The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 845: Stargazing!

Chapter VIII, Stars and Stars!

White wins the snow, purple and purple.

The star of the Star Academy: Lu Qiji.

Just as there are three famous teachers in the Starry Academy, some students who are particularly dazzling or have extraordinary origins are also receiving the attention of teachers and students.

For example, the princesses of the emperors of all countries, such as the appearance of quality and appearance are excellent students, Li Muyang wins thousands of degrees of land opportunity naturally belongs to this rank.

Needless to say, Li Muyang, the identity of the dragon makes him look at the world of Shenzhou, but it is not a good name. Winning thousands of degrees is the princess of the Peacock Dynasty, while Lu Cheji is the mother of the Terran Phoenix.

What's more, the appearance of the Luqi machine is unique, and the purple and purple high-temperature appearance makes people unforgettable.

Coupled with the subsequent rumors, and the entanglement of the same dragon from the Starry Academy, it helped her reputation.

Therefore, when she appeared, there was an instant silence in the scene.

Soon, the noisy voice rang again.

"It turned out to be the land machine-----the Phoenix land machine ------"

"Hey, be careful! The Phoenix is ​​the mother of the human race, and we must have awe------"

"Lu Chu machine is well-deserved, the city is dumped, and it is amazing -----"


The teacher of the commandment hall, Wang Dexiu, who was flying above the sky, saw that it was a land-based opportunity. The attitude was slightly relieved, but the anger was hard to come by. Shen Sheng said: "Lu Qiji-----Why is there no reason to ring the bell? You know The police demon is specially designed for the demon. When the demon invades, it can ring."

In addition to maintaining school order, the teacher of the discipline hall also has the responsibility of guarding the reputation and property of the stars. Lu Qiji’s unprovoked sounding of this policeman’s family is tantamount to destroying the order rules that Starry Academy has guarded for thousands of years.

This is nothing for the teachers of the Discipline Church to find things, and their work has been passive.

"I know." Lu Cheji is still the appearance of the cold, and said with a proud face.

Yes, proud.

The person who did the wrong thing is still full of arrogance, just like she has just done a very great thing waiting for everyone’s praise-----

Of course, those who are familiar with Lu Qiji know that she is like this. When you are angry, you are almost like when you are happy. Life is cold, there is almost nothing in the world that can make her happy and sad, even a worried look is extremely difficult -----

Phoenix has nine turns and has a life span of 10,000 years. It is really difficult to ask her for her enthusiasm for people or things.

This high-profile gesture made the teacher of the Discipline Hall angry. If the identity of the land was not special, he had already ordered it to be taken down.

"Knowledge the law, sin plus one!" Wang Dexiu forcibly resisted the impulse to take people, patiently explain. This explanation is to the land opportunity, but also to all the starry sky teachers and students downstairs. Because of the identity of the mother of the Turkic machine, if you don’t say a word, you will be able to take people, fearing that it is easy to make a lot of anger.

Therefore, he wants to be moral----not, to be convinced.

He wants to occupy the righteousness and make a good statement. In this way, you will be able to get support and understanding from everyone when you get started.

"The future of the Mozu, you are ringing the clock. If the students of the entire Starry Academy are learning to chase you, what is the meaning of this police clock?"

"I don't ring the bell, this police bell has the meaning of existence?" Lu Qi machine eyebrows pick, scorned.

"You ------" Wang Dexiu was furious and shouted: "Lu Qiji, I am talking to you, but you are so strong-------Do you think that your identity is special, you can look like this School rules are nothing?"

"I am good to talk to you, but you are unreasonably smuggling dirty water on me." Lu Cheji stared at Wang Dexiu coldly and said: "You have not answered my question yet. I don't ring the bell, this policeman Does the clock have value?"

"How not?"

"What is the value?"

"The police bell is naturally for the invasion of the Mozu, the Mozu is not, the magic bell does not sound. You are so deliberately ringing the clock, and others will have the same kind of learning. When the Mozu really comes, who can believe? ”

"Who said that the Mozu did not come?" Lu Qiji asked.

Everyone is shocked!

"The Mozu is coming? Where is the Mozu?"

"Is the land-based machine not going to be an amazing word? If the Mozu came, we didn’t see anything at all."

"Yin and Yang boundary stone, solid if gold soup. The boundary stone is not broken, how can the Mozu invasion? This is really ------ alarmist -----"


Under the star of the star, there are many discussions between teachers and students.

Some people are shocked and some people question.

Everyone is waiting for a landing opportunity to give a reasonable explanation.

After all, the invasion of the Mozu is not a trivial matter. If the land of the land is open, it is nonsense. It is the college that does not pursue it, and they also want to -- seriously condemn.

