid that he will become a strong Chinese powerer like Li Qiubai.

Even if that possibility is minimal, you can't let it sit and become stronger.

Weeding should be early, and insects should be small.

When Li Muyang enters the Starry Academy, it will be very troublesome to wait until he learns something or knows what he has learned.

Therefore, this is also the reason for his sudden attack.

Cui Zhaoren has already stepped into the realm of leisurely clouds, diligently practicing, hard work, and in time, a little organic, or some sentiment, can enter the glory of a life and death.

With so many years of glory, how many people can do it in the entire Westwind Empire?

It is self-evident that the strength of the idle cloud is used to kill a weak scholar who is the first in the text test.

Others are not prepared, but Li Muyang has been vigilant.

From the first sight of Cui Zhaoren, Li Muyang felt the danger.

The man's face is not boring, even if he always has a dead face, laughing is cold--but at that time he is also an iceberg handsome guy?

This is a world of looking faces. Even if a good-looking person does something bad, it makes people feel more acceptable. If some ugly people do scandals, there is no reason to forgive.

However, Li Muyang felt a gloomy breath from his body.

It is like a rotting corpse in an ancient tomb, like a poisonous snake hiding in the grass, and seeing that he always thinks of desperate things like death.

Li Muyang can clearly feel his hostility towards himself, although he does not know where this hostility comes from.

He did not show his murder, but Li Muyang felt his murder from his smile.

Therefore, Li Muyang has been secretly alerting.

Gas storage dantian, gather a little.

The basics of "Broken Body".

Waiting quietly.

When Cui Zhaoren did not have any warnings, Li Muyang also slammed the same punch.

This is a long-awaited punch.

This is his punch ready to go.

A punch burst, everything is shattered.

Broken punch!

Hey, sharp, cold, this is a sword.

Overbearing, majestic, heat waves, this is a fist.

The long sword is heavy and has a heart attack.

The light of the sword flashes in the sky, and it is more dazzling than the light that spreads the earth on the top of the sun.

Heavy punches are like heavy thunder, and it is difficult for human eardrums to recover from the earthquake.

There are too many people on the deck, but no one can see what is happening in front of you.

Except for those two parties.

There was only a white light in front of them, and they were white.

It was like a sudden, a fireball exploded in front of your eyes.


The boxing sword collided.

Like a landslide, like a flood and tsunami, a daunting force swept through.

Cui Zhaoren could not resist, his body retreated backwards and again, and his heels were firmly buckled in the deck wood to prevent the retreat. Unfortunately, the force was too big, the pieces of wood boarded up, and Cui Zhaoren’s body had been retreated to the ship. String edge.


The railing broke, and the entire side of the ship that was hit by him fell into the inside of the chicken.

Li Muyang is even worse.

Although he has worked hard for a few months of "Breakdown", he can't even get into the qualifications of the practitioners' rounds in the vast sky, and he can't even say that it is a true ‘start’.

Where are you standing? Where are you going? What is your path? Which way do you want to arrive?

These questions Li Muyang did not know, how to talk about getting started?

He only relied on the original scroll, Li Si Nian still remembered a little basic knowledge, and did not know when to root out the deep practice of Li Muyang’s minds and ideas and a series of archiving and sorting I have a way to practice myself -------

No one even told him whether the direction of practice was correct.

Of course, Li Siyan has praised him smartly several times.

His spirit is well prepared, but his body is too late to guard.

A ‘waste juvenile’ who has been practicing for less than a year has encountered a genius swordsman who has been on the go-up for a long time.

There is no suspense in the answer.

Li Muyang’s body was shot and flew out. When his smashing fists collided with Cui Zhaoren’s sword, the two extreme arrogant roads exploded and he was already in a coma.

His body was blown out and flew out in the air for a long time, then ‘thumped’ and fell into the face of the chicken.

The water is sinking, and there is no river bottom.

It was like a falling rock, and all of the nearby fish and shrimps were all scared.

The river is muddy and the water is flowing, and the body of Li Muyang is mixed in the sand.

Then it was washed by the river water, surrounded by water plants, wrapped in water and washed away by the river, but it also came to the surface.

I can't see the sky in the water, I don't know the time.

The still fresh body and the grass are wrapped together, but soon they will stink and then become a mess of rotten meat. Such meat fish and shrimps are the most liked.

After they gathered around to eat a big meal, only a white bone fell there.

It is exactly the same as the end of countless people who fall into the water.

For many people, such an ending means the end of a lifetime.

When Li Muyang fell into the water, it was too big to scare away all the fish and shrimp around.

After a while, the fish prawn gathered again and wanted to see what it was that scared the old man.

They want to know the truth, but they don't dare to get close.

Cholesterol is the nature of every species.

What's more, there is a dangerous atmosphere in the ‘things’ that makes people look good.

Finally, there was a small herring that was a little impatient. The first one squatted toward Li Muyang.

She bite Li's arm and kisses Li Muyang's face. Li Muyang still has no movement.

"Mom, it's a monster." The little green fish screamed at the bubble and shouted at her mother.

"The child runs fast, the monster likes to eat fish -------" The fish mother shook his tail beside him, desperately staring at the child to signal it to leave the danger source. It is older and has a more sensitive sense of smell. It feels that the ‘monster’ is dangerous, even if there is no movement, it is not easy to provoke.

"It doesn't look terrible at all. Mom, can I have a bite? Looks good."

"Stupid child, it's not good now, let's eat it again ---------"

"Mom, let's take the monster home ---------"


She opened her mouth and tore the weeds, trying to save Li Muyang.

But there are too many weeds and the straw is too hard. It is simply impossible to do it with just one person.

Even when the little green carp was in trouble, another small blue carp swimed over.

Then more fish and shrimps came together. They either bite with their mouths or tear them with their claws. They removed the water grass wrapped in Li Muyang and tried their best to help Li Muyang get out of trouble.

Rumble ------

The water waves at the bottom of the river shook violently.

Whenever there is such a movement, it proves that there is a giant in this waters hunting.

The fish and shrimps panicked and fled, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Rumble -------

One head is flat, the kiss is prominent, the limbs are short and short, and the giant dragon with hundreds of meters long and long legs swims slowly.

It is not impatient, and even has some caution.

When it was about ten meters in front of Li Muyang, it also looked around and watched it, and then circled around it.

When I was not aware of the danger, it was slow to swim in front of Li Muyang.

Its sharp mouth slowly gathered in front of Li Muyang's face, greedily sniffing the breath of his body.

The granules and strips on the scales make it look so ugly and brutal. As long as it is a little mouthful, it can swallow Li Muyang and all the weeds wrapped in his stomach.

It used to be like this.

However, this time it did not do that, and did not dare to do so.

Its body sneaked under the body of Li Muyang, and then slowly rose up against Li Muyang with his broad and strong back.

At first glance, the dragon that has been hundreds of meters long and has passed the millennium has become the mount of Li Muyang.

Seeing that the Shuiwang Wang Xiaolong in this area did not come to eat Li Muyang, but to save Li Muyang. The fish and shrimps that had escaped to the distance all came back together. They were happy and followed all the way behind the dragon. It looks like a guard who is escorting.

"噗------" A spurt of blood, Cui Zhaoren feels a lot more comfortable.

This blow made him horrified, until now, there is still no way to calm down.

The guy who made him feel no breath, turned out to be a hidden master?

Fortunately, the sword itself has not been too slack. If you just kill him as an ordinary person, you are afraid that you are being killed now ---------

The feeling of turning over the ship in the gully made Cui Zhaoren angry. He turned and glanced at the river and said coldly: "Send a man, live to see people, die to see the body."

"Yes." A dry supervision history shouted.

At this moment, someone suddenly pointed and shouted: "Look, what is that?"

Everyone was awakened by this shouting voice, and then they let them see the scene of the world.

The river tumbling, the waterfowl stunned, and a giant cockroach, hundreds of meters long, hung his head high above the river.

On top of its head, sitting on the side of the king like Li Muyang.

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