Wang Dexiu couldn't stand it anymore. He pointed to Lu Qiji and said: "The nonsense! It's a nonsense-----you said that the Mozu is coming, what is the Mozu? We have so many people, why haven't they all seen? Lu Qiji, If you don’t punish you today, you’re afraid that the reputation of the college will be damaged and the majesty will not exist. This police bell will become useless.”

"You said that the Mozu did not come, but someone went to the bottom of the Nujiang River to check?"

"The Mozu is coming, and will go ashore to make trouble. Do you still need to go to the bottom of the river to check?"

"I have been there." Lu Cheji is still cold and his expression is still proud. A person in the world is the owe of an ant. "These days, I have been at the bottom of the river."


"It’s no wonder that some days have never seen the land opportunity, it turned out to the bottom of the Nujiang River ------"

"Lu Chu machine went to the defensive stone, but it is impressive -----"

"If the devil is close, she is afraid that she will not come back.-----oh, I don't know what this woman has in mind-----"


"Lu Qiji, I am your sect-----Yang Xiaohu--" Yang Xiaohu screamed at the land opportunity above the sky. However, when I reported my name, I felt guilty. What I originally wanted to say is very powerful. However, the name of "Little Tiger" is really very imposing.

"I have seen the sheep master." Lu Cheji's face was slightly warmer, and he bowed slightly to the sheep and tiger.

"Lu Qiji, you said that you have been at the bottom of the Nujiang River for some time?"


“What is the situation?” asked Yang Xiaohu. As the teaching division of Lu Qiji, when he was questioned by Lu Qiji and hostile to Lu Qiji, he still needed to stand up and get rid of him.

Both Kong Li and Xia Hou Bai Bai knew that Yang Xiaohu’s previous heart was a weak nerd. Now I see that he is willing to speak for his students, but he feels that he and his temper. Although his face still expressed disdain for him, his heart was fascinating to him.

Why didn't he always like the sheep tiger in the past, isn't he thinking that he didn't act like a mother gun?

"Our bad." Lu Qiji understands the deep meaning of Yang Xiaohu and answers truthfully.

"Lu Chuji, only you have been to the bottom of the Nujiang River, we have not been to you. You and everyone talk about the situation of the yin and yang stone side, regardless of whether the Mozu has come, at least let everyone know about this ----- -"

"In the past 100 years, the Mozu has been attacking the yin and yang stone, and has not stopped. An elder of our school has been sinking at the bottom of the river. It has not been seen for decades, only to protect the yin and yang stone----In the past ten years, the Mozu began Increased the intensity of attacking the yin and yang stone. Especially in these three years, the Mozu is even more crazy, there is a kind of unbreakable posture ------ they are bound to get. After tens of thousands of years of waiting, they have lost patience. Now, those three-eyed demons will once again break the border and sweep the country."

After a pause, Lu Qiji said: "The yin and yang stone is scarred. The starry elders used their own self-cultivation to resist the Mozu for decades, and they were repeatedly injured. Now they are cold and poisonous. I am afraid that no one will stick to it. It will break into slag, and the inexhaustible demon will come out of the water from the bottom of the river. At that time, even if this bell is ringing again, what is the point?"

"Preventing disease before it happens, the prevention of the Mozu must also be at the front end. If you can hold the yin and yang boundary stone, then the billions of Mozu will take a step into this Shenzhou." Lu Qiji is condescending, overlooking the beings. "If you only seek stability, only to be quiet, selfish practice, afraid that when the stone is broken, when the Mozu attack, everything you have is gone, and there is no bone."

"Is the situation so bad?"

"That is, if it is so serious, why no one tells us? There are the royal family of the nine countries----they call them, but no one puts the yin and yang stone things in their eyes?"

"It’s okay for tens of thousands of years, is there something now? The devil can’t break through the yin and yang stone. It’s not broken or broken now-----”


"Starry Academy is close at hand, and the students in the Starry Sky are still ignorant, and they are begging for it?" Lu Chenji made a harsh sneer. "Why is the Broken Mountain named Broken Mountain? Why is the Starry Academy established on the top of this broken mountain, and the Nujiang River is raging----- Did your teacher not tell you the truth?"

"Nature is known-----just-----"

"The country is in the midst of a rise and fall, and the husband is responsible. The safety of the state of China is closely related to every star student in the room-----We practice the break, not just to make a name for themselves, to shelter the people? Those heroes who shine in the stars, those who stay in the blue sky The famous characters, which one did not make a great contribution to the human race and was remembered by future generations?"

"If everyone is as arrogant as you are, if everyone feels that things are not on the sidelines - if there is not the starry elders alone for decades -------- The cleanup of you has long been interrupted. It’s hard to keep a little life, so what about other?"

"I am a woman who still understands this truth. She is still trying to survive for the survival of the human race. What are you guys doing?"

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